Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 943 Are you trying to make things difficult for us?

The fish really took the bait.

Not only was he hooked, but the catch this time was amazing.

Because even Song Liu didn't expect that in order to get a sum of money this time, Park Duomi not only invested all of her 800 million in it, but also borrowed a sum of money from Jin Dazhong.

Not to mention, under Jin Dazhong's instigation, she also took out the shares of Hongxing Machinery Factory.

In this way, 40.00% of the shares were taken out as a bet.

Although Park Duomi had long expected that she would definitely enter the game, Zhao Shanhe was slightly startled by her frantic gamble, but it was only for a moment.

"Brother Song, let's go according to the plan." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"it is good."

In Zhao Shanhe and Song Liu's plan, as long as Park Duomi enters the game, the newly established investment company will immediately fall into debt crisis.It was promised to get the money back in a week, but it became an unattainable luxury in a blink of an eye.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe and the others are not cheating, so the money will not disappear out of thin air, it is just a postponement of return.

If it's a scam, that's a different story.And if it's a scam, do you think Park Duomi is stupid?Will she enter the game obediently like this?So don't cheat.

A week passed quietly.

These seven days, Park Duomi's mood has been ups and downs like riding a roller coaster. There is no way, let alone who made her invest so much money. The key is that Shen Ziliang has been asking for money, but she just can't get a penny out. .

According to Shen Ziliang, Ji Mingjian even promised 600 million in exchange for 40.00% of the shares, but she has no money.

"Wait a little longer, I will give you news tomorrow." Park Duomi said.

"Miss Park, where did all your money go?" Shen Ziliang who was sitting opposite asked worriedly.

He is really scared now, afraid that Park Duomi will make something difficult to end at such an important moment.

"Invested!" Park Duomi didn't hide it either.


Shen Ziliang frowned suddenly.

"What kind of investment can be returned in such a short period of time? Why do I feel that something is wrong. Miss Pu, are you sure that your investment is okay? Also, you must know that Hongxing Machinery Factory is related to your status in the Pu family , there must be absolutely no mistakes. And now the capital chain of Hongxing Machinery Factory is broken."

"If you don't want to find a way to invest money here, you won't be able to hold on there."

"So are you sure you'll be fine tomorrow?"

Shen Ziliang's serious eyes made Pu Duomi uneasy. She stood up in a panic, and wanted to open the window to breathe fresh air.But facing the breeze, she not only failed to calm down, but felt more and more anxious.

Shen Ziliang's worries were not without reason.

Jin Dazhong, are you sure you can succeed this time?

"I'll do it. You should hurry back to Handong City now and prepare to take the 40.00% stake. There is also the cooperation with Jiandu Mining. We need to speed up the process and urge them to place orders with the rest of the factories. Hurry up and call over the payment. We are not a charity, we are in business." Park Domi said calmly.

"Yes, I will go to work."

Shen Ziliang didn't get the answer he wanted, so he got up and left resentfully.He also knew that what Park Duomi said was right, but the problem was that those factories all followed the rules. It was unreasonable to say that if you haven't seen the ordered products, you should rush to call you all the money, right?Don't you think it's too much?

Of course, Shen Ziliang would not say these words, all he can do now is wait.

"I hope the money will arrive tomorrow."

After sending Shen Ziliang away, Park Duomi started to contact Jin Dazhong, and when he came, she asked anxiously: "The Song Liu you mentioned, can you really hand over the money to me tomorrow?"


Jin Dazhong was still full of confidence until now, and blurted out without thinking.

"You take out 800 million, plus 500 million shares, plus my 200 million, that's 500 million in one go. This money is not small, but it's the same for Song Liu."

"If they didn't talk about the commission they earned, they wouldn't say they would give us a chance. Don't worry, 500 million yuan will become 2000 million yuan in a flash."

2000 million!

Park Duomi took a deep breath and said calmly, "I hope so."

"I'll take you to see Song Liu tomorrow."

"it is good!"

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

When Jin Dazhong found Song Liu the next day, he was told that Song Liu had something to go out to discuss business, and Xie An of the leather bag company was fully responsible for this matter.But Xie An's attitude towards Jin Dazhong and Park Duomi was indifferent.

Of course, he didn't say he didn't accept the account, he just said that there was a problem with the money, and he couldn't talk about returning it until it was resolved.

This time angered Jin Dazhong.

Park Domi was furious even more.

"Mr. Xie, are you right? We made a good deal at the beginning, how can you go back on your word like this? Let me tell you, you must give me this money now." Jin Dazhong shouted nervously.

"That's right, don't be afraid even if there is no profit, you have to return our principal. We made it very clear at the beginning that we can get our principal back." Park Domi said calmly.

"Mr. Jin, Ms. Park, you are all right. The principal will definitely be returned. But we have a contract, which is clearly written in black and white, and stipulates a time limit. We, Yuxi Venture Capital, cannot avoid it. If there is no reason for surrender, it has the right not to return the principal temporarily."

"The maximum time limit is two months. You agreed with that at the time, right?" Xie An asked nonchalantly.

two months?

A faint sense of unease rose in Jinda's center, and anxious light shone in his eyes.

Yes, there is indeed such an item in the contract, but the problem is that this item has always been there before, but the previous investment was given immediately, so he didn't take it seriously at all.

Now you are talking about it.

Aren't you clearly making things difficult for us on purpose?

"Mr. Xie, it's meaningless for you to say that. We trust you to invest in the money. If you are like this, we can only go to Mr. Song of Donghua Trading and ask Mr. Song to tell you. This matter." Park Duomi said coldly.

"President Song?"

Xie An shook his head, and said with a bitter face: "It's useless for you to go to Mr. Song, because Mr. Song's money is also tied up, and he also invested 800 million and can't move it, so it's no use for you to go to him. "


Now Jin Dazhong and Park Duomi were dumbfounded.

"Mr. Xie, are you saying that we can only get the money after two months?" Jin Dazhong asked calmly.


Xie An pretended to be restless and shook his head.

"Mr. Jin, you also know that our previous cooperation has been very smooth, and we have helped you earn a lot of money. If we can make money, will we do this? No, after all, we also want to To earn a commission. But this is not a problem, our investment made a mistake, which caused this situation."

"So you can only wait for a while."

"But don't worry, this time won't be too long. We will return your principal in two months at most. If you don't pay back within the time limit, you can sue us with the contract at any time. "


Jin Dazhong was quite speechless.

Having said all this, what else do you ask him to say?He could only look at Park Duomi, and said in a low voice, "Duomei, it seems that we can only wait for this matter."


Park Duomi, with frost on her face, shouted angrily: "Jin Dazhong, you can wait, anyway, your money doesn't matter, but can I wait? Don't you know that I am waiting for money to save my life?" Is it?"

"If there is no such money to invest in, let alone two months, it will take less than one month, and my side will collapse."

"I don't care, you must find a way to solve this matter for me immediately."

"What can I do? Let's go back and talk about it!"

After Jin Dazhong noticed Xie An's playful eyes, he could only pull Park Duomi away.

After the two walked out, Xie An glanced contemptuously, and spat viciously on the ground: "You guys are worthy of making money in China, you idiots!"

The parking lot outside Yuxi Venture Capital.

Park Duomi looked over with a livid face, stared at Jin Dazhong as if she was about to kill someone, and said indifferently: "Jin Dazhong, do you know how much damage this situation will cause me?"

"I know."

After Jin Dazhong finished speaking, he stretched out his hands to support Park Duomi's shoulders, and was about to say something comforting, but Park Duomi opened it with a wave of his hand.

Park Duomi roared, "No, you don't know!"

"Do you think I can still get money from Lexing Group? Impossible, if I can get money, why would I engage in such a show with you?"

"It's good now. All my funds are tied up. What else can I use to invest in Red Star Machinery? Do you know that Red Star Machinery without capital injection will be destroyed in an instant. You are cheating me!"

"I didn't intend to cheat you, and I don't know how this happened. But don't worry, since I did this, I will definitely give you an explanation. I will always keep an eye on Yuxi Venture Capital until they return the money to us." Jin Dazhong said calmly after taking two deep breaths.

"Will they pay back the money?" Park Duomi asked angrily.


Jin Dazhong said in a calm voice: "When things have developed to this point, it is actually obvious that we were cheated by Song Liu. But even if we were cheated, we have nothing to do, because we signed the contract with our own hands and it was placed before our eyes. Yes, it has the force of law. Even if we are making a fuss, it is unreasonable to have a contract."

"But I believe that even so, it is impossible for Song Liu to say that he broke the pot and hacked our money."

"Because in this way, the reputation of Donghua Trading will be damaged, and Song Liu has some background in Huaxia. Even if he wants to do this, the family behind him will definitely not allow it. After all, if our money is hacked , that is fraud, we can sue him in court."

"Then what should we do now? Can we just wait for two months?" Park Duomi was still struggling with the last hope in her eyes.


Jin Dazhong narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "This is the end of the matter, we can only admit it, otherwise, I am afraid that the follow-up of this matter will be more troublesome. As for your situation, we can only resign ourselves to fate."

Resign yourself to fate?

Pu Duomi was completely disheartened, her face was extremely ugly.

She knew that the payment for the order she had hoped for from Jiandu Mining was somewhat overhanging, not just Jiandu Mining, but all other partners were like this.Will they pay in advance?Don't say no, even if it's true that all the money has been paid, so what?Can it alleviate the crisis of Hongxing Machinery?unable.

It's just a drop in the bucket.

"We can only take one step at a time."

Park Duomi turned around and got into the car.

The two left Yuxi Venture Capital in a hurry.


Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Ji Mingjian is now as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He is really irritated by the situation in front of him.

What do you think he can do?He kept asking Shen Ziquan for money, but he just refused to give it.I have always been looking for reasons, pushing three obstacles and four obstacles.

He was about to be driven insane.

One day it might last.

It barely lasted two days.

But it's been a week now, and you haven't even made any movement for such a long time, not to mention anything else, just raw materials and workers' wages, I can't do business here.

"Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen, you are here!"

While waiting anxiously, Shen Ziliang appeared in the office. The moment he saw him, Ji Mingjian rushed over in three steps at a time, and said excitedly, "If you don't come again, our factory really wants to come." off-production!"

"Discontinued? Absolutely not!"

Shen Ziliang waved his hand and said solemnly: "Ji Mingjian, I hope you can understand how serious the problem is now. That is, concrete mixers and mine pumps are our main focus. No matter what, we must ensure that these two products cannot be discontinued."

"As for non-ferrous solders..."

After a short pause, Shen Ziliang hesitated and said: "Or, this product should be temporarily discontinued!"


Ji Mingjian's expression suddenly changed, and he said anxiously: "Impossible, Mr. Shen, I think you should know better than me that the production of non-ferrous metal solders must never be stopped, even if mine pumps and concrete mixers are stopped, this cannot be done."

"I also know that it will be good for us if we stop production. At least it will relieve the pressure on the machinery factory. But the problem is, if we stop production, our liquidated damages will be sky-high!"

"Two evils are the lesser of two evils. Therefore, non-ferrous metal solder must continue to be produced, and production cannot be stopped no matter what!"

"I understand what you said, but the problem is that the funds are not in place yet."

As soon as Shen Ziliang said this, Ji Mingjian interrupted strongly, and asked with an irritable expression: "Isn't it in place yet? Mr. Shen, we agreed before, and I even agreed to take 600 million in exchange for 40.00% of the shares. , you can’t drop the chain now. If that’s the case, this matter will be troublesome.”

"I understand what you said, but this matter..."

Shen Ziliang just wanted to explain, but found that there was no way to explain when the words came to his lips. He could only shake his head helplessly and sighed: "In short, let's hold on like this for now."

Hold on?

Ji Mingjian wanted to cry but had no tears.

at the same time.

Zhao Shanhe returned to Hetu Manufacturing.

In the meeting room, a meeting is in progress.

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