Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 942 The fish is hooked!

After the connection over there, Luo Quanjing said decisively: "Is it the Red Star Machinery Sales Department?"


Luo Quanjing cut to the chase: "I want to place an order for non-ferrous metal solder."

"Excuse me, how much do you want to order?"

"I want to place an order for [-] boxes!" Luo Quanjing said firmly.

"What? You want to place an order for [-] boxes?" The salesman who answered the phone shouted in surprise.

"Yes, it's an order of [-] boxes. I'm Luo Quanjing. I know Section Chief Liu of your sales department. My people will go over to pay the deposit now. You should be ready to make an order." Luo Quanjing Shen Said loudly.

"it is good!"

After doing this, Luo Quanjing made another call, and then he didn't go into the venue, just waiting here anxiously. After 10 minutes, he heard his people say that the order had been taken, and the hanging heart fell quietly.

He gave a playful smile.


At this moment, a familiar voice rang in his ear, Luo Quanjing turned around and saw that it was Lin Chaoyang walking over.

"Chaoyang, why are you here?" Luo Quanjing greeted with a smile.

"Did you place an order just now?" Lin Chaoyang did not answer Luo Quanjing's question, but asked in reverse.

"Yes." Luo Quanjing said.

"One hundred thousand boxes?"

"Did you hear it all?"

There was no accident in Luo Quanjing, and there was no need to hide this matter.

"Yes, I just passed by here, so I heard about it. In fact, I just came from there, and I also supported the work of the Red Star Machinery Factory." Lin Chaoyang said with a smile.

"Do you support the work of Hongxing Machinery Factory?"

Luo Quanjing pouted.

"I believe you ghost, are you thinking of cutting leeks?"

"Hey, I knew I couldn't hide it from Brother Luo." Lin Chaoyang laughed.

"Tell me, how many orders did you place just now? Let me tell you, I can only place [-] boxes. If there is more, I will have no money. If you say yes, you can place as much as you can. Take advantage of this last chance to make a fortune, otherwise, I tell you, this shop will disappear after passing this village!" Luo Quanjing reminded.

"Brother Luo is right, so I strongly support the work of Hongxing Machinery." Lin Chaoyang couldn't help showing a smug smile.

Luo Quanjing became more and more curious: "How much is that?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled slightly, and shook his hand casually: "Not much, not much, only 50 boxes!"


Luo Quanjing was stunned for a moment.

50 boxes is not much?You are killing Hongxing Machinery Factory!Do you know that the order of 50 boxes received at a [-]% discount is equivalent to Red Star Machinery giving you money for free.

It seems that Lin Chaoyang has really experienced it.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to say that you have such courage?No, even if he came out of the experience, it's impossible to say that he gave away so much money?Could it be that there are people behind this matter who are advising him?Or this thing is...

Thinking of the relationship between Lin Chaoyang and Zhao Shanhe, Luo Quanjing felt relieved, and stepped forward to put his arms around Lin Chaoyang's shoulders: "Chaoyang, let's go, let's find a place to have a drink or two to catch up."

"it is good!"

The two smiled and walked outside, never thinking about entering the venue again.

Because for them, there is no need to go back now. The businessmen in the venue, as long as they are smarter, should be like them and hurry up to cut leeks.Otherwise, it will be a little later, and Red Star Machinery will stop the [-]% off promotion as soon as it receives the news here.

At that time, they would have no chance to cut leeks.

This matter has become very clear by now.

Zhao Shanhe stayed put for a week, not because he was beaten by Red Star Machinery, nor because he wanted to stop the loss in time, but because he didn't even think about continuing to produce non-ferrous metal solder.

I'm not even ready to ask for this product, so I'm afraid of lowering the price compared with you?

In the end, no one will come to me to place an order, and I will not pay a penny. In the end, only you Red Star Machinery will lose. You will be tied to this price war to death.

This is Zhao Shanhe's strategy.

And the moment Ji Mingjian and Shen Ziliang found out about this, they were dumbfounded on the spot.They were not stupid, they knew Zhao Shanhe's purpose after careful consideration.

"Damn Zhao Shanhe, he never thought of fighting us on price from the very beginning."

"Let me tell you, how could those merchants be able to go to Hetu Manufacturing to place orders, but they insisted on not going. Some of them went and did not place orders. It turned out that this was all Zhao Shanhe's conspiracy. He just wanted to throw those people out. , let us take over." Ji Mingjian shouted with fierce eyes.

"But isn't this equivalent to giving up non-ferrous metal solder after Hetu is manufactured? What's the point of him doing this?" Fang Yuan asked puzzled beside him.

"Of course it makes sense."

Shen Ziliang's eyes were a little bloodshot, and the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, and he said angrily: "Do you really think that Zhao Shanhe still cares about non-ferrous metal solder? No, this product may not be meaningful to him anymore. You have to know before that , There have been many brands of non-ferrous metal solders on the market."

"With too many brands, profits will be lowered sooner or later. In other words, Zhao Shanhe has probably seen this for a long time. Even if there is no price war, he will probably adjust the production of non-ferrous metal solder in the near future. , such as reducing production, or even shutting down directly.”

"But who would have thought that we would go head-to-head with him with this product, and it turned out to be good, but he tricked us. This time, we are dumb and eat coptis, and we can't tell the pain."

After finishing speaking, Shen Ziliang let out a long sigh.

It turned out to be the case.

After Fangyuan suddenly realized, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart, and he became more and more afraid of Zhao Shanhe.

"No, hurry up and call the sales department and tell them not to take any more orders. We will pay you as much as we take orders now, and ask them to immediately raise the price to the original purchase price." Shen Ziliang looked on Suddenly changed, ordered loudly.

"I'm here to do it."

Ji Mingjian hurriedly picked up the phone and gave orders, but just after he finished speaking, the excited words from the other side made his face change instantly, and he tightly clenched the hand holding the microphone.

"President Ji, good news, great news! Just now, in less than half an hour, our sales department won several orders, the largest of which was 50 boxes, and then 100 boxes There are several orders, which means that we have completed a large order of [-] million boxes of non-ferrous metal solder in just half an hour!"

100 million boxes?

Ji Mingjian felt dizzy for a while, and his eyes went dark. If he hadn't quickly supported the table, he would have almost fallen to the ground.

100 million boxes!Combined with the previous 100 million cases, this equates to an order of 200 million cases.And you must know that they are losing money now. Every box sold will cost at least ten yuan, and 200 million boxes will cost 2000 million yuan!

In less than half a month, they will pay out 2000 million yuan just for non-ferrous metal solder!

Ji Mingjian was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


His lips trembled, and he was unable to utter a word for a long time.

Shen Ziliang was also standing with a livid face, and he was also panicking now.You must know that in the original plan he made with Park Duomi, losing money is certain, but there is a bottom line for the amount of losing money, which is 600 million.

Park Duomi can handle the loss of less than 600 million, and it is tolerable.

But now it has suddenly turned into 2000 million.

Even if this money is placed with Park Duomi, she can't get it out!And you must know that once Lexing Group finds out that her investment has failed so much, she will definitely be held accountable. At that time, there is no need for a penny of additional investment.

"What can I do now?"

Shen Ziliang's heart was beating rapidly, and he was a little anxious now. He kept patting his cheeks, muttering in his mouth, and forced himself to remain calm, but the problem was that no one could deal with this matter calmly.

That is a gap of 2000 million, not 2000!

And you know, this is just the loss of products, the wages of workers?Machine wear and tear?Material price increases?These are not counted among them. If these things explode together...

Shen Ziliang didn't dare to imagine what he should do.

"Mr. Shen, what do you think we should do now?" Ji Mingjian asked after he stabilized his mind.

"Don't panic!"

Shen Ziliang exhaled a few breaths and said calmly: "The first thing to do now is to stabilize the morale of the army. First, the restoration of the original price that you have ordered just now must be strictly implemented to the end, and absolutely no more orders with a [-]% discount will be accepted. .”


"Secondly, we must hurry up to produce mine pumps. The only thing we can do now is to use mine pumps to fill the gap. So don't think about anything, just focus on producing mine pumps for me." Shen Ziliang said solemnly.


"Thirdly, the production of concrete mixers cannot be stopped. This is the same as mining pumps. If it is not possible, we should cooperate with outside machinery factories to import parts from them or let them do OEM work. In short, we need to increase Yield."

Shen Ziliang got up and walked back and forth in the office.


Ji Mingjian also knows that it is wisest to do so now, only in this way can the crisis of price war be saved.He is a little lucky now, glad that Zhao Shanhe didn't have a lion to open his mouth, and didn't say he would participate in this feast.If Zhao Shanhe directly placed an order of 100 million, he would be desperate.

"Mr. Shen, then we still need to invest. There is no money in the account." Ji Mingjian said.

"I'll take care of the money issue. Hurry up and do things here." Shen Ziliang walked out of the office quickly with a dark face.

"President Ji, do you think Zhao Shanhe did this?" Fang Yuan asked in a low voice.

"Of course, if it wasn't him, who else could it be?" Ji Mingjian said harshly.

"But as far as I know, Zhao Shanhe didn't show up from the beginning to the end. Li Xiangyang was in charge of the whole thing. What do you think he is doing now? Is he watching us secretly, trying to take advantage of our unpreparedness and give him a fatal blow?" One hit?" Fang Yuan's eyes panicked.

Ji Mingjian's body trembled.

Yeah, Zhao Shanhe didn't show up for the whole thing, which is too wrong!Could it be that Zhao Shanhe is still brewing other conspiracy.

Don't, we are already sad enough if you do this, if you say there are other plots, will you let us live!

Ji Mingjian waved his hand distractedly: "Let's do things first!"


Shen Ziliang, who walked out of the office, resisted the tension and panic in his heart, and called Park Duomi.Just after connecting, Park Duomi scolded her head and face.

"Shen Ziliang, I asked you to make money for me, not to lose money for me. It's a good thing, how dare you make it like this for me? Do you know that Hetu made such a whole thing, we How passive is the situation here?"

Shen Ziliang was scolded like hell, but he didn't dare to refute.

A few minutes later, Park Duomi vented all the anger in her heart, and then asked angrily: "Tell me, what's the situation on your side? Can you still make non-ferrous metal solder?"

"Miss Pu, this is what I want to talk about. We were tricked by Zhao Shanhe this time, and I didn't expect him to do this. We will pay at least 2000 million for non-ferrous metal solder this time!"

"How much?" Park Domi's tone suddenly rose.

"2000 million!"

After Shen Ziliang said the figure, he quickly added: "But we don't need to spend all of this money now. With the increase in sales of mining pumps and concrete mixers, this money can be controlled."

"Can it be controlled?" Park Duomi asked coldly.


Shen Ziliang hurriedly said: "But even if it can be controlled, Red Star Machinery is in a mess now, and it needs capital injection. Miss Park, you still have to continue investing."

"How much?" Park Domi controlled the anger in her heart.

"At least 600 million." Shen Ziliang said a conservative figure.

600 million!

Pu Duomei's gaze was like a torch, if Shen Ziliang was in front of her eyes now, she might really slap her in the face.Do you really think my money is blown by the wind?How much did it cost to acquire the shares of Hongxing Machinery back then, but now you are talking about 600 million, you are going to piss me off!

"Go and talk to Mingjian, I can invest the 600 million, but I have to take another 40.00% of the shares! If he agrees, I will continue to invest. If he doesn't agree, let him watch and clean up the mess."

Park Domi's tone was cold.


It was 40.00% before, and now it is 80.00. If this is done, [-]% will belong to Park Duomi, and Park Duomi will have absolute control and say in the matter of Red Star Machinery.

Will Ji Mingjian agree?

As soon as Shen Ziliang had this idea, he couldn't help shaking his head. Is this something that Ji Mingjian will not agree to?Things have come to this, even if he doesn't want to agree, so what?

If you really don't agree, Hongxing Machinery will go bankrupt in an instant.

"Yes, I will go and talk to Ji Mingjian about it." Shen Ziliang said in a deep voice.

"Also, quickly produce the mining pumps and concrete mixers you mentioned earlier, and find a way to use this output to make up for the loopholes caused by non-ferrous metal solder." Park Domi said seriously.

"Yes, I'll take care of it."

"You'd better handle this matter well, Shen Zijian, I trust you a lot, and I hope you can be worthy of my trust in you." Park Duomei said pointedly.

"Yes!" A layer of cold sweat broke out on Shen Ziliang's back.

After Park Duomi hung up the phone, she immediately found Jin Dazhong and put in all 800 million. She is now desperate and must succeed.

Jin Dazhong contacted Song Liu on the spot.

The day.

Song Liu's phone call came to Zhao Shanhe, and as soon as the phone was connected, he smiled and said, "Brother, the fish is hooked!"

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