Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 941 Isn't this news too explosive?

"Fangyuan, help me arrange a news media press conference immediately."

"Press conference?"

After Fang Yuan was slightly taken aback, he said decisively, "Yes!"

He knew that Ji Mingjian must have made an important decision to announce, otherwise, it would be impossible to say so.You know, the news announced at the press conference will spread throughout the city and province in an instant.

An hour later, a press conference was held in the conference room of Red Star Machinery.

For such press conferences, Ji Mingjian is very familiar with it.Looking at the doubtful faces in front of him, he smiled gently.

"My friends from the press, today I am holding a press conference here to announce something to you."

"This matter is that in order to give back to the society, and to make the most conscientious products available to all sectors of society, we at Red Star Machinery decided to change the shipping price of non-ferrous metal solder..."

Having said that, Ji Mingjian paused intentionally, and glanced at the audience triumphantly: "Cut it down again, and adjust it to [-]% off the previous shipping price!"

Accompanied by bursts of exclamations, the audience was in an uproar.

"[-]% off? Isn't it? This price is equivalent to a free gift."

"What is Red Star Machinery doing?"

"Does it need to be said? It must be a ring with Hetu Manufacturing. I just don't know what will Hetu Manufacturing do if they come like this? Can't you say a discount?"

The reporters who woke up started to take photos frantically, while thinking in their hearts how to publicize this matter.This is big news, they will never miss it.

The same is true.

Almost at the end of the press conference, news reports came out one after another.

"Sitting on the ground and reducing the price by [-]%, who can beat it? "

How amazing is the profit behind non-ferrous metal solder? "

"A bloody storm caused by a price war! "


When this news reached Zhao Shanhe's ears, he was drinking tea and chatting with Song Liu in Zhongzhou City.

"Twenty percent off? This Jim Mingjian is bold enough. Such a price reduction means that Red Star Machinery has to spend more money to fill it in. Otherwise, let alone the cost is not enough, even the wages of the workers will not be paid." Song Song Liu stroked the teacup and said with a smile.

"Yeah, it seems that this time Jim Mingjian is really determined to play with me to the end. But I have to thank him, if he doesn't do this, our game here will be meaningless." Zhao Shanhe Said.

"You'd better let Red Star Machinery's non-ferrous metal solder go out, and then start to do it. This way, first, Pu Duomei can invest more money in it, and second, it can also be formed after your price is reduced. A greater pressure." Song Liu said.

Zhao Shanhe nodded: "You are right, I have already told Xiang Yang, he will figure it out."

Song Liu raised his teacup with a smile: "Then let's wait for Park Duomi's entry."

Zhao Shanhe also raised his glass and said with a smile: "Good!"

Everything is under Zhao Shanhe's control.

Sure enough, Li Xiangyang did not lower the price immediately, but wasted time.A whole week passed without a single order for non-ferrous metal solder.He gave all his time to Red Star Machinery, while Ji Mingjian ushered in a climax.

Those merchants who had been watching before, gave up after seeing that there was no movement in Hetu Manufacturing.

They also know that it is unrealistic to ask Hetu Manufacturing to offer a [-]% off sale price. In this case, they should hurry up and take as many non-ferrous metal solders as they can before Hongxing Machinery changes its mind. How many.

This is equivalent to giving away for nothing.

Orders flew over like snowflakes, and Ji Mingjian was in pain and happiness.It was painful because he knew that the more orders he had, the more he would lose, but the happy thing was that he hadn't seen such a grand scene for a long time.

Each order is a piece of good news.

Anyway, if you have Shen's self-measurement, why should you be afraid of it?Come on, as many orders as you can come, I welcome you to come and purchase with my hands raised high.

The silence created by Hetu was also noticed by Shen Ziliang.

At first, he suspected that Zhao Shanhe had a conspiracy, but then he thought about it, what kind of conspiracy could there be?Isn't all of this within my expectations?Given Zhao Shanhe's current situation, how could it be possible to make a decision to sell at a [-]% discount?If you can't, you can only recognize the reality.

Although I said I was selling at a loss, I completely blocked Zhao Shanhe's road.

It's worth it!

"Keep selling, don't stop! Let your production line give me full strength, and the machine will never stop. You must take advantage of this momentum and nail Zhao Shanhe to death."


Ji Mingjian agreed wholeheartedly.

He admires Shen Ziliang now, there is no way, who made Shen Ziliang his benefactor, no one else, how can Red Star Machinery have the current aggressive posture, and how can he be as proud as he is now?

Of course, this also means that Park Duomi's funds are rushing into it.

Orders for non-ferrous solder require money.

The production of mining pumps requires money.

Concrete mixers also cost money.

The entire Hongxing Machinery Factory needs money everywhere. Just from the price war, Park Duomi has already poured in 700 million, and this is not enough, this is just the beginning.She also knew that if she wanted to completely defeat Zhao Shanhe, she had to continue to increase her strength.

But the problem is that her capital chain is about to be broken.

The funds she can mobilize now are less than 800 million, and this money is all her cards.It was impossible for her to say that she would put all her hole cards here, and she had to leave a way out.

So in this case, she found Jin Dal-jung.

"I'm interested in the path you mentioned before."

"Are you sure?" Jin Dazhong's eyes lit up.

"Of course I'm sure. I need money urgently now, and you won't lend it to me. I can only think of other ways."

Pu Duomi slowly raised her fingers and said slowly, "Are you sure this road is safe?"

"It's very safe. I'm not saying I haven't walked through it. In fact, I'm still walking this way."

"That's because you are my friend, so I'll point it out to you. Otherwise, do you think I'm a human being and you'll say it casually? Even if I say it, if you don't have a guide, you won't even be in this circle." They can't even get in." Jin Dazhong subconsciously raised his chin and said proudly.

"That's fine, I believe in you, I want to go this way." Park Duomi said with firm eyes.

"How much money are you going to take out?"


A stern look flashed in Pu Duomi's eyes, and she said calmly: "I have 800 million left now, and I want to invest all of these 800 million. According to the rate of return you said before, I should get one within two weeks." Thousands of 200 million income, right?"

Jin Dazhong nodded without hesitation: "That's right!"

"Then I did it."

Park Domi waved her hand.

"Come and help me arrange a meeting with Song Liu."

"it is good!"


Just when Park Duomi entered the game, Li Xiangyang finally made a move a week later.

A press conference was also held.

"What do you say Hetu Manufacturing is going to do today?"

"It goes without saying that it must be a response to the price reduction of Hongxing Machinery."

"Then you say, will this be a price reduction or will there be other decisions?"

"Shouldn't be lowered again, is it possible to ask for a discount? Isn't that the same as throwing money out?"

"It's useless for us to guess too much here, let's wait and see."


Not only the reporters but also the businessmen were anxiously waiting.They also want to find out what Zhao Shanhe will do. After all, there has been a one-week buffer in the middle, and it is time for Hetu Manufacturing to make a decision.

"Do you think we will have a chance to see the price cut made by Hetu?"

"If you want me to say, don't lower the price. If we really lower the price, what should we do? We have all placed orders from Hongxing Machinery."

"It makes sense. I'm not afraid of Hetu's price increase now. What I'm afraid of is that they will continue to lower prices."


Amidst the divergent opinions, Li Xiangyang appeared in front of everyone.Although everyone was wondering why it was Li Xiangyang who came out to host the press conference instead of Zhao Shanhe, but it didn't matter to them anymore.

Anyone can host, what they want is the final result.

Ji Mingjian is also waiting for the news here.

Then Li Xiangyang spoke.

"Everyone, due to some well-known reasons, our flagship product manufactured by Hetu, non-ferrous metal solder, is facing an unprecedented challenge."

"For such a challenge, we at Hetu Manufacturing are fearless, and we will take the initiative to meet it."

"In order to carry this battle to the end, and to give everyone an explanation, I am announcing two things here. I believe that these are also two things that you are all interested in."

Li Xiangyang scanned the audience and announced loudly.

"First, the feedback activities we announced before will continue, and our non-ferrous metal solder will continue to be supplied to the society with a [-]% discount."

[-]% off?

no change?It's still [-]% off?This is not right, if you are still like this, don't you admit that you have lost to Red Star Machinery?You must know that the [-]% discount of Red Star Machinery has been going on for a week.

Could it be that Hetu's manufacturing is no longer possible?

Can't beat Red Star Machinery?

The reporters present were like sharks smelling blood, and began to look forward to Li Xiangyang's next words.

And the merchants present also breathed a sigh of relief, as long as you don't continue to cut prices.If you don't lower the price, our order will be valid, and we will be able to sell it at a good price.As for who wins and loses, we really don't care.

"No price reduction? Continue to discount by [-]%?"

This news also reached Ji Mingjian's ears immediately.

He looked over with some puzzlement.

"Mr. Shen, can you guess what Zhao Shanhe is doing?"

"What can I do? Of course I'm not capable enough to stop the loss in time."

Shen Ziliang picked up the teacup in front of him and said with a half-smile: "You have been dealing with Zhao Shanhe for so long, don't you know what kind of person he is? He pays the most attention to the rate of return in his work, and he pays no attention to anything that is not rewarded." Things he wouldn't do."

"response rate?"

Ji Mingjian nodded thoughtfully.

"You're right, it's true. It doesn't matter whether it's non-ferrous metal solder, fragrant milk tea, or even the swallowing water pump. Every product he targets is profitable. If there is no profit, he is He will throw it away without hesitation. It’s like the earliest one that was so hot that it was abandoned by him long ago.”

"Right? That's it. Is the non-ferrous metal solder still profitable? No, he has already reduced the price to [-]% off. Hetu Manufacturing is already losing money."

"But he can't say that it's okay, after all, he has to save face. So after a week, when no one placed an order for him, he decisively chose to stop the loss."

Shen Ziliang put down his teacup and said calmly: "What he wants is no one to place an order, so that at least he won't lose money. As for the next decision, let's wait and see what tricks he will come up with."

"it is good!"

Ji Mingjian waited quietly.

He is in a happy mood now, no matter what, so far in this battle, he has the upper hand.

It's just that he didn't expect that the second decision Li Xiangyang announced afterwards would pull him down from the high clouds to the mortal world, his head was broken and his body was bruised.

Shen Ziliang also almost collapsed.

The press conference site of Hetu Manufacturing.

After a burst of noise, Li Xiangyang coughed twice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he continued to announce the second matter.Because today is just a press conference, not a press conference, so he doesn't need to explain to anyone.

"The second thing I want to announce is still related to non-ferrous metal solders, that is, from now on, we, Hetu Manufacturing, have transferred the production technical data of non-ferrous metal solders to ten manufacturers."

"And this transfer is just the beginning. Other manufacturers who are interested in producing non-ferrous metal solder can also contact us, and we will carry out technology transfer at any time."

Li Xiangyang said the second thing slowly.

At the same time as saying this, it was equivalent to a heavy bomb exploding in the venue.

Everyone was stunned.

What?What did we hear?Li Xiangyang said that the production technology of non-ferrous metal solder has been transferred, and it was transferred to ten factories at one time?And this is just the beginning. If anyone wants to produce in the future, they can still contact them, and technology transfer can be carried out at any time.

This news is too hot, right?

what does this mean?

It means that in the near future, there will be a large number of manufacturers producing non-ferrous metal solder, and they will bundle up and declare war on any factory that dares to cut prices.

Red Star Machinery is very powerful, and now it is in the limelight, but can you keep reducing prices like this?Impossible, everyone knows that they are just fighting with Hetu Manufacturing, and this price war will not last.

And now you seem to have won, and you have won a lot of orders by relying on the [-]% discount price, but will this have any impact on Hetu Manufacturing?No, they not only managed to get rid of the cover, but also brought a group of factories to fight with you.

No matter how good your Red Star Machinery is, can you offend so many factories at once?

There is no need for this!

Ants can swallow elephants.

The reporters immediately figured out the twists and turns, and the businessmen also figured it out.The moment they figured it out, they knew the intention of Hetu Manufacturing, and understood that Hetu Manufacturing was planning to package the non-ferrous metal solder as a whole.

But in this case, isn't it equivalent to sacrificing a product?

Don't you feel sorry?

At this moment, Luo Quanjing suddenly got up and walked outside, and when he came to the corridor, he picked up his big brother and made a call without hesitation.

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