
I'm Oppa, your head!

When there is trouble, it is Oppa, and when there is nothing, it is Jin Dazhong.Park Domi, do you really think you are a fairy?If I didn't see that your Pu family's Lexing Group has some status in Bangzi Country, do you think I would treat you like this?

Jin Dal-joong, who was thinking like this in his heart, was still smiling when he looked at Park Duomi.

"How beautiful, what do you mean by that?"

Pu Duomi smiled and stared into Jin Dazhong's eyes: "My meaning is very simple. The Hongxing Machinery Factory I invested in Handong City is undergoing a major transformation, and I need a batch of funds to guarantee it. The smooth progress of the field reform. As long as this can be done, I will thank you for the rest of my life."

"Duomei, I want to know why you insist on investing in industry? This is too different from your previous investment route." Jin Dazhong still broods over this question.

Pu Duomi smiled charmingly, and raised her brows slightly: "Do you have to know?"

"You'd better say it, because it's related to whether I should lend you money?" Jin Dazhong said with a serious face.

"Then I'll tell you."

Pu Duomi let out a sigh of relief, leaned back lazily on the sofa, and said calmly: "Actually, this matter is not as exaggerated and mysterious as you think. The reason why I invest in business like this is because of a test of my family. "

"Our Pu family said that whoever can truly grow bigger and stronger with an industry will be eligible to compete for the position of president."

"And I am very interested in the position of president, so I did this. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Park Domi eyeing the position of the chairman of Lexing Group?After Jin Dazhong's eyelids twitched slightly, he quickly accepted this statement. Park Duomi should not have lied, her words were true, and this should be how it happened.

After all, the position of the chairman of Lexing Group is not a temptation that everyone can resist, and I would like to get my hands on it.

And this kind of test is not new among the various groups in Bangzi Country.

You said that if you can't even make an industry bigger and stronger, how can you manage a large group like Lexing?

"You shouldn't be short of money, right?" Jin Dazhong asked.

"I have some funds, but I don't know how much money I will use for what I am going to do this time, so I will tell you in advance. Oppa, you will never save yourself from death, right?" Park Duomi blinked loudly The eyes pretended to be wronged.

"of course not!"

Jin Dazhong waved his hand and said proudly: "I promise you this, but I don't have a lot of money recently. If you want to make money, I have a channel to introduce to you. Don't dare Say, it’s okay to make a profit in the shortest time and double your money, how about that? Are you interested?”

"Really? Is there such a good thing?" Pu Duomi frowned slightly, casting unbelievable eyes.

"Of course it's true, I can lie to you."

Jin Dazhong deliberately sat forward and said in a low voice, "Do you know the Donghua Group in Zhongzhou City?"

"Donghua Group? I've heard of it." Park Duomi nodded.

"Let me tell you that Song Liu of the Donghua Group took me in this way. If it didn't mean that we have a good relationship and you need money urgently, I would definitely not say it." Jin Da Zhong said with a smile.

"If so..."

Park Domi pondered for a while.

"Let me think about it, if I really need money here, I will find you."

"it is good!"

After sending Jin Dazhong away, Park Duomei called Shen Ziliang. She is very concerned about the affairs of the Hongxing Machinery Factory and dare not relax a bit.

And when Shen Ziliang said that Ji Mingjian was engaged in a price war in full swing, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "In other words, in the current price war, we still have the advantage?"


Shen Ziliang nodded and said: "As long as Hetu Manufacturing doesn't cut prices anymore, we still have an advantage. With such a price, Hetu Manufacturing can be dragged down. But now I'm afraid that Hetu Manufacturing will go crazy and then follow suit. , then we won’t even be able to keep costs, and we’ll really lose money.”

"You Huaxia have a saying that you can't bear children and can't catch wolves. This matter should be done as we said before."

Park Domi's eyes were cold and stern.

"Isn't it just losing money? Isn't it just the need for capital injection? You tell me, I will settle this here. You just need to remember that the enemy of our Red Star Machinery is Zhao Shanhe, and Zhao Shanhe must be defeated no matter what."

Shen Ziliang replied respectfully: "Yes, I understand."

"Then do something!"



For some businessmen in the Eastern Province, it was a thrilling time.

They never expected that the peaceful situation would be suddenly disturbed by Hongxing Machinery. This machinery factory kept lowering prices like crazy.

Although this is a good thing for them, if it continues like this, they will scratch their heads.

Because it will make them wonder whether they should buy or not.

You said that as soon as you bought the goods today, they will suddenly lower the price tomorrow, what should you do?

As long as you lower the price a little, you will lose money, but if you don’t lower the price, the price they sell the next day is much lower than yours, and if you don’t sell it, you can only accumulate.

This is not hoarding futures. Are you looking for death by piling up at this time?

And for this matter, no matter how big or small your business is, you have to scratch your head.

Jiandu Mining.

Zheng Shouzheng was answering the phone at this moment, and Li Xiangyang called from the other side. They were talking about mining pumps.After all, no matter what, Zheng Shouzheng canceled the cooperation with Hetu Manufacturing, and he had to explain it both emotionally and rationally.

"Mr. Zheng, so you are determined to part ways with us?" Li Xiangyang asked lightly.

"Director Li, you can't say that. As you know, the price of mining pumps is not low, and now there are cheaper ones than Hetu's. I can't say that I don't consider the difference."

"Of course, my cooperation with Hetu Manufacturing has always been very pleasant. If you are willing to lower the price, I can consider continuing to cooperate with you." Zheng Shouzheng smiled.

"Price reduction?"

Li Xiangyang shook his head, and said calmly: "Mr. Zheng, if the price is lowered, don't even think about it. It's impossible. On the issue of mining pumps, we will never go back."

When Zheng Shouzheng heard this, his face became displeased: "If you want to say that, I can't help it."

Li Xiangyang, you are really dead-headed, I am already giving you a step down, can't you hear it?If you insist that the mining pumps made by Hetu are the best, then that’s fine, you can just stick to your own mining pumps!

"Then bother Mr. Zheng." Li Xiangyang hung up the phone after speaking.

"No deal?" Seeing Li Xiangyang's gloomy face, Yang E asked while sitting in front.

"Yes, Zheng Shouzheng is determined to cooperate with Shen Ziliang now, because the price offered by Shen Ziliang is so low that he has no way to refuse it." Li Xiangyang said.

"It seems that people are all the same."

Yang E said with emotion: "Zheng Shouzheng has forgotten how he took Lin Xiao down in the first place. In his eyes, is it only the price that is low? Doesn't he value quality at all?"

"Where did Hongxing Machinery produce mining pumps before? Just because the price they are offering now is low, so if Zheng Shouzheng does this, he will regret it!" Guo Chuan said sarcastically.

"Let's not worry about the problem of mine pumps. Let's just leave it as it is. I believe that even gold will shine. Let's talk about non-ferrous metal solders now. If this matter is done well, the Red Star will still be able to use it." Mechanically dragged into the pit."

Li Xiangyang's eyes were awe-inspiring.

"Let's announce it to the public, let's reduce the price to [-]% off!"

"it is good!"

Just as Hetu Manufacturing was preparing to announce to the outside world, Zheng Shouzheng was also talking to someone here, and sitting across from him was Zhongshan Road who had just knocked on the door.

As the current vice president of Jiandu Mining in charge of safety, Zhong Shanlu came here for the mine pumps.

"Mr. Zheng, do we really want to use Hongxing Machinery's mining pump?"


Zheng Shouzheng said without the slightest hesitation: "I have told you about this before. Hongxing Machinery's mining pumps have a quality certificate, and the price is cheaper than Hetu's. Do you think I have any reason to refuse to cooperate with Hongxing Machinery? cooperate?"

"The saved money, even if it is to give benefits to the workers, is better than giving it to Hetu Manufacturing like this? Don't you think so?"

"The reason is like this, but I always feel that the mining pumps made by Hongxing Machinery are not as reliable as the ones made by Hetu." Zhong Shanlu couldn't find any faults at the moment, so he could only say this.

"You, you're just thinking too much."

Zheng Shouzheng waved his hand and said calmly: "Things are not as complicated as you think. If their mine pumps have quality problems, I will not be the first to buy them. Since the quality is fine, then let's do it this way. "

"Okay!" Zhong Shanlu nodded helplessly, and could only agree.

His only hope now is that Hongxing Machinery's mining pump will not have an accident like Jinyang Machinery's, otherwise Zheng Shouzheng will not be able to clean up this mess.


"Have you heard? The price of non-ferrous metal solder manufactured by Hetu has been reduced again."

"How many?"

"[-]% off, the statement just released said that the activity will continue and the intensity will be greater. If you place an order now, it will be [-]% off the previous price."

"Thirty percent off, this is really not enough. I dare say at this price, even Hetu Manufacturing will lose money. And this price will drive Red Star Machinery crazy. They should lose money by fourty percent off. Now Hetu Figure Manufacturing offers [-]% off, why should they be lower than [-]% off? Otherwise, they will lose this price war.”

"Yes, so let's wait a little longer. I think there should be a turning point in this matter."

"A turning point? You really can think about it. You don't think about which of them will give you the non-ferrous metal solder for free, right? I advise you to accept it as soon as you see it!"


Discussions like this are popping up in various circles. Some of them are buyers of non-ferrous metal solder, and some just follow them to make a fool of themselves.But no matter what it is, now I am very excited to hear that the price is [-]% off.

It's a bastard to have the cheap and not take it.

They all thought it over, if they waited for another two days and the price remained the same, they would buy in large quantities.But unlike them who could stand on the sidelines and watch, Ji Mingjian was forced to go to Liangshan.

"[-]% off? Is what you said true? Zhao Shanhe actually offered an ultra-low price of [-]% off?"

Jiming Jian suddenly stood up from his chair and shouted in disbelief.

"It's true, Hetu Manufacturing has announced the news."

The secretary Fang Yuan said nervously: "Mr. Ji, people here are in a state of panic now, and those dealers are urging us to refund the order. Now that Hetu Manufacturing has come up with such a thing, they probably have to ask for a refund. Now, maybe the sales department has already turned upside down."

"This damn Zhao Shanhe!"

Ji Mingjian was so angry that he punched the table, and then walked back and forth in the office. He was really scratched.

You must know that he has never engaged in a price war with anyone before, this is the first time, who would have thought that it would not go well.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Shanhe would not follow, who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would look like a desperado, and he was not going to leave any room.

What can we do now?

They already lost money with a [-]% discount. If they followed the [-]% discount and announced a [-]% discount to the public, it would be equivalent to sending out a lot of money. He would not do such a stupid thing.

"Do you want to talk to Mr. Shen?" Fang Yuan asked in a low voice.

Ji Mingjian stopped in his tracks, and said in a deep voice, "Say, it must be said, the matter is already like this, what else can we do?"

He didn't want to take the blame, so he called Shen Ziliang immediately. Before he could speak, Shen Ziliang said calmly, "I know what you want to say. Shanhe is crazy this time, dare to lower the price so low, right?"


Ji Mingjian frowned and said, "Mr. Shen, what do you think about this matter? If we continue to discount at [-]% like this, there will definitely be no orders. But the problem is that we can't sell at [-]% off, right?"

"It's his business that Zhao Shanhe is willing to lose money. We don't need to take a lot of banknotes and throw them out, right? This is obviously a waste of money."

"It's a waste of time?"

Shen Ziliang looked at his fingers, and said calmly: "Lao Ji, this is the most thrilling part of the price war. It's very exciting to watch, right? Don't worry, I know your worries. It's okay. It's nothing. That's where it goes. In this way, if you continue to cut the price as I said, isn't Zhao Shanhe a [-]% discount? Let's get a [-]% discount."

"Do you really want a [-]% discount?" Ji Mingjian was so distressed that he was about to bleed.

"Haven't you heard of it? I can't bear to let the child fail the wolf. We have been forced to this point, so we can't admit defeat first."

"But you don't need to worry. This matter is not as exaggerated as you think. Our non-ferrous metal solder is sold at a loss, but the mining pump is sold, so it can be subsidized, right? Besides, there are concrete mixers. ? With such a neutralization, we can generally maintain our progress.”

"Don't forget what our ultimate goal is, that is, we must bring Zhao Shanhe to the ground. As long as we can accomplish this, losing a few million is nothing, so just let go and continue to fix it!"

If Shen Ziliang has the winning chance, he will inject vitality and confidence into Ji Mingjian at once. He will not think about what is there and what is not, and said decisively: "Okay! I will announce it to the outside world."


After hanging up the phone, Ji Mingjian tried his best to control the excitement in his heart and looked at Fangyuan.

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