Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 939 This Is Our Chance

"[-]% off!"

Sitting in the office, Li Xiangyang looked at the department directors standing in front of him, and said calmly, "Didn't he, Ji Mingjian, say that he reduced the price to [-]% off? It doesn't matter, we will get [-]% off tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" Yang E asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it's tomorrow!"

Li Xiangyang raised the corners of his lips, and said playfully: "Don't you think that our Hetu Manufacturing has been boring recently? If that's the case, then we might as well make this fun."

"What is the situation of non-ferrous metal solder? We all know that this product can basically be made by anyone who wants it now. There is no prospect at all. For us, it is no longer the main product."

"Let's take a product that can be given up at any time to fight against a product that Red Star Machinery wants to rely on for profit. Who do you think will win and who will lose?"

The answer is obvious.

Yang E and the others breathed a sigh of relief. If they said that, then they would have a solid foundation in their hearts.

"I received news that the manufacturers who had given up on cooperating with us before were now looking for trouble with Hongxing Machinery, because we lowered the price, and they also asked to return the order and re-purchase."

"In this case, I understand why Director Li said it was tomorrow. This trick is really good. Let's give them a day to do this, and we will announce a new price tomorrow. Hehe, I don't know when What will they look like?"

Speaking of this, Yang E couldn't help covering her mouth and giggling.

"Section Chief Yang is right, what we want is to make them suffer."

Li Xiangyang put down the document in his hand, glanced at it and said slowly: "Red Star Machinery made a bad move this time, but they have already left, so we will stay with them to the end."

"Do you think it's time for our Hetu Manufacturing to change the factory?"

Change factory?

Several people suddenly lit up.

"Is this what the factory manager said?" Yang E seemed to have thought of something, and asked anxiously.

"Where is the factory manager?"

"That's right, with such a big incident, the factory director has no reason to say that he should be the shopkeeper, right?"

"Deputy Director Li, do you know the whereabouts of the director?"


Li Xiangyang nodded slowly, and then said unhurriedly: "The factory director has gone to do his work. He said that after his work is completed, Red Star Machinery will change hands."

Change of owner?

Hearing these two words, Yang E and the others immediately became energetic and high-spirited.

Li Xiangyang smiled and waved his hand: "Let's all go to work."



Handong City Government.

Yang Shoucheng is talking with Du Jingming now.

After the two finished talking about work, Yang Shoucheng directly talked about the price war between Hetu Manufacturing and Hongxing Machinery.This price war has already started for two or three days, and it is now in full swing. As the chief officer of Handong City, he cannot just sit idly by.

That's why he called Du Jingming over.

He wanted to know what the final direction of this matter would be.

"Jingming, what do you think Zhao Shanhe is going to do this time?" Yang Shoucheng asked while stroking the cigarette case on the table with his fingers, his eyes narrowed into a line.


Du Jingming shook his head, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"If you ask me, I really don't know the answer. But I think Zhao Shanhe is quite innocent this time. Leader, what do you think about this Ji Mingjian? He really wants to touch the bottom line of non-ferrous metal solder , Is it interesting to engage in such a price war?"

"This is clearly an attempt to disrupt the market economic order of our Handong City, and to destroy our existing security and stability."

Du Jingming got angry when he mentioned this matter, and began to complain in front of Yang Shoucheng.

"If I were Zhao Shanhe, I wouldn't be able to say that I would give in passively, but I would also face the challenge head-on."

"You can't say that!"

Yang Shoucheng waved his hand and said calmly: "After all, Hongxing Machinery Factory is a big factory. Although it is a joint venture now, it also has the right to operate independently. It makes no sense to say that non-ferrous metal solder can only be produced by Hetu. People can’t touch production, right? This doesn’t conform to the laws of the market economy.”

"I didn't say they couldn't touch it, but did they just want to touch it? They are clearly disrupting the situation. Where is the price suppressed to [-]% off just after it is produced? You give a [-]% off price and forget it, and you want to To win over Hetu Manufacturing's former customers, isn't this clearly aimed at Zhao Shanhe?" Du Jingming's anger still persisted.

"No matter what, if the two of them engage in a price war like this, in the end it will only be the economic order of our Handong City that suffers the most. Therefore, you can go back and persuade Zhao Shanhe not to act rashly." Yang Shoucheng rushed to Du Jingming Squeezing his hand, he said to control his emotions.


Du Jingming shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "Leader, I can talk to Zhao Shanhe about this matter, but I think he might not listen to him because of his temper. And I don't think he is wrong about this matter."

Yang Shoucheng closed his eyes and kept nodding: "Let's talk first."

"it is good!"

After coming out of Yang Shoucheng's place, Du Jingming dialed Zhao Shanhe's phone immediately. After he conveyed Yang Shoucheng's meaning, Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "Leader, I'm not in the factory right now. Li Xiangyang, deputy director of the factory, is in charge of all matters, so I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill your request."

"Can't do it?"

Du Jingming frowned.

"Zhao Shanhe, think clearly, and don't make a decision that you regret. Of course, our county will support you unconditionally, and you can make any decision freely."

"Thank you, leader, don't worry, I know what's going on." Zhao Shanhe smiled.

"That's good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Luo Ying who was beside him and said, "See? Before we even make a move, some people can't hold back. But it's normal, what they want is stability, but the problem This kind of turmoil was not provoked by me on purpose, why should I make sacrifices in the end?"

"Director, I think the county and city should just want to remind us not to go too far. As for other things, they shouldn't be too partial," Luo Ying said.

"It should be like this, but it doesn't matter. I am relieved that there is Xiangyang in the price war over there."

Zhao Shanhe looked deeply at Luo Ying, and suddenly asked, "Luo Ying, you know I'm not bringing anyone with me this time, but I'm only bringing you to Zhongzhou City, what's the reason?"

"I don't know." Luo Ying shook his head.

He is also very strange.

It stands to reason that no matter what Zhao Shanhe wants to do, he has a lot of people around him, but why choose him?Could it be that you have any special skills?No!

So Luo Ying is very strange.

"Luo Ying, I recruited you in person. Do you remember what you said when I recruited you?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Luo Ying said calmly: "I said at the time that I hoped that the factory manager would give me a chance. As long as the factory manager gave me a chance, then I would definitely not let the factory manager down. In terms of law, I will hold my ground for the factory manager."

"Yeah, that's what you said, and now I'm going to use your legal knowledge. I want you to draft me a few contracts. These contracts have to be legally binding, and they have to stand up to scrutiny. Is it?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"No!" Luo Ying said decisively with his head held high.

It's his specialty and he's confident.

"Well, here's what I want you to do..."

Following Zhao Shanhe's instructions, Luo Ying kept everything in mind, and after Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he said in a deep voice: "Director, are you trying to make a fuss about Park Duomi? Beauty on the hook? Is it a Ponzi scheme?"

"Ponzi scheme?"

Zhao Shanhe tapped his fingers on his knees, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if it's a Ponzi scheme, I just want to teach Park Duomi a lesson, I want this woman to know that Huaxia doesn't do whatever she wants, or she can do whatever she wants without money." An ATM that you can come by anytime.”

"Park Duomi." Luo Ying nodded slightly.

"That's right, it's Park Domi."

As Zhao Shanhe said, he took out a document and handed it over.

"Look, these are all information about Park Duomi. I really didn't expect that this so-called Park Duomi would be this kind of person, and she would do so many crazy things in China with no bottom line. .”

"She's a wolf in sheep's clothing."

"She should have been cleaned up a long time ago." Luo Ying flipped through the documents quickly, his expression getting colder the more he read.

Let me just say, the price war is such an important matter, how could Zhao Shanhe just give up and leave it to Li Xiangyang to do it, and he will bring himself to Zhongzhou City, just to deal with Pu Duomei.

It turned out that it was because of Park Domi's evil deeds.

The piles mentioned in the materials are all sins committed by Park Duomi.In the eyes of this woman, Huaxia is simply an insignificant place, a cornucopia where she can make money at will with her investment funds.

You say it doesn't matter if you make money, but at least you have to have a bottom line when you do things, right?

How can you close a textile factory without mercy, put it through bankruptcy proceedings, and leave hundreds of textile workers on the streets?

How can you sell the land you bought without blinking an eye for your own self-interest, regardless of the life and death of those ordinary people?

The chemical plant you invested in polluted such a beautiful land with green mountains and green waters into a stinky ditch, but you patted your ass and left.

In your eyes, there is nothing but money.

You are so cruel.

"So Pu Duomei's investment in Hongxing Machinery Factory this time is just to use this place as a springboard, and after quickly raising money for her, she will leave?" Luo Ying said coldly.

"It should be like this."

Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"We can even think bigger. Park Duomi should have her own ambitions, but we haven't discovered it yet. But I dare say that in the end, Hongxing Machinery Factory will definitely be eaten by her until there is no bone left. .”

"Should I deal with such a person? Even if I use a Ponzi scheme to deal with her, can I still feel at ease?"

"of course."

Luo Ying nodded resolutely and said: "For such a person, we should treat him in the same way and let her experience this kind of pain. And I think she should be most short of money now .”

"After all, Hongxing Machinery Factory is going to engage in a price war with our Hetu Manufacturing. She has to invest real money in it. How can she have so much cash? Even if she has, she will not be willing."

"That's right! So this is our chance."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips.

"We just want to use this opportunity to teach Park Domi a good lesson, let her know that Huaxia is not a place where she can come if she wants, and she can do whatever she wants. Let her learn from our Huaxia before. Spit out all the people's fat and people's ointment that was searched!"

"But the question is, should she know you?" Luo Ying said with a frown.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said calmly with a smile: "Since I am planning to set up a trap for Park Duomi, I will naturally take this into consideration. Don't worry, I am not the only one who has come forward in this matter, there are others."

Luo Ying showed a relieved smile: "Then I can rest assured, I will go and make the contract right now."


After Luo Ying went to work, Zhao Shanhe went to the window, dialed a phone number, and when he got connected, he smiled and said, "Brother Song, I'm here, our plan can start. "

"it is good!"

Song Liu smiled gently, and said calmly: "Then let's start planning and teach Pu Duomei, a crazy woman, a lesson!"

"it is good!"


The presidential suite of Yingle Hotel in Zhongzhou.

Although this Yingle Hotel was not established by the Lexing Group, there is a figure of Bangziguo behind it.

So every time she comes to Zhongzhou City, Park Duomi will choose to live here, and she has a good relationship with one of the shareholders here.

This shareholder is Jinda Zhong.

And now Jin Dazhong is sitting opposite Park Duomi, looking at Park Duomi who is drinking red wine, he smiled slightly and said, "Why did you think of investing in Hongxing Machinery Factory this time?"

"I was originally in the investment business. Is that strange?" Park Duomi took a shallow sip and said.

"You are an investor, but you have made short-term investments before, but this time is different. The Red Star Machinery you invest in will not be able to make a profit for a while, and you have been doing this since last year. Counting the time, it has been more than half a year. How beautiful, we have known each other all these years, but I have never seen you invest like this."

Jin Dazhong frowned.

"What exactly do you want to do this time?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to invest in something well, can't it?" Park Duomi smiled mysteriously.

"You? Invest in something well?"

Jin Dazhong pouted.

"Since you don't want to say it, then forget it, and I won't force you, but remember to say it if you need my help."

"Really, there is now!"

Park Duomi's eyes lit up, her body leaned forward slightly, and the great happiness on her chest burst out, making Jin Dazhong's eyes blurred, and she subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"have what?"

"Can you lend me some money?"

What Park Duomi said smoothly made the seductive Jin Dazhong sit up straight, looked over with a surprised expression, and asked puzzledly: "Borrowing money? You also need to borrow money? I said you are not with me. Are you kidding me?"

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm joking?"

The corner of Pu Duomei's mouth slanted, and after she drank the red wine in the glass, she said in a frivolous tone: "Ouba, what you said just now will help me, you can't take your word for it, right?"

Jin Dazhong was stunned on the spot.

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