"Boss Luo, I know that you are Zhao Shanhe's loyal partner. But it doesn't matter. Even so, I invited you, and I mainly invited you. Because I believe that as long as you are a businessman, you should want to make money. Who If the profit is high for you, you should cooperate with whom, am I right?"

Ji Mingjian smiled like an old fox.

"President Ji, I don't know how cheap you are talking about?" Luo Quanjing asked directly, noncommittal.

"[-]% off."

Ji Mingjian pinched three fingers together, made a gesture of seven, and said proudly: "As long as you want, I can give you a [-]% discount on the purchase price. Think about it, how much money can you make by doing this again and again?" money?"

[-]% off?

Everyone suddenly changed color.

You said that if Ji Mingjian offered a [-]% discount, they might not necessarily consider it.After all, they have cooperated with Zhao Shanhe for many years, and they are also familiar with the non-ferrous metal solder produced by Teng Tenghe Tu. It is really not worthwhile to tear up with Zhao Shanhe for a [-]% discount.

But the [-]% discount is another story.

The [-]% discount is already a huge sum of money. They are all businessmen, and businessmen are all profit-seeking. With such a large piece of fat in front of them, they have no reason to say they missed it.

Besides, if they don't eat it, others will eat it. It makes no sense to say that you want to benefit others for nothing, right?

Thinking of this, many people were moved.

"Mr. Ji, can you guarantee the quality of your non-ferrous metal solder?"

"of course."

"Mr. Ji, are you serious? [-]% off the purchase price?"

"of course."

"If that's the case, Mr. Ji, I'd like to cooperate with you."

"It's a bastard to have money but not make money, and I am also willing to cooperate with Mr. Ji."

"Mr. Ji, I hope we can cooperate happily."

Except for Luo Quanjing, all of them raised their glasses of wine, smiling and talking about cooperation.For them, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Boss Luo, what do you think? Do you want to cooperate with our Red Star Machinery?" Ji Mingjian looked over.


After a little hesitation, Luo Quanjing looked back at Ji Mingjian and said lightly, "Mr. Ji, I'll let it go. I haven't actually done any non-ferrous metal solder business recently, so I'll let it go this time."

"It's up to you." Ji Mingjian waved his hand without forcing it.

It's the best thing to win Luo Quanjing, even if you can't win it, it doesn't matter, anyway, I have already let these people go with me, so there is nothing to say about it.

"But what I want to remind everyone is that in our Handong City, you are all big dealers, but you are not outside."

"As for me, I have negotiated cooperation with six companies in our province yesterday, and they have decided not to buy non-ferrous metal solder from Hetu Manufacturing."

"I said this not to show off, but to tell you that those who know the current affairs are the best."

After Ji Mingjian finished speaking, he took a meaningful look at Luo Quanjing.

"I know."

Luo Quanjing nodded, then raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "President Ji, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, I have to take a step first, excuse me."

"Please go ahead." Ji Mingjian waved his hand at Luo Quanjing and said calmly.

Luo Quanjing got up and left, and after he disappeared from the box, Ji Mingjian and the others started talking and laughing again.No one cares whether Luo Quanjing will stay or stay. For them, the cooperation with Hongxing Machinery Factory is the most important thing.


Luo Quanjing, who walked out of the hotel, took a deep breath and exhaled a few times before picking up his brother. He never thought of cooperating with Ji Mingjian from the very beginning.

It's not that he doesn't like such a price, but because he doesn't trust Ji Mingjian.

A person who has been defeated by Zhao Shanhe several times, what qualifications does he have to declare war on Zhao Shanhe again?

He believed in Zhao Shanhe.

You guys are still a little too immature, do you think Zhao Shanhe knows nothing about what you are doing?I don't believe that Zhao Shanhe would be indifferent after knowing the price war trick of Hongxing Machinery Factory.

So he wanted to notify Zhao Shanhe of this matter immediately.

As soon as the phone was connected, Luo Quanjing said hurriedly, "Director Zhao, it's me, Luo Quanjing."

"Lao Luo, why did you remember to call me?" Zhao Shanhe asked unexpectedly.

"There is something I want to tell you, just now..."

After Luo Quanjing finished speaking, he found that Zhao Shanhe was not surprised or angry at all, so he continued: "Director Zhao, I did not agree to cooperate with Ji Mingjian, but those people stayed."

"I think the discounted price of [-]% off will attract many people. And Ji Mingjian said that he has reached an agreement with six big companies in our province. You must be careful on your side."

"I see!"

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Old Luo, thank you, you can still trust me in the face of this kind of thing, and you are willing to fight side by side with our Hetu Manufacturing."

"Don't worry, I, Zhao Shanhe, have no other skills, but I will change my heart to my friends. You don't have to worry about the non-ferrous metal solder. From now on, all your orders will be discounted in half."

"Half a discount?"

Luo Quanjing froze for a moment.

real or fake?no?When Ji Mingjian offered [-]% off, those people betrayed Zhao Shanhe crazily.And now Zhao Shanhe is offering half price, which is too tempting.

"Director Zhao, do you want to start a price war with Ji Mingjian?" Luo Quanjing asked after waking up from surprise.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Doesn't he, Jim Mingjian, want to engage in a price war with me? Then I'll play with him. I'd like to see how a Hongxing Machinery Factory, which has declined and is on the verge of bankruptcy, has the courage to provoke me like this."

"Ji Mingjian doesn't think he can do anything wrong with Lexing Group's back, does he? Hmph, I don't think Lexing Group is stupid, and won't just waste a lot of money like this."

"Director Zhao, I trust you, tell me, what should I do?"

Luo Quanjing was keenly aware that this was his chance.

"No, you have already helped me a lot, so don't worry about the rest, I will tell you when I need you."

"Okay, call at any time."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Quanjing glanced at the hotel behind him with a mysterious smile on his face.

"Ji Mingjian, just wait to accept Zhao Shanhe's anger."


After Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, he said to Li Xiangyang who was standing in front of him: "It was Luo Quanjing who called me just now, saying that Ji Mingjian had already started to manipulate secretly."

"It's not just Ji Mingjian. I received news that Shen Ziliang had an appointment with Zheng Shouzheng of Jiandu Mining. The two should have reached a cooperation agreement on mining pumps."

"If I'm not mistaken, Shen Ziliang should have given a fairly low price, so low that Zheng Shouzheng was tempted. What I'm thinking now is, is Shen Ziliang so confident in the quality of his products by doing this?"

Li Xiangyang's eyes were indifferent.

"The production technology of non-ferrous metal solder and mining pumps should not be too difficult for Hongxing Machinery Factory. Now that Lexing Group has joined, we should have no way to make a fuss about product quality."

"I believe they are well aware of this, and they dare not say anything wrong."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"Then there will be a price war." Li Xiangyang narrowed his eyes.

"Yes! It's a price war."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Xiangyang and smiled gently.

"Xiangyang, since Shen Ziliang and Ji Mingjian have already started, then you can follow the plan we discussed earlier."

"What about you?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"I'm going to do another thing." The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth curled up with a mysterious smile.

the next day.

A news spread like wildfire in the business district of Handong City. It said that the non-ferrous metal solder manufactured by Hetu specially carried out activities to give back to the market in order to celebrate the second anniversary.All merchants who place orders from Hetu Manufacturing can enjoy a [-]% discount.

As soon as the news came out, there was a sensation in the whole city.

"[-]% off!"

"My God, this is equivalent to Hetu making a money-losing fire sale."

"No, I have to go buy some quickly."


The first to bear the brunt were those who reached a cooperation agreement with Ji Mingjian last night. They never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe would offer a [-]% discount.With a [-]% discount, they can all betray Zhao Shanhe, let alone a [-]% discount now, betraying Ji Mingjian is no joke.

So one by one, they all came to Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Their purpose is also very simple, asking for money to refund the order.

No way, who made them so excited last night, they all paid the deposit at once, and some even paid for the goods.Now they definitely can't do this anymore and must refund the money.

At this time, Ji Mingjian was burning his ass and was restless. He was answering a phone call from a trading company in Dongzhou City. This trading company was a partner of Hetu Manufacturing before, but was later pried away by Ji Mingjian. up.

Of course, the other party is also very anxious now.

"Mr. Ji, just please let us return the goods quickly, right? We can't take it, and you have seen that the price that Hetu Manufacturing offers is [-]% off, [-]% off, compared to yours. [-]% off is even cheaper, you said under such circumstances, how could I still want your non-ferrous metal solder?"

"Mr. Liu, you can't say that. When you placed the order, I gave you a price of conscience. Now you want to refund the money and return the order. Isn't that bad?"

Ji Mingjian said with a sad face: "Besides, your goods are already on the way, and they will all be transported to your Dongzhou City. Now you tell me that you want to return the goods, and it is very difficult for me."

"Whether it's difficult or not is your business. I don't care. Listen to me. If you don't agree to my request, I won't cooperate with you again. What to do is up to you."

After speaking, Mr. Liu hung up the phone.

"Son of a bitch!"

Hearing the beeping sound from the microphone, Ji Mingjian was so angry that he dropped the phone and roared angrily.

"Asshole, now that you see the benefits, just give me this. When I found you, what did you say? Didn't you just cooperate with me?"

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you are ruthless! You dare to sell it at a [-]% discount. You are not giving yourself a way to survive. In order to defeat our Red Star Machinery, you are really desperate. !"

"Okay, if you want to play, I will play with you. I will let you know that a non-ferrous metal solder can't overwhelm us. We also have mining pumps and concrete mixers!"

"Dong dong."

In the midst of Ji Mingjian's anger, the secretary knocked on the door and came in.There were several directors of departments following him in, and they all talked in a hurry after entering the door.

"Mr. Ji, you have to think of a solution quickly. I just received a few calls, and they all want to return the goods."

"I also received it. If they say they don't return the goods, they will come to our factory to make trouble."

"This Zhao Shanhe is really crazy. It's on sale with a [-]% discount. Mr. Ji, what do you think we should do about this?"


Ji Mingjian, who was already distracted enough, was babbled by his subordinates again, and the nameless fire in his heart was ignited.

After staring fiercely around, he said impatiently: "Why panic, isn't it just a [-]% discount? As for making you all panic like this!"

"Listen, whoever calls you, you all call back. Tell them, our Red Star Machinery will sell non-ferrous metal solder with a [-]% discount from now on."

"Ask them if they still want to return it?"

[-]% off?

After hearing this, several department directors looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Mr. Ji, is it really [-]% off? If that's the case, we won't make any money. To be precise, if this is the case, we're already losing money. We can't do business that loses money. We don't need to make this board with Hetu Manufacturing. Take it easy."

"Can I not understand what you are saying? Let me tell you, I understand everything. But we have been forced to this point, and we can only play a price war with him, Zhao Shanhe."

"You guys, put your heart into your stomach. This time we have sufficient cash flow, and we can properly fight Zhao Shanhe."

"Playing price wars? Hmph! It's his fault if you don't play to death."

Ji Mingjian sneered again and again.

"Then we can rest assured."

"Go, go back and make a call."

"I said it earlier, it seems that we are going to win a big victory this time."

The hanging hearts of several department directors relaxed. After they left talking and laughing, Ji Mingjian called Shen Ziliang. Before he could speak, Shen Ziliang said lazily: "Do you want Tell me, Hongxing Machinery is very busy now, and many people are ready to refund the order?"

"Yes." Ji Mingjian nodded.

"It's impossible to charge back the order. Just do what we said before and continue to fight the price war. Listen, our bottom line is [-]% off, and I also believe that the [-]% off that Zhao Shanhe offered is also his bottom line." .”

"So it's right to say that non-ferrous metal solders are in such a stalemate. Our main focus is still on mining pumps." Shen Ziliang said with a smile.

"Understood, then I will do it!"

After hanging up the phone, Ji Mingjian showed a ruthless expression.

"Zhao Shanhe, I have never fought such a rich battle in my life. You forced me to do so. Since you insist on a price war, I will make you lose everything this time."

Now Ji Mingjian has no way out.

Either completely crush Hetu Manufacturing and achieve the status of Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Either it was defeated by Zhao Shanhe, and Hongxing Machinery had no chance to stand up again.

Between the two, Ji Mingjian chose the former.

He bet his honor and the future of the factory.

However, something that neither Ji Mingjian nor Shen Ziliang had expected, followed the announcement of their [-]% off price, and the two of them were dumbfounded when they received the news.

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