Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 937 Is it real or fake?

Hetu Manufacturing Office.

"What you said is true?" Zhao Shanhe stopped his hand while signing the document, raised his head and asked with a serious expression.

"it is true."

Li Xiangyang nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice: "This matter is no secret at Hongxing Machinery Factory, and the dealers who cooperated with us before have also proved this. They said that Ji Mingjian sent someone to contact them, saying that it was the price. There is also a discount. This Ji Mingjian wants to play a price war with us."

"Playing a price war?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said with burning eyes: "This matter should not be as simple as you said. After all, if Ji Mingjian wanted to do this, he had already done it. Why wait until now."

"Then you mean that this matter has something to do with Shen Ziliang?" Li Xiangyang's eyes moved slightly.

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes, and said in a leisurely manner: "Ji Mingjian didn't do it before, and he shouldn't do it now. Besides, even if he wants to do it, he must have conditions. First, he has no technology, and second, he has no equipment. He has nothing to say. What's the use of hot blood?"

"What's more, he has to worry about whether we will target him."

"And now he did it without hesitation. What does that mean? It means that Shen Ziliang is behind the scenes. It means that Shen Ziliang wants to compete with us."

"This Shen Ziliang finally showed his fangs." Li Xiangyang nodded thoughtfully.


Thinking of the previous reception in Handong City, Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said, "Shen Ziliang is indeed tolerable. He probably wanted Chen Zhilei to play with us before. It would be best if we can deal with it." .”

"It's a pity that his wish came to nothing. Chen Zhilei not only failed to cause trouble for us, but now he is in dire straits. So this time he will do it himself."

"I dare say that he dares to do this this time, he should have a hole card. At least he won't run away like last time. Even if it's a price war, he still has confidence in his heart."

"It's the benefactor behind him who is supporting him." Li Xiangyang speculated.

"Yes, it's the Lexing Group. I suspect now that this is not only the intention of Shen Ziliang, but also the meaning of Park Duomei, the representative of the Lexing Group. She wants to deal with us and destroy Hetu Manufacturing. "Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

"Park Domi wants to beat us?"

Li Xiangyang was startled, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "You are right, such a big matter, but Shen Ziliang dare not make a decision casually, it must be ordered by Park Duomi."

"I didn't expect this Pu Duomei to have a big appetite. She came up and made it against our Hetu. She regarded us as competitors and wanted to declare war with this trick."

"Our peers are enemies. Sooner or later we will have a battle with Hongxing Machinery Factory. Since we have to declare war sooner or later, whoever strikes first will have the advantage."

Zhao Shanhe stood up, folded his arms across his chest, touched his chin with one hand, and paced back and forth in the office with a look of solemnity between his brows.

"Pu Duomi should think like this, that's why she agreed with Shen Ziliang to do this. I dare say that Hongxing Machinery Factory will definitely fight a price war with us in the future. If there is a price war, whoever has the lowest price will have an advantage." .”

"You just said that the Red Star Machinery Factory mainly focuses on non-ferrous metal solder and mining pumps. This shows that they have done investigations and know that the profits of these two products are huge. As long as they can make the market for these two products, they will Sure win."

"Yes, they were originally doing business without money, and it was our Hetu Manufacturing that made these two products famous. Now they are doing well. Everyone is from Handong City, and they have started fighting among themselves."

Li Xiangyang looked disdainful.

"On this matter, I think it is necessary to tell the city."

"It's useless!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands, and said calmly, "It's useless even if you stab the city, at best, each will hit [-] boards."

"Don't forget that the current Hongxing Machinery Factory is no longer a burden that is about to go bankrupt, but a joint venture. Shen Ziliang has already used his own strength to prove that the Red Star Machinery Factory has a future. Under such circumstances, you say that the market Will Hongxing Machinery Factory stop production because of our complaint?"

"Impossible! After all, we are just a factory in Zhenghe County, and they are enterprises in the city. What is more important here, do you think the city leaders can't figure it out?"

"Then what should we do?" Li Xiangyang was a little anxious.

"Actually, it's good if we don't help each other in the city. This at least gives us a chance to compete fairly. With such an opportunity, do you think we will be afraid of Red Star Machinery?"

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips slanted.

"In the end, Hongxing Machinery is a joint venture. Such a composition proves that their internal power structure is complicated. Everyone wants to have the right to speak, and no one wants to be ordered by others. You say a factory with internal disunity, we What is there to be afraid of? Even if it is a price war, we are not afraid!"

Zhao Shanhe's tone was firm.

"Some products can fight price wars, but some products can't."

"Like non-ferrous metal solder, what did we say before, products like this are already being produced by many factories in the current market. Although the profits are quite high, we don't have any special competitiveness. We can Making money is entirely dependent on those dealers who have cooperated for a long time."

"But once Jim Mingjian lowers the price, those distributors are likely to switch to his arms. After all, no one will be troubled by money. In this case, we might as well give up. As long as we have a steady stream of new products, then our best What you are not afraid of is the price war. Don’t you think so?”

"That's right. If we are all ready to give up, then who else can play a price war with us? Whoever plays with us will kill himself." Li Xiangyang said.

"Non-ferrous metal solder can make a fuss, but if he thinks he wants to play a price war on mining pumps, let him play. We won't lower the price for a penny."

"If you know that you get what you pay for, our mining pump production technology is nothing to say, I don't believe how good the quality of the mining pump produced by Hongxing Machinery can be under such a hasty situation. "

"Don't forget how the Jinyang Machinery Factory in Xianhua City lost the order for mining pumps."

Zhao Shanhe's words awakened Li Xiangyang.

This is very reasonable.

What was the reason why the mining pump manufactured by Hetu was able to make a strong attack and win the order from Jiandu Mining?Isn't it quality?Hongxing Machinery Factory is now also planning to sell mining pumps. If their quality is the same, then there will be a price war.But if the quality is almost meaningless, why should they confront us?

If that's the case, there is no need for Hetu to make them, and Jiandu Mining will not use them.

"Then let's keep an eye on the Red Star Machinery and see their ways." Li Xiangyang said.

"Yes, keep an eye on them. We also made it clear to our dealers that as long as people from Red Star Machinery contact them, they must be notified in time." Zhao Shanhe said.


After Li Xiangyang left, Zhao Shanhe called Cui Huan over, and instead of beating around the bush, he asked directly, "How much liquidity do we still have in our account?"

"If Hetu is made, the current liquidity that can be mobilized is 8000 million." Cui Huan replied fluently.


Zhao Shanhe knew it all at once.

"In addition to maintaining the wages of the workers, you will prepare a sum of 5000 million yuan for me at any time." Zhao Shanhe said.


Cui Huan didn't even ask about the purpose, so she agreed on the spot. For her, as long as it was Zhao Shanhe's order, she would unconditionally carry it out.Because she is more grateful to Zhao Shanhe than anyone else, if it wasn't Zhao Shanhe back then, how could she be the present?

"Shen Ziliang, I was able to force you away before, but now I can. You'd better not play tricks on me, or I will make you never want to stand up again this time!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were as sharp as a knife.


An elegant room in a teahouse in Handong City.

Shen Ziliang was drinking tea and chatting with Zheng Shouzheng, the chairman of Jiandu Mining, and there were only the two of them here.And being able to invite Zheng Shouzheng out was actually not too difficult for Shen Ziliang.After all, he was from Handong City before, and he still has some connections here, and Zheng Shouzheng is one of them.

If he hadn't been forced to leave by Zhao Shanhe later, Shen Ziliang would have continued to call the wind and rain in Handong City.

"Mr. Zheng, try the tea here. I asked them to prepare it specially. It is a top-quality Dahongpao. I heard that you are a master of tea ceremony. Come and taste it." Shen Ziliang said with a smile.

"What kind of tea ceremony master, how can you say so exaggeratedly."

Zheng Shouzheng drank tea casually, and said slowly: "Mr. Shen, we are friends who have known each other for many years. If you have anything to say, just say it."

"I know that Zheng is always straightforward as always."

Shen Ziliang laughed.

"Then I'll just say it straight. In fact, I invited you to drink tea today to discuss a business deal. Don't you Jiandu Mining need to purchase mining pumps in large quantities? It just so happens that our Hongxing Machinery Factory has just produced a batch of mine pumps recently. With a pump, do you think we can cooperate?"

"Mine pump?"

Zheng Shouzheng raised his eyelids slightly.

"Mr. Shen, you are eyeing the cake of mining pumps. I'm sorry, we have cooperated very well with Hetu Manufacturing, and the quality of the mining pumps manufactured by Hetu is also good, and your Hongxing Machinery Factory used to have no You have never produced mining pumps before, and now you are talking about production, and you want to cooperate with me, do you think it is possible?"

"It's impossible! As long as the quality of our mining pumps is good and our price is affordable enough, I really can't figure out why you would refuse." Shen Ziliang said disapprovingly.

"Preferential price?" Zheng Shouzheng's mind moved slightly, looking thoughtful.


Shen Ziliang smiled and slowly raised three fingers.

"As long as Mr. Zheng is willing to cooperate with us, Hongxing Machinery, our mine pumps will be 30.00% cheaper than those made by Hetu! I think you will be interested in such a large price drop, right?"

Zheng Shouzheng's eyes tightened, and he couldn't help taking a breath: "30.00%? Are you serious?"

"Of course!"

Shen Ziliang raised his head and chest, and said in a calm tone: "When a man speaks, he spits a nail. Since I said that the price will be reduced by 30.00%, then the price will definitely be reduced. Mr. Zheng, you see that our cooperation on the concrete mixer is going smoothly. I also hope that we can also cooperate on mining pumps."

"What about the quality?" Zheng Shouzheng asked excitedly.

"Of course there is no problem with the quality. I can't deceive you by using defective products. In this way, our mining pumps will provide quality certificates issued by the national quality inspection agency. You should feel at ease now, right?"

"not enough!"

Who would have thought that Zheng Shouzheng shook his head when he heard this, and said bluntly: "If you are sincere, we will conduct an inspection in person, take out your mining pump, and we will compare it with the one made by Hetu .”

"As long as yours is better than, even as long as it's the same as theirs, I will decide to cooperate with you."

"no problem!"

Zheng Shouzheng's words did not frighten Shen Ziliang, he even showed a relaxed and casual expression.

"That's the deal. I'll have someone deliver the mine pump to you in the afternoon. You can inspect it at any time."

"it is good!"

After Zheng Shouzheng nodded, he suddenly said, "Mr. Shen, you are trying to poach Zhao Shanhe's corner."

"Mr. Zheng, how can this be called poaching? At best, each of us depends on his own ability. My mine pumps are of good quality and cheap. Naturally, there is no reason for you to spend so much money on expensive ones. Are you right?" ?” Shen Ziliang laughed.

Zheng Shouzheng raised his head and laughed loudly: "It makes sense."

"Then wish us a happy cooperation." Shen Ziliang stretched out his right hand.

Zheng Shouzheng shook his hand readily: "It's a happy cooperation."


While Shen Ziliang was negotiating with Zheng Shouzheng in person, Ji Mingjian didn't stop. He was not targeting one person, but a group of people who specialized in buying and selling non-ferrous metal solder in Handong City.

In a hotel box.

Ji Mingjian scanned the audience, smiling gently and holding up the wine glass in front of him.

"Everyone, I don't think I need to say more, you should all guess the purpose of my invitation to you tonight. Yes, I just want to cooperate with you to buy and sell non-ferrous metal solder. As long as you agree, we will all be friends. As the saying goes Well said, many friends have many paths, don’t you agree?”

"President Ji, what do you mean by that?"

"That is, do you want to say that your Hongxing Machinery has also started to produce non-ferrous metal solder?"

"I never heard that you guys do this too."

The few people sitting here all asked curiously.

"You are right. Our Hongxing Machinery has really started to produce non-ferrous metal solder. Not only do we produce, but the output is amazing. The most important thing is that our price is low."

Ji Mingjian smiled mysteriously.

"I know the price you get from Hetu, and I know how much you can earn by selling it. In this way, I can give you a lower price, and you can continue to sell it at the original price. As for how much you can earn, everyone is very smart in calculating accounts, so I don’t need to say more, right?”

"real or fake?"

The biggest businessman here is Luo Quanjing.

He didn't want to come at first, but after thinking about it, he had to come here anyway to see what Ji Mingjian was going to do, but now he was surprised when he heard what Ji Mingjian said.

He has always cooperated with Zhao Shanhe, and he never thought of changing people.But if things were really as Ji Mingjian said, he might be able to continue to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, but the rest of them couldn't guarantee that.

That's why he asked in surprise.

Is this true or false?

Hearing Luo Quanjing's question, Ji Mingjian smiled and spoke surprisingly.

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