Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 936 People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads

"All I'm trying to say is, are you interested in getting into real estate?"

Get involved in real estate?

Zhao Shanhe looked over thoughtfully, and said unhurriedly, "Are you trying to pull me into the stock?"


Huang Zhufeng quickly said: "That's what I think. I think real estate will definitely have development prospects in the future, and I am also a foreigner in Handong City, so I don't have much foundation. If I want to develop here, I can only be a Find the right people to work with."

"I think you're fine."

"So Director Zhao, are you interested in investing in real estate? I can assure you that as long as you build a house, you won't have to worry about selling it. Besides, this industry can really make money. I just don't know you how about?"

"Not interested in!"

Zhao Shanhe refused without thinking, then pointed to the door and said, "If you came here for this matter, you can leave now, I still have work to do here."

Huang Zhufeng: "..."

Is it so unfeeling?At least we met once last night. Although the impression of meeting was not good, we still know each other after all.I came this time to show you the way, how can you be so indifferent?


"Please leave."

Just when Huang Zhufeng wanted to fight for it again, Cai Shishi had already walked over, and issued a eviction order with a frosty face.

After meeting her eyes, Huang Zhufeng didn't continue talking, but stood up and walked towards the door. After standing still at the door, he suddenly turned around and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Zhao Shanhe, you really don't think about cooperating with me. ?"

"Don't think about it!" Zhao Shanhe replied without raising his head.

"You will regret it." Huang Zhufeng angrily walked away without looking back.


The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth curled up in a casual arc, and he said indifferently: "You want to play real estate, do you think it's possible? And even if I want to get involved in real estate, why should I cooperate with you? I didn't do anything to give If you learn a lesson, it will be enough to give you face. Hmph, I don’t know what a so-called idiot is.”

This matter was quickly forgotten by Zhao Shanhe.

He has a lot of work to do, especially the cooperation with Yang Jiuding, which is a test of Jilu Logistics.If this water test is successful, Jilu Logistics will be able to develop outward in the future.

This is the top priority.

Fortunately, there was no mistake in this matter. Afterwards, Yang Jiuding specially called to thank him, and said that in the future, all the transportation business of Dingsheng Chemical would be handed over to Zhao Shanhe.

This made Zhao Shanhe very excited.

Time passed like this, and soon it was March.

In Handong City in March, the spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the breath of spring is everywhere.And just when Zhao Shanhe was thinking about whether to take Li Qiuya for a spring outing, Gao Shaoyuan approached him.

He excitedly raised the document in his hand, as happy as a child: "It's done!"

"What happened?" Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

"It's the concrete pump you mentioned before, we finally made it!" Gao Shaoyuan said excitedly as he put the documents on Zhao Shanhe's desk.


Zhao Shanhe stood up abruptly, and asked in a hurried tone: "Old Gao, is what you said true? Has our concrete transport pump really been developed?"

"Yes, it has been developed. And the effect is very good. If you don't believe it, let's go to the scene to see it now." Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile.


Hetu manufacturing laboratory building.

As early as October last year, when Yougu Dojo began to publicize step by step, it had been listed separately by Zhao Shanhe.The entire building is owned by Gao Shaoyuan's laboratory, and all the previous departments inside have been relocated.Even as long as Gao Shaoyuan thought about it, many houses here have been opened up.

In short, this is the core place of Hetu manufacturing, and it is also the place with the strictest security measures.

If it can't be strictly kept secret, the products developed by the laboratory here will be leaked in the first time, so how can it be successful?

At this moment, in a spacious room, there is a concrete transport pump quietly placed.The transport pump was painted red and stood like a giant steel beast.

"Yes, this is the concrete transport pump I want!"

Zhao Shanhe caressed the transportation pump, and asked happily: "Old Gao, have you done any experiments in your laboratory? What is the power of this transportation pump? How long is the effective use time of the parts? How long have you been working?"

Faced with these problems, Gao Shaoyuan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, handed over a booklet with a bright face, and said with a smile: "Director, all the data you want are here."

"I can say responsibly that the quality of our concrete pumps is impeccable, and all parts are made of the highest specification materials."

"Of course you said that as long as it is a machine, there will be damage and consumption, but I can guarantee that as long as our transportation pump is used according to the manual, there will be no problems within three years."

"Three years? Good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded in satisfaction, walked around the transport pump, stroking fondly and said: "Old Gao, okay, with this transport pump here, we can have a good job. And this transport pump It will also be the stepping stone for us to pry open the door of construction machinery, and we will make a good fuss about construction machinery in the future.”

"Yes!" Gao Shaoyuan replied loudly.

Construction machinery is Zhao Shanhe's goal for Hetu Manufacturing. He would not say that he wants to spend his whole life around hardware products. That kind of Hetu Manufacturing is not what he wants.It is not impossible to make hardware products, but it is a branch line, and the main line must be clear.

The main line is large construction machinery.

He wanted to turn Hetu Manufacturing into China's heavy industry group, and only in this way could he make an insignificant contribution to the development of the motherland's machinery industry.

"Old Gao, according to our current situation, when will the concrete transportation pump be mass-produced?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It depends on how to say it. If we say that purchasing parts for assembly can save a lot of time, so that we can mass-produce at any time."

"But I don't recommend doing this, at least not all of them. We can purchase some insignificant parts, but the core parts, such as engines and transmission belts, have to be purchased by ourselves."

Gao Shaoyuan snapped his fingers while talking.

"Based on this calculation, we need to purchase a batch of production equipment to form our production line, plus worker training and some miscellaneous things, the total will not exceed one month, that is, in April, we will start mass production as soon as possible. "

"Is it April?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said: "Yes, you are right, this matter cannot be done rashly, and all preparations must be done well, so that there will be no such and such troubles when it goes into production. And before that, you can find a way to tinker with me to make a few as samples, and I have to take the samples out to sell."


After Gao Shaoyuan quickly agreed, he suddenly frowned and said, "Director, I received news that a new product has been developed by Hongxing Machinery Factory, and it will be put into production soon. Do you know about this?"

"You mean the concrete mixer?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Gao Shaoyuan said: "It's the concrete mixer. I don't know what Hongxing Machinery thinks, but it can produce this kind of product."

"However, as far as I know, if they are really successful, Red Star Machinery may be able to rely on this to make a comeback. After all, it is now in a hot age of infrastructure construction, and this kind of machine should be in short supply."

"It's better to be tight!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, and said indifferently: "He is Hongxing Machinery Factory, and we are manufactured by Hetu. He has no obligation to listen to us, and we have no way to order him to do anything."

"But Lao Gao, don't you think our concrete delivery pump is pretty good, and it just goes with the concrete mixer?"


After Gao Shaoyuan was slightly stunned, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I see. What you mean is that if we let the concrete mixer give us free publicity, as long as the company or unit they sold in the past will definitely buy our concrete pump?"


Zhao Shanhe chuckled.

"I didn't expect Shen Ziliang to do this, and he wouldn't have thought that we would develop a transfer pump. If so, let's give them a chance, and if possible, help them promote it. You know the concrete mixer The more popular the sales are, the more popular our delivery pumps will be.”

Gao Shaoyuan thumped his palms, his eyes brightened: "Understood, let's step on the shoulders of Hongxing Machinery Factory. After this craze is stirred up, we can even develop an all-in-one machine for concrete mixers and transfer pumps."

Zhao Shanhe clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "That makes sense! Then let's wait for them to charge forward!"

Then he said with a serious attitude: "However, two more samples must be assembled as soon as possible, and this matter must be kept strictly confidential, and a password must be issued to everyone in the laboratory."



Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Ji Mingjian looked at Shen Ziliang with admiration in his eyes now. When he was first asked to produce concrete mixers, he had some opinions and resistance.

But the facts proved that Shen Ziliang didn't just talk about it casually, as long as it was a blender produced, he could sell all of them, and the sales were very good.

This is enough.

As long as you can make money, be profitable, and lead Hongxing Machinery out of the predicament, you can talk about anything.

"Ji Mingjian, we have already negotiated an order with Jiandu Mining. Their first batch of orders is one hundred units. You must complete these mixers on time." Shen Ziliang said lightly, crossing his legs.

"Yes! I will definitely deliver on time."

Ji Mingjian nodded and said, "There is one more thing I want to confirm with you."

"What's the matter?" Shen Ziliang looked over casually.

"Do we really want to produce non-ferrous metal solder and mining pumps? You must know that these are products made by Hetu, and they also have a very mature market. If we enter rashly, I am worried that sales will be a problem."

"Besides, Zhao Shanhe is not a kind person. If he knows what we have done, he will definitely be angry." Ji Mingjian said worriedly.

He really didn't expect this to happen.

In his opinion, now that Hongxing Machinery has a concrete mixer product, it can barely gain a foothold, it can be responsible for its own profits and losses, and it can explain to all workers, but why bother to provoke Zhao Shanhe?

This practice is dangerous.

So even though he knew that such a question would make Shen Ziliang unhappy, he still asked.After all, no matter what, he is still the nominal factory director of Hongxing Machinery.


After Shen Ziliang heard this, he sneered disapprovingly.

"Even if he gets angry, what can he do? Does he dare to start a war against us? Even if he wants to start a war, are we still afraid that he will not succeed? Ji Mingjian, you must know that the current Red Star Machinery has long been different from before. Now you are a joint venture, with foreign capital backing you up, what else do you have to be afraid of?"

Ji Mingjian frowned slightly: "But we don't have to."

"Who said it wasn't necessary?"

After hearing this, Shen Ziliang's eyes flashed with contempt, and he said lazily: "You don't really think that a concrete mixer alone can support such a large Hongxing Machinery Factory? Let me tell you, It's not even close! Unless you're willing to lay off staff, you'd better listen to me."


Ji Mingjian hurriedly waved his hands: "No, I'm willing to listen to you."

Of course he didn't want to do that.If layoffs really happen, the problem will be even more troublesome.

"That's right."

Shen Ziliang leaned back on the chair and said comfortably: "I said, Lao Ji, don't even think about it. Since I dare to do this, can sales be a problem? Don't worry! And I'm not afraid to tell you clearly, because these products are all It is the flagship product made by Hetu, and they have already opened the market, so I want to produce it."

"This at least saves us the cost of publicity."

"And as long as these products can be promoted, our Red Star Machinery will be able to benefit. With benefits, you can also explain to those workers, don't you think so?"

"Yes, you are right, I will listen to you. But these products require production technology, do we have it?" Ji Mingjian asked worriedly, frowning.


Shen Ziliang said confidently: "We not only have the production technology, but also the production line. Just watch, all the production equipment will be transported in these two days. What you have to do is to train me a batch of workers as soon as possible , I want the equipment to be put into use on the day it is installed and debugged.”

"So anxious?" Ji Mingjian was stunned.

"Time waits for me."

Shen Ziliang sat on the chair, slowly sat up straight, stood up slowly, stared at Ji Mingjian and said, "Just do what I say, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

"Okay!" Ji Mingjian felt resentment welling up from the bottom of his heart.

After all, he is the director of the Red Star Machinery Factory, and he is the top executive in charge here, but who would have thought that Shen Ziliang would be so bossy now.If it wasn't for him to bear it, it would have exploded long ago.

No way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

What surprised Ji Mingjian was that he had thought that this matter would have to be delayed for a while, but who would have thought that all the equipment would be delivered in two days, and the trained workers would start production in such a hurry.

And this incident reached Zhao Shanhe's ears immediately.

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