Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 935 Society is a big dye vat

"Mr. Yang!"

Seeing someone walking in from the hotel entrance, Huang Zhufeng stepped forward, with a haughty expression on his face just now, but now he has become servile.

Mr. Yang?

That's right, the person who walked in from the outside was Yang Jiuding, the boss of Dingsheng Chemical, and a group of men in suits and leather shoes followed him, talking to him like a star.

After seeing Huang Zhufeng suddenly, Yang Jiuding's expression was a little dazed, and he didn't expect to meet Huang Zhufeng here.

"So it's Mr. Huang, why are you here?"

Huang Zhufeng was overjoyed: "It is said that Mr. Yang has a good memory, and it is true. He did not expect to remember me. I am here to accompany my fiancée to a party. Xiaoxin, come, this is the Mr. Yang I told you about. See you soon."

As soon as he waved, Luo Xin came over and said with a smile on his face, "Mr. Yang, I am Huang Zhufeng's fiancée Luo Xin. Nice to meet you."

"Hello there!"

Yang Jiuding nodded politely. Just as he was about to continue talking, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he missed the two of them and came in front of Zhao Shanhe. Then, in the astonished eyes of everyone, he put his arms around Zhao Shanhe's shoulders. He smiled and said, "Brother, why are you here?"

"Brother Yang, Happy New Year!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Happy New Year, Happy New Year, haha, I also said that I asked you to come and have a sit-down. I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence. How is it? Do you have anything to do? If it's okay, let's sit and sit together? It's just right Introduce some friends." Yang Jiuding said and pointed to the people behind him.

"I accompanied Qiuya to the party, but I'm fine now. Since Brother Yang said so, let's sit together." Zhao Shanhe said frankly.


Yang Jiuding subconsciously looked at Huang Zhufeng.

"Are you together?"

"No, no, I don't dare to climb up to other people. They just said that they want to take me around and give me a chance to make money. Do you think I can be on the same level as Huang Zong?" Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

Yang Jiuding: "..."

The bosses who followed Yang Jiuding were also dumbfounded.

What?Huang Zhufeng actually said that he wanted to bring Zhao Shanhe along?You also said that you want to give people a chance to make money?no?What on earth are you thinking?With your wealth and status, you are not worthy to lift Zhao Shanhe's shoes. How dare you speak such nonsense?

At this moment, Huang Zhufeng was also dumbfounded.

What do you mean?

Isn't Zhao Shanhe just a second-hand dealer?How did you know Yang Jiuding?And the two are still brothers?

You must know that I only greeted Yang Jiuding once at a reception, and this is considered to be a one-time relationship, but he is so familiar with him. Judging by Zhao Shanhe's attitude, there is no flattering attitude at all. It's even a little bit on an equal footing.

This is too exaggerated, right?

Luo Xin was also dazed.

Isn't it said that Zhao Shanhe is a rogue?Didn't it mean that Li Qiuya was going to divorce him?Why did Zhao Shanhe suddenly become so powerful?

"Gao Pan?"

Yang Jiuding is such a shrewd person, he can see the trickiness in it at a glance, and when he looks at Huang Zhufeng again, there is already a little contempt and ridicule in his eyes.

Huang Zhufeng, Huang Zhufeng, you really have blind eyes, you put such a good relationship aside and don't make friends, and you ruin it for life, what do you want me to say about you?But it doesn't matter, since you have this kind of impression in Zhao Shanhe's heart, then there is no need for us to continue dating, I don't want to make Zhao Shanhe feel bad because of you.

"Brother, do you want me to handle this matter?" Yang Jiuding's expression darkened, and he pointed at Huang Zhufeng and asked Zhao Shanhe.

"Need not."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "There's no need to spoil your good mood because of a few jumping grasshoppers. Brother Yang, let's go have a drink or two."

"it is good!"

After saying that, Yang Jiuding took Zhao Shanhe and the others away.

There were only a few people left in the hall looking at each other.

"Luo Xin, tell me honestly, what exactly does Zhao Shanhe do? How did he know Yang Jiuding? And it seems that they have a good relationship?" Huang Zhufeng asked eagerly.

"I really don't know." Luo Xin was about to cry.

"I don't know? You don't know anything. Do you know that because of your stupidity, you are going to kill me this time." Huang Zhufeng shook his hands and walked out.

He is not in the mood to settle accounts with Luo Xin now, he must try his best to restore his relationship with Yang Jiuding.Because he knew that his investment in Handong City would not be possible without Yang Jiuding.

"How could this happen?" Luo Xin was stunned for a while, and after recovering, she hurriedly chased after her like crazy.

The rest of the people immediately chattered.

"What's going on here? Could it be that we all misjudged it?"

"No, I remembered, and I said that the name Zhao Shanhe seemed a little familiar, but I didn't expect them to be the same person."


"Zhao Shanhe is the owner of Hetu Manufacturing and Shanqiu Foods. Zhao Xiaobai's winery is also owned by others. Even Blue Bird Glass is his factory. Oh, I'm really confused this time. You say we are guarding If you don't cherish such a good resource, but insist on flattering Huang Zhufeng, it's all over."

Several people on the spot were all stunned.


Zhao Shanhe has no time to pay attention to what Huang Zhufeng and the others think, he just drinks with Yang Jiuding with peace of mind.Just like what Yang Jiuding said, the few people who came with me this time are all from the business district of Handong City, so it is a good thing to get to know each other.Not to mention anything else, it is right to have multiple friends and multiple paths after all.

Flower sedan chairs are carried by everyone.

Li Qiuya was sitting next to her, eating food by herself, on occasions like this, with Zhao Shanhe around, she would not show her face in public, and there was no need for it.

Several people were chatting, Yang Jiuding suddenly put down his wine glass and said, "Brother, there is something that you can help me with?"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe stopped his chopsticks and asked.

"I know you have a logistics company that specializes in transportation, right?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "Yes."

"The thing is like this, I have a batch of goods that need to be shipped out within a week. Originally, this matter was not difficult, but the transportation company I cooperated with suddenly had an accident, so I am in a hurry .”

"At this reception tonight, I also want to ask some of them to see if they can help. I just didn't expect to meet you."

"Since I met you, it means I am lucky. Do you think this can help?"

Yang Jiuding looked over expectantly.

"In terms of logistics and transportation..."

Zhao Shanhe thought for a while, and then said in Yang Jiuding's expectant eyes: "Brother Yang, since you are the one to speak, it's no problem, you tell me about this in detail, and I'll find a way to arrange it."

"it is good."

Yang Jiuding was overjoyed, and hurriedly talked about it. After listening to it, Zhao Shanhe called Han Chunming in front of Yang Jiuding and told him to go on with the matter.

"Yes, factory manager, tomorrow our transportation team will go to Dingsheng Chemical, and we will guarantee to deliver all chemical products to the place within three days."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, shook his big brother at Yang Jiuding, and said with a smile, "Brother Yang, it's done."

Yang Jiuding clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "That's great!"

He was really overjoyed, and he just tried his luck to mention this matter to Zhao Shanhe, but he didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe could really do it.And if it can be done this time, will they be able to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe in the future?After all, Zhao Shanhe's Jilu Logistics has always had a good reputation.

"Brother, do you think we can cooperate for a long time in the future? Don't worry, you can pay the freight as you like. I won't take advantage of you, brother. I only have one request. Within the specified time, I will pay you safely. I will deliver the goods to here." Yang Jiuding said.

"no problem!"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Brother Yang, I've been thinking about finding some partners for Jilu Logistics recently. Since you said so, then we can be regarded as a formal cooperation."

"it is good!"

And as Yang Jiuding's voice fell, the rest of the bosses also started talking.

They also want to cooperate with Jilu Logistics. As for whether they really need Jilu Logistics, it is secondary to them. They just want to take this opportunity to build a relationship with Zhao Shanhe.

After all, there is no reason for them to miss a person who can make Yang Jiuding pay so much attention to him.

Faced with such requests, Zhao Shanhe agreed to them all.

Anyway, Jilu Logistics needs to change its business thinking recently, so let's start now.

A meal was enjoyable.

Zhao Shanhe did not return to Zhenghe County that night, but stayed in Handong City with Li Qiuya.

The Presidential Suite at the Hilton Hotel.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Li Qiuya who was sitting in front of him, with a gentle and elegant smile.Thinking of what happened tonight, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, and said gently: "Qiu Ya, do you think Luo Xin will be friends with you in the future?"

"never mind."

Holding a water glass in her hand, Li Qiuya said calmly: "Whether she will be friends with me is her business, but I won't be friends with her. I really didn't expect, A person will become like this after only three or four years in society. She was not like this before, but now she is so snobbish."

"Society was originally a big dye vat."

Zhao Shanhe sat on the sofa and said in a light tone: "No matter what you were before, as long as you step in, you will be infected. It's just that some people can continue to keep their original intentions unchanged, while others will join forces. To be honest, I am not surprised that Luo Xin will become like this after following people like Huang Zhufeng."

"I'm surprised that not only Luo Xin is like this, but also the rest of your friends seem to be wrong."

"Yeah, when they were in the hotel box, you didn't see that appearance. They were all flattering and flattering towards Huang Zhufeng. In their eyes, Huang Zhufeng was a piece of fat, and everyone wanted to bite into it. "

Li Qiuya shook her head, and said with some disappointment: "I naively thought that tonight was just a pure gathering of friends, but I didn't expect that such a gathering would be a demon mirror, showing these demons and ghosts."

"Shanhe, I won't participate in such activities in the future."

"Don't kill yourself with a hammer, there are some who keep their original intentions." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Very little."

After Li Qiuya took two sips of water, her eyes slowly became clear.

"Let's not talk about them. Anyway, the matter is over. Tell me about your next work arrangement?"

"Working arrangements?"

Zhao Shanhe came over, hugged Li Qiuya, and said with a big smile in her affectionate eyes: "My job now is to take good care of our mother, mother, it's time for us to go to bed."

"Screw you."


Sixth grade.

With the arrival of the fifth day, people in many places began to return to work.Although they also want to reunite with their families, but after all, you have to work, right?You have to support your family, how else would you live?

Zhao Shanhe is no exception.

I have paid my respects for the year that should be paid, and then I should devote myself to work.Shanqiu Food and Hetu Manufacturing factories don't need to worry about it. His focus is still on Yougu Dojo. Of course, Liu Benhui is there, which saves him a lot of trouble.

Everything is developing in an orderly manner.

Time soon came to the tenth day of the lunar new year.

This day, Zhao Shanhe just went to work, Cai Shishi walked in, and said with a surprised expression: "Director, there is someone outside who wants to see you, and he has been waiting for half an hour."

"Who?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"He said his name was Huang Zhufeng."

"Huang Zhufeng?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being taken aback, and stopped the movements of his hands, why did he come here to see me?In fact, on the night of the fifth day, Zhao Shanhe already knew the details of Huang Zhufeng from Yang Jiuding's mouth.

What bullshit is [-] million cash invested in real estate!

Pure bullshit.

Huang Zhufeng is a businessman with a little money, and he doesn't have a business yet, what he does is a broker's business.In the past, there were still some connections in the family that could be used. In the past two years, with the decline of the Huang family, the previous connections have been broken one after another.Otherwise, do you think he would follow Luo Xin to Handong City?

He came here to try his luck, to see if he could find any good investment projects.

After all, the money in his hand was not blown by the wind. Even if he wanted to invest, he had to be cautious and not dare to make any mistakes.

"Let him in!"

Zhao Shanhe didn't want to meet this kind of person at first, but after thinking about it, he is Luo Xin's fiancé after all, and Luo Xin is Li Qiuya's friend, so he didn't need to do anything wrong, so he called in to hear the purpose of his coming Besides.

Huang Zhufeng was quickly brought in.

As soon as he entered the office, the moment he saw Zhao Shanhe, Huang Zhufeng couldn't help bending his back subconsciously, walked forward with a smile, and stretched out his hands.

"Hello, Director Zhao."

"What do you want from me?" Zhao Shanhe asked calmly, ignoring Huang Zhufeng's outstretched hands.

"I just wanted to come to meet Director Zhao." Huang Zhufeng smiled awkwardly, and retracted his hand in embarrassment.

"Just like that? Now that you've seen it, you can go."

Zhao Shanhe didn't have the slightest intention to hold back, turned around and walked towards the desk, not taking Huang Zhufeng seriously at all.I let you in because I wanted to see why you came, but now it seems that letting you in is unnecessary.

What can you do?

"Don't tell me, Director Zhao, I have something to say." Huang Zhufeng quickly restrained his smile after seeing Zhao Shanhe's attitude, and said in a somewhat hasty tone.

"Really? There is something to talk about." Zhao Shanhe sat down, leaned back on the back of the chair, looked over calmly, and said bluntly.

"What I want to say is..."

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