
The book that Zhao Shanhe read is the representative work of Mr. Chen, a masterpiece created by him with all his painstaking efforts.

You must know that Mr. Chen spent six years just for this book, and the difficulties he experienced during the period were far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Although "White Deer Plain" became popular later on, Mr. Chen deserved it, and he deserved it.

In his previous life, Zhao Shanhe had read this book from beginning to end, and when he read it now, he was very moved.But just as he picked up the book and was about to review it carefully, a surprised voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Do you like this book too?"

like too?

Zhao Shanhe followed the voice and saw a woman about his age appeared in front of him.She was wearing a white down jacket and a high ponytail, with a surprised expression on her fair and delicate face.

"You like it too?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"Yes, I like it too. I've read some before, but I haven't finished it. But as far as I know, not everyone likes to read this kind of novel. Why do you like it?" The girl with ponytails opened her watery eyes big eyes, asked curiously.

"I just like reading novels."

Zhao Shanhe held "White Deer Plain" with a warm smile on his face: "Compared with reading those chicken soup for the soul, I think reading novels is a kind of enjoyment. You must know that every novel is an author's life experience. Read a book A novel is equivalent to watching a person's life, do you think there is anything more beautiful than this kind of thing?"

"What you said makes some sense, but do you really know what this book is about?" The girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, nodded unconsciously, and then blinked her eyes again and asked.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe stroked the book and said with a smile: "This novel was written by Mr. Chen with the background of Bailu Village on Bailuyuan in the Sanqin Guanzhong area. It is about two big families with the surnames Bai and Lu. If you want to understand the events from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the 80s and [-]s of this century, just read this novel."

The girl exclaimed: "You really know, I thought you just picked it up to put on a show."

"Actually, I also think this book is very well written, but I don't know if it can be made into a TV series in the future."

The girl said with a look of expectation.



Zhao Shanhe said firmly: "Don't worry, this book will not only be made into a TV series, but also into a movie, drama, dance drama, Qin Opera, etc. At that time, many people will read this book Book."

"That's daring."

The girl also picked up a copy of "White Deer Plain", and suddenly stretched out her right hand to Zhao Shanhe: "Get to know me, my name is Lin Jiuhuang, you can call me Xiaojiu."

"Little Nine?"

Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised, but he held the girl's hand politely and said calmly, "Nice to meet you, my name is Zhao Shanhe!"

"Zhao Shanhe? Alright, I remember you. You read the book, I won't bother you."

"it is good!"

After watching it for about half an hour, Zhao Shanhe's big brother rang suddenly, and after answering, Li Qiuya's voice came from next to his ear.

"I'm going to go, you wait for me in the lobby."

"it is good!"

It's only been half an hour. Are you leaving now?Although Zhao Shanhe said he was a little surprised, he didn't think much about it. After putting the book away, he got up and walked outside.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's back disappear from his eyes, the corners of Lin Jiuhuang's mouth slightly raised.

"Zhao Shanhe, so you are Zhao Shanhe! I didn't expect you to be so young!"


When Zhao Shanhe came to the hall, Li Qiuya was already standing here, but there were still a few people standing beside her.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe approaching, Li Qiuya smiled and stepped forward.

"Why did you leave so quickly?" Zhao Shanhe glanced at him and asked in a low voice.

"There is something temporary." Li Qiuya said in a low voice.

"it is good."

Zhao Shanhe didn't ask any further questions. He took Li Qiuya's hand, smiled at Luo Xin and the others who came out, and said, "Everyone, since your party is over so soon, let's go first."

"Don't tell me, you're Zhao Shanhe, right? I've heard Qiuya talk about you, but I haven't seen you once. I finally met a real person today, why don't you just leave like this? At least you have to get to know us Next." Luo Xin glanced at her and said pointedly.


Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback, and said unmoved: "You are?"

"She is Luo Xin, and the person next to her is her fiancé Huang Zhufeng, and the rest of them are also my friends. They are respectively..." Li Qiuya, who originally wanted to leave directly, saw this, but could only be Stay here to introduce Zhao Shanhe.After she finished speaking, she took the initiative to take Zhao Shanhe's arm.

"He is my man, Zhao Shanhe!"

"You are Zhao Shanhe? I thought that Qiuya praised you so much just now. You are so powerful. You have three heads and six arms. I didn't expect that to be the case." Luo Xin said arrogantly.

"Luo Xin, you!"

Just as Li Qiuya wanted to show off her power, Zhao Shanhe patted her arm, signaled that it was okay, and then said with a smile: "What do you mean? Do you think you are making a movie? I am just an ordinary person."

"I can see that you are very ordinary. But since you are Qiuya's husband, we are all friends. Since we are friends, I don't mind showing you the way."

"I heard from Qiuya that you are now running a small business by yourself and supporting your family by being a second-hand dealer. I said brother, how can this be done? Even if you work for a lifetime, you will not be able to live a good life for Qiuya."

Huang Zhufeng showed arrogance on his face, with a burning cigarette between his fingers, he squinted his eyes and glanced at Zhao Shanhe and said, "Why don't you hang out with me?"

"Follow you?"

After Zhao Shanhe was slightly stunned, he suddenly took a look full of deep meaning, and said with a smile: "Okay, I will follow you if I follow you, but I don't know what you do?"

Seeing Zhao Shanhe like this, Li Qiuya knew he must be angry.Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that he is so playful, but she has no intention of discouraging it, since Zhao Shanhe wants to play, let him play.

Who made you, Huang Zhufeng, just open your mouth and call Qiuya, shut up and call Qiuya, you can call Qiuya too?Now that you have called, be prepared to pay the price.

"What do I do?"

Huang Zhufeng looked around at everyone behind him, laughed, and said proudly: "I tell you, I'm in the real estate business. Real estate is very hot now, and I'm going to buy a piece of land in Handong City to build a building. You, just follow me , to ensure that you can get along well."

Real estate is hot?

Zhao Shanhe smiled disapprovingly from the bottom of his heart. You are right to say something about future generations, but in this era, even if there is real estate, it is not as exaggerated as you say.

But it is true that those who can engage in real estate are not short of money.

It seems that Huang Zhufeng still has some background.

"That's right, let me tell you, our Boss Huang is a big boss with a lot of money, and a little drip between his fingernails is enough for you to eat and drink."

"Zhao Shanhe, you should quickly thank Mr. Huang."

"Boss Huang, looking at his appearance, he should have been frightened stupid, but think about it, not everyone has such a good opportunity."

The husbands of the rest of the people saw the opportunity and started to brag again.

They looked at Zhao Shanhe with disdain in their eyes, and they were also very annoyed at Li Qiuya in their hearts.What a great opportunity you said tonight, as long as Huang Zhufeng can be served well, are you afraid that there will be no benefit from them?But you, Li Qiuya, insist on leaving right away. It's only been half an hour, and the chair under your buttocks is not warm, so why are you in a hurry?

If you leave, do you think Luo Xin will still be here?

Once she leaves, Huang Zhufeng will definitely leave with her. If they all leave, what will we do?If you want to find such a good opportunity in the future, will you still find it?So they have opinions on Li Qiuya, and they are even more hostile to Zhao Shanhe.

"You guys, don't say that. In fact, I'm just planning to take out [-] million cash for fun this time, without thinking too much. Zhao Shanhe, do you think you want to hang out with me?" Huang Zhufeng said happily .

When he said this, he glanced at Li Qiuya intentionally or unintentionally, the meaning was very simple, look, I am much stronger than your family now, right?How good I am, it's better to follow me if you follow him.

"You guys are going too far!" Li Qiuya glanced over in a cold voice.

"[-] million cash?"

In Li Qiuya's sullen anger, Zhao Shanhe looked at Huang Zhufeng in some surprise, and then subconsciously shook his head.

I didn't expect to meet a braggart, do you really think that [-] million cash is straw paper?No, even if it is [-] million sheets of paper, that is not a small sum.How dare you say it out of your mouth?

And what annoyed Zhao Shanhe the most was that he caught Huang Zhufeng's lewd eyes.He also finally understood why Li Qiuya didn't bother to continue pretending after sitting for half an hour. If it were him, he wouldn't even bother to stay for a minute, let alone half an hour.

What the hell?

Just like you, you still want to miss my daughter-in-law?

You don't take a pee to take care of yourself!

"I really didn't expect that Mr. Huang could come up with [-] million cash at once. Tsk tsk, you are really bold. But you have such a big stall, I won't join in the fun. If you want to take care of it, isn't it Do you have any of these people? They can't wait to work with you, so you just let them follow you."

Zhao Shanhe sneered, squinted, took Li Qiuya's hand, turned around and walked out.

"Let's go home."

"it is good!"


Seeing that Li Qiuya was about to leave like this, Luo Xin quickly stepped forward to block the path of the two of them, and then said to Li Qiuya with some displeasure: "Qiuya, what are you doing? We either made an agreement when we came down, or The one who accompanied you to pick up Zhao Shanhe, why did you just open your mouth and say you want to leave? What a disappointment!"

"And you, Zhao Shanhe. Since you are Qiuya's husband, you should attend more parties like ours and get to know Qiuya's friends like us. Don't always think that you are running a small business and guarding your one-acre three-point land , I feel that I am very powerful, but in fact you are nothing."

"Tell me, our Zhufeng family has good intentions and wants to earn money with you. Why did you refuse because of your ridiculous self-esteem? How dare you refuse?"

Huang Zhufeng stepped forward, hugged Luo Xin, ignored the eyes of the others, raised his chin at Zhao Shanhe, and said proudly: "My Xiaoxin is right!"

"Zhao Shanhe, I have no other intentions. I just want to lead you to earn more money. If you can earn money, Qiuya can also live a good life, right? Why do you bite Lu Dongbin like a dog? You don't know good people. .”

"Tsk tsk!"

Speaking of which, Huang Zhufeng shook his head, and said, "I really feel sorry for Qiuya. You said that she is such an excellent person, but why did she marry someone like you?"


"Luo Xin! Are you crazy?"

Suddenly being blocked from the road, and then being reprimanded like this, the anger that Li Qiuya had been holding back for a long time burned up.

She really regarded Luo Xin as a friend, that's why she came to the party.But I didn't expect that Luo Xin, whom I hadn't seen for many years, was no longer the same as before, and she turned out to be so strange.

Strangers are strangers.

You even say that I can do whatever I want, but why do you say Zhao Shanhe?

who do you think You Are?Who do you Huang Zhufeng think you are?Isn't he just an investor?Don't say that you haven't invested in real estate construction yet, even if you really invest in construction, so what?

It's not that our family, Shanhe, has never been involved in real estate!

You go out and ask, how did Xingchi Real Estate, which was in full swing in Zhongzhou City, decline?

"I came here to the party today because I thought we were friends, but I didn't expect you to say such a thing. You really disappointed me. Since you said that, then we have nothing to talk about. From now on, you will eat delicious food and drink spicy food with your real estate boss, and we will not violate the river water."

Li Qiuya's face was cold and her words were sharp.

"Qiu Ya!"

"I'm not finished yet."

Li Qiuya interrupted Luo Xin on the spot, then looked at Huang Zhufeng, and said mockingly: "And you, I'm talking to you because you are Luo Xin's fiancé, but I also ask you to keep your mouth shut, don't Mouth full of shit."

"What kind of dog bites Lu Dongbin, it doesn't know good people, have we begged you for help?"

"It's a pity that you open your mouth and shut up. You are not me. How do you know if I am doing well? Let me tell you, I am doing well now! Besides, it is not up to you, a stranger, to worry about my affairs. You don't care Just do your own business, don't eat carrots and worry about it!"

Strong and awe-inspiring.


Li Qiuya's aura is fully open now, and she doesn't pay attention to Luo Xin and Huang Zhufeng at all.Don't say that she is famous now, even if she is not, she absolutely does not allow anyone to humiliate Zhao Shanhe.

My man can only be bullied by me, what are you guys?

Luo Xin was stunned.

Huang Zhufeng was stunned.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned.

They never dreamed that Li Qiuya, who has always been very gentle, would go crazy like this. Looking at her current appearance, she is really aggressive. If anyone dares to say a bad word about Zhao Shanhe, she will really retaliate wildly.

"Li Qiuya, are you crazy?"

Luo Xin, who had recovered from her surprise, was blushing and raised her arms to retort.

At this time, Huang Zhufeng suddenly looked behind Zhao Shanhe, his expression changed slightly.

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