Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 931 What qualifications do you have to say this chapter?

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law? I said you said this a bit early? It's uncertain whether we can get married. It's not appropriate to call it like this now?"

Not suitable?

What Li Baojiang said proudly made everyone's expressions change slightly.What's the meaning?You have all come to Xiangjia, so there are still variables in this matter?

Yes, our address may be a bit advanced, but isn't this to show closeness?We didn't say we wanted to take advantage.Thinking of this, Lin Chuntang controlled the anger in his heart, and said with an apologetic smile: "My father-in-law was joking, since you don't like this name, then I'll change it, Brother Li, let's go in."

"Don't mind, this door, you can't enter so casually."

Li Baojiang fended off Lin Chuntang who came to hold his hand, glanced at Lin Chuntang, and said slowly: "According to the rules in our place, when you come to the Xiang's house, you have to have a red envelope, at least you have to start at six hundred and sixty. "

"Don't you have any?"

"A red envelope for entering the door?"

Everyone was stunned now.

What's the meaning?Is there still this custom?Never heard of it.Where is there a Xiangjia who also has a red envelope for entry?I haven't heard of it even in Handong City. This is nonsense, right?

Li Na's complexion couldn't help changing, and she lowered her voice and said, "Dad, what are you doing? Didn't we all agree when we came here, and today we only talk about family and nothing else?"

"Did I say something else? I didn't say anything, did I? I just talked about the customs over there, isn't that okay? Shut up!" Li Baojiang glared fiercely.

"Me!" Li Na was speechless.

"What are you? Don't forget that you are not married yet. Even if you are really married, she is still my daughter. I, Li Baojiang, brought you up with shit and urine."

Li Baojiang's words immediately blocked Li Na's mouth, even if she had resentment, she dared not speak it out.

Tan Nanhua just stood there without saying a word.

This one is really superb.

When Zhao Shanhe saw this scene, he was speechless. Just as he was about to speak, Lin Chuntang said first: "Brother, I really don't know that you still have such a custom, but since you opened your mouth, I always I can't let you lose face. Okay, I will give you the six hundred and sixty-six red envelopes later."

"Do you think it's okay?"

"Let's go in and talk."

"It's almost there."

After Li Baojiang grumbled, he walked into the room.

"Shanhe, this Li Na's father is clearly making things difficult on purpose. Why have I never heard of such a custom? Didn't we say that we didn't attend the wedding? Isn't this just looking for trouble?" Li Qiuya walked at the end After seeing such a situation, he shook his head helplessly and said.

"Yeah, it's just making things difficult on purpose."

Zhao Shanhe nodded, looked at Li Baojiang's back and said, "But even if we know it's making things difficult, we can't say anything else. Listen to me, you and the two of you. This is not your business. It has nothing to do with it." When it comes to brother Chaoyang's lifelong event, no matter what happens in a while, don't interrupt."


Li Qiuya, Zhao Lin and Zhao Shanchuan all agreed.

Although they said they were very annoyed, Zhao Shanhe was right, this matter is related to Lin Chaoyang's life, his cousin doesn't speak up, others are willing, so he can't do bad things.

"Sister, I think it's better to be Shan Kai's sister Saihua." Zhao Shanchuan said in a low voice.

"Is it good or not, you little brat, don't think about these things." Zhao Lin directly twisted Zhao Shanchuan's ears, and taught him a good lesson while grinning.

inside the house.neglect

The round table in the center has already placed delicious food and wine, waiting for Li Baojiang and the others to come.Now that it's here, Lin Chuntang greets everyone to sit down quickly.

Of course, Zhao Yonghao is not idle. For things like this, it is better for him to come forward than Lin Chuntang. After all, there is a middleman who can buffer it.

After everyone sat down, Zhao Yonghao poured wine with a smile.

"Brother Li, come, try our wine, made from pure grain."

"Zhao Xiaobai, I know, I drank it."

The moment Li Baojiang saw the wine bottle, his eyes lit up.

As a senior alcoholic, he recognized it at a glance. The wine in front of him was not cheap, and it was a high-quality product of Zhao Xiaobai's sorghum wine series.It's just that he said it lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

Zhao Yong said in a good voice, "Don't be afraid after drinking it, just keep trying."

"Don't worry about drinking, let's talk about business first."

Seeing that Zhao Yonghao was about to pour wine for himself, Li Baojiang quickly covered the empty wine glass in front of him with his palm, grabbed it, and put it in the hand far away from Zhao Yong. After scanning the audience, he directed at Lin Chuntang and Bao Xiaofang and his wife said: "As for me, I am here today because of Xiang's family."

"Our Xiangjia is not an engagement, and there must be an engagement banquet for an engagement. This Xiangjia, it is to discuss all the things that need to be discussed before the engagement banquet. I say that, do you understand?"


Lin Chuntang smiled calmly.

"Let's talk about things, brother. As long as we can do it, we will definitely do it."

"Then I'll just say it."

Li Baojiang said proudly: "When I called before, I also said my conditions, and now I will repeat it again."

"If you want to marry Xiaona from our family, you have to buy a house in Handong City, have a car worth no less than 10 yuan, and get a gift money of [-] yuan. Of course, like the other three The money, the money for getting off the sedan chair, these are also indispensable, and they have to be counted separately."

"How do you think about it? Can I agree to the conditions I raised? If yes, then I have no objection to their marriage. If your family sets a date, we can handle things at any time. But if you don't agree, That’s another matter to talk about.”

Lin Chuntang looked at the dish in front of him, without any hesitation, and said calmly: "Brother, let me tell you this, if the conditions you set out, if our family can come up with them, I promise not to blink." Just take it out."

"After all, you are right. Xiaona is the girl you support so much. There is no reason to say that she is married so casually. You must have the proper manners."

He knew that he would have to face this matter sooner or later, so it would be better to say it earlier than later.


"But what?" Li Baojiang's face darkened.

"But our family's situation is not as good as you think. Our family really can't afford so much money for a while."

"What's more, I also hope that you can understand me, brother. This requirement is indeed a bit high. If I say yes, it will be equivalent to setting a precedent for our inspection town. After this is known, They would poke me in the spine and curse."

"Please understand." Lin Chuntang's eyes were full of sincerity.

"Poke your spine and scold me? I said your reason is a bit too much? Why are they scolding you for poking your spine? Can they scold you?" Li Baojiang said angrily.

"You're right, they can really be scolded."

Bao Xiaofang interjected and said, "If we agree to these conditions, what will happen if someone in the town gets married in the future and the woman makes the same conditions? Isn't this putting us on the fire? We have to go on patrol in the future." Jian Zhenhuo, you can't say that you will offend all the men who want to get married, can you?"


Hearing this, Li Baojiang slammed the table and said angrily: "Excuses are all excuses. You are just making excuses. Let me tell you, I don't accept this reason. I don't care about your affairs. You must fulfill the conditions just stated, if you can't, then don't get married."

"You are a bit domineering." Bao Xiaofang said with frost on her face.

"Why do I make things difficult for others? Your family has no money and still wants to marry a wife? You are so beautiful." Li Baojiang curled his lips.


"Mom, don't get angry!"

Lin Chaoyang stood behind, walked forward, shook his head at Bao Xiaofang, then looked at Li Na, and said calmly, "Xiaona, have you talked to your parents?"


Li Na pursed her lips, her eyes rolling in their sockets.

"It's good if you say it. Uncles and aunts, I think you all know my attitude. I really like Xiaona, and I am willing to marry Xiaona, but if you keep like this, if you always have this attitude, All I can say is, I can't afford this marriage now, so I won't!" Lin Chaoyang said firmly.

"Xiaoyang, what are you talking about?"

Lin Chunyan quickly grabbed Lin Chaoyang's arm.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Auntie, I'm not talking nonsense, I'm very serious!"

Lin Chaoyang said seriously: "That's what I thought, and I told Xiaona the same way. I think my uncles and aunts know about it too. If you say you are willing to follow our rules, then Xiaona and I will get married. If you don't want to, then let's wait. After two years, I have saved enough money, and then we can talk about marriage."

"Chaoyang!" Li Na had tears in her eyes.

"Two years? You think beautifully!"

Li Baojiang squinted over, and said dismissively: "What do you think of our Xiaona? You said to wait two years? Wait two years? How old is our Xiaona?"

"At that time, if you don't want our Xiaona anymore, then we will pay for it? No, it's the condition I just said. If you agree, you will get married. If you don't agree, you won't talk about it."

"Xiaona, do you think so too?" Lin Chaoyang looked over.

"Chaoyang, don't force me!" Li Na bit her lip, tears falling to the ground like pearls.

"I forced you? Why did I force you? Didn't you say that love is a matter between two people, and we have to rely on our own efforts to build our nest together?"

"Why are you listening to your father again and asking for so many things from our family. You know that I am willing to give you, but the problem is, I don't have so much money. What do you want me to give you?" , to your family?"

Lin Chaoyang spoke word by word.


Li Na kept pinching the corners of her clothes with both hands, she was at a loss.

"Why are you yelling at Xiaona? Lin Chaoyang, you are not married yet, you are like this, if it means that you are married, then it's okay? Don't get married, this marriage won't get married!" Li Baojiang said Pulled it over to Li Na, and waved her hand.

"No knot? Are you serious?" Lin Chaoyang stared and asked.

"of course."

Li Baojiang lifted his haughty chin, and said haughtily: "Lin Chaoyang, do you really think I don't know your details? If I didn't know your details, how could I agree to your relationship with Xiaona? You obviously have Don't you think it's boring for a good relative to pretend to be a fool and a poor person here?"

"What do you mean?" Lin Chaoyang was a little puzzled.

"What I mean is very simple. When you and Xiaona fell in love, I sent someone to investigate your details. I know that although you said you didn't have much money, you have a rich cousin. Your cousin Can Zhao Shanhe have no money? That’s in your Nanjue County, no, in our Handong City, they are all rich people.”

"If it wasn't for the sake of this, do you think I would let Xiaona talk to you about marriage?"

"I'm also wondering, you obviously have such a rich cousin who can give me what I want, why do you keep refusing to agree here? You keep saying that you like Xiaona, is that how you like it? ?”

Li Baojiang is worthy of driving a taxi in Handong City, with this mouth, he can really speak.

The small words followed one after another, and he insisted on controlling the scene with his own strength.

"Is there something else about me?" Zhao Shanhe was taken aback, feeling quite innocent.

"Brother Li, what do you mean by what you said just now? Are you saying that you would agree to Xiaona and Xiaoyang's marriage because of Shanhe? If there is no Shanhe, you would not agree to this marriage?" Lin Chuntang looked on Changed, asked sullenly.

"That's right! Isn't this an obvious thing?" Li Baojiang said as a matter of course.

"You really opened my eyes!" Lin Chuntang laughed angrily.

He had never seen anyone like Li Baojiang.

"Xiaona, did you fall in love with me because of Shanhe?"

Lin Chaoyang looked at Li Na calmly, clenched his hands into fists.


Li Na shook her head like a rattle, choked up and said, "I really like you and want to marry you, how can you think of me like that?"

"Then do you know about this?" Lin Chaoyang asked calmly.


Li Na pursed her lips, and after saying this answer, she quickly explained: "But this is what my father said, and I never thought about it like this. You also know that when I am with you, I have never coveted any glory and wealth .What I like is you, not your family. Chaoyang, you have to trust me."

"I want to believe you, but how do you make me believe it?"

Lin Chaoyang smiled self-deprecatingly.


In desperation, Li Na stepped forward, grabbed Lin Chaoyang's arm, and said anxiously, "We can get married now, anytime. I don't want any of the conditions my father said."

"You don't want it anymore? Do you think it's possible? Do you think your parents will agree if you say this? Xiaona, I know you. You are a very filial child. You will definitely listen to what your parents say. , so let’s talk about our business, I think it’s okay to forget it. Let’s all calm down first and then talk about the future, do you think it’s okay?”

Lin Chaoyang slowly but powerfully broke free.

Li Na hugged Lin Chaoyang's arm tightly, and cried, "No, Chaoyang, I don't agree!"

"Xiaona! Come back to me!"

Seeing Li Na losing her composure, Li Baojiang didn't get angry. He got up and dragged her back, and then said viciously to Lin Chaoyang: "Lin Chaoyang, you have enough character to say you want to break up with our Xiaona. What right do you have to say that?"


"Why isn't he qualified?"

Zhao Shanhe stood in front of Lin Chaoyang and spoke first.

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