Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 930 You should be treated with admiration on the third day

"Your future sister-in-law's natal family, if we want our family to prepare a house for her, it must be a house in the city. The gift money must be 10 yuan! You also need a car that is not less than [-] yuan. car!"

"That's not counting. You have to have three golds. If you hold a wedding banquet, you can't be in our town, you have to go to the city. The standard for each table can't be less than 100 yuan!"

Bao Xiaofang gritted her teeth while talking.

She was really surprised by this condition.

She is usually a bit arrogant in dealing with people, but she didn't expect to meet someone more arrogant than her.The conditions set out here, not to mention their family, even if it is placed in any family in Handong City, can they do it?

"What? How could this be?"

Lin Chaohua couldn't help being stunned.

"Isn't our bride price here only six thousand six thousand, eight thousand eight thousand? How did it become six thousand at her place? You have to ask for a car and a house. Oh my god, after all this set, it costs two thirty thousand Wanna? Are they going to marry a girl, or sell her?"

Yang Daya also pouted.

"This condition is too harsh."

Lin Chuntang sat beside him without saying a word, but kept smoking while frowning.

"Do you want to go to Shanhe..."

As soon as Bao Xiaofang said this, he was interrupted by Lin Chaoyang on the spot. He looked over with a serious expression, and said in a solemn tone: "Mom, what did we say before, I said don't go to Shanhe again, I will I can handle things myself."

"But how do you solve it? Are you really not going to get married?"

Bao Xiaofang stamped her feet and shouted, then looked anxiously at Yang Daya.

"Mom, don't you think so? This Xiaona's family is coming to our family today. If we don't give them an explanation, they will definitely not do it!"

"But as far as our family's situation is concerned, it is impossible to fulfill these conditions even if killed, so I was thinking about whether to ask Shanhe to borrow some money. But don't worry, I will issue an IOU, and we will pay back Shanhe slowly in the future Money is."


Yang Daya also hesitated this time.

She really didn't know how to choose between her grandson's marriage and her grandson's feelings.And just when she was hesitating, Lin Chaoyang spoke.

"Grandma, I can handle my affairs well."

"How do you handle it?"


Seeing that Bao Xiaofang wanted to continue talking, Lin Chaoyang waved his hands and said calmly: "Mom, I am very satisfied with my current living conditions. A lot of money. Although there is no way to fulfill what Xiaona's family said, I am very confident in my future."

"Under such circumstances, I will not ask Shanhe to borrow money."

"As for Xiaona, I will have a good talk with her. Wouldn't she come over in a while? I will ask her face to face, if she is willing to wait for me, then wait for me to complete these conditions. If she is not willing to wait for me If it is not, then it means that there is no destiny between us. If this is the case, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, then let's break up!"


Bao Xiaofang's complexion changed suddenly, and he waved his hand: "I don't agree with you breaking up! You have been in love for several years, how can you say that you will break up?"

"That's right, brother, my future sister-in-law is a well-educated person. She really likes you, so don't do stupid things." Lin Chaohua quickly stood up and persuaded her.

Lin Chaoyang waved his hand noncommittally: "I know it well."

Just when Bao Xiaofang was about to continue to say something, a car horn suddenly sounded outside the door.

"It's Chunyan and the others who are here!"

Yang Daya raised her head and looked outside.

Lin Chuntang stood up and walked out.

Lin Chaoyang and Lin Chaohua also went out to meet Auntie.

A group of people walked into the room talking and laughing, and after putting down all the gifts, Lin Chunyan also noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere here, so she looked at Lin Chuntang and asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"

"It's okay." Lin Chuntang tried to force a smile, shaking his head and said.

"It's okay. Look at the faces of your whole family. No one is happy. It seems that the Chinese New Year is coming. You are all like this. How can you still say it's okay? Tell me, what happened?" Lin Chunyan scanned Said after a lap.

If this had been done before, Lin Chunyan would definitely not have asked about it.

But now whether Lin Chuntang, Lin Chaoyang, or even Bao Xiaofang are counted, they have changed their past, and it is different from before, and this is her mother's home after all, how can she ignore it?


Lin Chuntang couldn't open his mouth.

"Let me tell you!"

Seeing Lin Chuntang's distress, Bao Xiaofang raised her head to look at Lin Chunyan, and said loudly: "Chunyan, there is something, this is like this, don't you think Chaoyang is going to get married soon? His girlfriend's family brought it up The conditions of marriage..."


After hearing these conditions, Lin Chunyan froze on the spot.

Even Zhao Yonghao couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Do you really want to get married? The conditions are too harsh! Even when Shan Kai and He Saihua were engaged, He Saihua's uncle made trouble, and the conditions proposed were not so exaggerated. It's too much! This is not a marriage and a daughter, it is clearly a daughter!"

"Yonghao, you think the same way, right? I think the same way, but there's nothing you can do about it. If you don't agree to his conditions, he just won't get married!" Bao Xiaofang cried sadly.

"Chaoyang, what do you think?" Lin Chunyan looked over.


Lin Chaoyang shook his head, and said calmly: "Auntie, I just told my parents about it, and I will have a good discussion with Xiaona about it. I can agree to the conditions offered by her family, but Definitely not taking it out now. Give me three years, and within three years, I will let Xiaona have these."

"What if they don't agree?" Lin Chunyan asked.

"That means we have no fate."

Lin Chaoyang smiled wryly, and said calmly, "Break up!"


Before Lin Chunyan could speak, there was a sound outside the door. After the curtain was lifted, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya walked in.

After the two put down the presents, Zhao Shanhe looked over, frowned slightly and asked, "Brother Chaoyang, why did you break up? Even if these conditions are a bit harsh, they were proposed by sister-in-law's family, and have nothing to do with sister-in-law." Yes, you say break up so easily, how sad my sister-in-law will be when she hears it! Don’t you think so?”

"Shanhe, did you hear that?" Lin Chaoyang looked over.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, pulled a chair over, sat down, and said with a smile: "I just happened to walk to the door with Qiuya, and I just heard what you said. I think, as long as you and sister-in-law really love each other, these The harsh conditions can be resolved. If you need it, I can now..."


Before Zhao Shanhe could finish speaking, Lin Chaoyang hurriedly raised his arm, interrupted his words, and then said calmly: "Shanhe, I know what you want to say, but I can handle this matter myself, and I can handle it myself." I won't ask for your money. If you are my brother, don't say anything else, let my brother handle it."

light and spacious!


Such Lin Chaoyang surprised Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe was amazed by the way he looked at Lin Chaoyang. As expected, Shi Farewell treated him with admiration for three days. Now he can see that Lin Chaoyang has really changed, and he has become a completely different person from before.If it was in the past, he would beg him for money even if he didn't say it.

Seeing Lin Chaoyang like this, Lin Chuntang burst out laughing. He patted Lin Chaoyang on the shoulder and said proudly, "Son, well done! You didn't embarrass your father."

Lin Chaoyang rubbed his head and smiled coyly: "Hey!"

Is it true that his experience outside for more than a year is a joke?No, he has really reformed himself.From working with Luo Quanjing to now having his own sales channels, he has been tempered a long time ago.

Anyway, it's the master who pees standing up, how can he get help all the time?

"Well, maybe it's not as exaggerated as you think. Didn't you say that Xiaona's family came to our house today? It's okay. Let's talk about it when they come."

"Let's tidy up now, so that we won't have time when someone comes." Lin Chunyan said, she must not ignore her nephew's marriage as an aunt.

"Yes, pack up quickly."

While everyone was busy, Zhao Shanhe found Lin Chaohua, looked at his immature face and asked with a smile, "Zhaohua, where do you work now?"


Lin Chaohua said with a smile: "Brother, I just submitted my resume in the city two days ago, so you called me yesterday, saying that I was admitted and asked me to report tomorrow."

"Really? That's pretty fast, where?"

"Red Star Machinery Factory." Lin Chaohua straightened his back and said with some pride.

"What?" Zhao Shanhe froze when he heard this.

Lin Chaoyang also stopped his hands and looked over: "Zhaohua, what did you say? You said it was Hongxing Machinery Factory?"

"That's right, it's Hongxing Machinery Factory. What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Lin Chaohua looked over in confusion, not knowing what happened to these two brothers. As for such a big reaction?

Hongxing Machinery Factory is very good!

Shouldn't you be congratulating me?

Why do you feel like you are quite surprised?

"Zhaohua, what position did you apply for at Hongxing Machinery Factory?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Lin Chaohua smiled and said: "Brother Shanhe, you also know that I majored in finance. I got an accounting certificate when I was in college. My parents also hoped that I could go home and go to work. It happened that Hongxing Machinery Factory was recruiting, so I submitted it." Resume, this is not enough to be admitted."


Zhao Shanhe showed a thoughtful expression, interrupted Lin Chaoyang just when he was about to speak, and said with a smile: "Very good, accounting is a good job, you should do accounting first."

"it is good!"

Lin Chaohua readily agreed. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he was called out by his father to buy soy sauce and vinegar, so he simply put the matter behind him.

After Lin Chaohua left, Lin Chaoyang turned sideways and said bluntly: "I didn't expect that Zhaohua applied for the position of the Red Star Machinery Factory. Shanhe, don't worry, I will tell him about this and promise him to resign."

"Don't bother."

Zhao Shanhe quickly waved his hand, and said indifferently: "I don't have any grudges with Hongxing Machinery Factory. Besides, even if there is a conflict between us, it has nothing to do with Zhaohua. Since he found a job he likes, let him Go do it. Brother Chaoyang, don't tell Chaohua, lest you make him feel uncomfortable."

"Is this really okay?" Lin Chaoyang asked.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe didn't take it to heart at all.

"Zhaohua just graduated, and finally found a job he likes. We have to support it. As for future development, that's his business."

"Okay, but I will tell him about the situation of Hongxing Machinery Factory, so that he can be more careful when he goes to work in the future, so as to avoid being sold and counting the money." Lin Chaoyang said.


Harmfulness is not allowed, and defensiveness is indispensable.

As far as the current internal equity composition of Hongxing Machinery Factory is concerned, Zhao Shanhe is really worried about them.It's a joint venture, and the joint venture party is in charge. Do you think he can be unguarded?

In this kind of busy work, Li Na's family arrived as scheduled.

This is also the first time Zhao Shanhe met Li Na.

It's no wonder that Lin Chaoyang fell in love with her, and it's no wonder that she has been with Lin Chaoyang for so many years, to the point where she is now talking about marriage, Li Na is indeed a beautiful and intelligent woman.Although she is not the kind of beauty who looks very beautiful, she has a simple and pure feeling.

This kind of Li Na was simply prepared for Lin Chaoyang's character.

The two are a great match.

Those who followed Li Na were her parents.

Father Li Baojiang, mother Tan Nanhua.

In the previous chat, Zhao Shanhe also knew that Li Baojiang was a taxi driver in Handong City. I can’t say that he made the most money in this job these days, but he did make a lot of money. It’s no wonder that he Dare to ask for such unscrupulous prices.

And Tan Nanhua is a very ordinary housewife.

In Lin Chaoyang's words, Tan Nanhua didn't have much thought, she just followed Li Baojiang all her life, and she did whatever her husband said, and she didn't have any right to speak.

But Li Baojiang is a person who clings to power.

What he thinks in his heart is that Li Na must marry a rich man so that he can have a stable life for the rest of his life.Otherwise, just marry a poor man, what is he planning?Picture your house with bare walls?Figure you penniless?

And he would agree to the marriage between Li Na and Lin Chaoyang, and he would come to Xiang's house, in fact, it was because he thought Lin Chaoyang was not bad.

If he didn't think it was good, he really wouldn't agree to the marriage of the two of them, and he would have beaten the mandarin ducks long ago.

But it's clear that being good isn't enough, you have to be richer.

Li Baojiang, who came to the family with this kind of thought, walked in and saw the Lin family in front of him, his brows were frowned, and a kind of displeasure appeared in his heart, just want to get married in this place?I said, Lin Chaoyang, you think too beautifully, right?How can this family marry a wife?Anyway, you have to have a house in the city, right?

"Father-in-law, mother-in-law, come here, sit in the room quickly, let's have some tea!"

After Lin Chuntang took the gift box that Li Baojiang and the others were holding, he quickly greeted them with a smile on his face.

"Yes, come in and drink some hot tea to warm yourself up."

Bao Xiaofang also opened the door curtain enthusiastically.

But who would have thought that Li Baojiang did not enter the door in the next second, but stood directly at the door, and after scanning the audience, he lazily said a sentence, a sentence that made everyone's face change.

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