Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 932 This matter is settled like this

"who are you?"

Looking at Zhao Shanhe who suddenly stood in front of him, Li Baojiang was a little dazed, looked over with a slight frown, and opened his mouth to reveal two big yellow teeth.

"Who am I? You don't know who I am?"

Zhao Shanhe shrugged speechlessly, feeling amused.This was somewhat beyond his expectation.

"You said so much about me just now. I thought you knew me, but you didn't know who I was. Tell me, should I say that I'm not famous enough, or should I say something about you?"

The words "with eyes but no pearls" that had already come to his lips were still taken back by Zhao Shanhe.

Whoever made this Li Baojiang no longer an outsider, if he really became Lin Chaoyang's father-in-law in the future, if he remembered what happened today, how embarrassing it would be for the two to meet again.

" are Zhao Shanhe?" Li Baojiang was shocked after a moment of pondering, pointing at Zhao Shanhe and shouting stammeringly.

"Yes, I am Zhao Shanhe."

Zhao Shanhe pointed at Lin Chaoyang calmly and said: "I am his rich cousin you have been talking about just now, I have two words to tell you now, would you like to listen? "

"Speak!" Li Baojiang's tone subconsciously became a little cowardly.

Even if Zhao Yonghao stood up and spoke on this occasion, he would not be as good as Zhao Shanhe!

No way, who made Zhao Shanhe a rich man.

"Lin Chaoyang is my cousin, and Li Na is the woman my cousin likes. I can tell that Li Na also likes my cousin. If this is the case, I think they should get married."

"As for the conditions you mentioned, I don't want to judge, but I think the first thing you need to consider is whether you want to make your daughters happy, or plant a thorn in their hearts." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense here!" Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Li Baojiang flew into a rage, waved his hand immediately, and quit on the spot.

Yes, he knew that Zhao Shanhe was not easy to provoke, who made him a rich man.But no matter how difficult it is to provoke, there is a bottom line, that is, you can't touch the conditions he set out.

Those conditions are what he must!

"Zhao Shanhe, aren't you very powerful? Aren't you very rich? As far as the conditions I just offered are just a drop in the bucket to you, why don't you take them out for your cousin?"

"I'll leave my words here. As long as you show these, I will agree to their marriage. If you don't take them, hehe, what you said just now seems a bit false."

Li Baojiang sneered, tilted his head and raised his eyebrows and squinted over them, as if he was determined to eat them.

"So, do you take it or not?"


"Shanhe won't take it, even if he takes it, I won't take it!"

Without giving Zhao Shanhe a chance to speak, Lin Chaoyang interrupted directly, then looked at Zhao Shanhe and said slowly: "Shanhe, this is my business, I will handle it."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Lin Chaoyang, saw that his eyes were firm, and knew that he had made up his mind, so he nodded and stepped aside: "Okay!"

"Xiaona, let me ask you the last thing. Do you really like me? Do you want to marry me?" Lin Chaoyang looked serious.

"I really like it, I really want to marry you, but I have to listen to my parents." Li Na choked up.

"Then your parents want you to marry someone else?" Lin Chaoyang asked.


Li Na struggled for a while, kept shaking her head, and burst into tears.

"I do not know."

"Okay, I got it!"

Lin Chaoyang didn't press Li Na any more, but looked at Li Baojiang and said calmly, "Uncle Li, Aunt Tan, let's just leave my marriage with Xiaona as it is."

"What does that mean?" Li Baojiang asked.

"I like Xiaona, and I also want to marry her, but the conditions you set out have hurt my self-esteem, but even so, I don't care. As long as you give me time, I can do what you said For these things, I can marry Xiaona at that time. But I think you will definitely not agree. "

"In that case..."

Lin Chaoyang said calmly: "This shows that Xiaona and I are destined for each other, and we are not suitable, so we should stop talking about our marriage. Let this matter be like this, Xiaona and I separated!"

"Divided?" Li Baojiang froze for a moment.

"Divided? You want to break up with me?" Li Na was taken aback.

"Xiaoyang, what are you talking about?"

Bao Xiaofang was also surprised and hurried to pull Lin Chaoyang's arm, and said anxiously: "You can't talk nonsense, you and Xiaona have been in love for such a long time, how can you break up as soon as you say it?"

"Okay, Lin Chaoyang, do you think that no one will want our Xiaona if she leaves you? Let me tell you, you are overthinking, the people chasing our Xiaona are all in a long queue. You don't want our Xiaona Na, that's your loss. Xiaona, let's go, let's go home now. What else do you want, go, hurry up!"

As Li Baojiang spoke, he pulled Li Na up and walked out.

Tan Nanhua took a deep look at Lin Chaoyang, and followed him without saying a word.

"Brother Li, stop!"

Lin Chuntang and Bao Xiaofang hurried to catch up.

"Brother Chaoyang, do you really want to break up with Li Na?" Zhao Shanhe didn't chase him, but looked over and asked.


Lin Chaoyang nodded, and said firmly: "I thought Xiaona would stay with me without any complaints, but you can also see that she listens to her father more, which shows that the relationship between us has not reached that level yet. Love is stronger than gold. As for me, I don’t want to embarrass her, so let’s forget about it.”

"It's good for everyone."

"Brother Chaoyang..."

Seeing that Zhao Shanhe still wanted to persuade himself, Lin Chaoyang waved his hand: "Don't persuade me, I have made up my mind."

"What's the decision? Do you know what you're talking about? Xiaona is such a good girl, you gave up just like that. You can divide it if you say so? Let me tell you, this matter is not over, you, Hurry up and chase Xiaona back." Bao Xiaofang shouted angrily after walking in from the outside.

"What are you chasing after? Haven't you seen the virtue of Li Na's father? Let me tell you, let's forget about this marriage!" Lin Chuntang shook his head and said with a livid face after he followed in.

"You are confused!" Bao Xiaofang stomped her feet anxiously.

"I'm confused? Why am I confused?"

Lin Chuntang looked at the distraught Bao Xiaofang, and said calmly: "I also think Xiaona is a good child, but it doesn't mean that a good child is the most suitable for our family Xiaoyang. With her family's situation, even if they get married in the future Now, I dare say that life will definitely not be easy. So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, let’s stop.”


"This matter is settled like this!"

Lin Chuntang surprisingly didn't give Bao Xiaofang any chance to speak this time, but looked at Lin Chunyan and Zhao Yonghao and said, "Yonghao, Xiaoyan, let's sit down and eat."

"it is good!"

That's how it was settled.

During the meal, Lin Chunyan also wanted to continue talking, but after meeting Lin Chuntang's cold eyes, she knew that her elder brother was determined to deal with this matter.That being the case, there is nothing to say.

Why does a man have no wife?

Let's look for it slowly in the future.


On the way back to Handong City.

Li Na was crying like pear blossoms and rain. Seeing her like this, Li Baojiang became upset and yelled annoyedly: "Why are you crying? Your father and I are still alive. It's too early for you to cry now!"

"Dad!" Li Na cried.

"Let me tell you, have you seen it too? You really can't blame me for this. Although the conditions I offered are a bit excessive, aren't they for your own good? I hope that after you marry Lin Chaoyang, your life will be better." There is a guarantee."

"But what is Lin Chaoyang's attitude, and what is the attitude of their family? Since everyone is so arrogant and thinks that we are clinging to them, then this marriage is not over yet." Li Baojiang said arrogantly.

"Dad, are you really looking after me?" Li Na asked, wiping away her tears.

"What do you mean?" Li Baojiang frowned.

"Xiao Na, why are you talking to your father?" Tan Nanhua quickly pulled Li Na's sleeve.

"Mom, I know what Dad thinks. Don't you just want to rely on me to sell some money so that my brother can marry a wife? I heard how you discussed it at home before, and I know it all."

Li Na raised her head with a stubborn face.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tan Nanhua's face changed slightly.

"I'm not talking nonsense. You know if I'm talking nonsense. Anyway, let me tell you that I won't promise you about this matter. I will continue to get along with Chaoyang."

"Just now at Chaoyang's house, I followed you to give you face. Now I have given you face, and I will make my own decisions in the future." Li Na said loudly.


Who would have thought that as soon as he said this, Li Baojiang slapped him with a big ear, stared at Li Na fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Lin Chaoyang dared to talk to me, you dare now, don't you? Give it back to me!" You decide everything, listen to me, your mother and I are still alive, so your marriage must be decided by us!"

"You have to listen if you listen, and you have to listen if you don't listen!"

"Hurry up and go home. I will arrange a blind date for you tomorrow. I don't believe it anymore. If you leave him, Lin Chaoyang, no one wants my daughter Li Baojiang! I want him to die of regret!"


Li Baojiang shouted angrily: "Father, what the hell, this matter is settled like this!"

Li Na was in tears.


Inspect the Lin family in the town.

The atmosphere at lunch was also gloomy because of Lin Chaoyang's marriage. Zhao Yonghao and the others wanted to stay here for a while, in order to continue discussing Lin Chaoyang's affairs, while Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya were preparing to leave.

On the way back to Zhenghe County, thinking about what happened today, Li Qiuya said with a lot of emotion: "Actually, I don't think Brother Chaoyang did anything wrong. This matter is indeed the fault of the Li family. Besides, Brother Chaoyang will do this, and I will It should be because of his strong self-esteem, he is unwilling to accept our money, even if the money is borrowed."


Zhao Shanhe said while driving: "Brother Chaoyang has become different from before. In the past, he would definitely open his mouth to borrow money, and even follow Li Baojiang's words to force me to make a decision. But now you can also see that his self-esteem is very high. Strong, so strong that she would never open her mouth to borrow money from me."

"Uncle's words are actually quite right. With Li Baojiang's character, even if Brother Chaoyang and Li Na get married, the days to come will definitely be very difficult. Of course, I'm not saying that they can't get married, but I just think they have to do well. Mentally prepare to face Li Baojiang."

"Yes, I hope Brother Chaoyang can handle this well."

There was hope in Li Qiuya's eyes.

After the two returned to Zhenghe County, they devoted themselves to work.After all, the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and many things need to be arranged in advance, otherwise, this Chinese New Year, among other things, whether the order can be delivered on time is a big problem.

Zhao Shanhe was even busier.

He has to be busy listening to the work reports of various factories, you must know that this is the year-end summary.He can usually delegate power, but decentralization does not mean indifference.The things that should be decided by him, and the power that should be exerted by him must be performed in place.

This is a matter of principle.

I dare not say it elsewhere, but in all his factories, Zhao Shanhe wants to show his presence, so that every worker can recognize him at the first sight.

Time just kept passing.

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is coming.

You said that you have been busy for a year, isn’t it for the reunion during the Chinese New Year, for the family to sit at the table and talk about their respective situations during the Chinese New Year, or for the time when you are idle and have nothing to do, with a few friends. Drink and chat.

So amidst the sound of firecrackers, such things were happening everywhere in Handong City.

There is a family reunion.

Some friends drink.

Either way, everyone is celebrating the arrival of the new year.

And in their chat after dinner, it is essential to talk about salary and treatment.At this time, you can see the superiority of Zhao Shanhe's workers. Some of them are very frank about their salaries, and some are very low-key and don't want to say more, but if you ask more questions, he will tell you Actually he's doing fine.

"What? You said that all of your bonuses this year are 1000 yuan?"

"Is your Hetu Manufacturing still recruiting people?"

"I want to go to the Zhao Xiaobai winery you mentioned right now. Really, I'm jealous."

"Let me tell you, these are all the lands and mountains that we have brought down with Director Zhao. Director Zhao is really a very good factory manager. Without him, how could we live such a good life!"


In this way, Zhao Shanhe's name appeared on the desks of every household, and everyone was proud to be able to go to work in Zhao Shanhe's factory.

And this is what Zhao Shanhe did not expect.

He is now in Zhaojiazhai.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya will definitely celebrate the New Year in their hometown, this is their habit.Even if the family lives in Zhenghe County, as long as it is Chinese New Year, they will definitely be in Zhaojiazhai.

It's just that since returning home, Zhao Shanhe's eldest brother has never been quiet, and the phone calls for New Year's greetings keep coming in, making Zhao Yonghao almost speechless.

"Did you say his elder brother won't burn his hands?" Zhao Yonghao asked while sitting on the bench by the door, pouted.

"This is his job. It happens like this every year during the Chinese New Year. It's not good for anyone to receive a call for New Year's greetings." Li Qiuya was making dumplings at the table, laughing as she made them.

"That's right, my brother is so busy, which means he has a fulfilling life. I will be like my brother in the future, and be a fulfilling person!" Zhao Shanchuan said proudly with his head held high.


Zhao Yonghao knocked on the dry tobacco pipe speechlessly, and let out a sigh of relief: "Enrich yourself."

Ten minutes later, Zhao Shanhe answered the phone with great difficulty, and just came back to wash his hands and knead dumplings together. Who would have thought that at this moment, the big brother rang again.

But this time it's not Zhao Shanhe's, but Li Qiuya's.

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