Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 929 Have you thought about its future?

"Mr. Li, what our Jilu Logistics needs most now is a certain right to make decisions on the fly."

"The right to make decisions on the fly?"

After Li Qiuya was slightly stunned, she stared at Zhao Shankai and asked, "What do you mean? Tell me specifically."

"Mr. Li, all the current arrangements of our Jilu Logistics are made by the factory office. I'm not saying that it's wrong to do so. After all, the factory office is at the highest position to make overall arrangements for us and make reasonable dispatches."

"In the past, the scope of Jilu Logistics' responsibility was relatively small, and we only had one or two factories, so this kind of scheduling was not a problem in the past. But now you know, our booth has already spread a bit big .”

Zhao Shankai stretched out a palm, finger by finger and said: "Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, Qingniao Glass, Zhao Xiaobai Winery, plus Yougu Daochang, just the factories on the table, we There are five."

"This is not counting the millennium investment. The Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea Fund, Jiuquan Manufacturing and Long March Manufacturing are also excluded. If you count all of these, you can think about how big it would be. A large scale, Problems can easily arise in this scheduling.”

"It's okay if there are no emergencies, but emergencies are inevitable. And once we encounter such a situation, all we can do is call to report, and then wait for the approval, that's the waiting time You will miss a lot of things.”

Speaking of this, Zhao Shankai's eyes were burning, and his tone became very sincere: "So I want to ask Mr. Li, can you give us a little bit of power, and if there is an emergency, we can make a decision on the fly. It can ensure that things will not be delayed, and it can also improve our work efficiency."

"Mr. Li, do you think this is a problem?"

"Of course!"

Without even thinking about it, Li Qiuya said decisively: "If this is not a problem, what is it? Shan Kai, the question you raised is very important, and I will discuss it with Shan He and give you an explanation."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shankai scratched his head and smiled.

"The sister-in-law, I'm leaving."

"Let's go!"

After Zhao Shankai left, Li Qiuya began to think about this question, what Zhao Shankai said was not wrong at all.No matter how you say it, Jilu Logistics is an independent company, and there is no reason to say that it has been dictated by the factory office.Doing so will only limit the development of Jilu Logistics, which is extremely undesirable.

It's just that even Zhao Shankai can think of this question. Could it be that Han Chunming, who is in charge of Jilu Logistics now, can't think of it?

Or, is this what Han Chunming meant?

Li Qiuya nodded secretly: "When Shanhe comes back, I must talk about it."


Zhao Shanhe is now in Zhongzhou City, and he is drinking tea with Zhang Longdong in a teahouse.

"Brother, can you celebrate the New Year with peace of mind now?" Zhang Longdong said with a smile.

"Yeah, I can finally celebrate the New Year with peace of mind." Zhao Shanhe didn't hide anything, and said calmly while holding a teacup: "Brother Dong, you don't know, I've been so busy this month."

"I can imagine how busy you are. After all, you are in Master Kang's territory, and you are facing him. But you are really good enough, and you actually defeated Master Kang." Zhang Longdong gave a thumbs up, sincerely exclaimed.

Zhao Shanhe laughed and waved his hands again and again: "It's all luck."

"Where is the luck, you obviously did it by strength."

Zhang Longdong shook his head and said sincerely: "Do you know why Yongxing Department Store failed in our Eastern Province? You don't really think that it's because of your article, what are you talking about fried and non-fried?"

Zhao Shanhe was really interested in this question, he raised his eyebrows: "I would like to hear more about it."

"It's sincerity!"

Zhang Longdong said calmly: "Your Gu Dojo won because of your sincerity. There are three seasoning packets in your Yougu Dojo, but Master Kang? There are only two. And your Yougu Dojo is not fake Propaganda, the sour bamboo shoots and beef brisket you mentioned, there are really sour bamboo shoots and beef brisket, and they are all real ingredients."

"Where is Master Kekang's?"

"That's obviously to fool people. They say it's braised beef noodles, but don't talk about beef cubes and beef slices. You can't even find beef cubes and shredded beef. You must say something that has something to do with beef, that is, beef soup. The smell of beef comes out. Everyone is not stupid, after eating and comparing, can you not know who to choose?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe laughed heartily when he heard this.

Zhang Longdong is right, all marketing methods can be used, but the premise of using them is that your own quality is strong enough.My sincerity is full, even without these marketing methods, I can still occupy the market.You, Master Kang, originally wanted to come to China to make money, to fool the common people with that insincere product, you deserve it.

"Brother Dong, how is Yongxing Department Store doing now?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"What else can I do? I'm half dead."

The corners of Zhang Longdong's mouth twitched twice, and he said disapprovingly: "Yingxing Department Store is nothing to worry about. If they continue to do this, they can kill themselves without my help. What do you think Chen Jinjun is doing?" Thinking? The business philosophy will be so stubborn and conservative, not aggressive at all.”

"Let him torment."

Zhao Shanhe stretched comfortably.

"Brother Dong, I'll go back after drinking this cup of tea. Let me tell you in advance, happy new year!"

"Happy New Year!"


After Zhao Shanhe returned to Zhenghe County, he didn't hold a meeting in a hurry, but went home first and tidied up.Of course, during this period, Li Qiuya also told what Zhao Shankai said. After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe immediately agreed.

"Shan Kai's suggestion is very good. You must know that Jilu Logistics is an independent company like Shanqiu Foods. There is no reason to say that it must be tied so tightly. If this is really the case, there is no self-consciousness. Initiative, something will happen sooner or later. Let me tell them about it, and leave it alone."

"it is good!"

Then Zhao Shanhe held a meeting the next day.

At the meeting, he made an important speech on the duel between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang. The meaning was very simple. Although Yougu Dojo said that it won the battle, it cannot be said to be complacent. Make persistent efforts to ensure a leading position in the instant noodle market.

Liu Benhui made a promise in front of everyone.

At the same time, regarding the work arrangement after the Spring Festival, Zhao Shanhe also listened to the reports of each factory manager and gave instructions respectively.

When it was the turn of Jilu Logistics, Zhao Shanhe said in front of everyone: "Jilu Logistics is our own company. The reason why it was established at the beginning was to facilitate the delivery of products to each of our factories."

"Of course, if it's just Shanqiu and Hetu at the beginning, Jilu Logistics can easily handle it."

"But now with the increasing number of our factories, the scope of operation of Jilu Logistics is gradually expanding. In order to adapt to this situation as soon as possible, I decided to give Jilu Logistics the right to operate independently."


The moment this was said, the whole audience began to discuss in whispers.

"Director, what do you mean by self-management?" Li Xiangyang asked in amazement.

"What I mean is very simple. In the future, all the orders of our factories will be arranged by Jilu Logistics. They will make timely adjustments according to their own conditions. Chunming, how are you? Are you confident to do this well? "Zhao Shanhe looked over.


Han Chunming immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Factory Manager, we at Jilu Logistics have absolute confidence that we can handle the orders of each factory well and ensure that the products will be delivered according to the time and place given in the order."

"Okay, that's it for now."

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience.

"Everyone, the Spring Festival will be in ten days or so. You must make arrangements for your respective factories. You must not delay orders because of holidays, and you must not let workers complain because of overtime. You must do it. Spring Festival Three times the wages for working during the period, so that every worker can live a good year with peace of mind, understand?"



After the meeting, Li Xiangyang followed Zhao Shanhe to the office. He came in to talk about Jilu Logistics.

"Factory manager, I think it's a bit too hasty to just delegate power like this? You must know that Jilu Logistics has a large stall now, and there are dozens of trucks alone. If it is not handled well, There will be trouble." Li Xiangyang said with some worry.

"It's okay!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand, and said calmly: "Xiangyang, you have to trust Chunming and Shan Kai, they are a pair of partners who can handle the matter of Jilu Logistics well. come out, but I have actually wanted to do this for a long time. Only in this way can the Jilu be full of vitality."

"After all, Jilu Logistics seems to be only serving us now, but what about the future?"

"Have you thought about its future?"

"In the future?" Li Xiangyang was a little dazed.

"Yes, the future world will inevitably be a world with fast-developing logistics. If Jilu Logistics wants to truly develop and grow, it is impossible to say that it only serves ourselves."

"It has to go out and form a large-scale logistics company facing the whole country. It has its own branches all over the country and can deliver products from all over the country in the first time."

Zhao Shanhe was full of pride, and his brows were full of strong confidence.

"Only in this way can Jilu Logistics be considered a real job."

"Director, although I don't know what you mean by these words, I think you are quite right. All right, since you know what you are doing, let's do this."


Just when Li Xiangyang turned around and wanted to leave, Zhao Shanhe suddenly asked: "Xiangyang, Xiangdong and Cui Ying's marriage hasn't been done yet, right? When are they going to do it?"


Li Xiangyang shook his head and said: "I really don't know when they are going to do it. The family has been urging, but they themselves are not in a hurry. I will talk to Xiang Dong about this matter."

"Okay, hurry up and talk to him, don't keep procrastinating. Also, doesn't he want to come to work with us? Ask him when he will come? If he comes, you can arrange it directly." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good!"

Li Xiangyang nodded.

He also knew that Zhao Shanhe had no other meaning in saying this, he just wanted to give Li Xiangdong a chance.

As for Li Xiangdong, he said that he wanted to come here to work, but in the end Cui Ying came, and he didn't come either.Of course, Li Xiangdong cannot be blamed for this matter. After all, his family is in politics. It is considered good that his uncle allows Cui Ying to go to sea. Li Xiangdong wants to pursue an official career no matter what.

Everyone has aspirations.

Li Xiangyang will not say that he is reluctant.

"And you!"

As Zhao Shanhe said, he took out two unmarked cigarettes from the drawer.

"A friend gave it to me, and I left two for you, take it back and smoke."

"Got it!"

With Zhao Shanhe, Li Xiangyang was not polite, so he took it and put it under his armpit and walked out of the office with a smile.

The day went by like this.

The end of the year is approaching.

Zhao Shanhe has nothing else to do here, and every factory is operating step by step, even the newly opened Yougu Dojo is moving forward in an orderly manner.

So when Zhao Shanhe had free time this day, he and Li Qiuya set off for the inspection town of Nanjue County.

After all, it was agreed to go to see grandma.

And when they heard that the two of them were going to patrol the town, Zhao Yonghao and the others also said to go.It happened that Zhao Lin and Zhao Shanchuan were also at home, so they all went there together, and brought some New Year's goods to grandma by the way.

"You don't need to come pick us up, Shan Kai is at home, and he is going back to the factory in the county seat, just send us there." Zhao Yonghao said.

"Okay, then let's go directly to grandma's house." Zhao Shanhe said.

"it is good."


Inspect the Lin family in the town.

It stands to reason that the New Year is coming soon, and the Lin family should be happy, but in reality it is not the same.At this moment, the Lin family can even be said to be clouded.

Zhao Shanhe's uncle Lin Chuntang and his sister-in-law Bao Xiaofang sat in the room facing each other.

Lin Chaoyang was sitting on a bench against the wall.

Lin Chaohua, who just graduated from university, was also there.

Seeing the frowning faces of the family of four, Yang Daya, the grandma, spoke.She looked at Lin Chaoyang, and there were wrinkles left by the years on her old face.

"Xiaoyang, is there no room for negotiation on what you said? Does Xiaona's family have to ask for such a lot of gifts?"


Lin Chaoyang raised his head and smiled wryly at his grandma, "Grandma, Xiaona is easy to say, her relationship with me is real, and I believe she won't embarrass me. It's her family who insisted on doing this." made."

"I've also told her about this before. I said that if you want me to agree to these conditions, it's no problem. It will be postponed for another two years, and I will definitely be able to do it when I save money."

"But their family just doesn't agree. What else to say, if I can't do it, I will promise Xiaona to someone else."

"Then what do you think? Do you think you can meet these conditions?" Yang Daya asked.


Lin Chaoyang shook his head, sighed and said, "At least not now."

"What is this Xiaona's family thinking? Did he take us for a fool? Otherwise, how could he offer such a condition? How many people can do it if you ask his family to go out and inquire about it? Isn't it just to embarrass others?" Bao Xiaofang murmured sullenly with her face drooping.

"Mom and Dad, what is the condition my brother said? Why are you so embarrassed?" Lin Chaohua asked without knowing anything.

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