"You're right, I'm going to watch Yougu Dojo become bigger and stronger."

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Haisheng frowned.

He wouldn't naively think that Kang Zehua would really think so. If he really wanted to, he wouldn't be able to do business with the Japanese capital alone, and he would definitely be taken down, not to mention others.

"I decided to avoid the edge for the time being, and let the Yougu Dojo continue to make noise in Jinmen. I still don't believe it. In this place of Jinmen, no matter how noisy the Yougu Dojo is, it can really kill our Master Kang. It was so hard to sell even a pack," Kang Zehua said.

"Are you retreating to advance and prepare the camera to move?"

Jiang Haisheng narrowed his eyes.

"You're right, it's advancing by retreating. Since the situation is not good for us now, we will stop making trouble. Hold back for now and take a step back to open up the sea and the sky."

"Yougu Dojo is in the limelight right now, and it's really not wise to fight head-on. We have to avoid his arrogance, and wait until the time is right in the future, and then go all out, beat him back, and take him down in one fell swoop!" Kang Zehua said.


After Jiang Haisheng breathed out, he stared and asked: "Since you have already decided, then I won't say much else. I just want to know why you asked me out? Just to tell me about it?" ?”

"of course not."

Kang Zehua shook his head and said with a smile: "This time we confronted Zhao Shanhe, our Master Kang failed. I admit defeat and am willing to accept defeat."

"But I hope to continue to cooperate with President Jiang in the future development. Of course, President Jiang can also cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, but I hope that while you cooperate, we can also leave opportunities for our Master Kang."

"After all, no matter what, we, Master Kang, are all from the Jin family, and we are all business partners who watch out for each other. Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

"of course."

Jiang Haisheng immediately understood what Kang Zehua meant. It turned out that he wanted to adopt the concept of low-key development and look for opportunities to break the situation during development.

It may be the most sensible way to do this, after all, you have failed in the battle, if you continue to fight blindly to the end, it will only lead to the bankruptcy of the entire Master Kang.

And this is definitely not what the capital behind him wants to see.

Kang Zehua did so wisely to protect himself.

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Jiang for taking care of me. Come on, I'll serve Mr. Jiang with tea instead of wine."



End of March 1993.

This instant noodle war, which lasted for nearly half a month, finally ended in Kang Zehua's failure.

He didn't say that it's muddled and forget it, but went to meet Zhao Shanhe, and the two clarified the matter face to face.

"Director Zhao, then this matter will be done as we said, and we will coexist peacefully in the future." Kang Zehua said with a stern face.

"Mr. Kang, what you said seems to be that our Yougu Dojo is taking the initiative to provoke. I still say that, I have always pursued the market development concept of a hundred flowers blooming, and I also welcome more instant noodle brands to enter this market." market."

"Only in this way can a healthy competition be formed. After all, any monopoly is undesirable." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Kang Zehua was speechless immediately.

How dare you say this?

You are the winner, of course you can make the rules whatever you want.I would say the same if I were you.No!I'm talking more hype than you.Who wouldn't say good things?Hmph, extremely hypocritical!

Kang Zehua thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out of his mouth, and he could only force a smile on his face: "Yes, Director Zhao is right, a hundred flowers blooming is what the market should have."

After the two chatted for a few more words, Kang Zehua said goodbye and left.

After he left, Liu Benhui stood up and said, "Next, we only need to consolidate our achievements, and we won't be afraid of Master Kang making trouble in Jinmen."

"Yes, the teacher can figure it out." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"What about Haisheng Department Store? Didn't Jiang Haisheng ask you to have dinner with him at night? If he proposes cooperation, do you want to agree?" Liu Benhui asked.

"Who said I'm going to have dinner with him?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, and said indifferently with Liu Benhui's astonished expression: "Teacher, I won't go to the dinner with Jiang Haisheng. I'll leave for Dong Province in a while. You can go and talk to him."

"Me?" Liu Benhui was a little surprised, pointing to his nose with wide eyes.

"That's right, it's you. You are now the person in charge of Yougu Dojo. You deserve to go and talk to him. This matter is settled like this. You don't have to stay here after you have settled the matter here. Just Go back to Jinsui County and return to Yougu Dojo to preside over the work."

Zhao Shanhe put down the document in his hand with a smile.

"No one dares to question your status now."

"Okay!" Liu Benhui was full of energy.

That afternoon Zhao Shanhe took Yang E and left Jinmen.

Liu Benhui met Jiang Haisheng that night.

After the two met, Jiang Haisheng was really as Zhao Shanhe said. He was not unhappy. He behaved very elegantly and chatted very gently. Finally, the two reached a letter of intent for cooperation.

Yougu Dojo has fully settled in Haisheng Department Store.

Haisheng Department Store will hold a promotional event for Yougu Dojo in a week.

"Mr. Liu, I will order you to fully cooperate with the promotional activities that Yougu Dojo wants. I hope that this time, the two of us can cooperate well." Jiang Haisheng said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, in fact, the first person we wanted to cooperate with was your Haisheng Department Store. I didn't expect you to choose Master Kang, but it doesn't matter, these are all things in the past."

"Since you, Haisheng Department Store, are willing to cooperate with us in this matter, then I still agree with the conditions I said before. As long as you agree to everything, everything will be easy to talk about." Liu Benhui said with a smile.

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Jiang Haisheng said with a smile, but his heart was bleeding.

Liu Benhui is really an old fox, how could he offer such conditions, now that he thinks about it, he feels that he is really crazy, and he agreed to them all.

Haisheng Department Store should open up a specific promotion venue for Yougu Daochang; Haisheng Department Store must not provide any promotional resources for Master Kang during the period of cooperation with Yougu Daochang; The dojo can open up more markets with the help of...

If I knew this, I should really talk to Zhao Shanhe about it.

But maybe Zhao Shanhe also knew that Liu Benhui would do this, so he let him talk to him, right?

A dinner party came to an end in this unharmonious atmosphere.

As for the warmth, sorry, there is none.After all, both Liu Benhui and Jiang Haisheng have tacitly understood that their current relationship is a purely commercial cooperation, each taking what they need.

Jiang Haisheng left by car.

Just when Liu Benhui was thinking about taking the car to leave, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.Liu Benhui looked up and found that this person turned out to be Chen Zhilei with bloodshot eyes.

The enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

"What are you going to do?" Liu Benhui glanced coldly.

"Liu Benhui, you really have a vicious heart. To get revenge on me, you actually help Zhao Shanhe like this. Don't you know that you are his teacher, don't you think it's embarrassing for you to do this? Have you ever thought about it?" , what you are doing now is known by the teachers and students of Qingshan Technical School, what will they think of you?"

Chen Zhilei screamed like he was going crazy.

"Have you finished speaking? If you finish speaking, get out of here!"

Liu Benhui originally wanted to say a lot to Chen Zhilei, and he even wanted to use the most vicious language to satirize Chen Zhilei.But seeing this guy's current appearance, Liu Benhui suddenly felt that there was no need to say those words.

The more you don't say anything, the more you will hurt him more.



Seeing that Liu Benhui didn't even intend to say a word to him, he just ignored himself, the anger in Chen Zhilei's heart exploded, he raised his arm and waved towards Liu Benhui.


But it's a pity that Liu Benhui is a practicing family despite his age.He didn't mean to get used to Chen Zhilei at all, just as his arm was raised, he flew out with his kick, accurately kicked Chen Zhilei in the abdomen, and knocked him to the ground.

"Chen Zhilei, you still dare to hit me?"

"Even if I'm not your father-in-law, I'm still your former teacher. How dare you do anything to me? You still say that my story will be passed back, and someone will laugh at me. What about you? You are deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors now." , aren’t you afraid to pass it back? If you pass it back, what do you think they will think of you?”

Liu Benhui paused, sighed, and shook his head remorsefully.

"I was really blind to let Qingya marry you."

"Listen to me, I'm not afraid of you knowing, I will follow the mountains and rivers to do things, just to teach you a lesson, just to let you know that your so-called clinging to wealth is ridiculous to me."

"The wealthy family in your eyes can be destroyed by me in minutes. The Master Kang you dreamed of is completely vulnerable in the eyes of Yougu Dojo."

Liu Benhui looked down at Chen Zhilei who was lying on the ground with a mocking expression.

"You'll end up with nothing!"

"Do it yourself!"

After speaking, Liu Benhui turned his head and got into the car, and drove away in a hurry.

He knew that from now on, his heart knot had been untied, and Chen Zhilei would never want to be his demon again, because Chen Zhilei was no longer worthy and had no right to make him angry.

In the next time, he will help Zhao Shanhe keep an eye on Yougu Dojo.

He wants to carry forward Yougu Dojo.

"If people know that I work with Shanhe, I will be rejected by others? Heh! Chen Zhilei, Chen Zhilei, you are still a little tender. Do you know how many people envy me for being Shanhe's teacher? If it weren't for this relationship, you think I can control Yougu Dojo? Where would they think that I am ashamed, it's too late for them to envy!"

Seeing the car disappearing from his eyes like this, a puff of black smoke spewed out from the exhaust pipe, spraying on himself, Chen Zhilei was so choked that he began to cough.

"Cough cough!"

Coughing and coughing, Chen Zhilei burst into tears.

In tears, he laughed wantonly.

He smiled like a ghost.

"Liu Qingya, you bitch, do you think you can take revenge on me like this? Let me tell you, I will make you regret it!"

"Liu Benhui, you old dog, I will settle accounts with you sooner or later!"

"Zhao Shanhe, you bastard, you ruined my future, I will never die with you!"


The county seat of Jinsui County, Northern Province.

Bai Chaofeng has never been so happy as he is now, a stone in his heart has completely fallen to the ground.Thinking of the anxious waiting for this month, he admired Zhao Shanhe even more.

I am just anxious here, where is Zhao Shanhe?

They want to preside over the overall situation in Jinmen. You must know that not everyone can handle a commercial war like this.Zhao Shanhe not only held back, but also won the fight.

This is very rare.

"Leader, Liu Benhui has returned, and he wants to see you."

"Liu Benhui?"

Thinking of Liu Benhui's information, Bai Chaofeng smiled and said, "Then tonight, I will have a light meal with Liu Benhui."



Yongxing Department Store, Zhongzhou City, Eastern Province.

Chen Jinjun sat on a chair dejectedly, looking at the documents in front of him, not in the mood to deal with them at all.He is really desperate now, desperate for Master Kang, desperate for the future of Yongxing Department Store.

"The good Master Kang, it's okay to fail here, but why was he defeated in front of his own house? Could it be that they are all paper tigers? It's almost like falling down at the first touch."

"Kang Zehua, don't you have Japanese capital behind you? What about your Japanese capital? Didn't you say how much money will be given to help you fight this battle? Money? How can I fight Zhang Longdong now?"

"Maybe Zhang Longdong no longer regards me as an opponent?"

Chen Jinjun is like mourning his concubine.


Zhenghe County Shanqiu Food.

When the news of Yougu Dojo's overall victory in Jinmen came, the place had already become a sea of ​​celebration.Every worker in every workshop is happily talking about this.

According to them, Zhao Shanhe has been passed down as the invincible God of War.


"Let me just say, our factory manager is invincible."

"Master Kang, you all stand aside."

"It's almost the Chinese New Year, and there is no better appetizer than this news."


The workers are talking.

Management is also talking.

And in Li Qiuya's office, Zhao Shankai was also talking about this matter, and he became excited while talking.

"Sister-in-law, my brother said that he would be back tomorrow, and he told me to hurry up and get Jilu Logistics to Jinsui County. At the very least, we must ensure that all orders can be delivered as soon as possible."

"Yes, your brother is right. Shan Kai, you have to know that as our stall gets bigger and bigger, transportation should come first. What you produce can't be shipped out, or you can't get it on time. This is a big taboo. So, your Jilu Logistics must pay close attention to it, and ensure that no accidents will happen to every car and every driver."

Li Qiuya nodded in agreement.

"Just say what you need, and I will support you unconditionally."

"Really?" Zhao Shankai's eyes lit up.

"Really, tell me, what do you need?" Li Qiuya asked.


Zhao Shankai swallowed back the words that came to his lips, he touched his head, and said awkwardly: "Sister-in-law, why don't you forget about it, I feel really embarrassed."

"What's so embarrassing, Shan Kai, you have to know, I'm talking to you now as the general manager of Shanqiu Foods, don't let your sister-in-law be long and your sister-in-law short, and talk about business." Li Qiuya suppressed her smile and said calmly asked.

"Okay, then I'll just say it."

Zhao Shankai also stopped smiling, sat up straight quickly, and said slowly: "Mr. Li, what our Jilu Logistics needs most now is..."

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