Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 927 I Haven't Thought Like That, It's Not Realistic

"I really didn't notice before that Master Kang really is fried instant noodles."

"What's wrong with the fried one? Can't it be eaten? Besides, it's cheap."

"It's been said that cheap products are not good, and you still insist on eating cheap ones. Besides, didn't you hear what Professor Song said? Fried ones are not necessarily a bad thing, but non-fried ones are definitely not a bad thing. Your own body, why don't you still eat cheap ones?" Do you want to gamble?"

"That's right, we still have to trust Professor Song, so let's go and buy Yougu Dojo."


That's what Chen Zhilei heard.

His face was already gloomy, but now it became even uglier.Without even thinking about it, he directly stepped forward to stop a few customers who were about to leave, and said to them: "Hello, our Master Kang is healthy even if it is fried, don't listen to those reports talking nonsense, We will hold those people accountable."

"Who are you?"

"I am Chen Zhilei, the general manager of Master Kang, and I assure you that the quality of our Master Kang is not a problem." Chen Zhilei raised three fingers and made a gesture of swearing and said loudly.

"You promise? What kind of guarantee do you have? When it really happens, where can we find you?"

"That's right, hurry up and go somewhere to cool off and rest."

"Get out of the way, get out of the way."

"You stop for me!"

You said that it would be fine for Chen Zhilei to just let these people leave like this, but he was so angry that he made the most wrong move.He actually raised his hand to stop these people from speaking, and even made rude remarks.

"You have to apologize to me now, to Master Kang. It's your business if you don't buy it. You can't talk nonsense like this and pour dirty water on us."

"Hey, you want to buy and sell by force, don't you?"

"Look at all of you, Master Kang is going to cheat."

"Well, are you bullying us Jinmen people? Are you really thinking that we Jinmen have no men?"


The scene exploded instantly.

Chen Zhilei never dreamed that his unintentional actions would bring Master Kang into an embarrassing situation.And it just so happened that when he was doing this, there were reporters who came to follow up the report.

When the reporter saw such a thing, he wouldn't hesitate. At that time, he frantically pressed the shutter button, and the whole process was photographed with bursts of flashes that dazzled the eyes.

The reporters thought to themselves, this is news.

They even had a title in mind.

"Anxious Master Kang! "

"Behind the shame and anger is the hypocrisy that has been exposed!" "

"Master Kang, who gave you the courage to be arrogant and domineering? "


And the matter here quickly calmed down with Huang Zhi's appearance.

Huang Zhi was also very speechless, he didn't expect Chen Zhilei to be so hot-tempered, he would start fighting immediately after a disagreement, what are you doing?Is this trying to drag Master Kang into the abyss of disaster?

"Huang Zhi, you stay here, I'll go back." Chen Zhilei loosened his tie and said.



Nine department stores.

Events are also being held here, and many customers are surrounded by the promotion site of Yougu Dojo.They were either attracted by shopping, or they came for Yougu Dojo.No matter what it is, as long as they appear here, they will not return empty-handed, but will leave with a few bags or a box or two of instant noodles.

If you listen to what they say, you will know how successful this soft advertising campaign is.

"Let me tell you, you have to eat non-fried noodles, just like the noodles we roll out ourselves."

"Fried ones are easy to cause cancer."

"Then don't say anything, bring me two boxes of non-fried ones."


Looking at such a scene, the smile on Zhao Shanhe's face was gentle.He looked sideways at a woman next to him, smiled and said indifferently: "Mr. Fang, should you feel relieved now?"

"Don't worry, I have nothing to worry about. I was very relieved from the very beginning. Otherwise, I wouldn't cooperate with your Yougu Dojo, and cooperate with your factory manager Zhao."

The one who spoke was a woman in a professional dress. She had short hair and a pretty face. There was a faint beauty mole on the corner of her mouth. She looked very neat and capable.

She is the owner of Nine Department Stores, Fang Qingjian.

"That's good!" Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Director Zhao, the articles published in the newspaper and the interview with Professor Song should all be written by you, right?" Fang Qing asked with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe frankly admitted that there is nothing to deny, and if you deny it, you will appear to have no confidence.

"Beautiful! Wonderful! How did you come up with such a trick? It hit Master Kang's waist in one hit, and now they can't do it anymore if they want to." Fang Qing beamed with joy and praised sincerely.

"I didn't think too much about it. I'm just telling the truth. Who told me that the Yougu Dojo is not fried, and their Master Kang is fried. If it were Mr. Fang, if you chose, would you give up the non-oil Choose deep-fried one?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


Fang Qing smiled tremblingly, brushed her sideburns behind her ears, and didn't dwell on this issue any more.

"Then let's just sit back and watch Master Kang suffer."

"as you wish!"


Master Kang headquarters.

Kang Zehua also knew what happened outside now, and the moment he knew it, he broke his most beloved vase.Against the background of the debris on the ground, his face was terribly gloomy, and his eyes were full of angry fire.

Secretary Mei Wanting stood beside her, not daring to say a word.

"This damned Zhao Shanhe even used such a dirty trick."

"And that shit Professor Song, isn't he just talking nonsense with his eyes open? How did he get bought by Zhao Shanhe? How dare he ruin our Master Kang's reputation like this? I'm going to sue him. A person like him is not worthy at all. Practice medicine!"

"Chen Zhilei, where are you now?"

"Dong dong."

Just as he was venting his anger, Chen Zhilei hurried back. As soon as he entered the office and saw the debris all over the floor, he knew that Kang Zehua had received the news.

"Boss Kang!"

"Chen Zhilei, didn't you promise me that Zhao Shanhe didn't use any tricks? Is this your guarantee? How could they do such a thing?"

"Do you know, just now I received several calls, all from our promotion site, and they all said that it's been a whole morning, and they haven't even sold a box of instant noodles!"

"Tell me, how do you want to tell me?"

Kang Zehua's voice was cold and he stared fiercely.


After Chen Zhilei touched Kang Zehua's eyes, he lowered his head guiltyly, but soon raised it up again, and said anxiously: "Mr. Kang, I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would do this, he would use our production technology to make Article. It seems that he has been staring at this matter from the very beginning, otherwise it would be impossible to say that the layout was completed so quickly."

"Is it useful for you to say these now?"

Kang Zehua stood by the table, slapped the table vigorously and shouted loudly, "What I want is a solution, a solution to this matter! Now, hurry up and think about it, what should I do about this?"

"I thought about it on the way back. If we want to break the situation and restore our image, we have to refute it head-on. Didn't he publish the article in the newspaper? We can publish it too, just confront him. Talk about the disadvantages of non-fried instant noodles, and criticize them to nothing."

"Besides, didn't he ask for Song Jiuzheng? Let's also find doctors and professors, and the director of the hospital to prove it, and let them say that frying is fine, and no matter how much you eat, it will not threaten your health."

"I believe that as long as we face each other like this, we can always break the game!"

Chen Zhilei looked at Kang Zehua, and said word by word: "This is always Jinmen, Zhao Shanhe is a foreigner no matter what, if a foreigner wants to make trouble in our territory, it depends on whether he has the qualifications !"

"Are you sure you can counterattack successfully?" Kang Zehua asked with a displeased face, still angry.


Chen Zhilei nodded heavily, and said solemnly, "I'll find someone to do this right away."

"Then you go, find someone quickly, and try to get this matter done today. I want to see news that is beneficial to Master Kang in tomorrow's newspaper, you know?"


Chen Zhilei turned his head and went to work.

Watching his back disappear by the door of the office, Kang Zehua slumped on the chair helplessly, frowning tightly without saying a word, staring at the desktop absently, wondering what he was thinking.


Facts have proved that even if this is Jinmen and Master Kang's territory, once some things have formed an inherent understanding, it will be very difficult to change.

Even if Chen Zhilei dispatched people to counterattack in the newspapers and media, even if he invited out some hospital director to stand for Master Kang and waved his flag desperately, it was useless.

In this way, the fried Master Kang lost to the non-fried Yougu Dojo.

In a week, Yougu Dojo used the nine department stores and other small shopping malls to completely suppress Master Kang's momentum.

That’s not to mention, in some kiosks and convenience stores, both brands of instant noodles were available at the beginning, but as time went by, after customers chose Yougu Dojo instead of Master Kang, they naturally also made selected.

Most kiosks and convenience stores choose to introduce Yougu Dojo in large quantities.

Master Kang suddenly became uninterested.

This is true of Jinmen, let alone other cities.In the markets in Beijing and Hebei Province, Master Kang was even more suppressed by Yougu Dojo, and he had no power to fight back.

And we must know that Zhao Shanhe's hole cards have not been fully revealed, otherwise Master Kang will be defeated like a mountain.

"It has been a week since Master Kang went public. According to the data we have, they should have sold thousands of boxes on the first day. Afterwards, the growth rate has been negative. The number of boxes sold every day is not enough for people. Those who pay wages are all losing money and making money. To put it simply, we have won this battle in Jinmen!"

Yang E smiled and put down the document in her hand.

"You can't be paralyzed yet."

Liu Benhui waved his hand, and said calmly: "Master Kang still has one move that he hasn't used yet. If this move is used, it may set off a small climax. I just don't know if they will use it."

"What trick?" Yang E asked curiously.

"Price war!"

Liu Benhui looked at Zhao Shanhe and said slowly: "Now buy one get one free for four yuan, if they are serious, three yuan, or two yuan, or even a lower one, buy one get one free, I don't believe customers They will be indifferent. After all, it is impossible to completely block Master Kang by only relying on frying and non-frying."

"People will only consider the difference between fried and non-fried when the price is similar, but if the price is much different, there will always be people who are greedy for the cheapest."

"The teacher is right."

Zhao Shanhe nodded approvingly.

"There was a debate between fried and non-fried. It is possible for us to retain a group of customers by relying on this, but it is a bit unrealistic to retain all customers. What's more, it is the premise of the price war in Master Kang. Under the circumstances, this kind of retention will appear very fragile."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I never thought that I could completely kill Master Kang with a stick. After all, he invested millions of dollars in the construction of a factory. After all, he can change fried ones into non-fried ones at any time. After all, Jinmen It is impossible for the local government to say that they just watched such a factory go bankrupt and close down."

"Yes, it's best for you to think like this. I'm afraid. You want to completely crush and close Master Kang with all your heart." Liu Benhui smiled as if he was relieved, and cast a glance of approval.

"I didn't think about it that way, and it's not realistic."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "If you can suppress Master Kang's market and prevent it from posing a threat to our Yougu Dojo, at least let them only stay in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei market. I have achieved my goal. And as long as I can do this, Master Kang will not be able to pose a threat to us anytime soon."

"Yougu Dojo can also take this opportunity to achieve a blowout development."

"As long as Yougu Daochang can secure its position as a leading instant noodle company, let other brands of instant noodles come out. We can't say that we can really create a monopoly. If we really want to do that, it will be dangerous. Teacher, what do you think? ?”

"That's right, any monopoly enterprise is walking a tightrope, it's good that you realize that!" Liu Benhui laughed.

"Then what should we do now?" Yang E asked.


Zhao Shanhe raised his arms, stretched his waist comfortably, and said lazily: "I think Master Kang has become like this. Whether it is Haisheng Department Store or Kang Zehua, it is time to send someone to contact me. Let's wait Let them take the initiative to contact. At that time, what kind of conditions are put forward, isn't it up to us to decide?"

"Okay!" Yang E smiled brightly.

This battle can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

An elegant room in a teahouse in Jinmen.

Kang Zehua and Jiang Haisheng sat opposite each other.

It was Kang Zehua who took the initiative to meet Jiang Haisheng today, and the two chatted naturally about the business war between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang.As for the bleak situation in front of him, Kang Zehua didn't evade much, and faced it calmly.

This surprised Jiang Haisheng a bit.

"Mr. Kang, I thought you should be crazy right now, but I didn't expect you to be so calm. This is beyond my expectation." Jiang Haisheng raised the corners of his lips, stroking the teacup and said.


Kang Zehua laughed at himself, and said casually: "I want to go crazy, but is it useful? It's useless, and it can't solve any problems. If this is the case, why should I make myself suffer."

"That's right, but Mr. Kang, what do you think about this situation? Does your Master Kang have any countermeasures next? You wouldn't say that you just watched Yougu Dojo become bigger and stronger, right? "

Jiang Haisheng stared straight at him.

Kang Zehua spoke slowly.

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