Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 926 How do you break the game now?

The first floor of Haisheng Department Store.

Chen Zhilei walked in, he was very happy now, because he knew that with yesterday's achievements, today's Master Kang would definitely be able to sell.

In this way, I dare not say anything else, at least in Jinmen, the brand of Master Kang has gained a firm foothold, and it can completely suppress Yougu Taoist Temple.

"Guo Wentian, I also know about your sales performance in the Eastern Province. Hehe, I can only say that you deserve to be unlucky and assigned to sell there."

"When you come back, I'll see what you can fight with me. At that time, except for Kang Zehua, I will be the veritable No.1 of Master Kang. In addition, I have Kang Yujiao here. I'll see who dares to fight me." Brawl?"

Chen Zhilei's ambition was high.

His goal has always been to control Master Kang, now that he is so close to this goal, how can he not be excited?

"Mr. Chen, your coffee."

"Huang Zhi, you did a great job yesterday, and you will continue to work hard today. As long as you can promote our Master Kang brand, I will never forget your contribution."

Chen Zhilei took the coffee cup handed over from Huang Zhi, and praised with a smile.


Huang Zhi immediately raised his head and said with a straight chest: "I believe that with Mr. Chen in charge, we will definitely be able to create more glories here."

Chen Zhilei immediately nodded in satisfaction: "Well said, work hard!"


Time just kept passing.

Not long after, the traffic of Haisheng Department Store also increased. Seeing groups of people walking in and wandering around Master Kang's booth, Chen Zhilei's smile grew stronger.

"Mr. Chen, you are sure to gain a lot today." Jiang Haisheng said with a smile.

"Then I will lend you a good word."

Chen Zhilei chatted casually with Jiang Haisheng like this, but soon Huang Zhi came over with a hurried face, and said in a somewhat hasty tone: "Mr. Chen, something happened!"

"What's all the fuss about?" Chen Zhilei asked lazily.

"Our Master Kang has not sold a single box since he opened the door." Huang Zhi said anxiously.

"There's no need to worry if a box isn't sold, let's..."

Chen Zhilei, who was still a little confused, just said this, his expression suddenly changed, and then he stared at Huang Zhi in surprise, and asked in disbelief: "What did you say? You said that our Master Kang didn't sell a single box?"

"How is it possible? Today is a rest day, and the sales should be better than yesterday. There are so many customers, and they are all around the booth. How could it be possible that not a single box was sold?"

"Huang Zhi, did something happen?" Jiang Haisheng asked in confusion.


Huang Zhi frowned, and said bitterly: "It is true that something happened. Those customers originally wanted to buy our Master Kang, but later they didn't buy it for some reason. I hurriedly investigated, only to find out that someone It was a trick, an article was published in a newspaper, and it was this article that was messing things up."

"What article?" Chen Zhilei asked, frowning.

"This is it."

As Huang Zhi said, he handed over two newspapers. Chen Zhilei and Jiang Haisheng quickly took them, and they saw the article at first glance. There was no way, who made the title of this article too conspicuous.

"The Past and Present of Me and Fried Instant Noodles! "

"I am a very lazy person, so I am very grateful for the birth of instant noodles. It is because of this convenient food that my life can become so beautiful. But I never thought that my life would also be because of instant noodles and fell into a desperate situation.”

"I have an incurable disease."

"At first, I thought that this incurable disease was caused by high-intensity work and staying up late. At that time, my intestines were green with regret. If I had the opportunity, I would definitely change jobs and change my current life. Work and rest habits. But after seeing a doctor in the hospital, I knew it was not like this."

"The reason why I have an incurable disease is because of instant noodles!"

"Because the instant noodles I ate were deep-fried!"

"My God, if someone told me that fried instant noodles are so harmful, I would not touch them. But it is too late now, I have already contracted the disease. But I want to tell you that instant noodles are the world's most It is a great invention in the world, when you choose, you must keep your eyes open and choose non-fried ones.”

"Cherish life, stay away from frying."



After reading this article, Chen Zhilei tore the newspaper into pieces without even thinking about it, and roared furiously: "Zhao Shanhe, this must be written by Zhao Shanhe, he is too shameless! How dare you make up such news, isn't it clearly trying to mislead the people!"

"Who says it's not, Mr. Chen, because of this article, those customers flinched on the spot when they saw the word "fried" marked by our Master Kang. Those people don't buy it, and they persuaded them to buy it. People who bought it returned it, so we didn’t sell a single box all morning!”

Huang Zhi was anxious.

“Fried! Not fried!”

Jiang Haisheng also looked at the table next to him at the moment, where there were two kinds of instant noodles, Master Kang and Yougu Daochang.He quickly picked it up to check, and it was indeed the case.

Master Kang’s bag is clearly marked as fried, while Yougu Dojo’s is marked as non-fried, healthy noodles.

Now you don't even have a chance to defend yourself.

what do you say?Can you tell that your instant noodles are not fried?You marked it as deep-fried, so what else do you use to prevaricate?Zhao Shanhe, this move of yours is ruthless enough, it will kill you with one blow.

Even if people nowadays are greedy for cheap, they know that you, Master Kang, have a favorable price, but once it is linked to health, no one will choose.What's more, it's not that the Yougu Dojo is so expensive to sell, and it's even more cost-effective than your Master Kang, including the event that you can exchange for one bag by collecting six empty bags.

Chen Zhilei, how do you break the game now?

Jiang Haisheng remained silent and looked over quietly, waiting for Chen Zhilei's counterattack.

Chen Zhilei clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and forced out a few words: "I'm going to sue Zhao Shanhe!"

"A complaint?"

Jiang Haisheng shook his head, held the newspaper and said, "President Chen, with all due respect, if you file a lawsuit, you may not win."

"Why?" Chen Zhilei was quite surprised.

"Because this article never mentions that the fried instant noodles are your master Kang from the beginning to the end of this article, nor does it say that the non-fried instant noodles are Yougu Dojo, and even the non-fried instant noodles are not mentioned several times in the article. Under such circumstances, if you go to sue, can you win? Who can you sue?" Jiang Haisheng said lightly.


Chen Zhilei was dumbfounded and speechless.

That's right, this article is cunning enough. From the very beginning to the end, there is not a single sentence of Master Tikang's name. You can sue, can you?Who are you suing?

"But this kind of article is clearly pouring dirty water on our Master Kang, and everyone will think that it is our Master Kang." Chen Zhilei said with a grim face.

"Then you can't sue, you should find other ways to break the situation. And you'd better break the situation quickly, otherwise, when this matter brews into a storm and spreads in Jinmen, your Master Kang's reputation will be completely ruined gone."

Jiang Haisheng slowly lifted Erlang's legs.

"If that's the case, Mr. Chen, I will reconsider our cooperation."

"President Jiang, don't worry, I'll take care of this right away."

After Chen Zhilei finished speaking, he got up and left.

At this moment, Jiang Haisheng's secretary knocked on the door and came in. He glanced at Chen Zhilei meaningfully, and said to Jiang Haisheng: "Mr. Jiang, turn on the TV and watch it now."

"What TV?" Jiang Haisheng frowned puzzled.

"On our Jinmen TV station, there is an interview program that is broadcasting, and the interviewee is the famous medical professor Song Jiuzhen." Secretary Gu Qingquan said calmly.

"So?" Jiang Haisheng still didn't understand.

"Professor Song is talking about the difference between fried and non-fried food."

"What?" Jiang Haisheng sat up straight and hurriedly ordered, "Open it quickly."

Now even Chen Zhilei didn't leave, but stayed to watch.After the TV was turned on, this program was also found, and there was indeed a medical professor explaining it.

He is Song Jiuzhen.

A famous medical professor in Jinmen.

"Professor Song, is fried food really harmful to people's health?" asked the host.

"It can't be said so absolutely. Fried and non-fried can only be said to be a difference in cooking methods. You can't kill a boatload of people with one pole and say that deep-frying is bad. This kind of statement is biased. .” Song Jiuzhen said calmly.

After saying this, the expressions of Jiang Haisheng and Chen Zhilei couldn't help but cheer up. These words are good!Fried is not necessarily harmful, what a good idea.

Could it be that Song Jiuzheng was arranged by Kang Zehua?

Chen Zhilei couldn't help thinking inwardly.

But soon, his expression darkened, a kind of anger emerged on his face, and he looked at Song Jiuzhen as if he wanted to swallow him alive.Well, you Song Jiuzhen, how dare you slander me like this?

Jiang Haisheng's face also darkened.

"Let's talk about the instant noodles that are very popular recently? At present, we have two brands of instant noodles on the market, one is fried and the other is non-fried. In fact, fried and non-fried are talking about a production process. The differences are all about the final drying method of instant noodles.”

"Fried, as the name implies, is deep-fried. This kind of instant noodles can keep dry for a long time, and many small holes will be formed on the surface, which can quickly absorb water after soaking in water."

"The non-fried ones are dried with hot air, and the rehydration is poor."

Speaking of Song Jiuzhen here, his words didn't sound too biased, but the problem was that he suddenly changed the subject at this moment, talked about nutrition and taste, and immediately expressed his attitude.

"But if we put aside the craftsmanship and talk about nutrition, there is still a gap between the two types of instant noodles."

"To put it simply, the biggest difference in nutrition between the two types of instant noodles is the calories. The oil content of fried instant noodles is between 18% and 20%, and the water content is less than 10%; the water content of non-fried instant noodles is more. But the fat content is only about 1/4 of that of fried instant noodles.”

"What does this mean, I believe you can all understand clearly."

Song Jiuzhen paused after saying this, and continued: "If you talk about the taste of nutrition, it means that the taste of frying will be very strong, and the oil content will be too high."

"The taste of non-fried noodles is not much different from our fresh-cut noodles because of its fine structure. So as far as I am concerned, I personally prefer non-fried instant noodles."

"Professor Song, I want to ask, this question is also of concern to many of our viewers, that is, does eating too much fried instant noodles really cause illness?" The host looked over with burning eyes.

Song Jiuzhen pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Whether fried instant noodles will cause disease, there is no clear conclusion at present. So I dare not speak nonsense, but what I can be sure of is that it is definitely not fried. It won't make you sick."

"Thank you Professor Song for accepting our interview today."

This concludes the TV interview program.

Gu Qingquan turned off the TV conveniently, then looked at Jiang Haisheng and said, "Mr. Jiang, the program just now has been spread in Jinmen, and I believe many people have seen it."

"Combined with this article reported in the newspaper, I think this should be the real reason for Master Kang's unsalable sales. If the crisis public relations cannot be made quickly, I am afraid that Master Kang will be in big trouble."

"Mr. Chen, did you hear that? Hurry up and do something." Jiang Haisheng said.

"it is good."

Chen Zhilei took Huang Zhi away without looking back.

The moment the office door was closed, Gu Qingquan said in a deep voice: "Mr. Jiang, I think Master Kang will be able to pass this time. If they say they fail, what shall we do?"

"What do you think?" Jiang Haisheng narrowed his eyes.

"I don't think we can hang ourselves on the same rope. After all, we have done what the above said and helped Master Kang. The current crisis is that Master Kang can't solve it by himself. We can't blame us. We have to find a way." It's not right to live." Gu Qingquan said.

"So you want to cooperate with Yougu Dojo?" Jiang Haisheng asked.


Gu Qingquan nodded, and said seriously: "Mr. Jiang, I have received reliable news that small companies like Nine Department Stores have a good cooperation with Yougu Dojo. They have attracted a lot of customers through Yougu Dojo."

"You must know that Jinmen is only so big. They have a lot of traffic, and this will affect our side."


"And what?" Jiang Haisheng asked.

"And you also know that those small department stores are hostile to our Haisheng Department Store. If they really rely on Yougu Dojo to unite against us this time..."

Gu Qingquan didn't finish his sentence, but Jiang Haisheng already understood what he meant.

That's right, ants eat elephants, even if Jiujian Department Store is small in scale, they can really unite and be enough for Haisheng Department Store to drink a pot.And Jiujian Department Store is not that insignificant small, this matter must be taken seriously.

"What do you think this Kang Zehua did to make Zhao Shanhe do this kind of thing, which suddenly collapsed the good situation. I really shouldn't trust Kang Zehua."

Jiang Haisheng stood still after walking back and forth in the office twice.

"Let's see if Chen Zhilei can break the game. If he can, we will continue to cooperate with Master Kang. After all, the cooperation with them is the meaning of the above. But if they can't break the game and are determined by Yougu Dojo, we will hurry up Talk to Zhao Shanhe."


The catastrophe is imminent.

At this moment, Chen Zhilei also came to the event site, and he glanced around with a stern expression.

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