Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 925 Giving someone a handle?

"Mr. Guo, we only sold fifty boxes."

"How many?"

Guo Wentian couldn't believe his ears, and was stunned for a moment.

"Fifty boxes." Liu Feng said tremblingly.

"Fifty? Liu Feng, tell me that you only sold fifty boxes in one morning? Didn't you? How on earth did you arrange it? It's just this little? Are you just playing things off?" Guo Wentian was furious. , pointing at Liu Feng's nose and shouting loudly.

"No, Mr. Guo, how can I dare? If you don't believe me, you can ask them to see if we are perfunctory. We are really trying to sell. But the problem is that people here don't seem to Don’t recognize our Master Kang.”

Liu Feng was so wronged that he almost cried.

"No? What do you mean?" Guo Wentian asked.

"As long as people come here to ask questions, after they see that we are the brand of Master Kang, the most common sentence they say is 'Master Kang is not as good as Yougu Taoist Temple, let's eat Yougu Taoist Temple'."

"Really, they didn't even touch the tasters, so they all left like this. We tried our best to say good things, but it was useless." Liu Feng explained with a sad face.

"Can it still be like this? It shouldn't be! No matter what our Master Kang said, the price is very cheap. He can win the Yougu Dojo just by relying on the price war. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Yougu Dojo? Already?" Guo Wentian asked with a frown.

"Mr. Guo."

At this moment, Chen Jinjun came over, and he said with a somewhat solemn expression: "You are right, Yougu Daochang really has another moth this time, and you Master Kang can be forgiven for failing."

"What do you mean?" Guo Wentian asked.

"I just received news that the Yougu Dojo, which is holding a promotional event in Dayang Department Store, has temporarily added two preferential conditions to the outside world. First, all customers who buy Yougu Dojo, as long as they gather six empty bags, they can exchange for one Pack instant noodles." Chen Jinjun said slowly after scanning Master Kang's booth.


Guo Wentian couldn't help being taken aback.

Can you still come like this?

What's the matter?If you do this, isn't it equivalent to adding another temptation condition?Zhao Shanhe, what was going on in your head, how could you come up with such a trick?

"If that's the case, shouldn't all the customers be allowed to go?" Guo Wentian asked.

"Yeah, it's not enough just to say that, but the problem is that the second preferential condition of Yougu Dojo is the most deadly." When Chen Jinjun said this, he couldn't help showing an expression of admiration on his face.

Zhao Shanhe, how did your head grow?Can you even think of such a trick?I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced, after being treated like this by you, Master Kang won't be able to stand up again.

"What is it?" Guo Wentian looked anxious.

"Yougu Dojo has just announced that as long as you buy their instant noodles, you will be able to participate in a lucky draw if you spend more than ten yuan. The prizes are divided into five levels. There are no empty prizes. As long as you participate, there will be prizes. The highest is a TV set."


Chen Jinjun paused at this point.

"And what?" Guo Wentian's face was already quite ugly, but he still couldn't help asking.

"Besides, just this morning, someone took out two TV sets, and they cashed them in on the spot. Mr. Guo, think about it, it's only one yuan cheaper here, but they can take out the TV set, Who else will come to you to buy?" Chen Jinjun said with some helplessness in his eyes.

Guo Wentian was stunned on the spot.

Can it still be so?

Zhao Shanhe, are you too crazy?I thought that our Master Kang’s price war was exaggerated enough. Buy one get one free for four yuan has already reached our bottom line of cost, and it must not be cheaper.

Fortunately, you even made a TV?It's nothing else, it's a TV. Who can resist this temptation?

"Mr. Chen, let's do the same!" Guo Wentian said with eyes rolling.

"It's like this too? Do you mean that there will also be a lottery?" Chen Jinjun looked over.

Guo Wentian nodded quickly: "Yes, can you?"

"It's possible, but where will the prize come from? Why do you have to prepare in advance?" Chen Jinjun said.

"You are a department store here, so there should be prizes, right? In this case, you come to help us prepare, and we will pay for how much money is needed." Guo Wentian said directly without thinking.

"Are you sure you can make the decision? Do you want to report to Mr. Kang?" Chen Jinjun took a deep look at Guo Wentian and asked cautiously.


Guo Wentian swallowed the words that came to his lips. He knew that he really couldn't make the decision, so he had no choice but to walk to the side and call Kang Zehua to talk about it.

"Fifty boxes?"

Who would have thought that after hearing this number, Kang Zehua would be furious instantly.Guo Wentian didn't listen to anything else that Guo Wentian said, and the three words "fifty boxes" kept echoing in his mind.

"Guo Wentian, how do you do things? Fifty boxes? Are you willing to tell me? These fifty boxes mean that only twenty boxes were sold. Don't you feel ashamed?"

"You did this at Yongxing Department Store in Eastern Province, so you just showed me such a report card? Do you know how many boxes Haisheng Department Store has sold? How do you compare with others? Guo Wentian, Are you really worse than Chen Zhilei?"

"Didn't you always clamor to suppress Chen Zhilei? What do you rely on to suppress? Just by opening your mouth? Let me tell you, I don't want to hear you say such and such useless words, so you should hurry up and promote me. If you can't get the report card to a thousand boxes before sunset, you will be at your own peril!"


Kang Zehua was so angry that his teeth were itchy, and he hung up the phone directly.

Guo Wentian's face was ashen, and he walked back resentfully.

"Mr. Guo, how are you?" Chen Jinjun went up to him and asked.

"Mr. Chen, let's talk about the prizes later. Let's promote and sell the goods in this way. I believe that this situation will change in the afternoon." Guo Wentian said in a deep voice.


Seeing Guo Wentian's stinky face, Chen Jinjun knew that the communication was not going well.That being the case, I don't want to add fuel to the fire, but in this way, my idea of ​​relying on Master Kang to turn over is probably useless.

Master Kang, you still don't have the guts!

What about your pattern?

Kang Zehua, you have disappointed me too much!



At this time, Kang Zehua was angry. He grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground. His whole figure was like an enraged lion, walking back and forth in the office constantly, venting his anger.

"This Guo Wentian is usually eloquent. Why can't he handle such a small matter? I've already set up the arena, so he can't sing just to sing? What's wrong with him?"

"Fifty boxes!"

"Guo Wentian, Guo Wentian, you're so embarrassed to tell me this number, and you still make me a condition like this! What qualifications do you have to make a condition?"

"Fifty boxes?"

Kang Yujiao burst out laughing when she heard this number, and quickly restrained herself after meeting her father's cold eyes.She knew she shouldn't be laughing, but she just couldn't help it.

Because she knew that Guo Wentian was planted this time.

And the more Guo Wentian fell into trouble, the more unlucky she was, the happier she was.Whoever is in Master Kang, Guo Wentian has always relied on that he was the first to follow Kang Zehua, and he is usually very arrogant and domineering in his affairs.What upset Kang Yujiao the most was that Guo Wentian didn't even pay attention to Chen Zhilei, and often humiliated him.

You say this will satisfy Kang Yujiao?

Kang Yujiao would naturally not miss the opportunity to make trouble now.It would be best if Guo Wentian could be kicked away, then no one among Master Kang would be able to confront Chen Zhilei, and he would be able to enjoy the status of the general manager's wife with peace of mind.

"Dad, I think Guo Wentian is responding passively. Otherwise, how could he only sell about twenty boxes? Even if you sell it on the street, at this price, you will have to sell hundreds of boxes, right?" ?”

"Why don't you go to the Eastern Province with someone else?"

Kang Yujiao restrained her smile and said.

"It's a big taboo to change generals before the battle. I believe Guo Wentian can handle this matter well. Besides, the eastern province is our one move. It's the best if it can be completed. It doesn't matter if it doesn't. Our focus is still on the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, you go and tell Zhilei, you must stabilize the sales of Haisheng Department Store." Kang Zehua said with a straight face.



The day passed quietly like this.

When night fell and the shopping malls were closed, the propaganda battle between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang in Jinmen came to an end.No matter what Master Kang thinks, the Yougu Dojo is holding a summary meeting.

After collecting the data at hand, Yang E said slowly: "Director, our overall sales data today is not bad, although it can't be compared with the peak period, we have sold a total of [-] boxes. No matter how much Master Kang has, it will be this number, or even lower."

"But it's just the first day and I don't know what it's going to be like."

"Maybe more people will recognize our Yougu Dojo, and maybe some people will buy Master Kang. But no matter what, I believe our Yougu Dojo has a firm foothold in Jinmen."

"The data is good, but I want to hear whether our sales strategy has been achieved."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and looked at Liu Benhui.

"Teacher, tell me."

"it is good!"

Liu Benhui was in charge of the relationship with Jiujian Department Store, so without any hesitation, he said calmly: "Facts have proved that our previous decision was correct. Although Jiujian Department Store is not as large as Haisheng, they have a large number of them. Moreover, they are distributed in various parts of Jinmen to maximize sales.”

"As long as we continue to persevere, I believe that even if Haisheng Department Store is there, we will not be able to stop our victory in Yougu Dojo."

"That's a good thing to say."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"But it's not the best, because although it can guarantee the market share of our Yougu Dojo, if it is exhausted, it should be divided equally with Master Kang in the Jinmen market."

"We have spent so much manpower and material resources to come to Jinmen. If it is just an equal share, how can it be enough? Let's not do it. If we do, at least two-thirds of the market will be accounted for!"

Yang E frowned and said, "Then we have to think of other sales strategies, but Master Kang can also copy other strategies. For example, buy one get one free, such as bundled sales, Master Kang is copying our tricks."

"Although the common people know that Master Kang is plagiarizing, what they value more is the benefits they can get, so they don't care about it."

"Then let Master Kang not plagiarize." Liu Benhui's eyes were sharp.

"Old Liu, what's your opinion?" Yang E asked.

"It's not necessarily a good idea. In fact, what I want to say is what Shanhe told me before. I think this trick is good, so I asked people to do it." Liu Benhui said with a smile.

"What trick?" Yang E was still at a loss.

"Soft advertising marketing." Liu Benhui said slowly.

"Soft advertising marketing?"

Yang E suddenly realized after being slightly stunned.

"That's right, why did I forget about this? Soft advertisements can kill people without seeing blood, and they won't give people a handle. As long as soft advertisements can be operated well, they can play a role of surprise."

"Give someone a handle?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "We won't have such worries and worries this time, because we are here to grasp Master Kang's publicity strategy openly this time."

As he spoke, Zhao Shanhe pointed to the table, where there was a bag of Master Kang's Braised Beef Noodles.

"Yang E, what do you think is the biggest difference between Master Kang and our Yougu Dojo?"

"The biggest difference?"

Yang E picked up the two instant noodles and compared them carefully. Looking at them, her eyes couldn't help but freeze, that's why.The trace of worry she had just now had completely disappeared now.

"Director, if you don't tell me, I really can't find this difference. It's just that I didn't expect this to be our trump card. In fact, I always thought that all instant noodles are produced in this way." Yang E laughed.

"How is that possible?"

Zhao Shanhe crossed his legs and said slowly: "There are many ways to dry instant noodles quickly. Our Yougu Dojo can also choose the same method as Master Kang. But if that is the case, we have no way to make soft advertisements now. Marketing, there is no way to become our trump card."

"Just wait and see, this hole card will be revealed tomorrow, and it will be effective immediately."

"I am looking forward."

Yang E said with a smile: "If you just rely on soft advertisements, won't the weight be a bit light?"

"Yes, so I also prepared a gift for Master Kang. This gift is a bit heavy. I believe Chen Zhilei will like it very much after seeing it." Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Chen Zhilei.

There was a coldness in Liu Benhui's eyes.

"I'll keep an eye on that myself."

Zhao Shanhe looked worried: "Teacher, are you sure there is no problem? If there is any difficulty, I can..."

"Mountains and rivers!"

Liu Benhui raised his arm to interrupt Zhao Shanhe's words, and said with a serious expression: "This matter is not just a private matter between me and Chen Zhilei, but also a duel between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang, so don't worry, I won't I will treat it as a top priority, and I will do a good job.”

"Okay, then let's wait for tomorrow to see results."

"it is good!"

Chen Zhilei never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe would prepare such a big gift for Master Kang on the first day he was listed.

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