"I think that as a student, you should think for the teacher and let the bad breath in your teacher's heart be vented, don't you think so?" Li Xiangyang said the third reason calmly.

"You mean to let the teacher deal with Chen Zhilei?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly.


Li Xiangyang nodded, and said in a serious voice: "Don't think that doing this is cruel. In fact, doing this may be cruel to Chen Zhilei, but it is the best gift for your teacher."

"Because as far as I know, after your classmate Liu Qingya got divorced, your teacher resigned from Qingshan Technical School. After resigning, he has always been in a low mood."

"You know why he is depressed. You said that there is such an opportunity for him to vent, why do you want to deprive him? Besides, Chen Zhilei and Liu Qingya have divorced, and Liu Benhui doesn't have any psychological burden to deal with him. Why didn't you give him the chance?"


After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "My teacher is indeed the most suitable candidate, how about this, I will talk to him about this matter. If he agrees, Yougu Dojo will have a qualified person in charge."

"He will definitely agree, all right, you come and talk to him about it."

After speaking, Li Xiangyang walked out.

When he was the only one left here, Zhao Shanhe went through the conversation just now from beginning to end, and then dialed Liu Benhui's landline.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

"Qingya, it's me, Zhao Shanhe, is teacher at home?"

"Shanhe, wait a moment, my dad is here."

Soon Liu Benhui picked up the phone, and Zhao Shanhe didn't mean to hide it, and said happily: "Teacher, I told you about Yougu Taoist Temple before, and now Yougu Taoist Temple has been fully listed. I want to ask you, would you like to come and help me?"

"help you?"

Liu Benhui really never thought that Zhao Shanhe would send him an invitation. After a brief moment of stupefaction, he soon came to his senses: "Isn't your Yougu Dojo facing Master Kang now?"

"Yes! That's true. Although Master Kang said that it hasn't been listed yet, it will be soon. I, the teacher, also know that Zhenghe County still has a lot of work to do, so it is impossible to stay here forever. I just thought , teacher, can you help me?" Zhao Shanhe's posture was very low, and he didn't directly say that he wanted to deal with Chen Zhilei.


After thinking for a while, Liu Benhui said in a deep voice: "Shanhe, I know what you think, you want to find something for the teacher to do. That's fine. It just so happens that the teacher is a standard vagrant now, you wait, I'm going to Jinsui County to talk to you about this."

"it is good."

Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone after speaking.

"Dad, are you really planning to go to Jinsui County?" Liu Qingya asked curiously.

"Yes, since Shanhe has said so, of course I can't refuse. Besides, I have nothing to do now, so I can't just stay at home all day, or I will go crazy."

"What's more..."

When Liu Benhui said this, he took a deep look at Liu Qingya.

"What's more?" Liu Qingya asked in surprise.

"What's more, this matter is going to be confronted with Chen Zhilei. Do you think I will refuse? I won't. I just want to defeat him with upright business competition, let him know how shameful my vanity is, let him know In this world, it doesn’t mean that he is the only smart person, there are many people who are better than him! He divorced you, he abused you, these are the stupidest things he has ever done in his life. "

Liu Benhui's gaze was like a torch, and his words were like a knife.

That's what he thought in his heart, and he said it out of his mouth.

In his life, he never bothered to lie or hide and cover up when he was doing things for people.

"Dad, go do it!"

Liu Qingya caught the strong fighting intent that flashed in Liu Benhui's eyes, and she didn't mean to stop it.She and Chen Zhilei had already broken up their friendship, so she would not stop Liu Benhui from doing anything he wanted to do.

"it is good!"

That day Liu Benhui started to pack his luggage, and the next day he came to Jinsui County and met Zhao Shanhe.

After the short exchange of greetings between master and apprentice, Liu Benhui said straight to the point: "Shanhe, you asked me to be in charge of Yougu Dojo. I think many people will have objections. They will say that you are nepotism, that you are nepotism. relation."


Zhao Shanhe pouted silently.

"Teacher, no. Besides, it doesn't matter if someone says it. Let them say it. I can stand upright and not be afraid of these things."

"You are not afraid, but you also have to worry about it. After all, if you want to manage such a large factory well, you must pay attention to these things. Besides, I was hired by you, so I can't say that I have no achievements at all, so I feel at ease. Enjoy this kind of good thing." Liu Benhui shook his head, resolutely refusing.

"What does the teacher mean?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I'm going to Jinmen." Liu Benhui said with narrowed eyes.

"To Jinmen?"

Zhao Shanhe suddenly raised his head, looked at Liu Benhui, and asked in astonishment, "Teacher, why are you going to Jinmen? You must know that Jinmen is Master Kang's site, where Master Kang invested and built a factory."

"If they launch the product in two days, Jinmen will undoubtedly become their focus. Are you going there at this time because you want to confront Master Kang head-on?"

"That's right, you're right, I just want to face Master Kang head-on."

Liu Benhui's voice was piercingly cold, and his eyes were as sharp as a knife.

"Only by defeating Master Kang in Jinmen is the real victory of Yougu Dojo. And such a victory can be regarded as a good result for me. At that time, I can be the person in charge of Yougu Dojo with peace of mind. People, keep an eye on the portal for you."

"Teacher, since you said so, then I have no objection."

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's mouth curled up.

"Actually, I just want to go to Jinmen, so this time we, master and apprentice, will go to Jinmen to teach Master Kang and Chen Zhilei a good lesson!"

"it is good!"

After discussing the business, Zhao Shanhe let Cai Shishi come in, and told Liu Benhui about the relationship between Yougu Taoist Temple and Master Kang.For example, the current sales situation of Yougu Taoist Temple, such as the preparation situation of Master Kang, all these must be stated in detail.Only by knowing oneself and the enemy in this way can Liu Benhui be able to do a job with ease.

And taking advantage of Liu Benhui's arrival, Zhao Shanhe was finally able to relax, take a good bath and sleep.

Yougu Dojo is ready for a full-scale battle.


Yongxing Department Store, Zhongzhou City, Eastern Province.

"So you mean, Master Kang is looking for you?"

Chen Yongxing, who was sitting on the sofa, was leaning on a cane with both hands, wearing a pair of reading glasses, and looked over sharply.


Chen Jinjun stood in front respectfully, and said humbly, "Dad, this time Master Kang's Chen Zhilei contacted me personally, and I agreed to his request."

"As long as Master Kang fully launches the listing strategy the day after tomorrow, our Yongxing Department Store will have [-] cases of Master Kang, and we will be able to curb the limelight of Dayang Department Store."

"Are you sure you can suppress it?" Chen Yongxing asked.


When Chen Jinjun talked about this, he was full of confidence, and his eyes shot out unprecedentedly.

"The reason why Dayang Department Store dares to be so arrogant and domineering now, and ride on our necks to shit and pee, isn't it because they have Yougu Dojo? We don't have instant noodles, so even if we want to confront them, we can't do it."

"But now we also have instant noodles. Although it is not Yougu Dojo, it is Master Kang. Master Kang is a Japanese-funded enterprise, and Japanese capital alone can firmly suppress Yougu Dojo."

"It's secondary that our Yongxing Department Store will help publicity. The most important thing is that Chen Zhilei said that their benefactor will use 500 million for publicity. Think about it, under such circumstances, Yougu Dojo can monopolize Is it? Impossible, Master Kang will definitely break out of the encirclement."

Chen Jinjun's eyebrows were beaming, and he was spitting all over the place.

"So this time is an opportunity for Master Kang. Isn't it an opportunity for our Yongxing Department Store? As long as we can seize it, I believe that we can suppress the limelight of Dayang Department Store. Maybe if it works properly, we can regain the department store. The position of the benchmark!"

"Dad, I have confidence!"

"Since you are so confident, let's do it!" Chen Yongxing looked at Chen Jinjun's excited look, nodded, and waved his hand.



Mountain autumn food.

The workers who had just finished their day's work did not say they would go home immediately. They sat and chatted casually in the break room.The content of the chat is of course Yougu Dojo. After all, everyone knows that Yougu Dojo is now the main brand of Shanqiu Food.

"Have you heard? Master Kang will be listed the day after tomorrow."

"Isn't this a fight with our Yougu Dojo?"

"Who said no!"

"It doesn't matter. Our Yougu Taoist Temple has been listed ten days ahead of schedule, and now it has gained popularity across the country, and it has occupied a lot of markets. What do you think it will be like if Master Kang comes out at this time? They can still be like Shall we capture the national market as well? Impossible, it’s not bad to be able to mix in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.”

"But I heard that Master Kang is a foreign-funded enterprise. Do you think foreign capital is very rich?"

"Don't worry, no matter how rich you are, I believe that Director Zhao can handle it."


And such worries and discussions are not only in Shanqiu Food, but also in Hetu Manufacturing, Qingniao Glass and Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

Everyone was sweating coldly, guessing the result of the duel between Yougu Dojo and Master Kang.

Of course they hoped that Zhao Shanhe would win.

But for this matter, don’t be afraid of [-], just in case. You said that if Master Kang didn’t show any hole cards, wouldn’t Yougu Dojo be caught off guard when the time comes?


Presidential Suite of Hilton Hotel in Handong City.

Shen Ziliang is also reporting this matter to Park Duomei, but unlike outside speculation, what he said is very weighty, and every piece of news has solid evidence.

"So Yougu Dojo is in a dominant position now?" Pu Duomi asked slowly while holding a glass of red wine and shaking it slowly.


Shen Ziliang sat on the sofa opposite, looked at the night scene outside the window and said calmly: "Although I don't want to admit it, the fact is that Zhao Shanhe now has an absolute advantage. Under his publicity and sales, Yougu Dojo is in a short period of time. In just ten or so days, it has already gained fame in almost every important city in the country."

"Although some cities and identities have not been exaggerated, it is only a matter of time. Now we will see if Master Kang can break the situation."

"If it is said that Chen Zhilei has a way to break the situation, then Master Kang can break the monopoly of Yougu Daochang, but if not, not only Master Kang will leave the venue sadly, but even the other instant noodle brands that will emerge later, I don't think you can shake the status of Yougu Dojo."

"If you say so, Yougu Dojo will definitely win?" Park Duomi said calmly, staring at the wine glass.

"Yes." Shen Ziliang said with a wry smile.

"You're wrong."

Pu Duomei looked at Shen Ziliang's lonely appearance, and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, since Master Kang is a Japanese-funded enterprise, he will not be knocked down casually. Even if it is a temporary defeat , Master Kang will continue to exist, or operate instant noodles, or invest in other industries."

"The kind of complete failure that you think of, complete closure is not going to happen."

"That would be the best."

Shen Ziliang took a deep breath.

"I'm thinking now that the more violent they are, the better. This is good for us. Because as long as this is the case, Zhao Shanhe has no time to take care of other things. On the Red Star Machinery Factory, the production of concrete mixers has already started. As long as we can mass-produce it, I believe that it will soon shake the position of Hetu Manufacturing."

"By then, Hongxing Machinery Factory will become our cash cow."

"You can also gain fame and fortune."

"Then I'll wait for your good news!" Park Duomi giggled.


At the same time, Zhao Shanhe and Liu Benhui made a detour to the capital, and after confirming that there was no problem in the capital market, they rushed to Jinmen without stopping.

On the same day, the two lived in the office of Yougu Dojo.

A meeting is held immediately.

And the person in charge of sales in Jinmen is none other than Yang E.After all, dancing in Master Kang's territory like this, must be directed by a very important person.

Yang E is the most suitable candidate.

After Zhao Shanhe introduced Liu Benhui to Yang E, she greeted her with a gentle smile.After a while of courtesy, Zhao Shanhe asked Yang E to talk about the latest situation.

Yang E didn't even look at the information, she just opened her mouth and said.

"There is a situation that is different from what we thought. What we thought was that Master Kang would place an advertisement on CCTV, but no, Master Kang's advertisements are played on local stations. Like Beijing TV Station and Jinmen TV Station, there is no time. The change will be the day after tomorrow. Counting Shimen TV, several local stations will broadcast it in turn.”

"This is exactly what we have guessed. It shows that Master Kang is not taking the national route. Their goal is the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. They want to win the market in this region first, and then go to other provinces. It cannot be said that No, after all, this is the safest sales model." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly and was not surprised.

"Yes, that's exactly what they did. But there is still a surprise, that is, Master Kang is clearly going to confront us this time, and there is Dong Province in their sales market."

Yang E's eyes were sharp.

"Eastern Province?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said nonchalantly: "Come on, it's best to come to the Eastern Province, just to see who has the most influence in the Eastern Province. Yang E, continue talking."


The news that Yang E uttered immediately after that made Zhao Shanhe and Liu Benhui frown.

This is a tricky business.

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