Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 922 Blowout Development Opportunities

"President Bao?"

Zhao Shanhe did not expect that it was Bao Tianhua, a Hong Kong businessman who called this time, and his relationship with Bao Tianhua was very close. After all, Bao Tianhua and him had a very deep business relationship.

"Director Zhao, what you did this time is out of character." Bao Tianhua pretended to be sullen and said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe was a little confused.

"What else can happen? Of course it's about Ugu Dojo!"

Bao Tianhua didn't hesitate at all, and said happily: "Since your Yougu Dojo has already started production, how can you forget me? Don't tell me I'm not worthy of your business?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"President Bao, what you said is outrageous. How could I not want to discuss business with you. Actually, it is like this. My Yougu Dojo has just announced its listing, and today is also the first time to put an advertisement on CCTV. I am I want to make some achievements and contact you again."

"But it seems that I was wrong. You seem to have great confidence in Yougu Dojo."

"Yes, I am very confident in Yougu Dojo."

Bao Tianhua smiled and said: "Actually, I've thought about this instant noodle thing for a long time. I wanted to see if I could produce a convenient and fast food. I didn't expect you to come up with it."

"Now that you have Yougu Dojo, I don't have to think about it anymore. Director Zhao, don't say anything, and you don't have to wait for the results to come and talk to me. I'm ordering [-] boxes now. .”

"Fifty thousand boxes?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said slowly: "My Yougu Dojo has four bags in a box, and each bag is five packs. In retail, each bag costs five yuan. But since it is wholesale sales, it can't be the same price."

"Mr. Bao, I'll give you a box of 15 yuan, what do you think?"

"Okay, that's the price!" Bao Tianhua didn't have any intention of haggling, and agreed quickly. What he wants now is instant noodles. As for the price, he is not so fussy.

"Okay, then I will arrange it immediately."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he completely expected that Yougu Dojo would have such a hot market, and he never thought that Yougu Dojo would have no market, after all, instant noodles are a pillar industry.

But believe it, believe it, you have to see the facts to be at ease.

The fact of the matter is that it's hot, hot, and hot.With such a hot market, Zhao Shanhe doesn't have to worry about the lack of others. All he needs to do is produce 24 hours a day.

"Master Kang, since you have been standing still, I'll see how long you can hold back."


Night falls.

Jinmen Kang master headquarters.

Normally at this time, Kang Zehua would have gone home long ago, but not now.Not only did he not, but many core executives of Master Kang were ordered to stay in their jobs.They all want to know how the Yougu Dojo, which has just been listed for a day, is doing well in publicity and sales, and whether it has achieved the expected purpose.

"You said that the stall of Yougu Dojo is so large, will it have a publicity effect?"

"CCTV advertisements, train station promotions, shopping mall activities, tsk tsk, this Zhao Shanhe can really make a fuss."

"The key is that his pricing is really low. In the event of an event, buy one get one free, and an extra cup of Xiang Piaopiao milk tea."


Amidst the chatter of these high-level executives, Chen Zhilei walked into the office. After scanning around, he walked quickly to Kang Zehua, and handed over a document in his hand with both hands.

"Mr. Kang, this is the data you just received."


After just a glance, Kang Zehua stood up in disbelief, stared into Chen Zhilei's eyes and asked, "Are you sure these data are true?"

"it is true!"

Chen Zhilei nodded.

"how could it be possible!"

Kang Zehua still couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Kang, what's the data like?"

"You tell the big guys."

Seeing someone asking, Kang Zehua, who was stunned for a long time, sat down with blank eyes, waved at Chen Zhilei weakly and said.

Chen Zhilei nodded, and after sweeping the audience solemnly, he said, "According to the data we have so far, the promotion and sales of Yougu Taoist Temple on the first day are very effective. Dayang Department Store in Eastern Province, Liang's Department Store in Beijing, and Magic City's The Lu Group and others have placed orders with Yougu Dojo."

"The order quantity is based on [-] boxes, and an order of [-] boxes is usually placed."

"That is to say, on the first day, Yougu Dojo has at least 70 million boxes of sales orders. This is undoubtedly a good start for Yougu Dojo!"

"What? How is it possible? This is the first day of publicity, how can it have such a good effect? ​​Mr. Chen, are you sure that these data are true and reliable?"

Some people still have doubts.


Who would have thought that Chen Zhilei said firmly: "I dare say that these data are true and reliable, and I have one thing to tell you."

"That's because I dare not say it in other places, but I was there to watch the sales at our Jinmen Railway Station. I saw with my own eyes that in just an hour, the people from Shanqiu Food sold all the goods in Yougu Dojo. sold out."

"I roughly counted it at the time, and conservatively estimated that the sales volume of Yougu Dojo was [-] boxes!"

"What? Sell [-] boxes in an hour? Isn't that too exaggerated?"

"If things go on like this, does it mean that our Master Kang can also have such a good sale?"

"I suggest that we should go on sale in advance!"

"That's right, take advantage of this shareholder wind."


Listening to these people's comments and suggestions, Kang Zehua frowned slightly, looked at Chen Zhilei and asked slowly: "What do you mean?"


When Chen Zhilei was asked such a question, he was a little stunned for a while, but after meeting the eyes of all the senior executives, he quickly calmed down.

He said seriously: "Boss Kang, I think we shouldn't act too hastily. Since we have decided to go public on the 16th, we should do it step by step. Any early sales will make us mess up."

"Self-disruption? Mr. Chen, I can't see it. You have also seen that Yougu Dojo is selling so hot now. If we can take advantage of the situation, it will only benefit our Master Kang's sales. If you follow your By the way, if you have to wait until the 16th, don’t you think it will be a bit late? By then the day lily will be cold.”

As Master Kang's deputy factory director and Kang Zehua's right-hand man, Guo Wentian chose to retort without hesitation. He looked at Chen Zhilei with provocative and questioning eyes.

"Mr. Guo, that's not what you said."

Chen Zhilei shook his head resolutely, and said calmly: "Yougu Dojo has such a good result, in my opinion, it is because it has a fresh advantage. After all, before this, there was not much market for instant noodles, and it is not an exaggeration to say that , not many people know about instant noodles.”

"Now that Yougu Dojo came out, it immediately occupied the market with its good taste. But such an advantage will soon turn into a disadvantage, because once this freshness passes, it is impossible to say that it can still have such a good result. .So we don’t have to envy Yougu Dojo at all.”


Speaking of which, Chen Zhilei propped his hands on the table, stared at Guo Wentian and said: "Mr. Guo, I think you should be very clear that our Master Kang didn't say that we can go public if we want to go public now, the advertisement has not been finalized, and the number of workers is still a little bit It is relatively small, and even the reserves of raw materials are limited.”

"You said that under such circumstances, rashly going public, if it really caused a break in the supply chain, would it be a good thing?"

"Then you can't just watch like this?" Guo Wentian said with a clouded face.

"Of course not!"

Chen Zhilei said in a cold voice: "I never said that we should watch with our own eyes. I have said that our master Kang must immediately start to operate and solve all the problems I just mentioned. Then wait quietly for Yougu Dojo to give us Open up the road and do a good job of publicity, we just need to pick up the ready-made ones."

"Pick up ready-made ones?"

Guo Wentian said in a mocking tone: "Chen Zhilei, you are speaking as if Yougu Dojo will really make wedding dresses for us. Are you not afraid that after Yougu Dojo has completely occupied the market, what will happen without our Master Kang? Really If that's the case, you won't even have a place to cry."

Chen Zhilei was very confident, sneered at Guo Wentian with a dismissive sneer, looked away from him, raised his chin and said calmly: "Mr. Guo, you worry too much, that kind of thing won't happen."


Seeing that the two of them were about to choke again, Kang Zehua coughed and said in a deep voice, "For the time being, we will follow what Zhi Lei said. Let's wait and see what happens."


A meeting ends here.

However, at this time, Kang Zehua never thought that because he insisted on believing in Chen Zhilei's judgment, it would have an irreversible bad influence on Master Kang.

And this directly gave Yougu Dojo a blowout opportunity for development.

In the next week, good news broke out from Yougu Dojo like crazy, and word of mouth spread to every province in the country.

No way, whoever makes the railway transport is for the whole country.Coupled with the advertising campaign of CCTV News, Yougu Taoist Temple has achieved unimaginable development in every province.

The orders of Yougu Dojo are like snowflakes flying in the sky.

Every big company wants to become an agent.

For a while, Zhao Shanhe fell into the busy work and was overwhelmed.

"Shanhe, you should rest when you should, don't stay in the factory all the time."

When Li Qiuya knew that Zhao Shanhe hadn't left Yougu Dojo for a week, she personally called and told her that she didn't want Zhao Shanhe to exhaust herself.

"I have it in my mind."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"How is home?"

"It's okay, everything is fine at home, but our mother said that if you are not busy for two days, we will go to Xunzhan Town to see our grandma together, and said that our grandma fell a few days ago." Li Qiuya said.

"What? A fall?"

Zhao Shanhe became nervous all of a sudden, he knew that his grandma Yang Daya was quite old, and if he wrestled at this age, there might be some problems.

"Is it serious?"

"It's not too serious. Luckily, brother Chaoyang was at home, and he was sent to the county hospital for examination immediately." Li Qiuya said.

"That's okay, okay, I see, when I'm done with the Yougu Dojo, let's go back and have a look," Zhao Shanhe quietly fell to the ground with his heart hanging.

"Okay, remember to eat on time."


After hanging up the phone, just as Zhao Shanhe looked through the documents on the table, Li Xiangyang walked in, holding a stack of orders in his hand, and put them on the table with a smile on his face.

"Look, another pile of orders."

"Now, I'm just afraid that our production line won't be able to handle it. If you say so many orders are delayed, we won't be able to afford the liquidated damages alone."

"All orders are shipped in order. We will be busy for a while at the beginning, and it will be fine after this time." Zhao Shanhe picked up the order and looked at it.


Li Xiangyang didn't complain anymore, but changed the subject and said: "Director, you have been in the factory for a week, you should go back and take a good hot bath, shave your beard, and tidy yourself up."

"Okay, I know."

"Also, didn't you let me pay attention to the person in charge of Yougu Dojo?"

"Why? Do you have a clue?"

Zhao Shanhe's interest was suddenly raised, and he looked over with great interest.

"I did find some people, but they all have problems of one kind or another. I think what a place like Yougu Dojo needs most now is an experienced housekeeper and a stable person to preside over it. As for forging ahead, don't think about it for the time being." Li Xiangyang said seriously.

"You are right, prudence is the priority." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"So I have a candidate here. I think he is quite suitable, but I don't know if he is willing to come over, and I don't know if you want to use him here." Li Xiangyang said.


"Your teacher at Qingshan Technical School, Liu Benhui."


Zhao Shanhe froze for a moment.

Zhao Shanhe really did not expect that the person recommended by Li Xiangyang would be Liu Benhui, how could it be him?Is it just because he is my teacher?

No, Li Xiangyang has always done things right and wrong people, he will not be so superficial.

"Tell me your opinion." Zhao Shanhe stared at Li Xiangyang and asked slowly.

"I chose Liu Benhui for three reasons. First, he is your teacher. No matter in terms of emotion or loyalty, he is more reliable than finding a stranger rashly, and I think you treat him better. Understand, it can be regarded as knowing the basics, even if something happens in the future, you can also prescribe the right medicine."

Zhao Shanhe had no objection to the first reason Li Xiangyang gave.

Because he knew that Liu Benhui would either refuse to agree, or if he agreed, he would definitely do a good job in this matter, and he would not say that there was any betrayal of him.

Zhao Shanhe still has confidence in the teacher's integrity.

He hummed: "Go on."

"Okay, the second reason why I would recommend Liu Benhui is because he deserves his name, and he is fully capable of being the person in charge."

"According to the information I have, Liu Benhui was not only the principal of Qingshan Technical School, but also managed a school-run enterprise, and managed the school-run enterprise well, right?" Li Xiangyang said.


Zhao Shanhe knew about this, and he had also worked in this school-run enterprise back then.

"What about the third?"

"The third reason is..."

The moment the reason was said, Zhao Shanhe's expression changed slightly.

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