Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 921 This hole card is useless!

"The normal market price of the instant noodles in our Yougu Dojo is two yuan in barrels, and five yuan in bags of five. Today we are holding an event, and all instant noodles are buy one get one free."

"That's not counting, as long as you buy instant noodles today, you will all get a cup of Xiang Piaopiao milk tea."

"Buy more and give more, there is no upper limit."

Guo Kaiduan pointed with a smile on the corner of his mouth to the Xiang Piao Piao milk tea placed next to him, full of pride.

"Really? Buy a bucket and get free Xiang Piao Piao milk tea?"


Guo Kaiduan followed the voice, and said firmly and loudly: "I made it very clear just now, as long as you buy instant noodles, you will be free."

"Not to mention buying one and getting one free, plus Xiangpiaopiao milk tea. In this way, it is equivalent to buying two buckets of instant noodles for the price of a cup of milk tea. Is there anything more valuable than this?"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd suddenly became noisy.

"Yougu Dojo is produced by Shanqiu Foods, so the quality shouldn't be too bad."

"I believe in Shanqiu Food!"

"Come on, give me two buckets!"

Shanqiu Foods still has a strong market appeal among the general public. With the donation of Xiangpiaopiao Milk Tea to build Hope Primary Schools one after another, this reputation has long been established.

Besides, the current activity is indeed very strong, and the price offered makes it impossible for you to refuse.

So soon the event site was crowded with people.

Buckets of instant noodles were sold.

Cups of fragrant milk tea were sent out.

In the end, even the five-packs in bags were sold out quickly.

"Can you still sell it here?"


Faced with such a hot scene, Guo Kaiduan did not hesitate at all, waved his big hand, and said in a sonorous tone: "Today, our Yougu Dojo sells unlimited quantities."

"it is good!"

The applause one after another is like a tide, and the waves are higher than the waves.

In such a hot atmosphere, tourists left one by one carrying instant noodles, and soon they got on the train, on one of the green leather trains bound for the northeast.

A middle-aged man who left his hometown and prepared to work, his hair was unkempt.

It's dinner time.

He is hungry.

He yawned, and took out two cold steamed buns from the snakeskin bag. He was just about to have a meal with pickles, but who would have thought that there would be a particularly mellow smell wafting from the side.

His nose twitched immediately, and he couldn't help but look along the smell, and soon saw that someone was holding a bucket of steaming instant noodles in the carriage, and the smell came from here.

And he wasn't the only one attracted by the scent.

Many people in the entire carriage looked over, their eyes showed undisguised envy, and some even pursed their lips.

Fortunately, the adults can say that they can hold back even if they are attracted again.However, some children couldn't restrain their body's instincts, and stared straight at the instant noodles, drooling.

Liu Wenqiang, who was about to eat noodles, didn't think too much about it. To be honest, it was his first time eating instant noodles, and he didn't think about how good the taste would be.It's just that who would have thought that just after soaking, the smell that rushed over immediately made him stunned.

Just the smell is so good, how about eating?

He picked up some noodles with a plastic fork, blew on the hot air on them, and put them in his mouth to eat. As soon as he took the first bite, his eyes lit up.

"too delicious!"

He is not saying that he has never eaten noodles, but this is the first time he has tasted such flavors as instant noodles.

Originally, he didn't have much hope. After all, instant noodles are convenient. How can you expect the taste to be good?But I didn't expect that I was wrong, and it was very wrong.

The instant noodles of this Yougu Dojo taste better than ordinary noodles.


Liu Wenqiang quickly took a second bite.

He ate while others watched.

Seeing him eating with gusto, the people around salivated.

"Brother, are these instant noodles really that delicious?"

"Of course!"

Only then did Liu Wenqiang realize that the people next to him were looking at him, he touched his head in embarrassment, glanced at the child who was so greedy that he was about to cry, and immediately handed over a bucket generously.

"I still have a bucket here, you can soak it for your child, as long as there is hot water, it will be ready in three to four minutes."

"How embarrassing, how much is it? I'll buy it."

"What do you buy, don't you look down on me?"

"Brother, if you want to say this, thank you, come here, these are my own tobacco leaves. I will give you two packs to smoke on the way."


Just when the children started to eat Yougu Daochang happily, the whole carriage was in a commotion.

They have all seen the convenience of Yougu Dojo with their own eyes, and felt the deliciousness of Yougu Dojo at close range. Who can resist this temptation?Isn't this more delicious than the steamed buns and pickles they carry?The key is not expensive.

"I know this Yougu Dojo. It's a new product of Shanqiu Foods, and it's even featured on CCTV news."

"What? You don't know Shanqiu Foods? Let me tell you, it produces Xiangpiaopiao milk tea."

"I heard that Yougu Dojo also has such a donation mechanism."


In this way, Yougu Dojo became a hit on this train.

And scenes like this are also being played out on many other trains at the same time.

No one expected that Zhao Shanhe's move would have such an unimaginable effect, pushing Yougu Dojo to the point where everyone knows it.

And this is just the beginning.

At the same time as the train promotion was going on, in the eastern province and several other important cities in the capital, the promotional activities of Yougu Taoist Temple were held simultaneously.For example, Dayang Department Store in Eastern Province kicked off a publicity week specially organized for Yougu Dojo.

This is Zhao Shanhe. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to hold a publicity week at every turn.

Do you really think that Ocean Department Store is a gathering place for street stalls?

This place is now the benchmark of the Eastern Province Department Store, and it is enough to promote it here, not to mention that it is the publicity week.

But it has to be said that the influence of the publicity week is huge.All the people who came to the mall were attracted after seeing such a strong promotion of Yougu Dojo.

I am not afraid of you coming, but I am afraid of you not coming.As long as you come here, then this matter will be easy to talk about.Who can resist the temptation when you see the strength of my activities?

Of course, the most important thing is that Yougu Dojo is really delicious.

"Look, there are really beef particles in the braised beef noodles!"

"Yeah, Yougu Dojo is really full of sincerity."

"People's noodles are very elastic and strong. It is said that the flour comes from Jinsui County, a wheat demonstration area in our country."


Yougu Dojo became an instant hit.

The Eastern Province Dayang Department Store was fully stocked, and it was declared sold out within a day.

This kind of scene is happening in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai at the same time, even in an eastern province, not to mention these big cities.As long as anyone who has tasted Yougu Dojo, no one can escape, and they all become the most loyal fans.

The administrative building of Yougu Daochang, Jinsui County.

When it was almost time to get off work, Bai Chaofeng came over.He wanted to ask Zhao Shanhe how the sales of Yougu Dojo was.After all, the CCTV advertisement has already started broadcasting. According to common sense, someone should place an order.

He cares about it.

It doesn't matter if you don't care!

If the sales of Yougu Daochang are poor, it will directly affect the agricultural development of Jinsui County.

"Director Zhao, do you have any latest news?"

After Bai Chaofeng sat down in the reception area, he looked at Zhao Shanhe straight to the point and asked, he had no intention of hiding it.


Zhao Shanhe hesitated.

"What? Could it be that there is no order at all?"

Bai Chaofeng looked over in surprise.

"It doesn't make sense. Your instant noodles are advertised on CCTV anyway. No matter what you say, someone should be interested. But it's okay, you don't have to worry too much, this is also a normal thing. After all, your instant noodles are a new thing , There is always time and process for people to accept it. After you play it for a while, I believe it will get better."

Although Bai Chaofeng said he was worried, he still offered words of comfort.

"Leader Bai, you are right. I haven't received an order yet, but I have confidence in Yougu Dojo. I believe that under the hard publicity of the CCTV advertisement and our comrades in the Propaganda Department, the order There will be." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

Really no.

Bai Chaofeng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He originally thought that his words were pure consolation, and Zhao Shanhe would take advantage of the opportunity to tell the news that the order had already been made. In this case, it can be regarded as a surprise for himself.

I didn't expect it really didn't.

What can we do now?

Bai Chaofeng was nervous and restless. You must know that he made a lot of sacrifices in order to be able to introduce Yougu Dojo.If there was no sacrifice, how could it be said that the Tianhua Group was eliminated in such a quick and messy manner?It is not an exaggeration to say that his sacrifice was based on Zhao Shanhe and Yougu Dojo.

But now this hole card is useless!

How can you let Bai Chaofeng sit and drink tea calmly?

He was already fidgeting.

"Yes, don't worry, I also believe that there will be an order." Bai Chaofeng was just comforting Zhao Shanhe just now, but now he is comforting himself.

"Dong dong!"

At this moment, Li Xiangyang knocked on the door suddenly and came in. Seeing Bai Chaofeng was there, he greeted Zhao Shanhe and said hurriedly, "Director, there is news!"

"Say!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

Bai Chaofeng also looked over quickly.

"Ten minutes ago, the Magic City Lu Group called and urgently asked us to allocate 10 boxes of Yougu Dojo."

"5 minutes ago, Liang's Department Store in Beijing added [-] boxes of instant noodles in barrels and bags each!"

"3 minutes ago, Dayang Department Store also placed an additional order of [-] boxes!"

Li Xiangyang said excitedly.


After Bai Chaofeng heard this, he stood up from the sofa and hurriedly asked, "Deputy Director Li, is what you said true? There are so many companies that want to place additional orders?"


Li Xiangyang said with a smile: "Actually, it's not just Shanghai, Beijing and Dong Province. Just before I came here, I also received calls from our partners, Yingluo Company in Wucheng, Luyuan Group in Haicheng, and Longteng Department Store in Hangzhou." , They all also asked for additional orders, and they will confirm the specific quantity later."


Bai Chaofeng was really surprised this time.

He didn't expect that he was quite depressed just now, and he made a 180-degree turn in just a few minutes.From one order to hundreds of thousands of boxes, the gap is too big, right?


Li Xiangyang wanted to continue talking, but at this moment the phone on the desk rang, and he went to answer it under Zhao Shanhe's signal. , Li Xiangyang handed the microphone to Zhao Shanhe.

"The factory manager is Zhou Luoyang, the owner of Xianlu Department Store in Bei Province."

"Zhou Luoyang!"

Zhao Shanhe took the opportunity to answer.

"It turned out to be Zhou Luoyang?"

When Bai Chaofeng heard the name, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly. He knew who Zhou Luoyang was. You must know that Zhou Luoyang's Xianlu Department Store was the number one department store in Northern Province, and its status was equal to that of Dayang Department Store.

And now the boss of this kind of department store actually called Zhao Shanhe.

Could it be?

as predicted.

Zhao Shanhe's words confirmed his guess.

"Since Mr. Zhou has already spoken, how can I refuse? Okay, no problem, I will give priority to delivery of your order." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait, as soon as possible."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe smiled at Bai Chaofeng.

"Leader Bai, have you seen it? Xianlu Department Store is also rushing the goods. At the beginning, they only cooperated with our Yougu Dojo symbolically, and they didn't even place an order. They just agreed to our promotion in Xianlu Department Store. But now After seeing the sales force of Yougu Dojo, I immediately placed an order of [-] boxes."

"So, I am very confident in Yougu Dojo. You should also put your heart in your stomach. I believe that the number of orders for Yougu Dojo will only increase or decrease."

"At that time, Yougu Taoist Temple will radiate to all provinces in the country in the shortest time. But by that time, the wheat production in our Jinsui County is estimated to increase, otherwise it will not be able to catch up with my supply."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Bai Chaofeng burst out laughing.

"Don't worry, there is no shortage of land in Jinsui County, and no shortage of wheat. I can supply as much wheat as you want. Director Zhao, congratulations!"

Bai Chaofeng stretched out his right hand.

"Happy together."

Zhao Shanhe held his hand.

This is correct, it is the same joy.

Bai Chaofeng left with this kind of joy. Now he can go home to eat and sleep without distraction.Because he knew that he made the right bet this time!He put all his official career on Zhao Shanhe, and now he has proved that his vision is still very vicious.

Now I see how eccentric those opponents are!

"Leader Bai looks very happy." Seeing Bai Chaofeng leaving, Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe could also understand Bai Chaofeng, he knew what the chief officer was betting on him, so of course he would be excited when he heard the news.

"As long as we build Yougu Daochang here, the leader Bai will have the greatest say in the county. And if he can control the right to speak, it will only benefit our development in Jinsui County and not harm it."


Li Xiangyang thought so deeply.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about the orders. These orders came suddenly, which is actually in our expectation. Although the orders seem to be a lot, I believe that as long as the production is carried out step by step, it can be fully handled. .”

"Xiangyang, you should make it clear to the workers that during this period of time, I must produce around the clock to ensure that the machines do not stop. Because this period of time is very important to us, as long as the market can be restored before Master Kang comes out. I take it. Then even if Master Kang can hit some markets, it won’t be said that it will have a big impact on us.”

"And even if they want to attack, we won't say that we are indifferent, right?"

Zhao Shanhe leaned his back against the desk and spoke seriously.

"I understand, I'll go to work."


Just as Li Xiangyang walked out of the office, the phone on the desk rang again.

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