Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 920 Is it really impulsive?

"What happened?"

Chen Zhilei ran to the car nervously, looked at Kang Yujiao and asked anxiously.

"Hurry up and get in the car." Kang Yujiao got into the car after speaking.

"it is good!"

After Chen Zhilei sat in the car, Kang Yujiao looked at the divorce certificate in Chen Zhilei's hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"You're finally divorced."

"I'll talk about the divorce later, you should hurry up and talk about it, what happened?" Chen Zhilei asked.

"It's Dad's call. He told us to rush back to Jinmen now, saying that something happened to Zhao Shanhe."

"Has something happened to Zhao Shanhe?"

Chen Zhilei was a little dazed, but knowing that he couldn't ask anything, he said, "Then let's go back to Jinmen quickly."

"it is good!"


Handong Hongxing Machinery Factory.

Ji Mingjian looked at Shen Ziliang who was sitting in front of him, and said with a surprised expression: "So you mean to ask our machinery factory not to produce bearings anymore, but to directly replace them with this kind of concrete mixer?"


Shen Ziliang picked up the teacup in front of him, tilted his legs with a smile, took a sip of tea and said slowly: "The bearing is just a sweet treat for the machinery factory, so that you can have time to earn some money and pay wages, that's all. Bearing's After the task is completed, other products will naturally be produced, is there a problem?"

"No problem. It's just that I think bearings can still be produced. There should be a market for this. Why do you have to abandon this and produce concrete mixers?" Ji Mingjian asked puzzled.

"That's not something you should be thinking about."

Shen Ziliang restrained his smile, put down his teacup a little heavily, glanced at it contemptuously and said slowly: "Ji Mingjian, as we said before, according to the contract, although you are said to be the director of the Red Star Machinery Factory, you have not made any decisions. right."

"The operation and management rights of this machinery factory are in the hands of our Lexing Group. All you can do is follow orders, right?"

Ji Mingjian couldn't help but pause when he heard the words, the arrogance just now disappeared without a trace, and he replied dejectedly: "Yes!"

"Just remember, you just need to follow the order." Shen Ziliang said slowly.


After arranging the affairs here, Shen Ziliang walked out of the office, went outside and called Park Duomi.

After he briefly reported what happened just now, Park Domi said indifferently: "Our goal from the beginning to the end is the concrete mixer, but this mixer can't be produced casually. Although Hongxing Machinery has a foundation, But you have to keep an eye out."

"Yes, I understand!"

"There's one more thing to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Master Kang has started to take aim at Zhao Shanhe's Yougu Dojo, and the two of them will probably start a war soon." Pu Duomei said standing in front of the huge glass window of the hotel, holding a glass of red wine.

"Really? Well, let's just sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

After Shen Ziliang finished speaking, he hung up the phone, looked up at the Hongxing Machinery Factory behind him, and there was a playful arc on the corner of his mouth.

"Zhao Shanhe, just wait for me, I have prepared a big gift for you too."


Jinmen Kang master headquarters.

As an investor of Master Kang, Kang Zehua feels a little heavy now.He really didn't expect that such a variable would appear in the matter that was originally a sure thing.

His so-called variable is the sudden appearance of Yougu Dojo.

When he came to Huaxia to invest, Kang Zehua had done market research, and there was no large-scale instant noodle factory.

Some food factories have also produced it, but that is just a whim, and no one has ever expected to make money from this thing.He thinks that as long as he invests, it is tantamount to doing a unique business. Who would have thought that a Yougu Dojo would pop up suddenly.

If you say that this Yougu Dojo is just you, it's fine, but Shanqiu Food is behind the stick.

He has studied Shanqiu Foods and knows that it is a well-known company in China.If it is said to confront this company rashly, the outcome is really unpredictable.

Although he is very confident in defeating Zhao Shanhe, accidents are accidents after all. For a person who likes to have absolute dominance in everything he does, it is always a fishbone.

The feeling of being stuck in the throat is really uncomfortable.

"Mr. Kang, Miss and Mr. Chen are back."

At this moment, secretary Mei Wanting knocked on the door and came in, but just after reporting this, before Kang Zehua said to let them in, Kang Yujiao took Chen Zhilei into the office carelessly.

"Boss Kang!"


Chen Zhilei and Kang Yujiao spoke separately.

After Kang Zehua glanced at Kang Yujiao, he said to Chen Zhilei, "Is everything done with you?"

"It's done, I'm divorced." Chen Zhilei said quickly.

"That's good!"

Kang Zehua nodded, his expression was not very good.

In fact, he had a problem with Kang Yujiao and Chen Zhilei being together, because Chen Zhilei didn't have a good family background, he was just an ordinary citizen.

But no way, who made Kang Yujiao crazy like Chen Zhilei, what do you want him to do?It can't be said that it is really good to beat mandarin ducks, can it?If you really want to do that, it will be nothing to fetch water from the bamboo basket, and you will get nothing.

So he can only acquiesce.

Of course, the premise of his acquiescence is that Chen Zhilei must divorce and stay with Kang Yujiao cleanly.As long as he can do this, and Chen Zhilei still has some skills, Kang Zehua will just turn a blind eye.

I can't help my son, how can you force her to death?

"Mr. Kang, I heard from Yujiao that something happened at Yougu Dojo, right?" Chen Zhilei asked hastily.


Hearing Chen Zhilei's question, Kang Zehua said in a cold voice: "I just received news from CCTV that the advertisement of Yougu Dojo will be broadcast on the 6th."

"What? Number 6?"

Chen Zhilei said in surprise: "Our new product will be launched on the 16th, and they will launch an advertisement on the 6th. Isn't this clearly aimed at us?"

"Mr. Kang, we can't sit still like this. We have to broadcast the advertisement in advance. Only in this way can we form a sense of competition and let everyone know that we are not latecomers, let alone plagiarists and imitators."

"But the question is, do you let it go when you say it?"

Kang Zehua shook his head, and said in a cold voice: "This matter is not as simple as you think. The contract we signed with the advertising company did not say that the advertisement will be released immediately."

"Besides, this time the factory was originally decided to start production on the 16th. The advertisement was not shot, the publicity was not in place, and even the sales channels were not settled. You say you want to fight back. How do you fight back? How do you fight back?"


Chen Zhilei hesitated for a moment.

Yes, this is Master Kang's flaw.

The current Master Kang may seem to have a large factory, but the machinery and equipment inside have not been fully installed, and even the number of workers has not been guaranteed.Not to mention three shifts, even two shifts can't be done.

The original plan to start production on the 16th was just to prepare the rest of the work while producing. Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would suddenly come to this trick.

"This Zhao Shanhe is too annoying!"

Kang Yujiao cursed angrily.

"If you don't broadcast the commercial early or late, you have to choose this juncture. Isn't that clearly against us? Dad, I don't think we need to worry about him, just follow the steps. Let's not be disturbed by him. rhythm."


After thinking about it, Chen Zhilei felt that Kang Yujiao was right.

"Mr. Kang, if we rashly follow Zhao Shanhe's rhythm, it may not be a good thing for us. Maybe we can let him do things in front, which can be regarded as exploring and paving the way for instant noodles. When he will publicize everything After it is in place, our Master Kang will follow the trend and launch it, isn't it a matter of course?"

"Do you think this will work?" Kang Zehua asked.

"Whether it can be done or not, we have no other tricks now. The only thing we can do is to make emergency preparations, shoot the advertisements as soon as possible, negotiate the broadcasting platform as soon as possible, and implement the sales channels and publicity methods as soon as possible. Only in this way can we be in 16 At the same time that the No. [-] is put into production, it will not be said that it is stretched."

Chen Zhilei frowned, and said with a gloomy face: "I still suggest to follow what we said before, taking Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei as our first sales echelon. As long as we can win here, we can have a stable market. In this way Only then will it be able to radiate to major cities across the country and eventually occupy the national market.”

Kang Zehua thought for a while and said, "Then do as you said, and move quickly."


Chen Zhilei immediately turned around and went out to arrange the matter.

Just when Kang Yujiao wanted to go out with her, Kang Zehua suddenly called her to stop, and seeing her bewildered expression, he asked seriously, "Tell me about the going out this time, don't be too specific. Any concealment, I want to know how you guys confronted Zhao Shanhe?"

"Dad, let me tell you, that Zhao Shanhe is a lunatic. He actually beat Zhilei for a certain teacher. He even wanted to beat me. I have never seen such an unmannered man like him. He's utterly unreasonable..."

Kang Yujiao seemed to have found an outlet, complaining desperately.

After Kang Yujiao finished the whole story, Kang Zehua's expression became extremely serious.He just listened to Huang Fangjun's brief account of what happened, but he didn't expect that there was such a reason in it.

Is a man who dares to act so unscrupulously for the sake of his teacher really impulsive?


This kind of Zhao Shanhe is the most terrifying, which shows that he has a ruler in his heart and has his principles for dealing with people.And if such a person is right, it can only be said to be unlucky.

"Dad, you must take good care of this Zhao Shanhe." Kang Yujiao took Kang Zehua's arm and shook it coquettishly.

"I know about it, you go out."

"it is good!"

When he was alone in the office, Kang Zehua narrowed his eyes, lit a cigarette, came to the window, and said to himself: "Zhao Shanhe, I will give you this time, you can really jump up and down!" ?"


Yougu Dojo in Jinsui County.

Sitting in the factory director's office, looking at Zhao Shanhe with a calm expression, Bai Chaofeng asked curiously: "Director Zhao, aren't you afraid of Master Kang's siege at all?"

"Master Kang's siege? Leader Bai, do you know about Master Kang?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"of course."

Bai Chaofeng said calmly: "I'm the chief official of Jinsui County. May I know that Master Kang came here to buy wheat? I inquired by the way and found out that Master Kang is also in the instant noodle business." I also know that Master Kang has already invested in building a factory in Jinmen, which means that you will match up sooner or later, right?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, his face relaxed, and his eyes calmly said: "Isn't there such a saying? Our colleagues are enemies. Since Master Kang and I both make instant noodles, we will definitely meet."

"But leader Bai, you don't have to worry. I have full confidence in Yougu Dojo. I believe that even if Master Kang comes out, we won't be able to shake our position."

"Are you so confident?" Bai Chaofeng asked.


Zhao Shanhe said lightly: "I have the best quality wheat, the most advanced production line, the original seasoning package, the most sincere service, and all-round publicity. Under such circumstances, I really want to How can you fail if you don’t come out.”

Bai Chaofeng laughed: "Then I will wait and see."

"it is good!"

Time passed so slowly.

The management team affiliated to Zhao Shanhe also began to operate at a high speed and efficiently.They all know that the time is tight and the tasks are heavy, so no one will waste time, and they all try their best to seize every minute and every second to do things.

Soon, the day finally came.

The time is fixed to January 1993, 1.

Beijing West Railway Station Plaza.

Just in front of a large electronic screen, an event site was set up here.Surrounding the publicity platform, there are Shanqiu food publicists in sky blue uniforms everywhere. They have beautiful faces, curvaceous figures, and articulate speech.Even if they don't speak, just standing here is a beautiful landscape.

There are boxes of bucket noodles and bag noodles on the event booth.

In this promotion, Zhao Shanhe mainly promotes two flavors, one is the classic braised beef noodles, and the other is tomato beef brisket noodles.

In the crowded railway station square, before the event officially started, the advertisements put on CCTV began to be broadcast on the electronic screen.The moment the ad appeared, it captured everyone's attention.

A bowl of steaming braised beef noodles will make you salivate just looking at it.

You must know that in this era of scarcity of materials, instant noodles are a trendy product.At that time, some people even mixed instant noodle seasoning with boiled water to make soup for that taste.

So as soon as the advertisement appeared, many people gathered around it.

"Are you selling instant noodles?"

"What are instant noodles?"

"This is an advertisement placed on CCTV. It seems that your Yougu Dojo is very powerful."


Facing the group of people gathered around, the publicity personnel greeted them with smiles. They held small tasting bowls in their hands, and while watching the people try, they kept introducing Yougu Daochang instant noodles.


One person is eating, and the small bowl of the sample is too small to be enjoyable at all.Especially after the children tasted the taste, they all started to want to get up.Where have they eaten such a thing, it is simply shocking.

"How do you sell instant noodles at Yougu Dojo?"

Someone yelled and asked.

Seeing that the atmosphere here has been mobilized, Guo Chuan smiled slightly, took the microphone and walked to the center of the booth, scanned the audience and spoke loudly.

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