Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 919 Not only must fight, but must win!

"The factory manager."

The person who rushed over with a somewhat anxious expression was Cai Shishi.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows slightly and asked.

Cai Shishi handed over a document in his hand, and said in a hasty tone: "I just received the definite news that Master Kang will launch a new product in half a month, braised beef instant noodles."


Zhao Shanhe glanced at the document and said calmly: "You mean to launch a new product in half a month?"

"Yes, according to the information we got. At present, Master Kang's factory in Jinmen has been built, and the production line has been debugged. The rest is nothing more than recruiting workers and other trivial things. As long as these are completed, There is no problem launching a new product in half a month." Cai Shishi said seriously.

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, then raised his head and said, "Call Deputy Factory Manager Li and the others immediately and inform them that an emergency meeting will be held at Shanqiu Foods in an hour."


Cai Shishi immediately went to arrange this matter.

"Director, do I want to go and participate?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"Need not!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand: "Shanqiu Food's matter is important, but Jade Bird Glass also has a very important task. You have to keep an eye here and solve the problem of bent tempered glass as soon as possible, you know? "

"Yes, we guarantee it will be resolved." Liu Weian immediately turned serious, stood up straight and said solemnly.

"That's it!"

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe left by car.

In the car, he flipped through the information Cai Shishi had collected.

The information clearly shows that Master Kang started to invest and build a factory in Jinmen two months ago.At present, although the factory can't be regarded as completely built, but in order to be able to start production as soon as possible, I don't care about those minutiae.

Everything is based on production.

"Master Kang started production in such a hurry, probably to compete with us for the market?" Zhao Shanhe said slowly, stroking the materials.


Cai Shishi nodded and said seriously: "I think this matter should be aimed at us, or at all instant noodle factories. What they want is to seize the opportunity to occupy the market after they start production ahead of schedule. After all, everyone knows Preconceived, you are the first to walk in, you must be stronger than the latter."

"Perhaps Chen Zhilei and Kang Yujiao were behind this."

"Chen Zhilei and Kang Yujiao?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes.

It doesn't matter if there is their promotion or not. Now that Master Kang is going to fully launch the new product in half a month, it is already an ironclad fact, so whether these two people have played a role is basically irrelevant.

"What about our side?" Zhao Shanhe looked at Cai Shishi calmly.

"Our side can start production at any time."

Cai Shishi smiled and said: "After all, our instant noodle factory has an advantage over Master Kang. Whether it is from the factory equipment or the raw materials for the workers, it has been prepared a long time ago. As long as you give an order, it can be put into production now. Even Our samples have filled half of the warehouse, but they haven't been officially launched yet."

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe knew it all at once.

"Let's go back and have a meeting to study this matter."


after an hour.

Shanqiu food conference room.

After receiving the call, Li Xiangyang and the others all finished their vacation and rushed back without stopping.Sitting in the spacious and bright conference room, they were all talking and laughing.

Although no one knows the content of the meeting, but this is not important.

They believe that as long as Zhao Shanhe is there, all problems can be solved, so the content of the meeting is irrelevant.


After Zhao Shanhe walked in, all the noise stopped abruptly, and when it quieted down, he said to Cai Shishi: "Come and tell everyone what's going on now."


As Zhao Shanhe's secretary, Cai Shishi is now a role that has gained a firm foothold in everyone's hearts.Everyone knew that her words represented Zhao Shanhe's will.

Even Li Qiuya sat upright and listened quietly.

None of the rest dared to make a mistake.

"The content of today's meeting is for Master Kang's new product launch, let's study how to break the situation."

"Master Kang is a foreign-funded enterprise, and the shareholders on the surface are the Kang family, but according to reliable information, the Kang family is just a spokesperson launched by Japanese capital. Of course, it is only a spokesperson, and it has nothing to do with us, but Master Kang is a company that manufactures instant noodles, so there is a conflict with us."

"According to the latest news, Master Kang will launch their flagship product, Braised Beef Instant Noodles in half a month, that is, on the 16th of this month."

"This kind of practice is clearly aimed at our Yougu Dojo. That's why the factory manager called this meeting, and I hope everyone can make every effort to solve this problem."

After Cai Shishi finished speaking, he sat down.

Everyone is thinking about it.

Zhao Shanhe put his hands on the table, glanced at the audience and said: "What Shishi said is the content of our meeting. It seems that if we want to operate Yougu Dojo according to the previous plan, it is no longer possible. The evil wolf is coming, we always have to respond."

"I have absolute reasons to believe that Master Kang did this for our Yougu Dojo. Because they have arranged for people to go to Jinsui County for inspection before, and they want to buy high-quality wheat in Jinsui County in large quantities. It's just They never dreamed that we had won the grain market in Jinsui County one step ahead of them."

"That is to say, it is useless for them to buy wheat in Jinsui County."

Li Xiangyang took over the conversation: "Not only Jinsui County, but several high-quality wheat producing areas nearby have also been taken down by us. There is a contract, and no one cooperates with Master Kang. I think this is why Master Kang is so anxious The reason for the production is that they want to rely on this to seize the market one step ahead of us."

"If that's the case, let's go on sale in advance."

Guo Kaiduan said without changing his face: "Our work has been prepared, the factory production, sales, publicity, and all departments are ready. Since Master Kang wants to advance our layout, let's advance them .”

"well said!"

Yang E smiled slightly.

"Didn't they start launching new products on the 16th? Let's just start on the [-]th! Ten days ahead of time, with this ten-day buffer time, I believe Master Kang can be caught off guard."

"It's fine for us to advance, but the problem is, if we advance, Master Kang will probably not sit still. Will they say that they will also advance? If they also advance, what kind of tricks will they use to fight back? How we should crack it, these must be taken into consideration." Cai Qian said slowly.


The senior managers of several factories are discussing and expressing their opinions.

Zhao Shanhe listened quietly.

After everyone finished speaking, he said bluntly: "You are all right, now I will say a few things."

"First, since we are all ready, there is no need to proceed step by step to go public. After all, there is the threat of Master Kang, and we want to nip the threat in its infancy."

"So early listing and sales are a must!"

"Secondly, since it's going on sale ahead of schedule, all previous promotional and sales strategies must keep up. Qiuya, you will continue to be in charge of the connection with CCTV, and after discussing with CCTV, you must launch the advertisement for Yougu Dojo on the [-]th. "

"Yes, I will contact CCTV." Li Qiuya said respectfully.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and looked at Yang E again.

"Yang E, your sales department is the key to whether Yougu Dojo can win a good start this time. Can you ensure that all the stores and sellers you contacted in advance are all right?"

"I can make sure."

Yang E said in a deep voice: "The partners and shopping malls I contact are basically the excellent partners that Shanqiu Foods has developed in the past two years. They are also full of confidence in our new products."

"I believe that as long as the publicity is in place at that time, as long as our instant noodles taste first-class, it will not be difficult to win the market."

"it is good."

Zhao Shanhe believed in Yang E's ability to handle affairs, so he was very relieved to entrust the sales to her.

"Old Guo, your Propaganda Section is responsible for the promotion of Yougu Daoist this time. As for how to promote it, it is your business. I believe you can handle it well. I have a few small suggestions here for you to listen to. listen."

Zhao Shanhe looked forward.

"Director, tell me!"

Guo began to put on a look of all ears.

"What I want to say is that since we want to become a hit, we must start from the unexpected angle of Master Kang. Only in this way can we achieve the promotion of what others have and what others have."

"When we advertise, we can carry out bundled sales. For example, if you buy our five packs of Yougu Dojo, you can get a cup of Xiangpiaopiao milk tea, or other small snacks from Shanqiu Foods, or even a plastic bowl. In this way, customers will feel that they have taken advantage of it when they buy.”

"What's more, I think the places you promote should not be limited to shopping malls and commercial streets. You can consider going to several major stations in our country."

When Zhao Shanhe said this, Guo Kaiduan's eyes lit up: "Director, do you mean that our instant noodles are going to be sold by train?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled in satisfaction, and he knew that Guo Chuan would be able to see through at the beginning, and it was true.

"Let me put it this way, the train has always been the most mainstream means of transportation in our country. It is conceivable how many people travel by train. It takes them ten or even dozens of hours to travel by train. They have to Food? So here comes the question, what to eat? Of course, eat our instant noodles."

"The Yougu Dojo we produce is not only in bags, but also in barrels, and the barrels are the main products!"

"At that time, a cup of barreled noodles, a tea egg, and a ham sausage will be the standard meals for many people traveling by train. So if you promote it at that time, the point of the train station must not be ignored. You can buy a bucket of instant noodles at the price of the event."

Zhao Shanhe thought of the scene of eating instant noodles on the train in the future, so he couldn't help smiling and said firmly: "As long as they have eaten our instant noodles, I dare say they will never forget it!"


Guo began to respond energetically.

"With advertisements, publicity, and sales channels, I believe our Yougu Dojo can become an instant hit."

After Zhao Shanhe arranged all the work, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone, Yougu Daochang is the main industry of our Shanqiu Food this year, and it will also become the pillar industry of Shanqiu Food in the future, so in this battle we will not only We must fight, and we must win!"


All are motivated.

Zhao Shanhe scanned the audience: "Okay, if there is nothing else, just follow what we said."


Everyone got up and left the meeting room.

When there were only two people left here, Li Xiangyang frowned slightly and said, "Director, I think there is something you need to prepare in advance, and you should even make arrangements now."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It's the person in charge of Yougu Dojo!" Li Xiangyang said.

"The person in charge of Yougu Dojo?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned and nodded thoughtfully.

"You're right, now I can sit there and take care of the overall situation, but I can't say that I will stay there all the time. Yougu Dojo should be like Jiuquan Manufacturing, and there must be someone who can control the place. Xiangyang, since you said that, don't you know it? Tell me, who do you think can preside over Yougu Dojo?"

"This really doesn't exist!"

Li Xiangyang smiled bitterly.

"Our talent echelon is under construction. Although there are many middle-level and grass-roots personnel, there are very few who can take the lead. Not to mention a large factory like Yougu Dojo, which cannot be managed by anyone who thinks about it. "

Yes, Zhao Shanhe is also aware of this problem.

Now the few people around him can stand alone, but he can't let it out.After all, these people have their own responsibilities, and no one can spare them.

It seems that we have to speed up the cultivation of the talent echelon.

"Xiangyang, you are in charge of talent recruitment. Remember to recruit a group of people as soon as possible. For example, the person in charge of Yougu Dojo, if you have a suitable one, you must tell me." Zhao Shanhe said.


After the two spoke a few more words, Li Xiangyang got up and left.

Zhao Shanhe looked at the document in front of him, and said to himself: "Master Kang, it depends on how you accept the move."


Castle Peak City.

Standing at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, looking at Liu Qingya with a heartless face, Chen Zhilei raised his brows and said coldly: "I said Liu Qingya, did you want to divorce me a long time ago so that you can be with Zhao Shanhe? "

"Chen Zhilei, can you speak human language?"

A flash of anger flashed across Liu Qingya's expressionless face, she stared at Chen Zhilei and said with disgust: "Don't talk about Zhao Shanhe, I just met Zhao Shanhe, how did I know where Zhao Shanhe was before this. If you talk about the two of us, just talk about the two of us, is it interesting to mix others in?"

"Hmph!" Chen Zhilei snorted coldly.

"Why did we get divorced, don't you know? It's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, would a good family break up?" Liu Qingya looked resentful.

"Of course it's useless to say these things now. We're divorced anyway. But Chen Zhilei, I won't bless you. A scum like you will get what you deserve sooner or later."


Being cursed like this, Chen Zhilei became angry while speaking, and just about to fight back, Liu Qingya turned around and left without looking back.

"Zhi Lei, come here quickly, something has happened!"

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