Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 918 Why are you in such a hurry

"Mom and Dad, I think so. There should be no one in our Zhaojiazhai who wants to leave their hometown to find work. It would be the best if they can earn money at the door of the house. If so, we have to look at us There's nothing here that makes money."

"As the saying goes, rely on water to eat water, rely on mountains to eat mountains. Our Zhaojiazhai is backed by Xiaoqingshan. This is our advantage and our resource."

"What I'm thinking is, let's see if the people in our village can plant fruit trees, such as apples, persimmons, and chestnuts. As long as they can grow them, as long as the quality of the fruits grown is good, I'll take care of them if they sell well."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Do you think it's okay?"

"Grow fruit trees?"

Zhao Yong stood up from his chair and said happily: "Of course, there are still people planting fruit trees in our village. If you want to say that we can't do other trees, but chestnut trees and apple trees There is no problem at all. Are you sure that as long as you plant it, you can sell it?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"My Shanqiu food needs fruit, just eat these in our village, no problem at all."

"Okay, then I'll talk to the old village chief." Zhao Yonghao picked up the cigarette matches on the table and put them in his pocket before walking out.

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback: "Aren't you going to eat?"

Zhao Yonghao waved his hand with a smile: "What do you eat? It's important."

After talking about Zhao Yonghao, he hurried out of the house, and Zhao Shanhe and Zhao Shanchuan chatted without saying a word.

In about four or five minutes, Zhao Yonghao walked into the house with a few people, the leader was Zhao Pinghu, the old village head of Zhaojiazhai, and the rest were also members of the village committee.

After seeing them enter the door, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly greeted them.Regardless of how big his career is outside, as long as he is at home, Zhao Shanhe's posture is very correct.

"Shanhe, don't be too busy, we have something to talk to you about."

Zhao Pinghu waved his hand, stopped Zhao Shanhe from his busy work, grabbed him, and said in a hurried tone: "Is what your father told me just now true? Are you really willing to buy fruits from our village?"


Zhao Shanhe smiled gently, and after smoking a circle, he said: "Third Grandpa, even if my father doesn't talk about this, I still want to find a chance to talk to you. I can't say that I am earning money outside, and then return Seeing that our village has been half-dead."

"I've heard from my dad that it's hard for young men in our village to find a partner these years, and that no one in the village outside is willing to marry their daughter to our village. He just dislikes the poverty of our Zhaojiazhai. Is there such a thing? What's going on?"

"Your father is right, there is such a thing."

Zhao Pinghu smoked a cigarette, sat on a chair, raised his legs, and said with a sigh: "Our Zhaojiazhai was not very rich before, and the past two years have been even more difficult. As you know, our village has no economy. The source is nothing more than earning some money from the fields and mountains.”

"Yeah, I know this. I think I was able to go to technical school back then because my dad earned money from working outside. If I were in the village, I probably wouldn't have been able to go to technical school." Zhao Shanhe said with deep feeling.

"So I've been thinking about what to do to make our village live better, and I can't think about it. Fortunately, you were born in your family. With you, I believe this matter can be solved." Zhao Pinghu's eyes flickered Shine some light.

"Yeah, it's better to live forever."

"I knew it was useful to go to school, and I should let my son continue to go to school."

"Stop talking, all of you, listen to Shanhe."

Amidst such discussions, Zhao Shanhe glanced over, stared at Zhao Pinghu and said, "Third Grandfather, what I just said to my dad, I think it's right for our village to rely on the mountains and eat the mountains."

"The small green hill behind us has abundant resources, such as planting fruit trees, other wild vegetables and medicinal materials. As long as these are unearthed, they can be sold for money."

"The other thing is that we can enclose a place in the back mountain to engage in breeding, such as raising chickens and sheep. I dare not say anything else. As long as it is produced by our village, I will pay for it. I will definitely not let you raise it." Raising white, planting white species, do you think this is okay?"

"Okay, of course!"

Zhao Pinghu became excited at once, slapped his thighs with both hands and stood up.

"Then it's settled. I'll hold a meeting with the villagers tomorrow and encourage them to start planting trees."

Zhao Shanhe raised his arms and shouted: "Third Grandpa, wait a moment, I have something else to say."

"Tell me!" Zhao Pinghu was stunned for a moment, and looked over with some doubts.

"What are you planning to do?" Zhao Shanhe's expression became serious.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by how to do this? Don't just do it normally. Anyway, the back mountain belongs to the village, and the village divides it into each household, and then they plant trees." Zhao Pinghu asked in a daze. .

"Is it distributed to every household?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said calmly: "I don't think it is appropriate to do this. If it is really distributed to each household, it will not be as good as the overall operation. In addition, the management rights of the back mountain also need to sign a contract, and the boundary must be Make it clear, after all, Xiaoqingshan is not just our Zhaojiazhai, but there are other villages on both sides."

"Shanhe is right. We can't just mess around with this matter as soon as our heads are hot. We need to plan carefully and know what to do." Zhao Pinghu frowned slightly, took two puffs of cigarettes, nodded his head and talked again. Sit back on the chair, "Shanhe, tell us about it."

"it is good."

Zhao Shanhe started talking to Zhao Pinghu and the others.

In fact, he didn't think it was a temporary idea, but he had thought about this matter in his heart long ago. After he had a general framework, he wouldn't talk about it with a hammer and a stick.

After talking like this for almost an hour, Zhao Shanhe stopped.

"Third Grandfather, that's what I think. Of course, if you don't have a plan for how to do it, I can send someone over to help the village."

"Okay, Shanhe, what you said is very good, then just do what you said."

Zhao Pinghu smiled with satisfaction, turned to Zhao Yonghao and said, "Yonghao, you really gave birth to a good son. If this can be done, the whole village has to thank you."


Zhao Yonghao smiled brightly.

It is true that 30 years ago, the father respected the son, and 30 years later, the son respected the father.

Shanhe, you didn't embarrass me!

"Third Uncle, why don't we have an hour?" Zhao Yonghao said, pointing at the dining table with a smile.

"It's on the hour, it's still early anyway." Zhao Pinghu took his seat readily, and waved to the others, "Don't leave all of you, let's sit together on the hour."

Looking at the elders sitting at the table and starting to drink, Zhao Shanhe felt elated.He knows that no matter how big his career is outside, this is his root, and he must return to his root.

Only when this root is deeply ingrained can it flourish.


On Zhao Shanhe's side, it was happy and harmonious, and at the Chen family in Qingshan City, Chen Zhilei also rushed back, but Kang Yujiao did not accompany him home, but stayed in the hotel by herself.

"Son, you said Yujiao didn't come back with you, do you feel angry that you haven't divorced Liu Qingya yet?" He Saichun asked anxiously after handing over a cup of tea.

"Mom, nothing."

Chen Zhilei shook his head.

"Let me tell you, I've done this for you at the hospital today. Tomorrow Liu Qingya will go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce with you. The two of you quickly go through the formalities."

"After finishing the divorce procedures, I should marry Kang Yujiao as soon as possible. Didn't you say that only Kang Yujiao can help you make a fortune? You must hold her tight." He Saichun said eagerly.

Chen Zhilei nodded and said, "Mom, I know how to deal with this matter, so don't worry!"

"Just know."

He Saichun said suddenly, "By the way, when I was in the hospital today, I saw a young man standing beside Liu Benhui. Do you know who he is?"

"Zhao Shanhe?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhilei couldn't help but a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would actually send Liu Benhui back, so he came here for Liu Qingya? He was still thinking about it." The bitch!"

"What do you mean?" He Saichun was a little confused.

"It's not interesting, Mom, I'll take care of this matter, don't worry about it." Chen Zhilei didn't intend to explain further, and He Saichun didn't continue to ask.

After He Saichun went to sleep, Chen Zhilei walked to the window and looked at the night outside with cold eyes.

"Zhao Shanhe, do you really think that anyone in the instant noodle factory can do it? With your thin arms and legs, how can you stand up to Master Kang? Just wait for me, and sooner or later I will make your instant noodles Swallow it up! I want you to kneel in front of me and beg for mercy!"


Silent all night.

Zhao Shanhe woke up the next day and left Zhaojiazhai by car after having breakfast. As for helping the village prepare for the establishment of a cooperative, he will arrange Cai Shishi to do it after he returns.

"Director, are we going back to Zhenghe or where are we going?" Chen Ju asked.

"Go to Blue Bird Glass."

"it is good!"

Blue Bird Glass Factory.

Liu Weian is in a happy mood recently. He looks at the orders placed on the table every day, just like looking at rare treasures.No, to him, rare treasures are not as important as orders.

One order after another means that the people in a glass factory can be supported.

It's just that he didn't expect that he encountered an annoying matter just after going to work today, and he is now trying to solve it with Wang Houde and the others in the laboratory.

"Mr. Wang, is there really no way to do this?" Liu Weian asked anxiously.

"I can't say that there is no way, it's just a bit risky, and we haven't done such an experiment before, if we say that it's a bit confusing to produce it rashly. So if you ask my opinion, I suggest not rushing to take this Even if you want to accept an order, you must explain clearly to them." Wang Houde said calmly.

"I understand the truth. The client doesn't need to worry about it. I just want to know how long it will take to solve this problem if we do experiments here?" Liu Wei'an asked in a deep voice.

"How long?"

Wang Houde pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a deep thought: "If you put down all the work at hand and focus on this, a week is definitely enough."

"Then focus on this!"

Before Liu Wei'an could speak, Zhao Shanhe's voice sounded at the door.

"Director Zhao!"

Everyone greeted Zhao Shanhe when they saw him walk in.

After Zhao Shanhe waved his hand with a smile, he asked Liu Wei'an: "I just listened outside for a while, are you saying that this order requires custom-made curved tempered glass?"

"Yes!" Liu Wei'an nodded.

Zhao Shanhe said in surprise: "Didn't we say that we haven't produced curved tempered glass before? I remember it."

"Yes, but those bends are relatively small. This order requires both the curvature and the area of ​​the glass to be particularly large, which exceeds our previous product models, so I am in a hurry."

As Liu Weian spoke, he handed over an order.

"Director, look at this."

"it is good!"

Seeing the order request, Zhao Shanhe finally understood why Liu Wei'an was in such a hurry.


The curved arc of the tempered glass requested by the customer this time exceeds the arc that they could master before.

We must know that in the field of tempered glass, the curved arc is very particular.It doesn't mean that you can bend it however you want. The wrong degree of curvature and the deviation of the glass parameters will directly affect the quality of the glass.

The most likely problem is self-explosion.

You can't say that what you deliver to the customer is a batch of tempered glass that will explode, right?

"Old Wang, do you have the confidence to overcome this arc problem?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.


Wang Houde did not hesitate, and said frankly: "As long as you give me a week, I can overcome this problem. Just in time, I also took advantage of this opportunity to make a system index for our building's curved tempered glass. In this way, no matter how much curved glass it is in the future, we can manufacture it.”

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Zhao Shanhe laughed and said: "Let's put it this way, although flat tempered glass is still the mainstream, I believe that in the near future, curved tempered glass will become a trend, and many buildings will use it, even residential buildings. Residential buildings will also be used."

"In this way, if we say that we can only produce curved tempered glass with a specific curvature, it will definitely not work."

"Then what should we do?" Liu Wei'an asked.

"We should take advantage of the time now, and while there is still a buffer in the market, we will overcome this problem. Of course, my requirements are still the same as before. The curved tempered glass must not only have impact resistance and heat resistance, but also must Safety must be ensured. It cannot be said that the quality should be reduced for the sake of the so-called radian, which is absolutely not allowed.”

"Understood, then we will conquer this!" Wang Houde said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"Then thank you all for your hard work. When this project is conquered, I will invite everyone to drink!"

"Ha ha!"

After chatting and laughing for a while, Zhao Shanhe and Liu Wei'an left the laboratory and handed it over to professionals.

When he came to the factory area outside, Zhao Shanhe smiled and asked, "Old Liu, it seems that this glass factory is thriving under your management!"

"The factory director was joking. This is not under my management, it is clearly under your wise leadership. Without your leadership, there would be no current glass factory." Liu Wei'an said flatteringly.


Zhao Shanhe glanced at Liu Wei'an, just about to speak, who would have thought that a car would suddenly come from a distance, and as soon as the car stopped, a person hurriedly pushed the door down and walked towards Zhao Shanhe.

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