Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 917 The Big Forest Has Any Birds

"I am the one who runs the factory." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Open a factory?"

Liu Benhui looked at Zhao Shanhe in a daze and said, "Don't fool me, boy. Although I say I don't know about your Handong City, I can tell that not everyone can participate in this reception. Since If you can come to participate, then the factory you opened should not be simple, right?"

"Hey, no, no, I just barely make a living." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Barely make a living?"

When Cai Shishi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, heard this, he couldn't help curling his lips, rolled his eyes secretly, and looked out of the window angrily. If you just make a living, how can you let others live?

But Liu Benhui didn't continue to ask, probably because he was afraid that Zhao Shanhe would lose face, so he took the initiative to change the topic and talk about Qingshan Technical School, and Zhao Shanhe just followed this to continue the chat.

Along the way, the teacher and the student chatted happily.

Qingshan Fifth Hospital.

On a hospital bed in a ward, a woman lay quietly.

She was wearing a changed hospital gown, her face was expressionless, her eyes were dull looking at the ceiling, motionless, like a dead body.

She is Liu Qingya.

After being beaten and hospitalized, Liu Qingya's heart was completely dead.

She never thought that she and Chen Zhilei would get to where they are today. She thought that if she gave him a chance, he would get rid of all his problems, but whoever thought that this was all her own wishful thinking.

Chen Zhilei is a beast without humanity.

He raped himself.

He also beat his daughter.

In this case, there is no need for me to continue living with Chen Zhilei, let's get a divorce!

It was the first time that Liu Qingya's attitude was so firm.

And just as she was making such a decision, a discordant voice suddenly sounded. After seeing who walked in, Liu Qingya showed an expression of undisguised disgust on her face.

"I said Liu Qingya, what on earth are you thinking? Is it so difficult for you to divorce our Zhi Lei? Are you saying that you have to drag him down to be reconciled? You are really unreasonable!"

The person who spoke was an old woman in her fifties. She looked very sarcastic, and her words revealed a kind of coldness, without any human touch.When she walked into the ward, she didn't even ask Liu Qingya how her injury was, instead she came up with such a face.

She is Chen Zhilei's wife, He Saichun.

A woman who is mercenary and protects her calf to the extreme.

It's just that she came, but I didn't expect Chen Zhilei's seven aunts and eight aunts to follow her in. After they came in, they all started chattering. From the beginning to the end, no one cared. Pass Liu Qingya.

"I'm talking about Liu Qingya, you and Zhi Lei are also husband and wife after all, as the saying goes, a husband and wife a day, a hundred days of kindness, you can't say that you are dragging him down?"

"Anyway, you don't have any feelings for each other anymore. Instead of procrastinating, it's better to get a divorce quickly."

"Liu Qingya, you don't really want to sue Lei, do you?"


When these words rang in her ears, Liu Qingya's whole heart was in despair. She never expected that these words would come from the mouths of these former relatives.

Arguing angrily?scold?struggle?

This is no longer necessary.

She is so calm now that she doesn't even have the thought of looking at this group of people more.

What kind of people are these!

No wonder my father told me to think twice before getting married, but I was really fascinated by Chen Zhilei at that time, and I only wanted to marry him, so why would I think about other things? .

The result was reduced to this field.

Who can you blame?

Liu Qingya still had no expression on her face, but two lines of tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes.

"I said you are pretending to be dead? Do you want to divorce Zhi Lei? Tell me a good word!" Looking at Liu Qingya's dying appearance, He Saichun shouted resentfully.

"We're going to get a divorce!"

At this moment, a decisive voice suddenly sounded from the door, it turned out that it was Liu Benhui who brought Zhao Shanhe.The two who had just arrived here saw this scene of forcing the palace, and Liu Benhui was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He rushed into the ward in three steps at a time, blocked Liu Qingya behind him, stared fiercely at He Saichun's face, and said indifferently: "You let Chen Zhilei, that bastard, get over here now, and let them go today!" Formalities."

"Are you sure?" Jose Chun's eyes lit up.

"Of course!"

Liu Benhui nodded heavily.

"The gate of your Chen family, our Liu family is too high to climb, tell Chen Zhilei to come back immediately and go through the formalities!"

"Okay, I'll call right away."

He Saichun happily turned around and walked out of the ward. She came here to do this. Now that Liu Benhui has spoken, what else is there to make a fuss about? The most important thing is to do things quickly.

"You all get out of here!"

Liu Benhui glanced over with cold eyes.

Those seven aunts and eight aunts also walked out mumbling.

Soon there were only Liu Benhui left in the ward, and Liu Qingya quickly wiped away the tears when she heard her father's voice. At this time, she also saw Zhao Shanhe who came in with her father, her face was a little surprised, He asked in an uncertain tone: "You are... Zhao Shanhe?"

"Yes, Qingya, it's me."

Hearing this, Liu Qingya turned her head away hastily and covered her face with her hands.

Zhao Shanhe looked at Liu Qingya, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, and walked forward with some distress, and said in a soft voice: "I met the teacher in Handong City, and after knowing about you, I followed you to see. How could you change? Is it like this? This Chen Zhilei really deserves to die, it seems that I just hit him a little lightly, if I had known this, I would have beaten him to death!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Liu Qingya quickly waved her hand, and then suddenly woke up.

"Did you hit Chen Zhilei?"

"Yes, I did."

"What's going on?" Liu Qingya asked hastily.

"Let me tell you!"

Seeing Liu Qingya's anxiety, Liu Benhui coughed twice, and said what he did today.After hearing this, Liu Qingya looked at Zhao Shanhe restlessly.

"Shanhe, I didn't expect you to be involved because of my affairs. I'm really sorry. I can solve this matter, so don't worry about it anymore, do you hear me?"

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhao Shanhe said.

"now it's right!"

Just when the three of them were about to continue talking, He Saichun walked in from the outside and said arrogantly: "Listen to me, my son will be back soon, and you will go through the divorce procedures tomorrow."

"I'll do it."

Liu Qingya's eyes no longer showed the slightest warmth when she looked over, and said in a cold tone: "Tell Chen Zhilei that I agree to divorce him, and I have already written the divorce agreement, which is in the bedside table at home. The conditions I issued , he promised that the divorce can be done anytime tomorrow. If he doesn't agree, then procrastinate!"


He Saichun didn't expect Liu Qingya to have such a trick, but he didn't say anything else after being speechless.

Now she just wanted the two to divorce so that Chen Zhilei could marry Kang Yujiao.As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, I'll talk to Zhilei."

After finishing speaking, Jose Chun twisted his waist and walked away in small steps.

"Have you thought it through?" Liu Benhui asked in a deep voice.

"Think clearly."

There was a bitter expression on Liu Qingya's face, but she quickly said with firm eyes: "Dad, I should have divorced him a long time ago. I haven't divorced him all this time. It's all for Niu Niu. But now I figured it out, maybe divorce It is the best choice for Niuniu."

"It's the best you can think of."

Liu Benhui breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shanhe, thank you for my dad's matter. If it weren't for you, my dad would definitely be in trouble. But I can't move now, or I would treat you to dinner." Liu Qingya said.

"Qingya, we are old classmates now, what are you doing with me like this? Your father is also my teacher, can I just sit and watch the teacher being humiliated?"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand.

"It's fine if you eat, you can recuperate with peace of mind. As for Chen Zhilei, you and the teacher can rest assured, I will let him pay the price."

"do not!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingya quickly dissuaded her: "Shanhe, don't fight against Chen Zhilei anymore, he is different now, if you fight with him, it won't do you any good."

"He's not the same as before, am I the same?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled casually, and said calmly: "Don't worry about this matter, I know it well."


After several people talked for a while, Zhao Shanhe got up to leave.He came here originally to see Liu Qingya, and since he saw that there was no serious injury, he was relieved.

"Teacher, what are your future plans?" Zhao Shanhe asked outside the hospital.


Liu Benhui was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "My situation is no longer suitable for me to stay in Qingshan Technical School to teach, maybe I will find a job in Qingshan City in the future. After all, you also know that your teacher's mother passed away early. Qingya and I are the only ones left at home. Now there is a girl to support, can I quit?"

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe rolled his eyes slightly and said: "Teacher, you should take care of the family affairs first, and after you have dealt with it, why don't you come to Handong City to help me. I have jobs here, and there are jobs suitable for you. As long as you want, I'm always welcome here."

Liu Benhui nodded after thinking for a moment: "Okay, we'll talk about it later."

"it is good!"

After bidding farewell to Liu Benhui, Zhao Shanhe left Qingshan City by car.He didn't say that he wanted to stay here overnight. After all, Qingshan City is not too far from Handong City, so he went back when he said he would go back.

"I didn't expect this Chen Zhilei to be such a beast. It's okay for him to be shameless, and his family members are all arrogant and unreasonable. In their eyes, don't they have any other family affection besides financial interests?"

"Liu Qingya gave birth to a child for their family anyway, and called that woman mother for so many years, how could she say such mean things and do such inhuman things?"

Cai Shishi was furious when he thought of what he saw and heard today.

"Normal, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds."

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly, tapped his fingers on his knees, and said unhurriedly: "Chen Zhilei was a hypocritical villain before, and now he is even worse."

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe that he would do such a thing. But for a person like him, we should either keep a respectful distance from him, or completely crush him with a thunderbolt!"

"Then of course we want to crush him completely!"

Cai Shishi was filled with righteous indignation, and said as a matter of course: "He is now the general manager of Master Kang and is responsible for the sales of Master Kang in China. If our Yougu Dojo wants to develop, we must meet it."

"Meet the brave to win on the narrow road!"

"We don't need to be afraid of them at all, not to mention that they are still a foreign-funded enterprise. If they want to earn our money in our country, there is no way. They must be stopped!"

Under the influence of Zhao Shanhe, the current Cai Shishi is also a standard defender of domestic products. In her world, only domestic products and Chinese manufacturing are top-notch, and the rest have to stand aside.


Zhao Shanhe nodded approvingly.

"We and Master Kang will face each other sooner or later. Whoever can win will mean that whoever can control China's future instant noodle market. In fact, it's fine if it's another company, but the other party is a foreign-funded company. Then whatever we say, we have to wrestle with them, and frustrate their spirits!"

"Yes." Cai Shishi was full of energy, with fighting spirit in his eyes.

"In this way, you should hurry up and collect information about Master Kang, the more detailed the better. I want to know what the current situation of Master Kang is in Jinmen, whether the factory has been built or production has started, these are very important .”

Zhao Shanhe must know himself and the enemy before he can plan ahead.


Cai Shishi respectfully accepted the order.

"Chen Ju, Nanjue County should be ahead, right?"

"Yes, turn right and you will arrive at Nanjue County."

"Then you send me to Nanjue County, I'll go back to my hometown."




Zhao Shanhe lived in Zhaojiazhai that night, and at dinner time, because Zhao Lin was not there, there were only four of them in his family.After he drank a glass of wine with Zhao Yonghao, Zhao Yonghao asked: "Shanhe, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe stopped his chopsticks and asked.

"That's right. Look at the labor force in our village. Many of them are idle at home. I just want to ask if you have any work for them." Zhao Yonghao said.

"For work?" Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"What your father means is that our family's life is better, and we have to help other people's families. We can't say that only our family has become rich, and other families are still poor, right?"

"It won't do you any good either. After all, no one will tell you where Zhao Shanhe is from. You belong to the Zhao family village. And the whole Zhao family village is only better off for you. It's hard to say."

Lin Chunyan told the truth.

Zhao Shanhe suddenly understood.

It turned out to be the case.

I just said that Dad's words sounded a little different, and he dared to say this.But don't tell me, if this is the case, it really can't be considered a trivial matter.

In fact, Zhao Shanhe has been thinking about this all the time, because he also knows that common prosperity is real prosperity.I dare not say it in other places, but if there is no way to mobilize it in my own village, then it is a bit unreasonable.

And since the old man brought this up, it means that someone in the village should have talked to the old man.

You should pay more attention to yourself.

But the question is how to do it?

"Shanhe, is this difficult to do? If it's too difficult, don't worry about it." Zhao Yonghao asked after noticing Zhao Shanhe's abnormality.


Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly, and slowly expressed his thoughts.

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