Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 916 I Don't Eat Your Way!

"Mr. Shen and Zhao Shanhe do have enmity. If it wasn't for Zhao Shanhe, Mr. Shen would not be able to say that he was defeated. So when it comes to dealing with Zhao Shanhe, your positions are the same."

Huang Fangjun's words can be regarded as the final conclusion.

Chen Zhilei raised his eyebrows, he understood, and said with a smile: "So we really have the possibility of joining forces?"

"of course."

Shen Ziliang said indifferently: "Unless Mr. Chen and your instant noodle factory are confident that they can defeat Zhao Shanhe's Yougu Dojo, otherwise, I think we must join forces."

"An instant noodle factory?"

Chen Zhilei's eyes dodged a little.

"What instant noodle factory? I don't know what Mr. Shen is talking about?"

"is it?"

Shen Ziliang took a deep look at Chen Zhilei, sighed deliberately, and said slowly: "I thought that since Mr. Chen came to Handong City, he must know something about Zhao Shanhe's affairs."

"But it doesn't look like that now, you don't know anything about Zhao Shanhe. If this is really the case, I would like to advise you, don't go against Zhao Shanhe casually."

"Because that's dangerous!"

"What's the danger! Didn't Zhao Shanhe just open an instant noodle factory? How big can it be? Just like him, don't try to fight against our Master Kang. He doesn't have the qualifications!"

Kang Yujiao ignored Chen Zhilei's gesture and said frankly.

"We came here this time, in addition to inspecting wheat, to defeat this instant noodle factory."


Chen Zhilei could only sigh silently in his heart.

Kang Yujiao is good at everything, but this makes him speechless, arrogant, anyone is vulnerable in her eyes, and everything is insignificant in her heart.

Zhao Shanhe?

what a thing!

"Zhao Shanhe is here!"

At this moment, Huang Fangjun suddenly whispered, and almost at the same time his words fell, Zhao Shanhe walked up to him, ignoring Shen Ziliang and Huang Fangjun's guarded eyes, and went directly to Chen Zhilei.

"Chen Zhilei, you need to explain to me what happened just now."

"Give me an explanation? What explanation do you want?" Chen Zhilei stood up and looked over with his head upright. In front of Kang Yujiao, he couldn't say that he lost his masculinity.

"No. [-] immediately apologize to the teacher!"

"Secondly, don't you want to divorce Qingya? Yes, after the divorce, you will leave the house, and all your savings, as well as your children, will belong to Qingya!"

"Third, I want you to make financial compensation for the beating of the teacher and the beating of Qingya. Let's take one hundred thousand!"

Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back and looked over with bright eyes.

"What? Leave the house without leaving the house? I still need to pay one hundred thousand yuan?"

When Chen Zhilei heard this condition, he laughed out of anger.

He pointed at Zhao Shanhe's nose and shouted mockingly: "Zhao Shanhe, after all, this is our family's business. When will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks as an outsider? Let me tell you, I will divorce Liu Qingya , I can even leave the house without leaving the house, but if you want me to lose money, there is no way!"

"She won't even try to get a penny!"

"Let's not even ask me to apologize to Liu Benhui. As an old bastard, can he deserve my apology? No way! No matter what kind of onion he is, he dares to pretend to be garlic in front of me!"

"well said!"

When Kang Yujiao heard this, she immediately stood up and said, "Zhao Shanhe, even if that old bastard Liu Benhui is your teacher, so what? Why are you working so hard to help him?"

"Could it be that there is some unclear relationship between you and Liu Qingya? I know, you must be doing this to get Liu Qingya, right?"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Chen Zhilei, and said in a strange way: "I told you a long time ago that Liu Qingya is not a good woman, have you seen that? Before you divorced, she started to flirt with each other, and started I'm looking for my old lover, if you get divorced..."

"To shut up!"


While Kang Yujiao was talking nonsense, Zhao Shanhe suddenly grabbed a bottle of wine and threw it over on the spot.The wine bottle exploded under Kang Yujiao's feet, and the bright red wine immediately spilled all over the place, a lot of it even spilled on the back of her feet.

Kang Yujiao screamed in fright, then closed her lips tightly and looked at Zhao Shanhe with lingering fear.

"Speak if you can speak, shut up if you can't speak, and take care of your mouth, otherwise, be careful that misfortune comes out of your mouth."


Kang Yujiao still wanted to challenge, but after touching Zhao Shanhe's cold eyes, she swallowed the words abruptly, and she only dared to mutter in her heart.

Who made Zhao Shanhe's eyes so scary at this moment!

"Chen Zhilei, I really didn't expect that you would abandon Qingya for such a woman. Could it be that just because her family is rich, you have to rely on her so snobbishly? That's why you abandoned your wife and son. What is the difference between you and Chen Shimei? You are even worse than Chen Shimei!"

Zhao Shanhe's tone was cold and piercing.

"Listen to what she said, and look at her appearance. What can compare to Qingya? How much Qingya sacrificed for you back then, don't you know? If it wasn't Qingya, you would have everything you have now?"

"But you actually want to divorce Qingya, you really disappoint me! Do you know that if you do this, you will be punctured by the students in our class! What face do you have to meet those students then?"

"Student classmate! Don't talk about your classmates, I don't have classmates like you."

Chen Zhilei, who was scolded like this, turned his face on the spot. He stared into Zhao Shanhe's eyes and said harshly: "Zhao Shanhe, what are you? What qualifications do you have to preach to me here? You are doing well now, Feng Sheng It's water, so you can point and point at me here? Fuck you!"

"I won't take your set!"

"Let me tell you, don't talk about Liu Qingya. You don't know anything about me and her. Why are you calling me a scum! Do you know how I got here all these years? I It's enough to be nice to her, I don't owe them anything to the Liu family, on the contrary, they don't want to pay back what the Liu family owes me in this lifetime!"

Chen Zhilei paused for a moment, then smiled wryly as if he had been greatly wronged, and shook his head: "But it doesn't matter, I don't want them to repay the debt either."

"I want to divorce Liu Qingya right now, because I have found my true love, and my true love is Yujiao. Only when I am with Yujiao can I feel the sweetness of love, so I am pursuing my own love. Is there something wrong? It's Liu Benhui who insisted on coming over to make trouble, isn't it right for me to expel him?"

Chen Zhilei looked like a wild beast driven to a dead end, looking at Zhao Shanhe with anger and blood red eyes.

"Zhao Shanhe, I know that Qingya liked you very much when I was in school, and you liked her a lot too, okay, after I divorce her, you can live together, I will help you."

"You can sleep and fly together, you can..."


Chen Zhilei didn't have a chance to finish his remaining words, so Zhao Shanhe directly kicked him in the chest, throwing him to the ground.

"Qingya really paid the wrong person back then!"


Kang Yujiao has never seen this kind of scene before, she can speak with her mouth, but if she really can't speak with her hands, she screamed on the spot in fright, quickly helped Chen Zhilei up, and stared fiercely at him. Zhao Shanhe.

"Zhao Shanhe, if you dare to fight Zhilei, you are finished. Let me tell you, I will use all my strength to deal with you. Didn't you just build an instant noodle factory? I will destroy your instant noodle factory! "

"Really? Then I'll wait for you to destroy it. But before that, Chen Zhilei must apologize to my teacher, otherwise, I will continue to beat him." Zhao Shanhe said unmoved, and raised his head fist.


Kang Yu was so delicate that her face paled with anger, and she hurriedly turned around to seek help.

"Uncle Huang, look at him!"

Huang Fangjun, who was called Uncle Huang, looked sideways at Zhao Shanhe, and said sternly: "Zhao Shanhe, after all, this is the scene of the Spring Festival Reception for our entrepreneurs in Handong City. It is a little too much for you to do this. I warn you, don't do it again." Do it, or I will call the police and arrest you, did you hear that?"

"It's the same rhetoric again, Huang Fangjun, can you change it? Isn't it just calling the police? Report it, I want to see, the police are here, are they going to arrest me, a student who came forward for the teacher, or are they going to arrest this mourner? A scum of conscience." Zhao Shanhe was completely unmoved, and had no intention of giving Huang Fangjun any face at all.


Huang Fangjun was speechless.

And Shen Ziliang, who was standing by, just watched with cold eyes, without any intention of speaking up.

"Mr. Huang, I think Director Zhao is right. This can only be regarded as a housework, so don't meddle in it." Yang Jiuding stood beside him and said calmly.

"Housework? How can this be called a housework?" Huang Fangjun shouted angrily.

"Why not? Zhao Shanhe is a student of this student. As the saying goes, you can be a teacher for a day and be a father for life. Isn't it a housework? In this way, you are an outsider, so don't worry about it."

Yang Jiuding raised the corners of his lips slantingly, and said pointedly: "I hope you can understand where you are from. Even if your ass is not straight, don't be too crooked."

These words exude a strong sense of warning.

Even Huang Fangjun couldn't ignore it, because he had already noticed that the eyes of these entrepreneurs who were holding wine glasses around were clearly showing a kind of coldness.

You said it's fine if you don't help Zhao Shanhe, but you can't help Chen Zhilei so desperately, right?What is Chen Zhilei?A man who abandons his wife and son is worth your maintenance?If you really do this, you will virtually become the public enemy of all entrepreneurs in Handong City. You should weigh it carefully if it is worth it.


Huang Fangjun hesitated.

This kind of hesitation was also seen by Chen Zhilei. While cursing secretly in his heart, before Kang Yujiao lost control, he decisively raised his head and said to Liu Benhui: "Dad, I was wrong this time. I'm sorry, I apologize to you." Apologize."

When the voice fell to the ground, without giving Liu Benhui a chance to speak, Chen Zhilei took Kang Yujiao's hand and walked out.

"Let's go."

"Did I let you go?" Zhao Shanhe raised his hand to stop him.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't go too far, I tell you, I will divorce Liu Qingya after I go back, if you really force me again, believe it or not, I will do even more excessive things." Chen Zhilei shouted.


Zhao Shanhe's angry eyes widened and he was about to explode when he heard Liu Benhui's heavy voice: "Let him go!"

Liu Benhui walked to Zhao Shanhe, looked at Chen Zhilei with a ferocious face, and said coldly: "Bastard, get out of here, I don't want to see you again, you should divorce Xiaoya quickly, I won't pay you a penny." Yes! I never want to see you again!"

"Let's go!"

Chen Zhilei pulled Kang Yujiao and left the reception without looking back. The two went to the parking lot outside. After seeing the broken rear mirror, Kang Yujiao was so angry that she cursed.

"Too much deception! They are so deceitful! This old bastard, I must kill him!"

"Don't be angry here, let's go back to the hotel first." Chen Zhilei said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

The two left in the car angrily.

The scene of the reception.

After Zhao Shanhe watched Chen Zhilei leave, he said to Yang Jiuding: "Brother Yang, I won't attend the reception anymore, I want to send the teacher home."

"Go." Yang Jiuding nodded without dissuading him.

Zhao Shanhe left with Liu Benhui.

Looking at their backs, Huang Fangjun raised the corners of his lips, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Yang, you take good care of Zhao Shanhe. For him, do you really want to fight against the Kang family?"

"The Kang family?"

Yang Jiuding said lightly: "I don't want to take care of anyone, and I don't want to fight against anyone. I said Huang Fangjun, don't make enemies for me here, be careful, I will kill you first!"

"Hey, it's fine if you don't take care of it."

Huang Fangjun turned his head and left the reception with Shen Ziliang.

The lively atmosphere just now became deserted after this incident.Although there are still some people drinking and chatting here, the enthusiasm for chatting has obviously dropped a lot.

Zhao Shanhe has no interest in what other people think.After he took Liu Benhui to the car, he asked bluntly, "Teacher, which hospital is Qingya in now? Is it in Handong City?"


Liu Benhui shook his head and said in a deep voice: "As you know, we didn't settle down in Handong City, and our home is still in Qingshan City, so she is being treated at the Fifth Hospital of Qingshan City."

"I came here purely to settle accounts with Chen Zhilei. I have to go back now. I'm afraid that Chen Zhilei, a bastard, will cause trouble for Xiaoya and the child after he returns."

It turned out to be the case.

Zhao Shanhe felt relieved.

Qingshan Technical School is not in Handong City, it is a school in Qingshan City, Lin City, and I studied in Lin City at the beginning.And if that's the case, there's no need to rush back.

"Teacher, I will go to Qingshan City with you, and I will take you back to see Qingya by the way."

"Won't this...won't delay your work?" Liu Benhui hesitated and asked worriedly.

"No." Zhao Shanhe shook his head.


After Chen Ju drove the car, Liu Benhui remembered that he hadn't asked Zhao Shanhe what he did until now, how could he have the money to afford such a good car, and who is this ridiculously beautiful woman? who?Is it Zhao Shanhe's daughter-in-law?But it doesn't look like it.

Thinking of this, Liu Benhui couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Shanhe, what do you do now?"


Zhao Shanhe touched his head and smiled.

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