Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 915 1 nest of snakes and rats

"Chen Zhilei, how dare you beat Qingya?"

Zhao Shanhe turned around abruptly, staring at Chen Zhilei like a beast, he was really angry.

Meeting Zhao Shanhe's gaze, Chen Zhilei, who was originally timid, suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted with a ferocious expression: "Zhao Shanhe, Liu Qingya is my daughter-in-law, and whatever I want is my business and has nothing to do with you." ?"


Zhao Shanhe didn't expect Chen Zhilei to say such inhumane words, so angry that he wanted to rush over and slap him twice on the spot.

"Shanhe, don't be impulsive."

At this moment Liu Benhui held Zhao Shanhe tightly, shook his head at him, glanced at Chen Zhilei and said in a low voice: "The occasion is not right here, don't force yourself with him, it won't do you any good."

Even though he did that just now, Liu Benhui didn't want Zhao Shanhe to follow his example, it would drag Zhao Shanhe down.

In his heart, Zhao Shanhe is the best student.It's not worth ruining Zhao Shanhe's future because of his own affairs.


Zhao Shanhe snorted coldly at Chen Zhilei.

"Don't go, wait until I find out what's going on, and then I'll settle the score with you."

"Go?" Chen Zhilei sneered, and said proudly, "Do you think I will go? Even if I go, you have to go!"

"Well said, why should we go!"

Kang Yujiao had already taken off the high-heeled shoe on her right foot and was rubbing her foot. Hearing what Chen Zhilei said, she immediately regained her spirits and glanced over proudly.

Too lazy to talk to the pair of brain-dead, Zhao Shanhe hurriedly supported Liu Benhui to a corner on one side, pulled a chair over for the teacher to sit down, and asked anxiously: "Teacher, what's going on?"


Seeing this scene, Yang Jiuding raised the corners of his lips to look at Cai Shishi next to him, and asked with a smile, "Secretary Cai, do you know who this teacher of Brother Zhao is?"

"do not know."

Cai Shishi was also a little puzzled.

"Maybe it was the factory manager's teacher when he was in technical school."

"Technical school?"

Yang Jiuding slapped his forehead, laughed loudly and said, "Look, I almost forgot, Brother Zhao is a person who attended Qingshan Technical School, yes, he might be the teacher of Qingshan Technical School."

This is really what the two of them said was right.

The old man named Liu Benhui in front of him is indeed the teacher of Qingshan Technical School, the old mentor who took care of Zhao Shanhe the most when he was studying in Qingshan Technical School.

At the beginning, Liu Benhui even intended to betroth his daughter Liu Qingya to Zhao Shanhe, but Zhao Shanhe always had Li Qiuya in his heart, so it ended without a problem.

If it wasn't for Liu Benhui's cover in those years, Zhao Shanhe would have been expelled from Qingshan Technical School many times.

It's just that Liu Qingya unexpectedly married Chen Zhilei after a twist of fate.

Speaking of which, Chen Zhilei was also Zhao Shanhe's classmate, but Zhao Shanhe didn't have a good impression of him.

In his view, Chen Zhilei is a hypocritical villain, if you say you are poor, you can be poor, no one will think about anything else.But because of poverty, Chen Zhilei chose to be a hypocritical villain, and he did a lot of despicable things under the cloak of hypocrisy.

That is to say, Zhao Shanhe did not find any evidence at that time, otherwise Chen Zhilei's hypocrisy would have been exposed long ago.

But thinking about it now, even if he exposes it, it probably won't work, who made Liu Qingya love Chen Zhilei so much.

At that time, Liu Qingya liked Chen Zhilei so much that she couldn't do it, she insisted on marrying him.

It's just that Liu Qingya didn't expect that Liu Qingya would become like this now, it was because of her ill-fated fate, which was embarrassing.

"Shanhe, I really didn't expect to meet you here, but it's best to meet you. I want you to expose Chen Zhilei's hypocritical mask, and let everyone see what a despicable villain he is. Such a People, don't say he wants to divorce Qingya, even if he doesn't want to, I won't let them continue their lives!"

Liu Benhui grabbed Zhao Shanhe's hand and stared viciously at Chen Zhilei who was standing not far away, with a deep disgust showing on his old face.

"Teacher, don't worry, speak slowly." Zhao Shanhe comforted softly.

"it is good!"

Only then did Liu Benhui control his excitement, and spoke angrily.

"Actually, I was also deceived by Chen Zhilei. I didn't expect him to be such a person. The reason why he chose to marry Qingya back then was not because of his liking, but because of my identity. I am the vice principal of the technical school. , he wanted to stay in the technical school to teach, so he agreed to Qingya, and the two chose to get married..."

Following Liu Benhui's narration, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood what happened to Chen Zhilei.

It turned out that after relying on Liu Benhui's contacts to stay in school to teach, Chen Zhilei was pretty good at first, and he and Liu Qingya were still affectionate, and the two even had a very cute daughter.

But who would have thought that Chen Zhilei would get to know the present Kang Yujiao later.

Things changed after that.

Chen Zhilei no longer liked Liu Qingya, and even beat him up at every turn, in order to get a divorce as soon as possible.

And Kang Yujiao also made no secret of her liking for Chen Zhilei, stating more than once that as long as he divorces, the two can get married immediately.

"Is this Kang Yujiao rich?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"should be."

Liu Benhui nodded, sighed and said, "I heard that Kang Yujiao's family is in business, and recently invested in the construction of a factory to produce instant noodles."

"Produce instant noodles?"

Surname Kang?

Zhao Shanhe's originally unmoved expression raised his eyelids slightly when he heard these words.

"Could it be that..."

If I remember correctly, Master Kang, the instant noodle giant in history, invested and built a factory in Jinmen in 1992, and the boss of Master Kang is Kang.

As a Japanese-funded enterprise, Master Kang gradually swallowed up many domestic manufacturers in the later development, gradually monopolized the instant noodle market, and became the overlord of the instant noodle industry.

Could it be that Kang Yujiao's backstage background is this Master Kang's family?

If this is the case, then this matter will become interesting.

Zhao Shanhe, who was originally very cold about Kang Yujiao's domineering attitude, this time, coupled with the relationship with his competitors, will not make Kang Yujiao satisfied no matter what.

Chen Zhilei, your vision is really cruel.

"Teacher, so what is your request now?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"I want Chen Zhilei and Qingya to divorce!"

"I want Chen Zhilei to apologize to Qingya!"

"As long as Chen Zhilei is willing to agree to these two conditions, I will never want to see him again in my life."

Liu Benhui said through gritted teeth, a kind of resentment appeared on his face.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said slowly: "But it's not enough to just say this. Since Chen Zhilei has done such a thing of abandoning his wife and children, he has to pay the due price, otherwise the world will be messed up?"

"What do you want to do?" Liu Benhui became a little nervous and asked in a panic.

"Don't worry, teacher, nothing will happen."

Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Liu Benhui's hand, and said with a slight smile, "If I say I didn't encounter this matter today, let it be. If I encounter it, I will naturally seek justice for you, my old benefactor, and Qingya. No matter what , Qingya is also my classmate, and she took good care of me when I was in the technical school."

"Okay, I believe you!"

Liu Benhui noticed the strength revealed in Zhao Shanhe's words, and thought of Chen Zhilei's harm to Liu Qingya, so he didn't insist anymore.Maybe as a student, I really have the qualifications to make Chen Zhilei bow his head.

"Shishi, take good care of my teacher." Zhao Shanhe raised his hand, and Cai Shishi walked over.

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi began to talk to Liu Benhui.

Zhao Shanhe walked up to Yang Jiuding, and asked him calmly, "Brother Yang, I want to ask about that Kang Yujiao, do you know her details?"


Yang Jiuding glanced at it and said, "I know everyone who comes to the reception. This Kang Yujiao is not from our Handong City. She came here with someone else, but I also know her details."

"Her family is also in business. Recently, she invested in the construction of an instant noodle factory in Jinmen. She will come to our Handong City today. Speaking of which, it has something to do with you, because they have people they know here. We need to find this person to take them to Jinsui County in Northern Province to look for high-quality wheat."

He really belongs to Master Kang!

Now even Zhao Shanhe was really surprised.

He just guessed it just now, but he didn't expect it to be true.

From this point of view, even if I didn't meet my mentor, sooner or later I would meet Master Kang.And at that time, if I knew about the relationship between Chen Zhilei and Kang Yujiao, I would probably hate it so much that I would even want to put Chen Zhilei, Chen Shimei, on the ground.

That being the case, then stop talking and just do it.

Zhao Shanhe made a decision instantly.

"Brother, who is this Kang Yujiao looking for?" Zhao Shanhe asked again.

"You know him too, here." Yang Jiuding calmly pointed his mouth not far away.

"It's him, Huang Fangjun!"

Zhao Shanhe saw at a glance who the person talking and laughing with Kang Yujiao was. Isn't that Huang Fangjun, the director of the tractor factory?And now standing beside Huang Fangjun is not only Kang Yujiao, but also a person who is still fresh in his memory, Shen Ziliang.

A nest of snakes and rats.

This is really like attracting birds of a feather and dividing people into groups.

"That's right, Huang Fangjun can be regarded as a man with all-hands and eyes in our Handong City. It's just that such a person doesn't deserve his virtue."

"The tractor factory was supposed to have a good future, but it is declining day by day in his hands, and now it is almost going bankrupt. Why? It's not because he is more suitable for intrigue and intrigue than management."

Yang Jiuding made no secret of his hatred and contempt.

But the problem is, even if he thought so, he didn't dare to say it blatantly. After all, Huang Fangjun is not a decent person, but he is very well-mannered and has a strong network of contacts.Unless it is really forced to that point, there is really no need to offend him for no reason.

"So Kang Yujiao, Shen Ziliang has hooked up with Huang Fangjun. It seems that this Huang Fangjun really wants to give me a New Year's gift. Don't say it, if you look at it this way, my 1993 New Year's reception is worth it , at least know who my opponent is." Zhao Shanhe said with the corners of his mouth raised.

"Brother, it's all because my brother didn't handle this matter well. If I had known this, I wouldn't have let them come." Yang Jiuding patted Zhao Shanhe's shoulder apologetically, and said with some embarrassment.

"Where is it, brother, what does this have to do with you? Could it be that without your reception, they would not know each other? Nothing. Since they are all snakes and rats, they will become a nest sooner or later."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and said calmly, "It doesn't matter."

"Haha, I just like your heroic appearance."

Yang Jiuding laughed with satisfaction.

"Well said, it doesn't matter, just do what you want to do, this is my home field after all, I will take care of you if anything happens."

"it is good!"

That's what Zhao Shanhe wanted.

With Yang Jiuding's words, he turned his head and walked towards Kang Yujiao and the others not far away without any hesitation.He promised to help Liu Benhui seek justice, and he couldn't keep his word.

The reception is located near the rostrum.

Huang Fangjun and the others were drinking and chatting here.

They also saw the chaos that happened just now, but no one cared.

For them, as long as things like this have nothing to do with their own personal interests, it doesn't matter how much trouble there is, it's purely for fun.

After all, who still takes marriage seriously these days?

"Let me tell you Mr. Chen, you just work hard with Mr. Kang in the future. As for those things about you, throw them all away. There is nothing to be attached to." Huang Fangjun waved his hand and said proudly.

"I know."

Chen Zhilei nodded.

"Mr. Chen, are you familiar with Zhao Shanhe?" Shen Ziliang asked curiously while holding his wine glass.

"We are classmates, and we all studied at Qingshan Technical School." Chen Zhilei also knew who Shen Ziliang was, so he didn't dare to prevaricate when faced with his question.

"A classmate!"

After Shen Ziliang showed a suddenly realized expression, he suddenly said pointedly: "Tell me, you are all classmates. With such a bond, how could he, Zhao Shanhe, do such a thing? What a bit of sympathy." Don't talk!"

"This clearly wants to step on his classmate's shoulders and make a name for himself. Such a person is really shameless."

"That's right! Mr. Shen said it very well, and I thought so too." Kang Yujiao's eyes lit up.


Shen Ziliang looked over and said with a gentle smile: "As long as you are a normal person, you will definitely think this way. This is such a shitty thing. I despise people like Zhao Shanhe the most. Mr. Kang, don't worry, as long as If you want to deal with Zhao Shanhe, if you can use me, just ask, and I promise to support you unconditionally."

"Really?" Kang Yujiao was overjoyed.

"Of course." Shen Ziliang said very firmly.

"Mr. Shen, do you have any grudges against Zhao Shanhe?" Chen Zhilei quietly pulled Kang Yujiao's arm and suddenly asked with a smile.

"It's not just about enmity. Our hatred has grown. If it wasn't for him, Zhao Shanhe, would I be able to leave Handong City in despair?"

"Let me tell you, the hatred between me and him is deeper than the sea. Unless one person falls down, the hatred will never end." Shen Ziliang showed a deliberate anger on his face.


This made Chen Zhilei dazed.

isn't it?

My side and Zhao Shanhe just got into a deadlock, and you say something like this, even if you want to win me over to deal with Zhao Shanhe with you, it wouldn't be so exaggerated, right?

And at this moment Huang Fangjun spoke.

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