Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 914 Shameless! Shameless!

Xuege Hotel in Handong City.

Today is the Chinese New Year Reception, and the host is Yang Jiuding, the boss of Dingsheng Chemical.After all, in the business world of Handong City, Yang Jiuding is a big man who can call the wind and rain.Few people dare not come to the reception he held.

Near noon, the hotel banquet hall was already full of people.

Everyone who received the invitation was already holding a glass of wine, talking and laughing in their small circles.

All they wanted was a deal, a deal that would earn them a ton of money early in the new year.

"What do you think we can make more money this year?"

"How do I know that?"

"I think we should go south."


In this atmosphere, Zhao Shanhe was also chatting with Yang Jiuding.The two didn't talk too much about commercial things. After all, business was already mature for them, so there was no need to talk about it on such an occasion.

"Brother Zhao, do you have any big plans for the new year?"

This is what Yang Jiuding cares about.

Now he really wants to know what earth-shattering things Zhao Shanhe will do in 1993.After all, in the past 92 years, Zhao Shanhe brought him many surprises.

"I don't have any big plans, just take one step at a time." Zhao Shanhe raised his legs with a smile, leaned back on the sofa, and only looked at the red wine glass in his hand.

"You still call it one step at a time? Don't hide it from me, brother. I know you are taking one step at a time. Now who in Handong City doesn't know how sharp Zhao Shanhe's investment vision in Zhenghe County is."

Yang Jiuding leaned over, lightly patted Zhao Shanhe's arm, and said in a low voice, "Or do you mean that your brother Zhao doesn't want to fly with me?"

"Brother Yang, you are just joking, you still use me to take the flight? I am waiting for your support."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands and said with a smile: "Who doesn't know that your Dingsheng Chemical is a big business, and it is also a big taxpayer in our city. Compared with you, my county-level factories are not worth mentioning at all. "

"County-level factory?"

Yang Jiuding shook his head first, then nodded after being slightly taken aback, and said with bright eyes: "It is true that your factories are all built in the county, but who said that factories built in the county have no future? You, It’s really too humble and low-key.”

Zhao Shanhe smiled and shook his hand: "How can there be?"

"Have you ever thought about combining all your factories to form a group?" Yang Jiuding asked while holding his glass.

"Form a group?"

Zhao Shanhe has thought about this, but for now, there is no need to do so.

Although each factory is doing its own thing now, they are all developing well and are in a healthy development, so there is really no need for me to do anything extra.

If we really encounter bottlenecks or problems, it is not too late to carry out integration.

"Let's talk about this later." Zhao Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief, and responded noncommittally.

Seeing this, Yang Jiuding didn't get too entangled in this issue, and smiled cheerfully: "Okay, as long as you know what's in your heart."

The two clinked glasses, took a sip, and continued chatting.

The reception also slowly entered into a good mood with a burst of soothing music, and there were laughter everywhere.

And at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the parking lot outside the hotel.

This is an old man who looks to be in his 50s. He is wearing a very plain gray tunic suit, and his white hair looks very glaring under the sunlight.

What was even more dazzling was that he was actually holding a brick in his hand.

"This is it!"

The old man stood in front of a Santana, looked at the black car, and after a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, he threw a brick at it without thinking.


Amid the low crashing sound, the brick directly smashed Santana's rearview mirror.

Not to mention that, the old man immediately patted the brick on the car cover, then walked into the gate of Xuege Hotel without stopping, and soon arrived at the annual meeting site.

When someone came up to inquire, he picked up a glass of wine and poured it on a man in a suit and leather shoes, cursing angrily while pouring: "Chen Zhilei, you bastard, how dare you hit Xiaoya, I'm the one with you!" Kill you bastard!"

"Stop him quickly!"

"Where did the crazy old man come from?"

"What exactly is going on?"

The sudden change disrupted the order of the reception, and everyone started to commotion.

The people who were talking with Chen Zhilei all came to their senses after seeing such a scene. Some went to see Chen Zhilei, and some came to stop the old man.

The waiters and security guards of the hotel also rushed over upon hearing the news and quickly brought the old man under control.

The man whose face was splashed with wine was Chen Zhilei.

He never dreamed that he would encounter this kind of thing at the reception. He subconsciously opened his mouth to insult, but when he saw clearly who the old man who was pouring the wine was, he swallowed the words abruptly. The look in his eyes was still annoyed.

"Zhi Lei, are you alright?"

A woman in an evening dress appeared beside Chen Zhilei, seeing his somewhat embarrassed face, she hurriedly took out a few tissues and handed them over to wipe.

"It's okay!" Chen Zhilei shook his head, took the tissue and wiped the drink from his face.

"It's okay? You're already like this, how can you call it okay?"

The woman turned to look at the old man with frost on her face, and said in a cold tone: "Who are you? How dare you do such a thing on this occasion? You are already threatening the lives of others! Where are the security guards? Call the police Hurry up and call the police to arrest people!"

"No! Yujiao, don't call the police."

Hearing that the police were about to be called, Chen Zhilei hurriedly stopped the security guards, took Kang Yujiao's arm, shook his head and said, "It's okay, I can handle this well, don't call the police for now!"

"Come on! Call the police, who is afraid of whom? I think the police are here. Are they arresting Chen Zhilei, the perpetrator, or are they going to arrest me?" Although the old man said that he was under control, he was struggling with all his strength. Anger burns.

"Let go of me, let me go quickly, I'm going to kill this bastard!"

"It's enough!"

Chen Zhilei walked up to the old man, looked at his angry expression, and said in a low voice: "This is an entrepreneur reception, and you don't even look at the people here, just come here to make trouble. Hurry up, if you don't leave, Don't blame me for not showing affection to you!"

"Don't be sympathetic? Well, I really want to see how you plan to be ruthless to me! Just let the big guys see how you, son-in-law, plan to deal with me, my father-in-law!"

The old man roared angrily.

"Come on! Chen Zhilei, if you don't touch me today, you don't deserve the surname Chen!"

The old man?

It turned out to be the case.

The people around were also suddenly enlightened when they heard the old man announce his family name.

Let's just say, if it doesn't matter, how could this old man rush in for no reason and do such lawless things, dare you be this old Taishan of Chen Zhilei.

No, what did you just say?

You said Chen Zhilei beat your daughter?

Thinking of this incident, everyone's eyes on Chen Zhilei became playful.

Disdainful and contemptuous eyes flashed in their eyes, and they all thought in their hearts, no wonder the old man is so crazy, I dare say you are the daughter of a violent family.

If so, you deserve it right, because we would beat you up like old men too.

"Old man?"

Hearing this address, Kang Yujiao raised her chin haughtily when she looked at the old man again.

"Who am I? It turns out that you are Liu Qingya's father, Liu Benhui. Liu Benhui, listen to me clearly. Your daughter and Chen Zhilei have no relationship. They are going through divorce procedures now. You will not be his soon." My father-in-law is old, what right do you have to yell at him here, punch and kick him?"

"Who are you? Why do you say that?"

Liu Benhui looked over angrily.

"who am I?"

Kang Yujiao sneered, and said proudly, "I'm his new girlfriend!"

New girlfriend?

There was an uproar in the audience, and everyone looked at Kang Yujiao with playful eyes.

no?This woman is not out of her mind, is she?Is this something that can be said openly?You have a new girlfriend, isn't this the mistress who destroys other people's families?How do you have the guts to admit this?

Are you not afraid of criticism?


Chen Zhilei, who originally wanted to stop Kang Yujiao, found that he was still a step too late. Hearing what Kang Yujiao said, a helpless bitter smile appeared on his face.

I knew that Kang Yujiao, who was studying abroad, did something unexpected, but I didn't expect her to dare to do so.

You, do you really think this is the country of the United States?

This is Huaxia.

The love concept you accepted in the United States is inappropriate to put here.Although I really like you now and want to rely on you to climb up, but this kind of thing can't be said, it will be disgusting.

Don't you see how contemptuous these people are looking at you?

"Zhi Lei, what are you afraid of? Let's act bravely. Since you have no relationship with Liu Qingya, you should separate early. And you, old man Liu, don't rely on your family's previous help to Zhi Lei, you will coerce him. Let me tell you, love is free, and Zhi Lei is mine now, so don't bother him in the future." Kang Yujiao shouted.

"Shameless, shameless!"

Liu Benhui had never seen such a scene before, and when he heard such words, he raised his fingers angrily.

"Didn't your family teach you what is etiquette, righteousness, integrity and shame? Even if you like him, he is still married and hasn't been divorced yet. How can he be with you?"

"Chen Zhilei, you are a bastard! Look at what I have done. I really regret trusting you and marrying Qingya to you. If I hadn't been blind at the time, how could Qingya have been beaten by you? How could you be so angry with me?"


The furious Liu Benhui broke away as soon as he spoke, and directly hit Chen Zhilei and Kang Yujiao.

This time the security guards subconsciously did not stop him.

Who made them look at Chen Zhilei with contempt in their eyes.

"I'll kill you adulterers and prostitutes!"

"Chen Zhilei, are you blind? Do you want to watch him beat me?"

Kang Yujiao looked at Liu Benhui who was rushing over and shouted loudly, and Chen Zhilei who heard the voice rushed forward, blocked Liu Benhui, and subconsciously pushed forward.

Originally frail and sickly, coupled with his advanced age, how could Liu Benhui withstand such a violent push, he staggered backwards and fell to the ground on the spot, knocking over a table with a click sound, and the wine bottles and glasses on the table were scattered. Everywhere.

He also literally fell to the ground.

"You old bastard, if you dare to hit me, see if I don't kick you to death."

Kang Yujiao watched Liu Benhui being overturned to the ground, then rushed forward aggressively, raised her right foot in a high-heeled shoe, and kicked hard at Liu Benhui's chest.


However, what she didn't expect was that just when her right foot was about to kick Liu Benhui, a figure rushed over from the side, kicked her in a blink of an eye, and accurately kicked her back. , and Kang Yujiao was in so much pain that she yelled tragically on the spot: "Ah!"

Kang Yujiao was limping while holding her right foot, and there were countless dense beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Yujiao, how are you?" Chen Zhilei quickly put his arms around Kang Yujiao and asked with concern.

"Who? Who kicked me just now?"

Kang Yujiao looked forward fiercely.

"Zhi Lei, beat him up!"

"it is good!"

Seeing Kang Yujiao's painful appearance, Chen Zhilei rushed forward without saying a word, raised his fist and swung at the brave man.It's just that when he just threw his fist, the man didn't hesitate at all, and immediately counterattacked.

The two punched hard.

Chen Zhilei took two steps back.

The man who made the shot stood there, glanced at Chen Zhilei indifferently, and said mockingly: "Chen Zhilei, you are really talented, and now you even dare to hit the teacher. Try it again, believe it or not!" Make you unable to leave Handong City!"

"It's you? Zhao Shanhe!"

Chen Zhilei took a closer look, and finally saw clearly who was doing the fighting. He stood there with a surprised expression, and his eyes widened in disbelief.

"Zhao Shanhe, why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Why can't I be here? You wait for me, and I will settle accounts with you later!"

After Zhao Shanhe stared fiercely, he quickly squatted down, helped Liu Benhui up, and asked anxiously, "Teacher, how do you feel? Do you want to go to the hospital now?"

"Shan He, is that you?"

Looking at Zhao Shanhe's face, Liu Benhui was also very surprised.

"Yes, it's me, teacher." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"It's really you, why are you here?" Liu Benhui grabbed Zhao Shanhe's hands emotionally, and stood up from the ground with difficulty under his support.

"I'm from Handong City, of course I'll be here, teacher, let's talk about my affairs later, what are you doing? Isn't this Chen Zhilei your son-in-law? Why is this happening now? Are you here, Qingya?" Zhao Shanhe asked in bewilderment.


Liu Benhui who was originally emotional, when he heard Qingya's name, panic flashed across his face, and he said hurriedly: "Qingya is in the hospital now."

"What? Hospitalized? Why did you get hospitalized? Did you get sick?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise.

"Not sick."

Liu Benhui stood up straight, endured bursts of pain, pointed at Chen Zhilei and said angrily: "It's him, they are all beasts with a human face and a beast's heart. He is the one who beat Qingya into a serious injury and sent him to the hospital!"


Zhao Shanhe was taken aback.

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