Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 913 There is only one person who can convince me!

"Leader, are you going to meet the people from Shanqiu Foods now?"

"if not?"

Li Zhenguo said as a matter of course: "If you don't hurry up and discuss this matter now, what are you waiting for? Let's go and meet the people from Shanqiu Food first. It's still unknown whether they would like to come to our Baie County count."


The day.

Li Zhenguo and Yang E, the representative of the Shanqiu Food Inspection Group, had a very happy conversation. The two had a very harmonious discussion on the investigation. Li Zhenguo made it clear that Baie County would unconditionally support all the inspections of Shanqiu Food.

The news reached Jinsui County immediately.

When this news was received, the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee of Jinsui County was still in progress, and all the members of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee showed surprised expressions when they heard about this.

"Everyone, I think you all know what Bai'e County's move means. Do you really want to hand over an investment of 800 million yuan?"

After scanning the audience, Bai Chaofeng's tone was a bit aggressive.

After noticing the other people's emotions, Bai Chaofeng suddenly took a deep breath, and said slowly: "I won't talk about Shanqiu Food's investment now, whether Shanqiu Food is willing to invest in our Jinsui County is up to him." Whether Zhao Shanhe will fall in love with our Jinsui County will be discussed in the future, and now I will talk about the Tianhua Group alone."

"I would like to ask my colleagues here, do you really think that the Tianhua Group can exist like this? A group that violates the law and discipline, after being investigated clearly and obtaining evidence, it should not be strictly investigated to the end ?"

"Could it be that just because the Tianhua Group is deeply rooted in our Jinsui County and has a strong relationship in the city, we should let it go? If that is the case, can everyone here sit here with peace of mind?"

At this moment, Bai Chaofeng was furious and heartbroken.

Amidst his deafening anger, half an hour later, the Standing Committee of the Jinsui County Party Committee finally made a decision to seal up the Tianhua Group according to the law, given the evidence.

At the same time, all personnel involved in the case of Tianhua Group will be investigated, and those who are guilty will be investigated.

Two days later.

When Zhao Shanhe saw Bai Chaofeng again, he was emotional.

He didn't expect that Bai Chaofeng's methods would be so severe, he just pulled out the stubborn tumor of Tianhua Group.

Of course, there may be his own reasons for this, but it is more due to Bai Chaofeng's courage.

If it weren't for Bai Chaofeng, Zhao Shanhe believed that even with his own fuse, Tianhua Group might not be able to be wiped out.

What made him even more surprised was that Lin Tianhua of the Tianhua Group was really devoid of conscience. His hands were covered in blood, and he defeated the Tianhua Group by stepping on other people's corpses.

I'll just say it.

With the scale of Tianhua Group today, how could it be possible to say that it was acquired in just two or three years.

Of course, Zhao Shanhe wouldn't talk about these things, and Bai Chaofeng didn't explain too much, what he said was cooperation.

"Director Zhao, now I can tell you that Jinsui County's environment for attracting investment is very good. Are you still interested in investing in our factory?" Bai Chaofeng asked with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he was hiding it, but looked at it frankly, and said in a gentle tone: "Leader Bai, since you are so sincere, then I have decided that Shanqiu Foods will invest and build a factory in your Jinsui County. We can sign the contract at any time as long as we negotiate this matter.”

"that would be great!"

Bai Chaofeng was overjoyed.

In the next period of time, Zhao Shanhe stayed in Jinsui County to work on this matter.

The so-called investment in building a factory has two options, either to build a new factory or to use an old factory.The former is a bit too time-consuming. After all, the construction of a factory is completed, and no matter how fast the time is, it will be next year.

So what Zhao Shanhe chose was the acquisition.

After acquiring a grain processing factory, he began to make drastic renovations.

At the same time, various production equipment also began to be purchased from Songliu's Donghua Group, and they were transported here without interruption.

During this period, Xiao Mingyu finally put in place the research and development of instant noodles.

Even in Bai'e County, Zhao Shanhe met Li Zhenguo. Although he said that he did not build a factory in Bai'e County in the end, Zhao Shanhe made it clear that he would build a grain processing plant there to supply instant noodles. Factory supporting.

Things ended up being happy for everyone.

About two months later, at the end of 92, Zhao Shanhe finally built his own instant noodle factory. As for the name, he did not directly name it as Shanqiu, but it was the same as Yile Chewing Gum. Let this instant noodle have its own name.

Yougu Dojo.


12 month 31 day.

Handong municipal and county Zhao family.

After having a New Year's Eve dinner with Li Xiangyang and the others, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya returned home. After a brief wash, they sat in front of the window.

A cup of tea per person.

Listening to the sound of firecrackers outside, watching the fireworks blooming in the sky.

"It will be 1993 soon." Li Qiuya said with emotion.

"Yeah, wake up tomorrow and it will be 1993."

Zhao Shanhe turned sideways slightly, raised the tea cup in his hand, and said affectionately: "Daughter-in-law, you have worked hard this year."

"What am I working hard for? You are the one who really works hard."

Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe, and said distressedly: "This year, whether it is the publicity of Jade Bird Glass or the establishment of the instant noodle factory, it is all thanks to you. Without you, there would be nothing like this. You Don’t you know what the people in our factory say about you?”

"How do you say it?" Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"They all say that you are a god, an omnipotent god!" Li Qiuya's eyes were tender and full of worship.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head, breathed out a hot breath and said, "I am no god. There is no god in this world. If there is a god, they are also our workers."

"They are gods."

"Without them, how could I have everything I have now?"

"Yes, workers are gods."

Li Qiuya raised her teacup with a smile on her face.

"You are also a god."

"Actually, it's not bad to be a god. At least the workers in our factory have faith in their hearts. With faith, they will be very enthusiastic at work. Didn't you see their smiles when they received their bonuses? Woke up."

"What's wrong with that, it's just a regular bonus for New Year's Day." Zhao Shanhe curled his lips disapprovingly, and said proudly, "Tell them that there will be a big bonus during the real Chinese New Year."

"We are not capitalists, not Huang Shiren, and we can't deduct a penny from the money that should be distributed!"


Li Qiuya smiled coquettishly and clinked glasses with Zhao Shanhe.

"Are you going to the city to attend the entrepreneur reception tomorrow?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"This reception is held in the city, so it's not good for me not to attend. How about it? Do you want to follow me?"

Li Qiuya immediately shook her head: "I'm not going, I'm going back to Xikou Village to see my parents."

Zhao Shanhe said softly: "Okay, bring some more gifts back."

"It's up to you to say."

The two were chatting and laughing like this, and when the cup of tea was empty, Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya's hand and said softly: "Daughter-in-law, let's go to bed."

Li Qiuya's face was full of shyness, like a ripe pomegranate.


Shengli Community, Zhenghe County.

"Sister, Yaya is asleep?" Cui Ying, who was sitting in front of the window with a water glass in her hand, pointed to the bedroom and asked in a low voice after seeing Cui Huan coming out of the bedroom lightly.


Cui Huan nodded, pouted towards the balcony, and the two sisters walked out.

Breathing the somewhat cold air at night, Cui Huan took over the hot tea, took two sips, let the breeze blow his hair, took a deep breath comfortably and said, "It's another year."

"Yeah, another year."

Cui Ying leaned against the balcony, looked at Cui Huan's face and suddenly said: "Sister, your life is quite stable now, have you ever thought about finding someone else to marry again?"

"Do not."

Cui Huan shook his head, and said with firm eyes: "I have made up my mind since the day I divorced that I will never get married again. I didn't even think about getting married when it was the most difficult time, let alone now. Now I have a good life, let alone get married Don't worry about my affairs, but you, you and Xiang Dong have been engaged for a long time, so it's time to get married, right?"

"We are not in a hurry, we will play for another two years."

Cui Ying shrugged indifferently, and said very frankly: "Xiang Dong said, he is not in the mood to get married now, he wants to take Director Zhao as his target, and work hard before talking about marriage."

"Take Director Zhao as a target?"

Cui Huan couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this.

Then you really know how to find a target. If you really take Zhao Shanhe as your target, you may not even think about getting married!Handong City is so big, isn't there only one Zhao Shanhe?

"Sister, in fact, sometimes I really want to say thank you to the factory manager. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have the life we ​​have now. How do you think we can meet such a good person as the factory manager?" Cui Ying said with emotion Said.

"That's right, how lucky it is to meet our factory manager!"

Hearing her sister's words, Cui Huan was the most emotional. She thought that when she was down and down, if it wasn't for Zhao Shanhe's help, how could she stand up again, let alone have all the beautiful lives she has now.

She is most grateful to Zhao Shanhe.

"Xiaoying, do you think there are still shaved ice sellers?" Cui Huan asked on a whim.

"Shaved ice?" Cui Ying couldn't believe her ears.

Cui Huan smiled sweetly: "Yes, I suddenly want to eat shaved ice."

Cui Ying put down the teacup, picked up the key on the table and went out: "I'll go downstairs to buy it, I'll wait."


The Guo family in Zhongzhou.

Guo Kaikuan, who had just hung up a phone call, didn't even have time to catch his breath, and then another call came in, saying nothing more than happy new year and wanting to invite him to dinner.

Guo began to deal with it skillfully.

Of course, Guo Kaiduan still pushed it in the end. With his current status, it doesn't mean that he will go to all invitations.He had to sift through carefully to find out the most valuable ones.

"It's finally clean and clean."

Seeing that Guo Kaiduan finally stopped answering the phone, Fan Yuzhen handed over an apple angrily and said, "Try the apple I brought back from my hometown, it's very sweet."

"Okay." Guo began to eat with a smile.

"You said that you used to follow Liang Chaohui, when you were working at Jinxu Electronics, why didn't you see you so busy? Now look at how busy you are, and you don't stop when you go home for New Year's Day. People who know this know that you are What are you doing, those who don’t know think you are busier than the Prime Minister.” Fan Yuzhen said jokingly.

"Don't tell me, I'm very busy right now." Guo started to say seriously, then changed the subject and put on a smiling face, "But I think it's better to be busy, don't you think so?"

"Of course, be busy and enrich yourself." Fan Yuzhen said.

"You're right."

Guo Kaiduan walked over, looked at Fan Yuzhen and said with a smile: "My busyness in the past was all idle, but now I am really busy. I know why I am busy every day. I like it very much. feeling!"

Fan Yuzhen's eyes became a line of laughter: "This shows that you are with the right person. If it weren't for Director Zhao, how could you be as fulfilled as you are now?"

"Yes, I really want to thank Director Zhao!"

Guo began to express a kind of sincere admiration in his words.

"Director Zhao is the only one I've ever met who can convince me!"

Seeing Guo Kaiduan's serious appearance, Fan Yuzhen couldn't help but shook his head and said with a smile: "Then you can follow others and work hard."

Guo began to hold his head up on purpose and pouted his mouth: "It's up to you to say."



On this New Year's Eve when we say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, there are many people like Cui Huan and Guo Kaiduan. They all rely on Zhao Shanhe to have a happy life now. Some of them will speak out, while others are Will hide in the bottom of my heart.But whether you say it or not, you will know that without Zhao Shanhe, they would not be where they are today.

The night passed quietly like this.

the next day.

When the sun rises, a new day begins again.

As Li Qiuya saw him off, Zhao Shanhe walked out of the house with a smile on his face, glanced at the firecracker skins all over the floor, felt the warm winter sun, took a deep breath, and walked forward energetically.

1993, here I come.

"Chen Ju, happy new year."

Looking at Chen Ju who came to pick him up, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Director, Happy New Year!"

After Chen Ju was slightly stunned, he said respectfully with frank eyes.

"Let's go, first go to Hetu Manufacturing."


After entering the office, Cai Shishi came in with several documents, and seeing Cai Shishi wearing a purple dress, Zhao Shanhe nodded secretly, showing a hint of appreciation.

"Teacher, happy new year!"

Hearing such words suddenly, Cai Shishi couldn't help being taken aback, but soon smiled: "Director, Happy New Year!"

She handed over the documents in her hand: "Director, these documents must be signed."

"okay, I get it."

Zhao Shanhe took the document, picked up the pen and began to sign, asking while signing, "What are your plans for today?"

"I don't have anything else to do today, just go to the city to attend the New Year's reception. This New Year's reception is organized by Mr. Yang Jiuding, CEO of Dingsheng Chemical Industry. It is said that only the famous and respectable people in our city are eligible to participate." Cai Shishi said.

"Have a head and a face?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head speechlessly.

"If I can refuse, I don't want to go to such a reception. It's meaningless. But Mr. Yang has already said about it, and it's hard to refuse if I agree. In this way, you arrange it and follow me to attend .”


Cai Shishi did not expect that Zhao Shanhe would take him there, but of course she would not miss this opportunity.

It's just that the two of them at this time did not expect that such a thing would happen at the New Year reception later on.

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