Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 912 Do you still have national laws in your eyes?

"Leader Bai, what's the matter?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise after seeing Bai Chaofeng's appearance.

"It's nothing, it's just that Lin Tianhua from Tianhua Group wants to see you." Bai Chaofeng said.

"Lin Tianhua from Tianhua Group?"

When Zhao Shanhe heard this name, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said calmly: "What? Lin Tianhua really wants to fight me to the death? I have sent my investigation team back to Zhenghe County, what else does he want?"

"Leader Bai, I'm just wondering, do all the businessmen in Jinsui County do things like this? Do you have to tear your face apart?"

"No, no, absolutely nothing." Bai Chaofeng quickly waved his hands.

"There must be something hidden about this matter. I don't think Lin Tianhua came here to say he wanted to embarrass you. After all, given the current situation, he doesn't dare to embarrass you. In this way, if you say you don't want to see him, I will let you He'll be leaving right away."

As he spoke, Bai Chaofeng immediately turned his head: "Liang Bo..."

"Wait a moment!"

Seeing that Bai Chaofeng was about to let Liang Bo chase him away, Zhao Shanhe slowly raised his arms and said slowly: "Boss Bai, I think I should meet Lin Tianhua. After all, I don't want to be with him like this all the time." Take it easy, meet the one above, and speak clearly, it will be good to everyone, don't you think that's the case?"


Bai Chaofeng nodded thoughtfully.

"Then Director Zhao, what do you think of my proposal just now?"

Zhao Shanhe asked seriously: "Are you saying to continue to build a factory in Jinsui County?"

"Yes." Bai Chaofeng looked at Zhao Shanhe expectantly.

"My attitude on this matter is also very clear. Unless the threat from Tianhua Group is eliminated, I will not consider this matter." Zhao Shanhe said frankly, with firm eyes and no intention of compromise.


Bai Chaofeng nodded, stood up and left after speaking.

In the corridor outside the door.

When Lin Tianhua saw Bai Chaofeng with a livid face, he forced himself to control the panic in his heart, stepped forward and greeted him: "Hello, Leader Bai."

"Lin Tianhua, what are you doing here?" Bai Chaofeng's face was gloomy, his eyelids drooped, and his voice was cold and piercing.

"I want to meet Director Zhao to clarify some misunderstandings. Then, if possible, I want to talk to Director Zhao about cooperation." Lin Tianhua said with a smile.

"Talk about cooperation?"

Bai Chaofeng looked up in surprise, thinking of Zhao Shanhe's words, he shook his head in his heart and said indifferently: "Lin Tianhua, you are a businessman from our Jinsui County after all, I hope you can do everything for our county. For the common people's sake."

"I will."

Lin Tianhua nodded quickly.

Then Bai Chaofeng left without looking back. After walking out of the hotel, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. When he got connected there, he said with a serious expression: "Secretary Zhang, I have something to ask you." report."


It's still the same room as before.

It's just that the customer has changed.

Looking at Lin Tianhua who was sitting in front of him, Zhao Shanhe's expression was calm. He looked over neither humble nor overbearing, and said slowly: "Mr. Lin, I don't know if you came to my place, what advice do you have?"

"Director Zhao, although we say it's the first time we've met, I've heard of your name for a long time."

"I know that you are a very capable and courageous businessman, and your Shanqiu Food has a very good reputation throughout the country. You can come to Jinsui County and want to invest in the construction of an instant noodle factory. It is an honor for Sui County." Lin Tianhua said solemnly.


Zhao Shanhe raised Erlang's legs and glanced at him slantingly.

"Lin Tianhua, if you come here to say these high-sounding words, I advise you not to waste any more time. Because I don't think it's necessary. You and I know what our relationship is like, right? So you Talk if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, I have other things to do here."

Talk when you have something to say, and fart when you have something to say.

Feeling the arrogance revealed in Zhao Shanhe's words, Lin Tianhua couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a surge of hostility in his heart, but he was well controlled.

He has never suffered such useless anger, and no one dares to give him such anger, but now he is in a weak position, under the eaves, how can he continue to hold his proud head high?

If the green hills are left, there is no need to worry about no firewood.

Zhao Shanhe, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, let's wait and see.

"Director Zhao, misunderstanding, there are misunderstandings here."

Lin Tianhua smiled awkwardly, and then said calmly: "Director Zhao, I very much welcome you Shanqiu Foods to come to Jinsui County to invest and build a factory, because it is also good for me to come in, and I will never say anything against it." .”

"I can explain the misunderstanding here clearly."

"I tell you from the bottom of my heart, as long as you Shanqiu Foods is willing to come to Jinsui County to invest and build a factory, our Tianhua Group will definitely welcome and support it. How about it? You have to reconsider this matter Next? Let the members of your inspection team come back quickly and conduct an in-depth and detailed inspection of Jinsui County's agriculture."

What a smiling tiger.

What a ferocious wolf.

Zhao Shanhe saw through Lin Tianhua's thoughts at a glance, and knew what the boss of Tianhua Group was thinking.You said that you knew why today, if you had such an attitude when my inspection team came over, there may not be no possible opportunities between us.

But if you do this now, it's too late!

I won't trust you casually.

"Lin Tianhua, my inspection team has already returned, and I am not planning to invest in building a factory in Jinsui County, so I can only appreciate your kindness." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Heart is not good!"

Lin Tianhua's brows were slightly wrinkled, and a cold light flickered in his eyes.

He is no longer talking and smiling like he was just now. Since I give you face and you don't want it, then I really have to communicate with you in a different way.

Zhao Shanhe, you don't really think I'm a weak and deceitful person, do you?

You don't really think that with Bai Chaofeng's back you can crush my Tianhua Group, do you?

You can not.

Neither can Bai Chaofeng.

Lin Tianhua, who had confidence in his heart, slowly sat up straight, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said unhurriedly: "Zhao Shanhe, I advise you, many friends have many paths, don't take the path yourself."

"You'd better hurry down while there are still steps. Otherwise, if there are no steps later, what is waiting for you is a deep pit. If you jump in, you will never want to jump out again."

"Tsk tsk, so are you going to have a showdown with me?"

Seeing Lin Tianhua like this, Zhao Shanhe pursed his lips and smiled.


Lin Tianhua's squinted eyes shot out two gleams, and he said arrogantly: "That's right, if you think it's a showdown, then it will be a showdown."

"Zhao Shanhe, I know you definitely don't want to give up the high-quality granary in Jinsui County. What you said to make the inspection team leave is nonsense. You can use it to fool others, but you can't hide it from me. So you will still invest and build factories here.”

"Let me tell you this, unless you agree to reconcile with me, otherwise, don't say you can't build a factory here, so what if you really build it? It's still useless, and I can destroy it at any time .”

"Are you crazy?"

Hearing Lin Tianhua's words, Zhao Shanhe's expression suddenly became angry, and he said sharply: "Lin Tianhua, do you really think you are the local emperor of Jinsui County? You can decide everything here?"

"How dare you say such a thing? If you say you won't let me invest, you won't let me invest. If you say you destroy my factory, you will destroy it. Do you still have national laws in your eyes?"

"National law?"

Lin Tianhua laughed, crossed his legs haughtily, and pointed his nose with his thumb fiercely: "Let me tell you, in Jinsui County, my word is the law of the country."

"You are so arrogant."

Zhao Shanhe looked mockingly, and said in a sneering tone: "I have heard that the Tianhua Group in Jinsui County is a giant, and you, Lin Tianhua, are a big man who can cover the sky with one hand. I didn't believe it before I came here, but now I have to believe it. "

"Now you dare to be above the law and treat the interests of the common people as a trifle, so what else are you afraid to do?"

"Just be clear in your heart."

Lin Tianhua smiled contemptuously, lit a cigarette, smoked it arrogantly, and said while smoking, "I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you, but if you insist on confronting me, don't blame me for being cruel."

"Will you be my enemy?"

Zhao Shanhe snorted and sneered, and said contemptuously: "You have done everything, but now you say you don't want to be my enemy, don't you think it's a little ridiculous? Lin Tianhua, you go, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you."


Lin Tianhua stood up and snorted disdainfully.

"Zhao Shanhe, you can do it yourself!"

After Lin Tianhua finished speaking, he turned and left.

He has said everything that needs to be said. Under the coercion and temptation, he believes that Zhao Shanhe will make the most sensible decision.If Zhao Shanhe insisted on fighting him to the end, then Lin Tianhua was not a vegetarian, he would fight back.

"Lin Tianhua seems to be in a hurry, otherwise, he would not have said such a thing. But it also shows that our layout outside is very effective, and it just hit his weakness." Li Xiangyang said.

"Maybe we just meet at the right time." Zhao Shanhe shook his head slightly and said calmly.

"Just in time?"

Li Xiangyang was a little surprised.

"Yes, that's what I think. Otherwise, it would be impossible to seriously injure the Tianhua Group only by relying on our tricks. Anyway, Lin Tianhua is the boss of a powerful group. In Jinsui County His power is also intertwined, how could it be easily controlled by us?"

"Unless Jinsui County wants to deal with them."

Zhao Shanhe leaned back on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and spoke calmly.

"I think the factory manager is right. Regarding the character of Tianhua Group, I believe Jinsui County has made a lot of enemies. This time, Jinsui County should take advantage of our opportunity to directly deal with Tianhua Group." Cai Shishi said .

"That would be the best, but what should we do? Should we continue to stay and wait and see what happens? Or should we go directly to Bai'e County to seek a new partner?" Li Xiangyang asked.

Cai Shishi immediately looked at Zhao Shanhe when he heard the words.


After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "After all, Jinsui County is the best quality granary. If it is possible, I still hope to build an instant noodle factory here. After all, we have investigated here for some time, and we know it well. .”

"But if the matter of Tianhua Group is not resolved, our investment and construction of the factory will not be implemented for a day."

"So, tomorrow, I will go to Bai'e County personally, and Xiangyang, you will stay and watch the things here. I only give Jinsui County a week to solve the Tianhua Group's problem. If we can't solve it, we will settle down in Bai'e County."



On the way back to Tianhua Group.

After Sun Hong noticed Lin Tianhua's anger, he said in a low voice: "Boss Lin, it seems that Zhao Shanhe doesn't want to get in. If he insists on fighting us to the end, he will definitely not spit out his mouth. In this case, we We must quickly find a way to solve the problem of the investigation team, or if they really find out something, the consequences will be disastrous."

"you're right."

Lin Tianhua also knew this, but how to solve the problem.Since this matter was passed a resolution at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, it means that if you want to make a fuss in the county, you can do it. Could it be that you are going to the city to seek help?

That's right, go to the city.

Lin Tianhua sat up straight, looked sharply into the distance, and said calmly, "Go to the city."



Baige County.

As the closest Lin County to Jinsui County, the agricultural situation of Baie County is not much different from that of Jinsui County. The quality of the wheat here is also very good, with fertile land and good irrigation conditions. The wheat here The grade is also at the forefront.

The reason why it was not in Zhao Shanhe's consideration at the beginning is also very simple, that is, Bai'e County is taking the industrial route.

There are many factories here.

Under such circumstances, agriculture is neglected.All kinds of agricultural facilities are also relatively backward. If you have to come here to invest, the final result will be mixed with a bunch of factories.If that is the case, the instant noodle factory built will also give people a feeling of insecurity.

Therefore, Bai'e County has always been treated by Zhao Shanhe as a grain depot.

I can buy grain from you and transport it to Jinsui County. After all, if I open a factory, the wheat in a county may not be enough to supply me. My demand is huge.

Of course, even so, it would not delay Zhao Shanhe's use of Bai'e County to put pressure on Jinsui County.

Under such pressure, Bai'e County was obviously moved.

The first person to know the news was Li Zhenguo, the deputy county magistrate.

"What did you say? Are you telling the truth?"

Sitting in the office, Li Zhenguo looked at the secretary Pang Zhen who was reporting to work, and asked in a surprised tone. He was so surprised that he even forgot to sign the documents to be signed.


Secretary Pang Zhen didn't expect Li Zhenguo to have such a big reaction. He just said it according to the procedure after hearing about it, but now it seems that Li Zhenguo is very interested, so he didn't dare to say anything else, and hurriedly told the matter Say it again.

"The Tianhua Group in Jinsui County really killed Shanqiu Foods this time, so their inspection team is going to come to our Bai'e County for inspection. Calculating the time, it should have arrived."

"What are you waiting for?"

Li Zhenguo stood up after speaking.

Pang Zhen froze for a moment.

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