Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 911 Will there be such a day?

"I just received the news that the Shanqiu food inspection team is going to visit Bai'e County in Linshi, saying that Bai'e County is willing to provide them with investment services unconditionally." Liang Bo's tone was a little anxious.

"Bai'e County? It's unreasonable! Is he, Li Zhenguo, crazy? What does he want to do? Isn't this taking advantage of the fire?" Bai Chaofeng walked back and forth anxiously in the office like an ant on a hot pot.

"We can't let Shanqiu Food go to Baie County. If we really go there, we will suffer a lot." Jin Zhengyang was also a little nervous.

"You're right, the loss is really big."

Bai Chaofeng stopped and looked at the two of them and said, "I just heard a gossip through my relationship. Do you know how much the instant noodle factory that Shanqiu Foods will build this time is going to be invested?"

"How much?" Jin Zhengyang asked.

"800 million!" Bai Chaofeng slowly spit out a number.

"What? 800 million? This Zhao Shanhe is really generous! The last time he auctioned off the scientific and technological achievements of college students, he spent 700 million. This time, he will invest another 800 million to build a factory. Now ordinary workers only earn two or three hundred a month. Ah, he can't do things without spending a few million every time or something?"

"In short, we can't let Shanqiu Foods leave our Jinsui County no matter what. If we leave, who will invest in our Jinsui County in the future? When people ask why Shanqiu Foods left, how should we answer? Really? In that case, our Jinsui County will lose all face."

Jin Zhengyang spoke impatiently.

"Are you surprised by this? What surprises you even more is that the 800 million this time is not the same concept as the 700 million last time."

Bai Chaofeng looked at Jin Zhengyang's stunned eyes, and said slowly: "Listen clearly, the 800 million yuan is not Huaxia currency, but rice yuan! Zhao Shanhe is going to use 800 million yuan to invest in the construction of a modern instant noodle factory .”

Jin Zhengyang was stunned.

Liang Bo was stunned.

Then, under the gaze of Bai Chaofeng, Jin Zhengyang said in a deep voice: "Leader, I think our investigation team must be stationed in Tianhua Group today! We must take down this cancer and give Director Zhao an explanation!"

"Exchanging a law-breaking Tianhua Group for Shanqiu Food, which is full of positive energy, is worth doing! And it must be done!" Liang Bo was a little excited.


Bai Chaofeng took a deep breath.

"Before noon, the investigation team must be completed, and before two o'clock in the afternoon, the investigation team must be stationed in Tianhua Group!"

"Yes." Jin Zhengyang said respectfully.

"Liang Bo, you and I go to see Zhao Shanhe, as long as he doesn't leave, it's fine even if the inspection team is gone." Bai Chaofeng said.


When Bai Chaofeng was going to the Shengshi Hotel, the news that Shanqiu Foods was going to build an instant noodle factory in Jinsui County spread like wildfire. There is another one, saying that Zhao Shanhe plans to invest 800 million yuan to build this instant noodle factory.

Now the whole city is a sensation.

"800 million yuan, how much is that? Does Shanqiu Foods really have that much money?"

"Let me tell you that Shanqiu Foods really does what it says. The Xiangpiaopiao milk tea sold by them really donated the money to build Hope Primary School."

"If that's the case, can we also build Hope Primary School here?"

"Build something, people are forced to invest in Bai'e County now, if they really have to leave, then what about our Jinsui County?"

"God damn it, who did this, hurry up and let Shanqiu Food come back!"

"Who else? Isn't it the Tianhua Group? They are afraid that Shanqiu Foods will threaten their status when they come in, so they frame them as thieves. If you say that they haven't come, they will be slandered like this, and they dare to come. ?"


Under the influence of this kind of public opinion, the image of Tianhua Group became more and more ugly.


Standing in the office, Lin Tianhua grabbed the teacup in front of him and smashed it to the ground. He was panting heavily, walking back and forth like an angry bull.

"It's so unreasonable! First it was a lawyer's letter, then it was reported by the media, and now an investigation team is set up. That's not counting. You, Zhao Shanhe, even let out rumors that you will invest 800 million yuan. You just want to have fun. kill me?"

"Why are you, Zhao Shanhe, so vicious?"


Now Lin Tianhua knows that Zhao Shanhe is not easy to provoke, but what did you do before?Are the tricks you used to deal with other inspection groups fair enough?

"Now the public opinion outside is particularly bad for us. They are saying that we squeezed Zhao Shanhe away, and that if it weren't for us, this 800 million-meter-yuan instant noodle factory would have settled in Jinsui County."

Thinking of those gossip, Zhou Nanxiong couldn't help being furious.

"800 million yuan, this Zhao Shanhe really dares to say it, why doesn't he say 1000 million yuan? Is it true that the rice yuan is blown by the strong wind?" Su Wenqing said with a snort.

"But the problem is that everyone believes it now." Yang Bingyi said with his brows furrowed.

"Sun Hong, what do you think should be done about this?"

Zhou Nanxiong looked over and said provocatively: "Didn't you say before that this matter will definitely be done well, that Zhao Shanhe will definitely be kicked out by you, this is what you call being kicked out? Now people are not only If we don't leave, we will be targeted by the public. If this matter is not handled properly, Tianhua Group will be in danger."

"Manager Zhou is right."

Sun Hong didn't mean to argue, and said frankly: "This matter must be handled properly, otherwise it will really cause a huge disaster. But I don't think I can really be blamed for this matter, nor can anyone be blamed, because this It’s not normal in itself.”

"What do you mean?" Zhou Nanxiong asked.

"Don't you think the attitude of the county seems a bit too tough this time? That is to say, the matter of Zhao Shanhe is probably just a fuse. Even if there is no him, someone else will show up. At that time, the county will still An investigation team will be formed and stationed in our Tianhua Group to conduct investigations."

Sun Hong scanned the audience.

"To put it simply, our Tianhua Group has been targeted by the county."

After saying this, Zhou Nanxiong and the others suddenly changed their expressions.

"What should I do?"

"Boss Lin, I have three suggestions now."

"You said."

Lin Tianhua looked over.

"The general trend of this matter is no longer on our Tianhua Group's side. If we say we have to go against the general trend and carry it out, we will not be able to carry it out. So the top priority is, I think we have to do three things immediately."

Sun Hong looked serious.

"First, I strongly welcome the presence of the county investigation team, leaving the investigation team speechless."

"Second, start crisis public relations to the outside world immediately, and we must be whitewashed."

"The third is to reach a settlement with Zhao Shanhe, sincerely apologize to him for this incident, and welcome Shanqiu Food's investment and construction of the factory with both hands."

"What? Sun Hong, are you okay? How can we do this?"

Zhou Nanxiong was the first to express his dissatisfaction, his eyes widened and he shouted sharply.

"Why can't we do this?"

Sun Hong looked over calmly and retorted: "Do you think your own face is more important, or is the safety of our group more important? If an apology can resolve the crisis, why don't you apologize?"

"Don't forget, when we first came to Jinsui County, we did more embarrassing things. We were able to bow our heads back then, why can't we now?"

Sun Hong paused, looked at the silent Zhou Nanxiong and continued: "And what if you bow your head now? I don't mean to bow your head for the rest of your life."

"As the saying goes, a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. We just avoid his edge. When Zhao Shanhe really starts investing, can't we say that we can't stumbling him? Can't we deal with him? Do you think we should drive him away now? Is it better to go away? Or wait until he throws away a lot of money and then drive away?"

"Me!" Zhou Nanxiong was speechless.

"Boss Lin, you have to make up your mind on what to do, or the investigation team will be stationed soon." Sun Hong said in a deep voice.


Lin Tianhua really didn't want to make an apology. He was a famous person in Jinsui County. He had already uttered harsh words before, but now he made an apology instead. Who would listen to him in the future?

But what Sun Hong said was indeed reasonable. When the county made it clear that they were going to deal with you, you were still holding on here. Is it necessary?Besides, can you really stand up to the investigation?Is your ass clean?As long as one of the things you have done is discovered, it will be cleaned up.

"I'm going to see Zhao Shanhe now!"

"Sun Hong, follow me!"

"Zhou Nanxiong, you are the general manager, you stay to deal with the investigation team!"

Lin Tianhua made a decisive decision immediately.


Grand Hotel.

At this moment, Zhao Shanhe was sitting by the window looking at a document in his hand. As for the inspection team, Yang E had already led them to Bai'e County.He does what he says and does not put on airs.

This kind of departure not only meant to beat Jinsui County, but also because he really wanted to visit Bai'e County.After all, the two counties are next to each other. If you can't go here, you can go there.

Li Xiangyang was handling official business beside him.

Cai Shishi stayed outside.

"Dong dong."

Cai Shishi walked in amidst the knock on the door, and after briefly reporting the things outside, she said with a smile: "It's almost noon now, I didn't expect this matter to ferment in such a long time. It seems that this public opinion is really true. It is a very useful weapon, if anyone can control public opinion, he can decide many things."

"Where does this go?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, put down the document in his hand and said: "Let me tell you, the development of the Internet is still very slow now. When the Internet really starts to spread all over the world in the future, then you will know what is real. power of public opinion."

"Will there be such a day?" Cai Shishi was full of disbelief.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe said confidently: "Not only will there be, but this day will come soon."

The advent of the Internet age, no one can stop!

Just then, the door of the room knocked.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang looked at each other.

"I'll go."

Cai Shishi walked over, and after opening the door, she found that Bai Chaofeng and Liang Bo were standing outside the door. She stepped aside quickly and said in a neither humble nor overbearing way: "Director Bai, the leader is here."

"Okay, please come in quickly."

Only then did Zhao Shanhe get up to meet him.

The two met in the middle of the room, and they didn't shake hands hypocritically. The two just looked at each other. Zhao Shanhe took the lead and said, "Leader Bai, are you here to see me off?"

"See you off? What are you going to do? I'm here to keep you."

Bai Chaofeng didn't say politely either, but went straight to the point and said: "I believe you already know the things outside, I'm here to tell you two things, an investigation team has been set up in the first county, and it will be stationed in Tiantian soon. Hua Group investigates their illegal and criminal issues."

"The second is that I sincerely hope that you can stay and invest in our Jinsui County."

"Director Zhao, you may consider sending your inspection team back from Bai'e County."

"White Goose County?"

Zhao Shanhe sat calmly, opened his eyes wide and feigned surprise and said, "What Bai'e County? Leader Bai, you are thinking too much. I didn't send the inspection team to Bai'e County. They were led by our Section Chief Yang E. Zhenghe County."

"After all, you also know that they have been wronged here, and they want to go home and have a good rest. I can't tie them here."

"Director Zhao, it's meaningless for you to say that. I've received conclusive news that Yang E is going to Bai'e County with the inspection team, and there are very favorable terms offered there. Let me tell you this. No matter what conditions Bai'e County offers, if they can offer it, so can we! As long as you are willing to stay!"

Bai Chaofeng had fiery eyes and a sincere attitude.

Seeing that the fire was almost ready, Zhao Shanhe didn't say to continue to be tense.

"Leader Bai, I think our previous conversation has made it very clear. I am very satisfied with Jinsui County, otherwise I wouldn't say that I came here for inspection as the first stop."

"Actually, if there is no framing of our inspection team, maybe we have already started to conduct more in-depth cooperation at this moment, such as investing in the construction of a new factory, such as taking down a factory for renovation."


Having said that, Zhao Shanhe shook his head sadly and let out a long sigh.

"No pity!"

Bai Chaofeng quickly took up the conversation, and said calmly: "I assure you, the Tianhua Group's problems will be investigated soon. In this way, you give me a week to do this. You also happen to be able to do this in this one Take a good look at our wheat fields in Jinsui County next week to see the quality and grade of our wheat.”

"After your investigation is over, my side should be finished."

"At that time, if you are not satisfied with the results of my handling of Tianhua Group, you can leave at any time. I promise that I will never stop you. Director Zhao, what do you think?"

"Okay, then I will listen to you and wait a week."

Bai Chaofeng had spoken to this point, what else could Zhao Shanhe say, of course he agreed.

Hearing the promise, Bai Chaofeng's hanging heart fell to the ground.He didn't mean that he couldn't guess Zhao Shanhe's intention in doing this, if Zhao Shanhe really wanted to leave, he would have left, why wait for him here.

But you can guess but you can't say it.

This answer was exactly what Bai Chaofeng wanted.

"Director Zhao, let me tell you that the grade of wheat in our Jinsui County is first-class. If you don't believe me, you can go to any farmer's house in any village to have a look. They must have granaries to store wheat, and some Take the flour made from wheat, take it back and have it appraised, I guarantee you will be satisfied." Bai Chaofeng said with a smile.

"Leader Bai, if you don't tell me about this matter, I will do it." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"That's the best. Among other things, I am very confident in the grade of our Jinsui County's wheat. We are not afraid to compare ourselves with others."

The two chatted casually like this.

After about 5 minutes like this, Liang Bo suddenly walked in from the outside, and after whispering a word in his ear, Bai Chaofeng's face darkened instantly, and he said angrily, "What is he trying to do? Is he still too annoying?" Isn't disaster enough?"

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