Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 910 Completely pushed to the cusp

Temporarily used as a meeting room in a room.

Sun Hong is sitting here.

He didn't let anyone follow him, he just appeared here by himself.

He believed that with his sharp tongue, he would definitely be able to convince Li Xiangyang.

No, not Li Xiangyang, but Zhao Shanhe.

"Jin Haosong said that Zhao Shanhe is here. Although I said I had never seen him before, I have absolute confidence that I can convince him. Let him know that this is not Zhenghe County, and it is best to slip away obediently."

At this moment, Sun Hong is full of confidence.

After a while, the door opened, and he saw Li Xiangyang and Zhao Shanhe coming in. Although Zhao Shanhe was very low-key, Sun Hong still took a look subconsciously, and then said to Li Xiangyang: "Director Li, finally see you!" It's your face."

"Are you Sun Hong? The military advisor of Tianhua Group?" Li Xiangyang asked straight to the point after sitting down.

"Military advisers and military advisers are all outside friends who are cheering on me. I'm just joking around with a thin face. I'm just helping Mr. Lin with some things. Director Li, we met before, you should remember?" Sun Hong smiled. road.


Of course Li Xiangyang remembered that he encountered it when he was inspecting the wheat fields, and Lin Tianhua was there at that time, but he never thought that Lin Tianhua would do such a bottomless thing later.

"Sun Hong, let's just talk straight, what do you want from me?" Li Xiangyang was too lazy to talk, and said directly.


Sun Hong laughed, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said slowly: "I'm looking for you for something. I've heard about your Shanqiu food inspection team. I'm here just to advise you."

"Please take the Shanqiu food inspection team and leave Jinsui County immediately."


Li Xiangyang crossed his legs and said calmly: "The reason? Why did I leave after hearing a word from you? Sun Hong, your Tianhua Group is too strict, right? I'm not afraid to tell you, not long ago, We just met with the leader of your Jinsui County, Bai Chaofeng, and he welcomed us very much for our investment investigation."

"I'm wondering, since Leader Bai welcomes us, why does your Tianhua Group have to let us go?"

"Don't you think it's too much?"


Sun Hong chuckled.

"I know that leader Bai has come to see you, so what? You have to know that this is Jinsui County, and it doesn't mean that anyone can influence our Tianhua Group to do things casually."

"I'm not afraid to tell you clearly that you have no investment now, and you can withdraw at any time without any loss. But if you really invested, if you want to withdraw again, you will have to leave something behind Yes. If that's the case, you Shanqiu Foods will lose your wife and lose your army, so you should think it through before making a decision."

"Are you threatening me?" Li Xiangyang asked coldly with a straight face.

"As you wish!"

It is impossible for Sun Hong to be caught by Li Xiangyang, he is smiling like a smiling tiger.

"I'm just telling you the facts and reasoning. It's best if you can listen to it. If you can't listen to it, just pretend that I didn't say it. But I still say the same thing. I advise you not to lose real gold just for one breath. Baiyin, I believe you won't have trouble with money, will you?"

"and also!"

Sun Hong said slowly: "I know that Zhao Shanhe, the boss of your Shanqiu Foods, is here. If you say that you can't make the decision, tell him about it and let him make the decision. I think he should be a person who knows the importance. A person who does not talk about doing stupid things.”

"If so..."

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly when he heard this.

"you can go now."

"Are you Zhao Shanhe?" Sun Hong was startled, his body that was slouched and slanted instantly sat up straight, and he narrowed his eyes looking at Zhao Shanhe, and two rays of light shot out from his eyes.

"Yes, I am Zhao Shanhe, you can go back and tell Lin Tianhua now. I never take the initiative to cause trouble, but not causing trouble does not mean I am afraid of trouble. My inspection team will be detained, who did this, you and me They all know it well. Regarding this matter, you asked Lin Tianhua to give me an explanation, and if he doesn't give it, I will give it to him!"

Zhao Shanhe's tone was indifferent.

"Tsk tsk, it is said that the boss of Shanqiu Foods is an arrogant and domineering person. I didn't believe it before, but when I saw it today, he really is very arrogant."

"Do you think that if you say this, we will compromise? Zhao Shanhe, you are wrong. You don't even know the status of Tianhua Group in Jinsui County, and what our President Lin means to Jinsui County. .”

"He will never agree to your request just now, and you must fulfill the conditions we set out. I hope that you and your inspection team will disappear from Jinsui County before noon tomorrow, otherwise, hehe Hmph, at your own peril!"

After saying this, Sun Hong got up and walked outside.

Until his back disappeared from his eyes, Zhao Shanhe didn't stand up.

"Factory Manager, it seems that this Lin Tianhua really wants to drive us out. To achieve this goal, he will do whatever it takes. If this is the case, this matter will be difficult." Li Xiangyang said in a deep voice.

"Is it difficult?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and said casually: "I think this matter is easy to handle now. Not only is it easy to handle, but all the advantages are on our side."

"How to say?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"First, ask Luo Ying to send me a lawyer's letter tomorrow to sue two people, Lin Tianhua and Jin Haosong. Lin Tianhua can sue casually, and Jin Haosong should be careful not to involve the county public security bureau, just sue Jin Haosong Song violently enforced the law, maliciously threatened our Shanqiu food inspection team, and destroyed the investment environment."

"Yes!" Li Xiangyang nodded.

"Second, find a way to find some local media so that they can expose the Tianhua Group's framing of our inspection team. Isn't Lin Tianhua able to call the shots in Jinsui County? I wonder if he can do it in Bingchuan City?"

"Yes!" Li Xiangyang's eyes were sharp.

"Third, doesn't he, Lin Tianhua, want us to leave? Well, let's go. Let Yang E lead a team to Bai'e County in Linshi City for inspection tomorrow. If I remember correctly, the agricultural prospects of Bai'e County are also It’s very broad. Also, there’s no need to keep a low profile on this matter, the more people know about it, the better.”


Li Xiangyang instantly understood Zhao Shanhe's intention.

Lawyer letter!

Media exposure!

The inspection team retreated to advance!

With such a combination, unless Bai Chaofeng from Jinsui County is really not interested in Shanqiu Food, he will definitely know what to do.

And the result that Zhao Shanhe wants is also very simple, it is best to uproot Tianhua Group, even if it is not possible, it must be severely damaged, so that Lin Tianhua will not have the opportunity to cause trouble for himself.

"I'll make arrangements right now."



Sun Hong returned to Lin Tianhua's side after he left the Shengshi Hotel. After he told the content of his conversation just now, Lin Tianhua's face turned gloomy.

"That means Zhao Shanhe doesn't agree to leave?"


Sun Hong said: "I didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would be so reticent. I thought he would accept it as soon as he saw it. Who would have thought that he would ask you to give him an explanation. If he doesn't give it, he will give it to you. This Didn't you make it clear that you want to confront our Tianhua Group?"

"So, Zhao Shanhe is determined to enter Jinsui County?" Lin Tianhua narrowed his eyes, stood up and walked around.


Sun Hong nodded and said slowly: "I heard what they said, it seems that Leader Bai is very concerned about them, Mr. Lin, if the county really wants to cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, what should we do? "

"Don't think about it!"

Lin Tianhua sneered and smiled.

"Bai Chaofeng is a newcomer. He wants to rely on Shanqiu Foods to open up the situation and threaten the status of our Tianhua Group. It is impossible and unthinkable! Since Zhao Shanhe insists on carrying it with us, then I have to see what he will do next."



the next day.

The originally clear sky suddenly began to rain lightly, and the light rain fell densely like this, covering the entire city of Jinsui County.

Tianhua Group Headquarters.

"You said, why is it still raining in this thief's weather?"

"If it rains, let it rain. It's okay anyway. It can cool you down when it rains."

"Cool? It's been a few months. If it rains again, I'll freeze to death."


Amidst the chatter of several security guards at the door, a car suddenly drove over. As soon as the car stopped, Luo Ying, who was wearing a windbreaker, came down. He glanced at the security guards and said lightly: "You Tianhua Group What floor is your legal department on?"

"The Legal Department?"

The security guards were stunned.

"Our Tianhua Group does not have a legal department."

"do not have it?"

Luo Ying raised the corners of his lips, and said dismissively: "There is no legal department, and it looks like a grassroots team. Okay, since there is no legal department, tell me which floor your general manager's office is on?"

"Who are you? Why should we tell you?"

One of the security guards raised his head and yelled.


Luo Ying slowly took out a lawyer's letter from his briefcase, patted it directly to the security guard, and said calmly: "You don't have to say why, I don't bother to see your Tianhua Group people now."

"Listen to me, I'm Luo Ying, a lawyer from the legal department of Shanqiu Foods. This is a lawyer's letter from Shanqiu Foods to your Tianhua Group. Please forward it to your boss immediately."

After speaking, Luo Ying turned around and got in the car to leave.

"Shanqiu Food? Isn't this the factory we Tianhua cleaned up these two days? Hurry up and get the lawyer's letter to the boss."

The security guard with the lawyer's letter turned around and hurried upstairs.

The rest of the security guards looked at each other.

None of them could have imagined that in Jinsui County, someone would dare to sue Tianhua Group against them!Isn't this courting death?

Although Lin Tianhua said he was not at the headquarters, the news reached his ears immediately. When he heard the news, he was slightly taken aback, and continued to eat breakfast in disdain.

"Don't worry about it, what a broken lawyer's letter, just throw it away!"


It's just that at this moment, Lin Tianhua didn't expect that this matter would become a big deal soon.

County Public Security Bureau.

Jin Haosong also received Luo Ying's lawyer's letter. Looking at the lawyer's letter in front of him, he showed an unbelievable expression.

"I was accused?"

And it is impossible to hide this matter. After the bureau leader knew about it, Jin Haosong was immediately suspended from his post.Coupled with the news from the county office yesterday, the bureau leaders knew that the matter was serious.

Jin Haosong probably didn't want to escape.

as predicted.

At the same time that the lawyer's letter was sent to Tianhua Group and Jin Haosong, the media who had been greeted by Li Xiangyang began to report on Tianhua Group.Most of these media are from Glacier City, and they really don't care about Tianhua Group.

It's even more exciting that this matter is aimed at the Tianhua Group.

So one article after another was sent out overwhelmingly.

"Tianhua, who gave you the privilege? "

"Tianhua wielding an iron rod, what exactly do you want to do?" "

"Lang Lang Qian Kun, reverse black and white, where is the truth?" "


The most exciting thing is an article in the Glacier Evening News. A paragraph in it is simply a stroke of genius, tearing off the hypocrisy of the Tianhua Group and completely setting it on the fire.

"It's only been three years since Tianhua Group was established. In just three years, Tianhua has forgotten that they originally entered Jinsui County from outside."

"They can enter, so why stop other investors from entering? Could it be that Jinsui County is already the back garden of your Tianhua Group? Could it be that your Tianhua Group can cover the sky in Jinsui County?"

"Framing and framing, saying that the Shanqiu food inspection team is a thief and committed the crime of theft, I wondered. Back then, Jinsui County was able to accept your arrival with a broad mind, so why couldn't you have a little bit of a pattern?"

"As long as there is a pattern, why do you do it like this?"


"I sincerely hope that Tianhua Group can learn from the painful experience and stop doing things that are harmful to the economic development of Jinsui County, and stop doing stupid things like shooting yourself in the foot!"

The publication of these media articles immediately exposed Tianhua Group to the public's attention.

People in the streets and alleys began to talk about it.

It doesn't matter if it's just like this, but the problem is that after the publication of these articles, some people started to submit letters of report to the county and city.

One report letter after another is all about how the Tianhua Group has deliberately set up a name to sabotage in the process of development, and what's more, they have pointedly reported the illegal and criminal cases of the Tianhua Group.

This completely pushed Tianhua Group to the forefront.

After knowing this, Jinsui County immediately held a meeting. At the meeting, Tianhua Group was surrounded. Every leader had their own views, but in the end they still failed to keep Tianhua Group.

The county will set up a special investigation team to conduct a thorough investigation into Tianhua Group.During this period, all accounts of Tianhua Group were sealed up on the spot and audited by the Audit Bureau.

The leader of the investigation team is Bai Chaofeng.

"Listen, this investigation of Tianhua Group must be investigated to the end. It must not be the same as the previous few times, with thunderous noise and little rain, just to clean up some useless formalities." After returning to the office, Bai Chaofeng , then directed at Jin Zhengyang solemnly ordered.

"Yes, I will personally form an investigation team." Kim Jong-yang said.

"The selection of the investigation team is especially important. You must be cautious. You must check this matter yourself."

"Understood!" Jin Zhengyang replied respectfully.

After arranging everything, Bai Chaofeng breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered to himself with deep eyes: "In this case, I think Zhao Shanhe should be satisfied."

Although it was not for Zhao Shanhe's sake, Bai Chaofeng thought it was worthwhile to keep Zhao Shanhe in Jinsui County for investment because of this matter, which would kill two birds with one stone.

But before it was Jin Zhengyang's turn to make a statement, secretary Liang Bo knocked on the door and walked in. With a single sentence, Bai Chaofeng stood up with a surprised expression.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

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