Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 909 Dare to be a fierce general

"Are you blatantly threatening to intimidate public officials of the country? Do you know how serious the crime is?"

Who would have thought that hearing Zhao Shanhe's words, Jin Haosong not only did not show the slightest timidity or fear, on the contrary, he retorted more and more forcefully, his whole figure was like a sharp sword out of its sheath, showing its sharpness.

Play black and white tricks with me, do you deserve it too?


Zhao Shanhe put his hands behind his back, with a calm expression.

"There are so many people standing at the scene here, and there are still people on my side who are filming videos and leaving evidence. Don't talk about it here, planting and framing. Right and wrong can be judged by themselves. Regarding today's incident, I will definitely report to your county. The Public Security Bureau wants a fair one."


Jin Haosong's heart burst into flames of anger.

Why is this guy smelly and hard like a stone in a latrine? I've made my words so clear, yet he's still here to play dumb for me?All right, since you guys insist on staying here, then go ahead.But if anything happens to you, I don't care.

"Okay, since you insist on doing this, then don't leave, just stay."

Jin Haosong raised his arms with a cold face.

"Now I suspect that you will affect and destroy the investment attraction environment in Jinsui County, so from now on, your every move must be subject to our supervision. Wherever you go and what you do, you must immediately and unconditionally report to We report, and those who do not report will be arrested on the spot after being discovered by us.”

"Supervision? Arrest?"

The moment Jin Haosong's words just hit the ground, a mocking voice suddenly sounded.

"Who gave you the power to supervise so unscrupulously? Is your so-called supervision meant to arrest people? What a big tone, why didn't I know that your county public security bureau still has such power?"


When Jin Haosong heard that someone dared to disobey him, he turned around suddenly and looked over, but when he saw who the speaker was, his face changed suddenly on the spot, and he hurried forward, stood at attention quickly, and saluted respectfully: " Leader Bai."

That's right, the person who appeared here was Bai Chaofeng.

Jin Zhengyang, director of the county government office, and Liang Bo, secretary, followed on the left and right, and they looked at Jin Haosong with contempt.Jin Haosong, you hit the iron plate this time!

"Why are you here?" Jin Haosong put down his hands and asked in panic.

"What? If you can come, can't I come? If I don't come, I will know that you have such a great official authority here? Jin Haosong, your tone is not small, you are bigger than me. "

"What? In this Jinsui County, are you a lawless local snake? Do you still know what the police uniform you are wearing means?"

Bai Chaofeng's eyes were cold.


"What are you? I don't want to listen to you now. You stand aside for me. I will have a meeting to study and discuss your problem later."

Bai Chaofeng didn't give Jin Haosong a chance to defend himself, he gave Jin Haosong a hard look, ignored him, and walked towards Zhao Shanhe with a smile.

"Hello, Director Zhao, I'm Bai Chaofeng from the county government of Jinsui County."

"Hello, Leader Bai!"

Before coming here, Zhao Shanhe knew about Bai Chaofeng's information.Not only did he know that Bai Chaofeng was the leader here, but he also knew that Bai Chaofeng had worked in Handong City before.

After the two briefly shook hands, Bai Chaofeng said apologetically, "Director Zhao, I'm really sorry that this happened to you. It's all my fault. It was caused by my lax management. Please do not mind that."

"Leader Bai is serious. This matter has nothing to do with you." Zhao Shanhe said sincerely.

Bai Chaofeng looked Zhao Shanhe up and down, was amazed, nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "So, let's find a place to chat?"

"it is good!"

After handing over the management here to Jin Zhengyang, Bai Chaofeng and Zhao Shanhe came to another room, accompanied by only Li Xiangyang and Bai Chaofeng's secretary Liang Bo, the rest were not qualified to enter.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Bai Chaofeng said straight to the point: "Director Zhao, to be honest, I worked in Handong City before, and I have heard of your name for a long time. I just didn't expect you to come to Jin Investment in Sui County is welcome."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said, "Leader Bai, you are being polite. According to what you just said, we are fellow villagers."

Bai Chaofeng was taken aback for a moment, then raised his head and laughed: "Yes, I'm a fellow."

Zhao Shanhe immediately continued the conversation and said: "It's easy to talk about it from my hometown. Leader Bai, you are right. We just want to come to Jinsui County to see if we can find a suitable opportunity to invest and build a factory. We want to To build an instant noodle factory."

"There are many reasons for choosing this place for investigation, such as the geographical location of Jinsui County, and the quality of wheat in Jinsui County."

"To be honest, before I came here, I thought it would be easy to do. After all, we are here to invest, and it will be beneficial to local officials and people."

Having said that, Zhao Shanhe shook his head with a bitter expression on his face.

"It's just that I didn't expect that my deputy factory manager would lead a team to investigate. As a result, people would be slandered as a thief and detained here by some Tianhua Group. What's even more ridiculous is that this incident involved Our County Public Security Bureau."

"In view of this, Leader Bai, I think we should just forget about it. We haven't started investing yet, and there are various troubles. If we start investing, there may be a lot of pitfalls waiting for us."

"It's not that we have to invest in Jinsui County. There are still several places on our inspection list. I also believe that those places will welcome us more than Jinsui County."

This is very straightforward.

Bai Chaofeng became anxious at once.

Shanqiu food!Invest in the construction of an instant noodle factory!What a blessing!If such a thing is done, it will bring great benefits to Jinsui County, and how much the corresponding industrial chain will be increased.

Now Zhao Shanhe said he would not vote.

It's no wonder Bai Chaofeng wasn't in a hurry.

"Director Zhao, I know you have been wronged, don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter."

"I'm still here to assure you that as long as you invest and build a factory in our Jinsui County, all the subsequent procedures will be given the green light for you. You will never say that you have made any trouble here. If anyone dares to trouble you, I will personally come forward to settle it. !"

"Leader Bai, is that why you think so highly of me?" Zhao Shanhe changed the topic noncommittally.

"Of course!"

Bai Chaofeng nodded, and said sincerely: "Director Zhao, let me tell you that when I was in Handong City, I worked for the City Merchants Bureau, and I know everything about you clearly."

"How did you start your business, how did your Shanqiu Foods beat Honest Foods, how did your Hetu Manufacturing take over Jiuquan Hardware and Changzheng Machinery Factory, how did your Zhaoxiaobai Distillery gain fame in Zhongzhou City Yes, I understand how much influence your Blue Bird Glass has now."

"Are you saying I can't trust you?"

Speaking of this, Bai Chaofeng said with bright eyes: "I just found out about your Shanqiu Food's investigation in Jinsui County. If I had known earlier, I would never have let the County Public Security Bureau do such nonsense."

"Leader Bai, thank you very much for your trust. Just what I said to you, I intend to invest and build a factory in Jinsui County."

Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him and said in a leisurely manner: "But as far as I know, the biggest obstacle for our Shanqiu Foods in Jinsui County is not someone else, but a company called Tianhua Group, which was concocted by them. This case of theft led to the detention of our inspection team."

"That's why I want to get a guarantee from you. Can you be sure that the Tianhua Group will not threaten us with despicable means?"


Bai Chaofeng hesitated.

"Director Zhao, I won't hide it from you. The Tianhua Group is indeed deeply entrenched in Jinsui County. As far as I know, they will trouble you because they are also in the grain business. If you If it comes in, it will affect and destroy their business."

"Of course these are not important."

"Since I dared to say that just now, I will assure you that as long as it is within the legitimate business scope, if they dare to trouble you, I will help you deal with it."

"Within the legitimate business scope?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled indifferently at the corner of his mouth, shook his head and said, "Leader Bai, in fact, you and I are very clear. Our Shanqiu Foods is a formally operated enterprise, and we will definitely manage the factory according to the law."

"But I'm afraid that we do business honestly, but Tianhua Group doesn't follow the rules. If that's the case, do you think the rules are still useful to us?"

"At that time, the so-called rules will bind our hands and feet instead. So, let's leave it like this for the time being."

Zhao Shanhe stood up after speaking.

"I'm not saying that I'm afraid of the Tianhua Group. If we really face each other head-on, we'll never know who will win. I just think that Jinsui County, where Tianhua Group is located, is really not the most suitable place for Shanqiu Foods."

"Leader Bai, I'm sorry!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Zhao Shanhe clearly refused.

But after hearing this, Bai Chaofeng's mood was restless.He even hated Lin Tianhua to death, this is all your fault.If it wasn't for you, how could Shanqiu Foods say they would leave?

Lin Tianhua, you are a cancer yourself, why don't you let me introduce companies with positive energy?

"Director Zhao, do you think we should discuss this matter again?" Bai Chaofeng asked.

"Leader Bai, is there room for discussion on this matter? You definitely have no way to guarantee that the Tianhua Group will not make trouble, and I dare to tell you that as long as we enter, the Tianhua Group will definitely make trouble. Since this is the case, why should we throw real money here for nothing? If it were you, would you do this?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes are frank.


Bai Chaofeng was a little speechless.

"Leader Bai, I hope you can understand that I really didn't do this for you. After all, I didn't even know you were here when I sent people over to investigate. And after I found out that you also served in Handong City, I In fact, I really want to work with you.”


"That's why we have nothing to do with each other."

Having said all this, Bai Chaofeng also knew that it was meaningless to continue.

He also knew that Zhao Shanhe was very angry now, a single Lin Tianhua was enough to make him anxious, if he didn't worry, could he rush over from the eastern province?Fortunately, another Jin Haosong appeared and made such a decision.

It is estimated that Jinsui County's goodwill has been lost in Zhao Shanhe's place.

"Then, can Director Zhao stop leaving in a hurry? I'll take you around our Jinsui County." Bai Chaofeng asked in a roundabout way.

"Let's talk!" Zhao Shanhe shook his head and did not agree.

After the two chatted like this for another 5 minutes, Bai Chaofeng got up and left.

After sending them away, Zhao Shanhe took Li Xiangyang and Yang E back to the room. Yang E already knew what happened just now.She asked curiously: "Factory Manager, are we really not going to invest and build factories here? You must know that Jinsui County is at the top of several inspection lists, and it is the first priority."

"Yeah, I also know that Jinsui County is the first choice, but the problem is that you have also seen that there are local snakes like the Tianhua Group, even if we really force our investment here, can it be said that we can reap benefits? ?"


Zhao Shanhe squinted his eyes, put his hands behind his back, and leaned against the window behind him and said calmly: "What I said to Bai Chaofeng just now meant aggressive tactics. I hope he can make up his mind to get rid of the cancerous Tianhua Group." .”

"But if he couldn't do it, then we really wouldn't choose this place."

"You know, what I want is an orderly and stable investment environment. Since it can't be provided here, why should I choose this place? Are other places bad? Not bad."

"Yes, I understand." Yang E understood at once.

Dare to love is the method of aggressive generals.

We are showing our attitude now, as for how you do it, that is your business.You Jinsui County cannot guarantee a stable investment environment, so don't blame us for leaving.

"Then shall we go or not?"

"Not leaving today!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the night outside, and said calmly: "It's so dark outside, it's impossible to walk, let's stay for one night first. After breakfast tomorrow, you can take the inspection team home first go."

"Yes!" Yang E respectfully accepted the order.

Just when they were about to continue talking, Cai Shishi knocked on the door suddenly and came in, and then said with a strange expression: "Director, Sun Hong from Tianhua Group wants to see you."

"Sun Hong of Tianhua Group?"

Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"It's like this. The boss of Tianhua Group is Lin Tianhua, and there are four King Kongs under him, namely Zhou Nanxiong, the general manager, Su Wenqing, the director of the security department, Yang Bingyi and Sun Hong, the directors of the sales department."

"Although this Sun Hong said he didn't hold any position, no one dared to ignore him. He was called the military adviser of Tianhua Group by the outside world. Many of Lin Tianhua's decisions were said to be made by Sun Hong."

Without even thinking about it, Li Xiangyang pointed out the details of Sun Hong.

"Sun Hong is a scheming person, and sometimes he can even represent Lin Tianhua. At this sensitive time, Lin Tianhua should have nodded his head when he came, but I don't know what he will say."

"In that case..."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips slightly.

"Then let's meet Sun Hong, the military adviser, and listen to what he will say."

"it is good!"

"Xiangyang, come and talk to him, and I'll be your secretary."

Zhao Shanhe smiled wickedly.

"I listen to you."

Li Xiangyang froze for a moment, then laughed, shrugged speechlessly, turned and walked out.

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