"I said, what are you talking nonsense about? Why does the factory director think of you like this?"

Li Xiangyang glanced around speechlessly, and said slowly: "You can all be regarded as the old people of our Shanqiu Foods, and you should also know that Shanqiu Foods is the first factory established by our factory manager. There is no doubt about the degree of importance.”

"When we encountered this incident, the factory director would come over as soon as possible, which is the best explanation."

"And since you are all old people, you should know that the factory manager is the most protective. As long as you are a person of Shanqiu Food, the factory manager will not ignore you if something happens to you."

Speaking of this, Li Xiangyang showed a proud expression on his face.

"I'm telling you, as long as we act upright and stand upright, even if the sky is pierced, the director of the factory will do his best to support us!"

After these words were spoken, everyone immediately became full of energy and relaxed in an instant.

"Director Li, I heard that you and our factory manager are buddies, right?"


Li Xiangyang smiled lightly.

"Our factory manager and I are really best friends. The things the two of us did before, I guarantee that you will never think of it."

"Director Li, we can't leave anyway, why don't you tell us about your past?"


Li Xiangyang also became interested, and when everyone gathered around, he smiled and said: "Let me tell you, our factory manager used to be a person who really liked playing games in the world. He is not what you see now, He does things in an orderly manner. At that time, what he and I did, you can't imagine how funny it is..."

Li Xiangyang is speaking.

Several people are listening.

Even Yang E happily moved a stool to sit beside her and listened.

As Zhao Shanhe's junior high school classmate, Yang E was also unaware of his past affairs.Of course, she would not miss this opportunity to spy on the secret.

A group of people just put the danger behind them and listened with relish.


A teahouse in Jinsui County.

There are several people sitting in the tea room here, and the middle-aged man in the middle is a middle-aged man wearing black-rimmed glasses and hawk eyes. He holds a cigar between his fingers and smokes it leisurely.

He is Lin Tianhua, the boss of Tianhua Group.

In Jinsui County, as long as Lin Tianhua was mentioned, everyone would know about it. Here, no one would dare to confront Lin Tianhua. Anyone who dared to do so would end in an extremely miserable end.

And those who are qualified to sit here are naturally his confidants.

There are a total of four people in his confidantes, who are called the Four King Kongs by the outside world.

At this moment, the Four Great Vajras were all sitting here, drinking tea happily, with triumphant expressions on their faces.

"Is there any movement from Li Xiangyang?" Lin Tianhua asked, smoking a cigar.


The one who answered the conversation was Zhou Nanxiong, the boss of the Four King Kongs and the general manager of Tianhua Group.He has always been in charge of this action against Shanqiu Food, so he has the most say.

"They are still trapped in the Shengshi Hotel, and our people have been watching them. Besides, even without our people, wouldn't there still be the police? With the police around, they don't even think about leaving."


The second King Kong sitting next to him, Su Wenqing, who is also the head of the security department of Tianhua Group, raised the corners of his lips in disdain, and said mockingly: "What kind of shitty Shanqiu food, they may be able to call the wind and rain in the Eastern Province, but This is in our northern province, do you really think they can do things unscrupulously?"

"It's really a black blind man hibernating, dreaming of sweet dreams!"

"That's right, you still want to come to our Jinsui County to compete with us for the grain business. Isn't that just asking for trouble?" Zhou Nanxiong said with a snort.

"I think we still have to pay attention to this issue."

King Kong Yang Bingyi, who is in charge of Tianhua Group's external sales, shook his head and said, "No matter how you say it, Shanqiu Foods is more famous than our Tianhua Group."

"The most important thing is that people are here to invest in construction. Just because of this, the leaders of the county will not say that they are shut out. If we say that we have gone too far, the county leaders will also have opinions on us. .”

"It's finally getting to the point."

Sun Hong, the last Vajra who had been silent all this time, slapped his thigh fiercely when he heard the words, glanced at Yang Bingyi with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "What Bingyi said is right, I think we should be more cautious." .”

"Then what do you think we should do? Let it go? Let Shanqiu Foods really build a factory in Jinsui County? If that's the case, they will definitely compete with us for the grain business." Zhou Nanxiong frowned and turned his head to look Xiang Sun Hong said with displeasure.

"That will definitely not work."

Sun Hong shook his head and said calmly: "I have already found out that Shanqiu Foods is going to build a noodle factory this time. As for what kind of noodles it makes, I haven't found out yet."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as you are making noodles, you will definitely purchase food in large quantities. This is in conflict with us. Whoever makes a lot of our business depends on food."

"The grain market in Jinsui County is so big. If you can satisfy other Shanqiu Foods, there is no way to satisfy our Tianhua Group. So Shanqiu Foods must be expelled!"

"Look, you think the same way. Then isn't what we are doing right now? Just say that they stole something, charge them with a crime, and drive them away." Zhou Nanxiong said nonchalantly.

"Old Zhou, do you think the charge of theft can stand up? It can't stand up. This kind of charge can only disgust Xiashanqiu Food, and it is impossible to say that they will be expelled once and for all."

"Even if we think boldly, I dare say that the leaders of the county are already impatient to see them. As long as the county leaders arrive, do you think the so-called detention can continue?"

Sun Hong picked up the teacup in front of him and spoke tepidly.

"Will someone go?" Zhou Nanxiong hesitated.

"Will do!"

Sun Hong said firmly: "No one will reject such a strong investor."


Sun Hong turned to look at Lin Tianhua, and said calmly: "Mr. Lin, I suggest that we should be courteous first. As long as we say what we should say, I believe that Shanqiu Foods will not say that we must tear our faces and invest here. .”

"Are you confident?" Lin Tianhua asked.

"Yes, I am willing to do this."

"Okay, then you go talk to the people from Shanqiu Food, they'd better be sensible and leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you insist on touching me, I'll let them know that those who offend my Tianhua Group in Jinsui County How dire the consequences are!"

Lin Tianhua took a puff of his cigar slowly, raised his head and slowly exhaled a stream of smoke, his eyes were fierce.



The county government of Jinsui County.

Just like what Sun Hong was worried about, there was indeed someone here who showed a strong interest in Shanqiu food, and he was Bai Chaofeng, the chief official of Jinsui County.

Speaking of which, Bai Chaofeng is interested in Shanqiu food, but there is actually a reason.

The reason for this is not that he knows that Shanqiu Foods is a promising sunrise enterprise, but because he was an official in Handong City before, and he was recently transferred to Jinsui County, and took charge of the county government after he was restored.

He was worrying about how to break the economic development dilemma of Jinsui County, who would have thought that at this moment, the inspection team of Shanqiu Foods came.

As long as someone who has been in power in Handong City, who doesn't know Shanqiu Food?

It is for this reason that Bai Chaofeng is very interested in and trusts Shanqiu Food.

He just didn't expect that when he was about to contact Li Xiangyang, the investigation team would be framed for stealing, and now the entire investigation team was detained in the Shengshi Hotel.

It annoyed him to think about it.

"What's going on with the Shanqiu food inspection team?" Bai Chaofeng asked.

"People from the county bureau are investigating, but this matter should be a false misunderstanding, and the Shanqiu food inspection team should be innocent." Jin Zhengyang, director of the county government office, said in a deep voice.

Jin Zhengyang was the first to stand up after Bai Chaofeng came to power, and he can be regarded as his team.

"Did Lin Tianhua really do this?" Bai Chaofeng asked with narrowed eyes.


Jin Zhengyang nodded heavily, and when he talked about Lin Tianhua, his expression was also annoyed.

"This Lin Tianhua is really going too far. It's okay to be arrogant and domineering in our county, but this time he dared to treat the Shanqiu food inspection team like this, seriously undermining our county's investment promotion policy."

"That's right, it's time for Lin Tianhua and his Tianhua Group to investigate and rectify." Bai Chaofeng's eyes showed a cold light.

He didn't have any good feelings for Tianhua Group.

This is not to say that Lin Tianhua offended him by acting arrogantly.It's just that the Tianhua Group's bottom is not clean, and it has done a lot of things to bully and dominate the market. In Jinsui County, it has become a monopoly and a cancer.

In the face of cancer, Bai Chaofeng's methods have always been unceremonious.

"Perhaps the detention of the Shanqiu food inspection team is an opportunity." Jin Zhengyang said slowly.

The moment Bai Chaofeng heard this, his eyes brightened: "Continue to stare at the Shengshi Hotel, and report any situation as soon as possible."



Night falls.

When the Wanjia lights were on, Zhao Shanhe finally brought Cai Shishi and Chen Ju to Jinsui County in the northern province.Fortunately, the distance between the two provinces is not too far, otherwise he would never have arrived so quickly.

Grand Hotel.

Just when Zhao Shanhe walked in, the detention order against the inspection team was officially revoked.The statement given by the Public Security Bureau is that the so-called theft incident was a misunderstanding and the investigation team was innocent.

Li Xiangyang and the others can move freely.

Faced with such a thing, Li Xiangyang's attitude was indifferent. He looked at Jin Haosong, the deputy captain of the county security team who was standing in front of him and was in charge of delivering the message, and said indifferently: "Captain Jin, you think this matter is fine. ?"

"if not?"

Facing Li Xiangyang's questioning, Jin Haosong acted very casually. He looked over casually and said indifferently: "Mr. Li, I hope you can understand that this is Jinsui County, not your Zhenghe County."

"Your Shanqiu food can make the wind and the rain in Zhenghe County, but it's not easy to do it here."

"So, you're almost done."

"It's almost enough?"

Li Xiangyang raised the corners of his lips indifferently, and said in a deep voice: "If I remember correctly, you were the one who announced the order to detain us here, and now you are the one who says we are innocent. What? Could it be that you Jinsui County police Is the handling of the case so casual? You can do whatever you want?"

"Are you questioning our work and maliciously slandering our police?" Jin Haosong asked coldly.

"Malicious slander?"

Li Xiangyang snorted coldly, and said slowly: "You are well aware of whether you are maliciously slandering, and as for this incident, our inspection team has recorded the entire process. After this incident is over, we will reserve legal responsibility for this matter." that power."

"Ha ha!"

After hearing this, Jin Haosong laughed back angrily, raised his finger to Li Xiangyang's nose, and said mockingly: "Are you saying you want to sue us? Well, you can sue us as you like. If you say you can win, we will sue you." Say anything."

"But now, please leave Jinsui County as soon as possible."

"Then what if we don't leave?"

At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the corridor behind.

The moment he heard this voice, Jin Haosong's face darkened, and when he turned around and was about to shout angrily, Li Xiangyang and the others came forward emotionally.

"Factory Manager!"

Everyone shouted excitedly.

Factory manager?

Could this be the boss of Shanqiu Foods?

Jin Haosong simply looked at Zhao Shanhe, thinking secretly in his heart, but he didn't care at all when he looked over.

To him, whether it is Zhao Shanhe or Li Xiangyang, they are just outsiders.On the one-acre three-point land in Jinsui County, it is difficult for outsiders to work.

"Are you all right?" Zhao Shanhe asked, looking around.


Li Xiangyang chuckled.

"It's just being detained in this Shengshi Hotel for investigation."

"Can this be called nothing? This is a big deal."

Zhao Shanhe, who heard this, said with a serious expression: "Detaining you without any reason is a crime in itself. Just wait, I will give you justice."

"Teacher, where is Luo Ying?"

"Lawyer Luo has already set off and arrived. If you calculate the time, it will be almost here soon." Cai Shishi raised his wrist and looked at his watch and said.

It turned out that when he came here, Zhao Shanhe asked Luo Ying to follow him.After all, if this matter involves detention, it will involve the law, and Luo Ying can stabilize the situation.

"That's good."

At this time, Zhao Shanhe turned to look at Jin Haosong, and said indifferently: "I just heard you say that the members of our Shanqiu food inspection team should leave Jinsui County, right?"

"Yes." Jin Haosong nodded nonchalantly.

"Why do you say that? What qualifications do you have to expel us? Is the police uniform you are wearing for you to protect the common people, or is it for you to show off your strength and commit crimes?" Zhao Shanhe spoke like a knife. , the tone is awe-inspiring.

He was really angry with Jin Haosong.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's upright expression, Jin Haosong was not moved, but said lightly: "Believe me, I say this for your own sake. As long as you leave here, I guarantee that you will not be harmed in any way."

"It's ridiculous!"

Zhao Shanhe snorted and smiled.

"Expelling us, you still say it is for our sake? What? Isn't your Jinsui County my land in China? We are not the people of China? We will be violently expelled by you if we walk freely on the land of our own country?"

"Do you know, just based on what you just said, I can sue you and punish you!"

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