Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 907 Unexpected Trouble

"Shanhe, why don't we go to Handong City to buy a house, and just live here and work in your factory, what do you think?" Li Yujiao blurted out subconsciously.

The moment he said this, Zhao Shanhe was stunned.

Tian Lihua was also dumbfounded.

Li Qiuya was even more surprised.

"not good!"

Almost instantly, Tian Lihua and Li Qiuya both said the same words at the same time.

After shouting these words, Li Yujiao's face darkened.

"Why is it not good? Lihua, I told you before that your elder brother and I don't want to go to the capital, but we want to stay in our hometown to develop. After all, our mother is getting old and needs someone to take care of you. You If you compare Handong City with Zhenghe County, Zhenghe County is closer to our Fenghua County."

"Your elder brother and I work in Shanhe's factory. It's so close to home, and it's convenient to take care of our mother. How nice!"

"As for the place to live, you see why Shanhe's house is so big, with so many empty houses, there are not many more than us. Also, Shanhe Qiuya is usually busy, and we live here, so we can What's wrong with helping them clean up, do laundry, cook and so on?"

Li Yujiao pursed her lips and complained.

"Sister-in-law, it's not convenient for you to be here."

Tian Lihua didn't have any room for negotiation on this issue. After categorically refusing, she directly changed the topic. She knew Li Yujiao's character, she was very shameless. If you didn't change the topic, she really dared to continue. go down.

"Brother, let's eat first, and talk about small things while eating. Aren't you here for small things? As for work, let's talk about it later."


Li Qiuya hurriedly followed Tian Lihua's voice and asked: "What's wrong with Xiao Zhi? Didn't she fall in love with Liu Huarong? Uncle and concubine, I would like to congratulate you on this, you will soon be able to move to Han as you wish. Live in Dongshi."

"After all, Liu Huarong is a rich man, so he can afford to buy you a house. You guys will soon be able to enjoy your old age in peace."

"I'm bah! Shit, enjoy your old age in peace."

It's good that Li Yujiao didn't listen to this, but when she heard this, she didn't get angry, she spat on the ground hard, and her attention was drawn away.

"I found out that this Liu Huarong is just unreliable, and he dared to go against Shanhe, so for Shanhe's sake, I firmly disagree with him falling in love with our family Xiaozhi."

"Shanhe, don't worry, I will definitely stand on your side in this matter, and Xiaozhi will definitely be pulled back by me. She can't help Liu Huarong deal with you."


Even Zhao Shanhe was speechless for a while.

As the saying goes, people are shameless and invincible, he has learned it today.

"Shanhe, your eldest sister and I are here today. Apart from wanting to see you, we also want you to help Xiaozhi not to be with Liu Huarong. They are not suitable." Tian Wenwen said.

"Uncle, can my words help you with this matter? It's not that you don't know what kind of temper Xiaozhi has. You can't speak well, let alone me. I can't help you with this matter."

Zhao Shanhe quickly waved his hand.

"However, I think Xiao Zhi should be a smart girl, she will know how to choose this kind of thing. After all, you can all see that Liu Huarong is superficial, and she has no reason to be unclear."

"So you don't need to be too anxious, just wait for Xiaozhi to wake up."


"Uncle, come on, let's have a drink."

Before Tian Wenwen finished speaking, Zhao Shanhe directly raised his wine glass.

Tian Wenwen had no choice but to raise his glass.


During the next meal, as long as Li Yujiao revealed that she wanted to live here, or that she wanted to find a job in the factory, Zhao Shanhe and the others would change the topic.

So much so that at the end of the meal, Li Yujiao couldn't get a clear answer.

"Shanhe, I still want to talk to you about my work problems with your uncle..."

Just when Li Yujiao was holding Zhao Shanhe's arm and was about to continue discussing this matter in depth, who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe's big brother rang suddenly, and he just took advantage of the opportunity to answer it.

And the moment he was connected, his expression instantly became serious.

"Is what you said true?"

"Yes, it's true." Cai Shishi's urgent voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'll go back right now and wait for me in the office."

"it is good!"

After realizing something was wrong with Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiuya stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Xiang Yang and Yang E were detained in Jinsui County." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.


Li Qiuya's eyes widened in disbelief.

"They were detained in Jinsui County? Isn't it? Who is so bold to do such a thing in broad daylight? You must know that they brought a team over there. Doesn't this mean that our team Detained?"

"Yes, the team has also been detained. The nature of this matter is very bad, so I have to rush to Jinsui County immediately."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Tian Lihua and the others while speaking.

"Mom, Uncle and Concubine, I have an emergency to deal with, so I won't be with you. Qiu Cheng, you can drive Mom and the others back to Xikou Village safely."

"Okay!" Li Qiucheng nodded.

"Shanhe, nothing major happened, right?" Tian Lihua asked worriedly.

"Mom, don't worry, I can handle it!"

After saying that, Zhao Shanhe rushed out of the courtyard.

"Why did you just leave? I was about to talk about work just now. It's very unlucky."

Li Yujiao said unhappily with a drooping face, but after seeing Li Qiuya, she leaned forward as soon as she saw Li Qiuya, took Li Qiuya's hand, sat on the chair, and said softly, "Qiuya, are you now?" The general manager of Shanqiu Food, then it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to arrange me and your uncle to enter Shanqiu Food, right?”

Li Qiuya sat on the wax.


What will happen at home, Zhao Shanhe is not in the mood to take care of it now, he has hurried back to Hetu Manufacturing, and when he came to the office, he asked Cai Shishi anxiously: "Tell me quickly, what is going on?" What's going on? Can you contact Xiang Yang and the others?"

"We can make contact."

Cai Shishi said quickly: "It's the phone call from deputy director Li just now. He said that they were detained by a group called Tianhua in Jinsui County, and the reason he gave was that some of them Thief."

"At present, this incident has alerted the police in Jinsui County. As for the specific matter, I am still unclear. I need to communicate with Deputy Factory Manager Li."

"Then find Xiangyang."

Zhao Shanhe dialed Li Xiangyang's big brother as he said that, and it was connected immediately there.

Zhao Shanhe asked immediately, "Xiangyang, are you safe now?"


After Li Xiangyang heard Zhao Shanhe's voice, he said with a smile, "We are only restricted in the hotel and cannot move around freely. Personal safety is guaranteed."

"That's good. What happened? How dare the Tianhua Group detain you?" Zhao Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief. As long as everyone is fine, the rest are trivial matters.

"It's like this..."

Following Li Xiangyang's explanation, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that among the several candidate places Zhao Shanhe had given, Li Xiangyang felt that the conditions in Jinsui County were very good and could be ranked in the top three, so he focused on Jinsui County as the research object.

And when he was inspecting, he didn't know what happened, and he was approached by people from Tianhua Group.

The other party directly told them that Jinsui County was not a place for them to come, no matter what background they had, they should leave as soon as possible, otherwise, don't blame them for being rude.

After all, Li Xiangyang has also experienced big storms, so how could he be intimidated by their few words, and he refused on the spot.

And that caused trouble.

Just when they were inspecting yesterday, they were suddenly slandered as thieves, saying that they stole two gold necklaces.It was also because of this that they were detained by the Tianhua Group.

Of course, it was the Jinsui County police who came forward to detain him.

Otherwise, if it's just Tianhua Group, Li Xiangyang won't obediently catch him without a fight.

"So, this Tianhua Group is deliberately looking for trouble." Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Yes, they are deliberately looking for trouble."

"What's the reason?" Zhao Shanhe frowned slightly.

"The reason is that they thought that our investment in building factories in the past would threaten their interests. I also investigated later that Tianhua Group's main projects include grain processing. They have already regarded Jinsui County as their private land. , Whoever invests in construction will be driven away by them.”

Li Xiangyang can be said to hit the nail on the head.

Oh I see.

If there is no reason for this, the Tianhua Group will cause trouble for Li Xiangyang and the others if they are full. It is probably because they are afraid that they will compete with them for the grain market after they pass by.

"If this is the case, you should be released soon. After all, you were framed and framed, but this matter cannot be left alone. You stay in the hotel over there, and I will leave right away."

Zhao Shanhe murmured and said.


"Listen, even if the Jinsui County police tell you to leave, don't leave. As long as you leave this matter, it will be over. And if you don't leave, I have a way to make Tianhua Group apologize to you face to face! "

Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe immediately said: "Call Chen Ju, let's go to Jinsui County."


After Cai Shishi agreed to come down, he asked, "Do you want to notify the media?"


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said slowly: "There is no need for this. If we really say that the media is notified and the matter becomes serious, it will not be beneficial to us. We are going this time to make Tianhua Group bow their heads. They It’s best to bow your head, if you don’t bow your head, it’s not too late to find the media to expose this matter.”



Shengshi Hotel, Jinsui County, North Province.

Li Xiangyang, who put down his big brother, stretched his waist happily, and under the gaze of Yang E and the others, he smiled and said: "I have good news for you, our factory director Zhao is coming."

"Really? The factory manager is coming to Jinsui County?"

"Did he come to rescue us?"

"You said that if the factory manager sees us being so useless and being detained, will he think we are useless?"

The few people who followed Li Xiangyang wanted to cheer for joy, but after hearing this, the morale that had just gathered dissipated immediately, and everyone became dejected.

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