Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 906 You Are Really Right

The call was from Tian Lihua.

It's just that Tian Lihua's tone is a little hesitant now, and he hesitates when speaking.After realizing that something was wrong with him, Zhao Shanhe smiled and asked: "Mom, if you have something to do, just say it."

"Shanhe, there is something I want to tell you." Tian Lihua frowned and said in embarrassment.

"You say."

"It's just these two days. Your uncle and concubine have been staying with me. They said they wanted to visit your house. I really couldn't refuse, so I agreed. What do you think?" Tian Lihua said cautiously.

"come to my home?"

Zhao Shanhe immediately understood what Tian Lihua was thinking.

He didn't care much about Tian Wenwen and Li Yujiao, and Tian Lihua thought so too.But you can't stand Tian Wenwen and his wife being so tired all the time, so you have to come and see Li Qiuya.

So I can only agree.

In other words, Tian Wenwen and his wife must know about their affairs, and they know that their wealth and status are not comparable to Liu Huarong's, so they want to come to contact each other.

Not right!

Could it be that they don't care about Liu Huarong's attitude?

Didn't they always want Tian Zhi to marry Liu Huarong, dreaming of marrying into a rich family?If Liu Huarong found out about coming to my place, wouldn't there be a disturbance?

After thinking about this in his heart, Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Mom, it's okay, they can come if they want, Qiu Ya and I just treat them well."

"It's really all right?" Tian Lihua froze for a moment, and hurriedly confirmed.

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly: "If there is any problem, you and Dad can come too."

Tian Lihua felt relieved: "Okay, then we will go there in a while."


After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe just wanted to tell Li Qiuya about it, but Li Qiuya had already knocked on the door and walked in.

Zhao Shanhe stood up and greeted him with a smile: "Did you come here on time?"

"Did your parents call you?" Li Qiuya asked anxiously.


Zhao Shanhe took Li Qiuya's hand and said, "Mom said uncles and concubines are going to visit our house, I agree, let's go back and clean up now."

"Oh! How can you agree? It's not like you don't know what's going on with the two of them!" Li Qiuya shook Zhao Shanhe's hand anxiously and said, stomping her feet.

"Yeah, what can I do even if I know? After all, we are uncles and concubines. We can't say we should rush outside, can we? Let's go, just tell me, why haven't they returned to Beijing? Didn't they say that they had already returned to Beijing? Should I go back?"

"Also, they are here, where are Tian Ya and the others?" Zhao Shanhe smiled and took Li Qiuya's hand again and walked out.

"Stop talking, it's hard to say."

Being held by Zhao Shanhe, Li Qiuya followed him out with a blushing face.After sitting in the car, Zhao Shanhe knew what was going on.

It turned out that Tian Wenwen and his wife didn't even think about going back to the capital when they came back this time. They said they bought a house at Feng Chunyan's birthday banquet, but they actually bought it for themselves. They wanted to come back and start a small business.

As for the stall in the capital, it will be handed over to Tian Ya to manage.

At that time, Niu Dazhuang will be driving a taxi and Tian Ya will be driving a fruit stand, so they should be able to get by.

"Where's Tian Zhi?"

"Tian Zhi..."

Speaking of Tian Zhi, Li Qiuya's expression was a little embarrassed, she sighed and said: "After my uncle and sister-in-law heard what my mother said about Liu Huarong, they went to Handong City to investigate secretly."

"In the end, they really found out that Liu Huarong is a playboy, and he often changes women around him. If Tian Zhi said to follow him, he would definitely be in bad luck. So they let Tian Zhi and Liu Huarong break up."

"But Tian Zhi doesn't know what he's thinking, she's determined to be with Liu Huarong, no matter what uncle and the others say, she's still unwilling to break up."

"Is that so?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled thoughtfully.

"It seems that uncle and concubine have found out clearly that Liu Huarong's so-called Ronghua business has long been on the verge of bankruptcy, so they are so determined to let the two break up. I just didn't expect Tian Zhi to be quite infatuated. This is completely betrayed by Liu Huarong. Fascinated?"

"You're really right."

Li Qiuya sat up straight and said calmly: "Uncle and my sister-in-law just stopped because they found out that Ronghua Business is dying, and Liu Yunze is not the deputy director of Red Star Machinery, but an old man who has nothing to do and stays at home."

"I just didn't expect Tian Zhi to be serious this time. No matter what my uncle and concubine said, she insisted on following Liu Huarong. No, now Tian Zhi and Liu Huarong live in Handong City. Uncle Da Jin is the same way."

"Let's go with her!"

Zhao Shanhe said plainly: "It's hard to persuade a ghost who wants to die, no matter how much you talk, it's of no use. She insists on identifying Liu Huarong, thinking that others are harming her and trying to destroy them. If there is any relationship between you, let her go."

"That's right, it can only be like this at the moment. But I will keep an eye on her. After all, she is my sister. I can't say I just watched her go astray." Li Qiuya said.

Zhao Shanhe nodded, sighed softly and said, "Let's not talk about that, let's go back and prepare lunch."

"it is good!"


A Santana was heading towards the county seat of Zhenghe County.

The driver was Li Qiucheng.

The couple in the car were Tian Lihua and Tian Wenwen.

As for Li Jianguo, he hadn't thought about coming here. It just so happened that Zhao Xiaobai Winery needed him to deal with an urgent matter, so he just found a reason to refuse.

"Lihua, do you think Shanhe will help us?" Li Yujiao asked suddenly.

"Help for what?" Tian Lihua was a little dazed.

"Just to help us persuade Xiaozhi. Xiaozhi absolutely can't be with Liu Huarong. Thinking of how Liu Huarong hates Shanhe, I feel that they must be separated." Li Yujiao said as a matter of course.

Hearing this, a sneer of disdain appeared on the corner of Li Qiucheng's mouth.

This is so nice to say, as if you really separated Tian Zhi and Liu Huarong because of Zhao Shanhe.In fact, that's not the case at all. It's entirely because you found out about Liu Huarong's background and knew that he is no longer a big boss, so you did this.

You are so heartless.

"This matter..." Tian Lihua hesitated.

"Lihua, sister-in-law has never asked you for anything, you must help sister-in-law to do this." Li Yujiao grabbed Tian Lihua's hand with both hands and held it tightly, and began to put on a pose as she spoke. cry.

"Xiaozhi has been very pitiful since she was a child. Your elder brother and I are busy all day long, so we don't have time to accompany her. That's why she meets Liu Huarong now, so she feels that he is a person who treats her sincerely. But you also know that Liu Huarong is like that. How can I allow them to be together when dealing with Shanhe?"


Tian Lihua could only nod helplessly.

"I will tell Shanhe."

Santana soon drove to the gate of Zhao Shanhe's house. When she got out of the car and saw the chic little courtyard in front of her, Li Yujiao gasped and showed an unabashedly envious expression.

"Lihua, you said this is Qiu Ya's house?"


Following Tian Lihua's nod, Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya also walked out of the house.

"Mom, uncle and concubine, you are here."

Li Qiuya smiled and stepped forward.

"Qiuya, your uncle and I come to visit your house, you won't welcome me?" Li Yujiao smiled.

"No way, let's go!" Li Qiuya said and let a group of people in.

After entering the courtyard gate and seeing the scene in front of her, Li Yujiao was even more shocked.

Even Tian Wenwen was shocked: "Shanhe, is this really your home? Why is your home built like a courtyard house?"

"My family originally only had such a small courtyard. Later, the neighbors moved away, and those who wanted to sell their houses sold their houses. I took the opportunity to buy them all, and then opened up." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"I told you." Tian Wenwen's face was bright.

"Qiuya, can I visit your small courtyard?" Li Yujiao realized that her eyesight was not enough.

"Of course!"

Li Qiuya stepped forward to act as a tour guide, and Tian Wenwen followed behind.

Zhao Shanhe didn't go there, but went to the house to set the dishes. Li Qiucheng followed him in, and after seeing Tian Wenwen and the others walked into the backyard, he said in a low voice: "Brother-in-law, my uncle and concubine want to persuade you Shimoda Zhi and Liu Huarong broke up."

"I persuade?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"It's not something I can manage, and I'm too lazy to manage it."

"I said you can't control it. Tian Zhi doesn't listen to what they say as parents, so why would they listen to you, an outsider? But the problem is, uncle and sister-in-law and the others keep saying that it's all because of you that they broke up." Li Qiucheng said.

"because I?"

The movement of Zhao Shanhe's hands couldn't help but stop.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Yeah, it obviously has nothing to do with you, but they just said it did, saying that Tian Zhi broke up because you and Liu Huarong didn't get along. Listen to the reason they gave. So let's talk for a while. When eating, you have a plan in mind, don't be disturbed by them." Li Qiucheng reminded.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, put a bottle of Zhao Xiaobai on the table, and asked Li Qiucheng: "Shan Kai is already engaged, how about you? Do you have someone you like? If you have one, go after it, don't be too busy Pick and choose, this important marriage matter should be broken."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Li Qiucheng waved his hand indifferently.

"I haven't had enough fun yet, why would I want to get married now."

"You." Zhao Shanhe smiled and shook his head.

While the two were chatting, Li Yujiao over there had also returned.

When she came here just now, she seemed a little disapproving, but now it is different, her face is full of shock.She never dreamed that Zhao Shanhe's home was like this.

This is too exaggerated.

Fortunately, I always thought that Zhao Shanhe was a poor relative. If we really compare it, who is poor?Using poor to describe myself is probably considered high-spirited, and the gap is nothing short of a world of difference.How can I have the qualifications to show off my might in front of Zhao Shanhe.

This meant that Li Qiuya acted early, otherwise, it would be great if Tian Zhi could find someone like Zhao Shanhe as his son-in-law.

Li Yujiao thought so in her heart.

Now she looks at Zhao Shanhe more and more pleasing to the eye, unlike before, no matter how she looks at it, she feels uncomfortable.

So after everyone was seated, Li Yujiao hurriedly spoke to Zhao Shanhe.

It was just what she said that shocked everyone.

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