Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 905 What kind of tricks are you playing?

"Director Zhao, I have briefly learned about your factory. I won't talk about Shanqiu Food and Zhao Xiaobai Winery. What I want to talk about is your Hetu Manufacturing."

When Zhou Nanzheng said this, his tone became serious.

"Have you ever thought about what kind of path your river map will take in the future?"

"What do you mean?" Hearing these words, Zhao Shanhe's mind was shocked, and he sat up straight immediately, concentrating on it.

"What I mean is very simple. Your Hetu Manufacturing was positioned as a hardware factory from the very beginning, so whether it is non-ferrous metal solder or electric oven you produced later, they are all of this type."

"But have you ever thought about whether you will go all the way to the dark in the future, and produce hardware products like this? Or do you want to transform?"

Zhou Nanzheng's eyes brightened.


Zhao Shanhe was refreshed. He really didn't expect to hear such words, not to mention that these words came from Zhou Nanzheng's mouth, so even if he didn't want to pay attention to them, he couldn't do it.

"Principal Zhou, what do you think I should transform into?"

"I think?"

Zhou Nanzheng shook his head and said meaningfully: "It's not what I think, but what you think. What do you think about your future path? Do you just focus on making hardware products like this, or should you have other ideas? .Here I just want to give you a suggestion, you can refer to foreign heavy industry groups."

"Heavy Industry Group?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up, and his gaze towards Zhou Nanzheng became sharper.

"Principal Zhou, you are simply my bosom friend. I really never thought that I would meet someone like you here, nor did I think that you would give me such advice at the beginning of the meeting."

"Oh? So you've thought about this before?"

Now it was Zhou Nanzheng's turn to be surprised.

"Yes, not only have I thought about it, but I have already made a plan for it. What I can say is, President Zhou, I will not say that Hetu should only produce simple hardware products, because this is not my ideal. "

"I will let Hetu Manufacturing become a heavy industry group in China, and I will speak with heavier products." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"Good job!"

Zhou Nanzheng couldn't help clapping his hands and laughing. He looked sideways at Jiang Guangnian, and said happily: "Old Jiang, did you hear that? I said that Director Zhao is not a short-sighted person. He wouldn't say that making a good factory just He has his own ideals and plans to produce some emergency fast-moving products, and his goal is the Heavy Industry Group."

"Principal Jiang, have you told me about me?" Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being taken aback.

"Yes, President Zhou and I talked about you before. President Zhou said that you should not be a businessman who only focuses on hardware products. I thought he was wrong at the time, because how about hardware products? Is it? That’s also what the market needs, I think you’ve done a good job, and you should continue.”

"But now it seems that I was wrong. You really don't want to do that."

Jiang Guangnian had a kind smile on his face.

"Principal Zhou, Principal Jiang, I know what you are talking about, and I have my own plan. I can't just say it and aim at the Heavy Industry Group, because it's unrealistic to do so. Meals have to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road has to be taken step by step. , I will go on unswervingly." Zhao Shanhe said sonorously with his back straight.

"We trust you."

Zhou Nanzheng smiled with satisfaction.

"If you need my help in the future, just tell me, Huaqing University is willing to carry out in-depth cooperation with you in industry-university-research."

Zhao Shanhe was overjoyed: "Thank you, Principal Zhou."

In this pleasant atmosphere, the three chatted again.During the chat, Zhao Shanhe felt more and more that Zhou Nanzheng was not simple, and that being able to sit on the position of vice president of Huaqing University was indeed worthy of the name.

What he didn't know was that in such a conversation, Zhou Nanzheng was also very satisfied with him.

Near noon, Zhou Nanzheng invited Jiang Guangnian and Zhao Shanhe to have lunch together.Just at this time, Zhao Lin called and said that the people in their dormitory wanted to have dinner together, so could they not accompany Zhao Shanhe to eat.

"Of course it's okay, let's have dinner together and remember to pay the bill last."


After the siblings finished their phone calls, Zhao Shanhe followed the two vice principals to dinner.


at the same time.

At Hongxing Machinery Factory in Handong City, a crucial negotiation is going on.The two parties in the negotiation were Shen Ziliang and Ji Mingjian. As for the fact that Park Duomi didn't show up, she didn't show up until the final decision was made.

Negotiations are sword-fighting.

Shen Ziliang really didn't expect that Ji Mingjian would be so difficult to chew.

In his mind, if it were anyone, he would have already taken it down.How come to Ji Mingjian, this guy is like a stone in a latrine, smelly and hard.

"Mr. Ji, I hope you can understand one thing, that is, the transformation of your Hongxing Machinery Factory is not only what we want to do, but also what your Handong City means."

"Under such circumstances, if you still persist in being unwilling to cooperate, you should be very clear about what the final result will be. Are you not afraid of losing your official position?" Shen Ziliang said impatiently.

"Lose your official position?"

Facing Shen Ziliang, Ji Mingjian said calmly, "Mr. Shen, we are all sensible people. Don't talk about reform or reform. You don't have to threaten me with dismissal."

"My request is very simple. If you want to settle in Red Star Machinery, you can. But we must adopt a cooperative approach, and in this kind of cooperation, we Red Star Machinery must occupy 70.00% of the shares."

"If you agree, let's continue talking. If you don't agree, let's forget about it. Although Hongxing Machinery said that life is not easy now, it has not yet reached the point of bankruptcy, and there is no need for you to show mercy."


Shen Ziliang narrowed his eyes and stood up.

"Mr. Ji, don't you think this is too much? We came in with real money and production technology, so we can only hold 30.00% of the shares. I'm afraid no one would do this kind of thing."

"Then don't talk about it." Ji Mingjian put down the pen that was spinning in his hand, leaned back on the back of the chair and raised Erlang's legs, and said lightly.

"I hope Mr. Ji will not regret it."

Shen Ziliang sensed that Ji Mingjian was very strange and strong today, so he had no intention of continuing the conversation, turned around and led the team out of the conference room.

After they all left, the leadership of Hongxing Machinery Factory looked over anxiously.

"Mr. Ji, this is different from what we said at the beginning."

"Yeah, didn't we want to recruit them?"

"If they really leave in a fit of anger, what shall we do?"

Seeing the appearance of these so-called leaders, Ji Mingjian shook his head secretly, a little disappointed in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said lightly: "Don't worry, as long as they want to cooperate with us, they will promise me The conditions were set out. This matter is decided in this way, you all go back and do your own work."


Shen Ziliang called Park Duomi as soon as he walked out of the Red Star Machinery Factory. After he briefly explained the matter here, Park Duomi said forcefully: "30.00% is too low. , the bottom line I give you is 40.00%! In this way, you can talk according to this and resolve this matter as soon as possible."

"Forty, I'm afraid Ji Mingjian won't agree." Shen Ziliang said hesitantly.

"He must agree!"

Park Duomi said coldly: "This is already the bottom line I can give. If it is lower, I would rather find another factory to cooperate. Shen Ziliang, I don't care what method you use, in short, solve this matter for me quickly. You have to know that my task here is very urgent, we must take down the machinery factory as soon as possible, and put it into production and sell the goods as soon as possible."


Shen Ziliang nodded heavily.


three days later.

After Zhao Shanhe arranged Zhao Lin's affairs, he came back from the capital. Zhao Lin was about to start his college life, and he had to start working step by step.

"Give me another year, no, give me another half year, and my plan can officially start."

Thinking of the plan he and Zhou Nanzheng talked about, Zhao Shanhe was full of fighting spirit.

Time soon came to mid-September.

Just as Zhao Shanhe went to work that day, Cai Shishi walked in with a newspaper, and said with a serious expression: "Director, I just received the news that Hongxing Machinery Factory has been invested by a foreign-funded enterprise. That foreign-funded enterprise is called Le The star belongs to the country of Bangzi."


Zhao Shanhe was a little surprised.

Although he said he had heard about it a long time ago, he just never took it seriously.Because in his opinion, neither the city nor Ji Mingjian could say that they would allow foreign capital to enter.

Unexpectedly, this really happened.

"it is true."

As Cai Shishi spoke, he handed over the newspaper.

"This is today's newspaper, and it is reporting on this matter. Although it didn't say it in the newspaper, according to the information we have, it said that Lexing took out 500 million Huaxia coins, plus a piece of production technology, and won the Red Star Machinery 40.00% of the shares."

"500 million is 40.00% of the shares. Is Ji Mingjian so short of money? Do you know what the stock price of Hongxing Machinery is? At least tens of millions? He is selling state-owned assets at a low price!"

Zhao Shanhe was furious.

"The price is indeed a little low, but the people from Red Star Machinery said that what they care about is the production technology. They said that the Lexing Group is different from the equipment they invested in the Covenant Group last time. The products produced by this production technology , it will sell well in the first place." Cai Shishi said in a low voice after sensing Zhao Shanhe's anger.

"What production technology?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"It is said that it is related to bridge construction, but it is not clear what it is, because this production technology is still in the confidential stage." Cai Shishi said.


Zhao Shanhe squinted his eyes into a line, and said slowly: "It seems that this Lexing Group has really paid for it, and it is so mysterious, which shows that the things they want to produce should not be simple. You should pay attention to this matter." , and see what they're up to."


Cai Shishi put down the rest of the documents and went out.

Zhao Shanhe got up and stood in front of the window, looking at the sky outside with deep eyes.

"Shen Ziliang, what trick are you playing?"

"Jingle Bell!"

Just as Zhao Shanhe was deep in thought, the big brother suddenly rang.

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