"Director Zhao!"

"Principal Jiang."

Zhao Shanhe also saw who was on the other side, he took two steps forward.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Guangnian laughed: "You can be here, why can't I?"

"No, I came here to send my sister to register. Shouldn't you still be at Dongzhou University now? Today is also Dongzhou University's freshman registration day." Zhao Shanhe asked curiously.

"Someone is responsible for the registration of freshmen, and I don't need to take care of it. I came here to meet old friends and discuss something. Come, let me introduce you. This is Zhou Nanzheng, the vice president of Huaqing University."

Jiang Guangnian turned slightly to let the two of them out.

"Old Zhou, this is the Director Zhao Shanhe Zhao I told you about before."

"It turns out that you are Director Zhao. I only heard his name but never met him. I never thought I would meet you today. Director Zhao, your performance at the auction of scientific and technological achievements of Jingzhou University made me amazed. Zhou Nanzheng stretched out his right hand with a smile.

Zhao Shanhe shook it politely and then let go.

"Principal Zhou is overrated."

"No, I'm telling the truth, I really wanted to see you a long time ago."

Zhou Nanzheng said with a sincere look in his eyes: "By the way, what did you just say? You sent my sister to report. You are from Dongxing, and you are talking about my younger sister, whose surname is Zhao. Director Zhao, I remember Dongxing The top scorer in the college entrance examination seems to be called Zhao Lin, right? I wonder if this Zhao Lin is with you?"

"Yes, this Zhao Lin is my younger sister." Zhao Shanhe said proudly.

"Let me just say, like a brother, like a sister, a brother is so good, how can a sister be poor?"

"Old Jiang, let me tell you, this Zhao Lin is not only the number one student in the college entrance examination in your Eastern Province, but even rejected the olive branch offered by our Huaqing University before the college entrance examination. It is really different!" Zhou Nanzheng said about Zhao Lin's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Principal Zhou, Zhao Lin didn't intend to refuse, she just didn't want to leave regrets in her life, and wanted to pass the college entrance examination to test her skills. Her ideal school has always been Huaqing, it's not me I sent her to report." Zhao Shanhe quickly explained.

"You, don't be so nervous. The atmosphere in Huaqing is not as stubborn as you think. I just want to say that Zhao Lin is a good seedling, and we will focus on cultivating it." Zhou Nanzheng waved his hand and smiled.

"Then thank you Principal Zhou." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Director Zhao, since I met you, it's a good time, let's sit down together. Maybe you can give some constructive suggestions on the topic I discussed with Lao Zhou." Jiang Guangnian invited.

"Really? Then I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Zhao Shanhe readily agreed.

"Let's go!"

The three of them soon came to Zhou Nanzheng's office, and after sitting down, Zhou Nanzheng said with a smile: "Lao Jiang and I are both engaged in academics, so when we think about problems, it is inevitable that some subjective factors will play a role. "

"Director Zhao, you are in the industry. I believe you will put forward more objective opinions. You will know everything in a while, and you can talk endlessly."

"Principal Zhou is serious. It is a great honor to have the opportunity to listen to the discussion between the two of you. If you are lucky enough to have some insights, I hope you can correct me. I just don't know what you two are talking about?" Zhao Shanhe was very curious. .

He never thought that one day he would be able to sit in the office of the vice president of Huaqing University, accompanied by the vice president of Dongzhou University. This scene was too luxurious.

After Jiang Guangnian and Zhou Nanzheng looked at each other, the former said slowly, "Let me tell."

"I came to Huaqing University to meet Lao Zhou this time because I wanted to discuss one thing with him. This thing is about the future and direction of industry-university-research under the new situation."


Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up, he didn't expect the two principals to discuss this matter.

He knew that the concept of industry-university-research research was really put forward in October 97. The Ministry of Education issued the "Notice on Carrying out the "Ninth Five-Year" Pilot Work of Industry-University-Research Cooperative Education". During the "Five" period, the pilot work of industry-university-research cooperative education was carried out in 10 colleges and universities across the country.

Of course, before this, the National Industry-University-Research Cooperative Education Association was established in Shanghai in April last year. It is also because of the establishment of this association that people of insight like Zhou Nanzheng and Jiang Guangnian will recognize and pay attention to this matter. .

Just as Zhao Shanhe was thinking, Jiang Guangnian continued: "Yes, what we discussed was industry-university-research research. Director Zhao, you should know about industry-university-research research?"

"heard about it."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"To put it simply, industry refers to factories and enterprises, theory refers to colleges and universities, and research refers to research institutions. Industry-university-research refers to the mutual cooperation of these three to give full play to their respective advantages and form a powerful research and development. An advanced system integrated with production."

"To put it more simply, this is a win-win thing."

"Yes, multiple wins."

Jiang Guangnian nodded in satisfaction.

"There is an industry-university-research association in Shanghai. Lao Zhou and I are also thinking about planning this matter because of this association. After all, industry-university-research is a hot issue for colleges and universities. If we can handle it properly , which is good for the development of universities.”


Zhou Nanzheng looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Lao Jiang and I have just figured out something, and we haven't touched on more. Director Zhao, you are in the industry, please tell us your thoughts, and we will listen."

"Then I'll just talk about my humble opinion, and it's right to throw a brick to attract jade."

Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly. He really has a say on this topic, because in his previous life, he was in charge of handling this matter, and he often dealt with universities and scientific research institutions.

"Tell me." Zhou Nanzheng looked over curiously.

He also wanted to see if the director of the factory, who was so praised by Jiang Guangnian, had real talents.If there is, he is naturally willing to make friends.But if he was just a simple businessman, then Zhou Nanzheng might not really take him seriously.

After all, he is the president of Huaqing University.

"Principal Zhou, my Hetu manufacturing is the product of the industry-university-research institute, and there is a laboratory in my factory. This should be the research of the industry-university-research institute. I haven't dealt with the school before, but I believe If, on the basis of my own production and research, there are colleges and universities to join, the system will be more perfect."

"Industry-university-research research has a common goal and common appeal, which is the value of the product. Whether it is a university or a research institute, if the product you develop has no value and no market, then the research and development of this product will fail."

"So this involves a very important point, the cooperation model."

Cooperation mode?

Zhou Nanzheng's expression was originally unmoved, but after hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, his mind moved slightly, and he looked over with interest: "Go on, what are the cooperation models?"

"In my opinion, there are various modes of industry-university-research cooperation, and needless to say, they must be limited to one. We will use whichever is useful and most convenient."

"For example, in terms of the length of cooperation, we can divide it into short-term cooperation, long-term cooperation and integrated cooperation."

"If we talk about the relationship between the cooperation subjects, we can divide it into the intra-campus industry-university-research cooperation model, the two-way consortium cooperation model, the multi-directional consortium cooperation model, and even intermediary coordination cooperation models."


Zhao Shanhe kept talking, and after Zhou Nanzheng and Jiang Guangnian looked at each other, they both noticed the surprise in each other's eyes. They secretly admired Zhao Shanhe's opinion and listened carefully.

"This is some of my thoughts from a business perspective."

"Of course, from the perspective of colleges and universities, I think the model of combining industry, education and research is also very important. After all, only when this model is well established can colleges and universities be able to ensure that colleges and universities are in the process of personnel training, knowledge transfer, innovation, transfer, etc. , realize the value very well. This way at least it can be targeted.”

"Both principals, that's all I have to say. If there is anything wrong, please correct me."

"Yes, Director Zhao, what you said just now is very inspiring to us, it can be said that it opened a door for us! I believe that following what you said, we can perfect the cooperation model of industry, education and research. of."

Zhou Nanzheng praised happily.

"Where is it, this is just my crude opinion, I hope you two will not laugh at it."

Zhao Shanhe took a few sips from the teacup in front of him.

"I didn't expect that, Director Zhao, you are not only good at business, but also have such solid theoretical knowledge. Even if a person like you comes to teach in a university, I think it will be no problem."

Jiang Guangnian laughed out loud.

"Why don't I give you a special approval, and you come to our Dongzhou University to teach."

"Principal Jiang, you're joking. I haven't even gone to college. I'm just a graduate of a technical school. How can I be qualified to teach at Dongzhou University?" Zhao Shanhe shook his hands and refused.

"Then why didn't you go to university?" Jiang Guangnian asked curiously.


Zhao Shanhe said with a calm expression: "I also thought about going to college, but our family's conditions are not good. If we have to go to college, our family will have to drink northwest wind. Of course, the most important thing is, I'm not that kind of material for studying, and my academic performance is very poor. Compared with my sister, it is a world of difference."

"So I went to technical school after finishing junior high school."

"I see."

Jiang Guangnian said with emotion: "Yes, poverty is the deadliest poison. It will stop many excellent students from entering the university. If all families become rich, then going to university will not be a problem. A luxury."

"You are all right, but I think reading is not a temporary thing, it should be a long-term thing. As long as you like reading, as long as you like to study, then even if you haven't gone to college, you can still succeed .”

"For example, isn't Director Zhao the best example? Now who dares to say that he is not a successful person?" Zhou Nanzheng said.

"Principal Zhou has won the award. How can I be considered a successful person?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said sincerely, "I've only just gotten so far, and I've just started, and there's still a long way to go."

"Haha, yes, it's long."

After Zhou Nanzheng laughed, he suddenly asked a question.

It was this question that made Zhao Shanhe sit up straight and looked over with fiery eyes.

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