Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 903 Zhao Lin's Honor

How Tian Lihua will communicate with Tian Wenwen is a matter between their brothers and sisters, and Zhao Shanhe will not take care of it.After sending Li Qiuya and the others home, he drove directly to Zhaojiazhai.

Since I'm going to take Zhao Lin to the capital tomorrow, I have to pick it up in advance.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Zhao Shanhe brought Zhao Lin back. After seeing Xia Wen, they introduced each other and they got to know each other. After that, everyone chatted freely.

The night passed quietly like this.

the next day.

Zhao Shanhe drove Xia Wu Xia Wen and Zhao Lin to Zhongzhou City. After dropping them off in front of Zhongzhou University, he took Zhao Lin to the airport.The two are going to the capital by plane, which will save time.

Just as Zhao Shanhe and the two got on the plane, a car drove into the gate made by Hetu.

After the car stopped, a man got out of the car. He carried a briefcase, glanced around, shook his head and sighed, then strode into the administration building.

Five minutes later, he saw Li Xiangyang.

"Hey! Isn't this Mr. Xiao? What kind of wind brought you here? I don't know why you are here today?"

Li Xiangyang crossed his legs, without any enthusiasm, and there was even a hint of ridicule in his tone.

Faced with Li Xiangyang's attitude, Xiao Dingwei did not say that he was very angry.In fact, he knew very well in his heart that Li Xiangyang was already giving face to see him, otherwise, he would not even see you.

Who made you dare to treat Zhao Shanhe like that?

If you hadn't played tricks at the critical moment, would Zhao Shanhe be so passive?That is to say, Zhao Shanhe has a very wide network of contacts, which is why he avoided being plotted by you. Otherwise, I really don't know what will happen in the end.

Actually, Xiao Dingwei didn't want to come here either.

But it's okay, he also knows that he can't do it if he doesn't come, if he doesn't come, the position under his butt will be lost.I also entrusted a lot of connections, and finally let the leader let go, saying that as long as I can successfully introduce the blade made by Hetu, his matter can be forgotten for the time being.

Do you think he can do it?

It doesn't matter if you don't come.

"Director Li, I want to meet Director Zhao, okay?" Xiao Dingwei tried his best to squeeze out a smile and lowered his posture.

"Meet our factory manager?"

Li Xiangyang shook his head and refused, and said lightly: "Our factory manager is not here, so your visit is probably in vain."

After speaking, Li Xiangyang was about to stand up and see off the guests.

After noticing Li Xiangyang's actions, Xiao Dingwei hurriedly said: "Since Director Zhao is not here, I can find you. Director Li, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"It's like this. Because of some misunderstandings before we saved agricultural resources, we said that we had some troubles with you Hetu Manufacturing. I think this kind of thing is our mistake. We have to correct it in time, so I came here to treat Zhao The factory manager said sorry." Xiao Dingwei said.

"Just to say sorry?"

Li Xiangyang waved his hand.

"If that's the case, then I know, you can go."

"No, besides saying I'm sorry, I have one more thing to do, that is, our provincial agricultural resource thinks that the blades made by Hetu are of very good quality, so we want to purchase in large quantities this time, with a target of [-] boxes. Can you see it?"

Xiao Dingwei quickly stated his purpose.

It turned out to be the case.

Let me just say, if you have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, you Xiao Dingwei will not come here for no reason, so you want the blade.

"Ten thousand boxes?"

Li Xiangyang raised his eyebrows and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xiao, if you want [-] boxes of this, it's not impossible, but this time has to be in the back row. After all, we have a lot of orders here. You can only It's only [-] boxes, it's not worth our arrangement, so, can you accept it?"

"Go to the back row?"

As the boss of the provincial agricultural materials company, how has Xiao Dingwei ever suffered from such uselessness?At this moment, he was so angry that he was about to explode.

I want 250 boxes, why don't you put me in the back row?According to what you mean, it seems that my [-] boxes are not too much.Come on, [-] boxes, that's [-] million Huaxia coins, how many orders like mine can you have in Hetu Manufacturing?You're still putting on a show for me here.

"Twenty thousand boxes!"

"What?" Li Xiangyang's eyes lit up slightly, and Erlang's legs were lowered.

"I mean, if I want to place an order for [-] boxes of blades, do you think it can be expedited? I really need it urgently here." Xiao Dingwei gritted his teeth and said harshly.

"In this case……"

Li Xiangyang reluctantly said: "Since Mr. Xiao said so, then I will help you rush, but even if it is urgent, you have to know, I can't get you out all at once."

Xiao Dingwei waved his hand: "No problem, just expedite it as soon as possible."

Li Xiangyang nodded: "Then let's sign the contract."

Xiao Dingwei said impatiently, "Okay!"

Half an hour later, Xiao Dingwei walked out of the conference room, just as Yang E walked in, and seeing Xiao Dingwei's leaving back, she raised the corners of her lips and said disapprovingly, "Is Xiao Dingwei compromising?"

"Yes, a compromise. Just like what the factory manager said, he really came to us to place an order. It seems that the factory manager's analysis of him is quite accurate. He knows that he will definitely be forced by the situation and is unwilling to come. I have to come too. So I killed him severely, after all, the meat that is sent to his mouth is not for nothing." Li Xiangyang said with a smile.

"That's right, taking Xiao Dingwei down won't do us any good, the most important thing is keeping him to place orders for us." Yang E nodded approvingly.

"It's still the factory manager's planning."

"That is, don't look at who he is?"

"Ha ha!"

After Yang E and Li Xiangyang looked at each other, they smiled knowingly, and then she said: "I came to you to talk about the location of the instant noodle factory. Aren't you going to Jinsui County? Let's go there together, I happen to I have some business to discuss."

"it is good."


Beijing Airport.

When Zhao Shanhe came out, Cai Shishi came forward with a smile on his face. She came here in advance to arrange transportation and accommodation. Of course, Chen Ju also followed.

After the simple greetings, the few people went to Huaqing University by car.

The hotel is next to Huaqing University.

After arranging the accommodation, Zhao Shanhe said with a smile: "Xiaolin, tomorrow is the official report day, and there is still some time today, so let's take a stroll around the capital. When we come next time, I won't be with you." You, but you took me shopping."

"no problem."

Zhao Lin smiled like a flower.

"One of my dreams is to travel all over the capital."

"After I have visited all the tourist attractions in the capital and all the hutong compounds, wait for my brother to come. I must be the best tour guide. I will take you around."

Zhao Shanhe laughed loudly: "Okay, then I will wait for your little tour guide's dream to come true."

"Let's go!"

"it is good!"


the next day.

Registration day at Huaqing University.

As the top university in China, Huaqing University has always played an irreplaceable role.Every brick and tile here is a piece of history.Every lake here is telling the story of the past.

There are lush trees on both sides of the road. Walking here, what you breathe is the atmosphere of a palace of knowledge.

She was built on top of a royal garden, the center of collision between Chinese and foreign civilizations, and a research institute for advanced scientific and technological achievements.

The laurel crowns represent the hard work of Huaqing University's countless students, and everyone is extremely proud of being a member of Huaqing University.

And now this honor belongs to Zhao Lin.

"Huaqing University, the top ivory tower."

Zhao Shanhe, who followed Zhao Lin in, couldn't help but take a deep breath as he looked at the people walking around.You must know that no matter whether it is the previous life or the present life, he has no ability to become a student of Huaqing University.

This is also a pity.

The registration office of the business school.

Zhao Shanhe brought Zhao Lin over, and after Zhao Lin took out the admission notice, the member of the student union who was in charge of registration suddenly raised his head when he saw Zhao Lin's name.

"You are Zhao Lin, the number one student in the college entrance examination in Eastern Province?"

"I'm Zhao Lin." Zhao Lin nodded with a smile.

"Hi Zhao Lin, I am the representative of the Student Union of our Business School. My name is Qin Han. Nice to meet you."

"Hello, brother."

Zhao Lin greeted her neither humble nor overbearing.

"Come on, let me handle the admission procedures for you."

"Thank you, brother."

The next thing became very simple, so simple that Zhao Shanhe didn't need to do it, so someone helped him.After seeing this, Zhao Shanhe was also happy to take a break.When Zhao Lin finished all the formalities and started to go to the dormitory, Zhao Shanhe followed lazily.

"Brother, aren't you too leisurely?" Zhao Lin curled her lips.

"That can't be helped, who gave me a good sister." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.


Zhao Lin glared coquettishly, and then walked into the girls' dormitory.Zhao Shanhe also went in, and when they entered, there were already people inside.Seeing that they were all roommates in the same dormitory, Zhao Lin took the initiative to go up to say hello.We are all young people, and we soon get to know each other, talking and laughing.

"Brother, didn't you say you want to visit Huaqing's campus? Why don't you go, I just followed them to the canteen downstairs to buy some daily necessities." Zhao Lin laughed.

"Okay, then go buy it, and I'll go shopping. At noon, I'll treat you to dinner." Zhao Shanhe said.


Zhao Shanhe is very happy to see Zhao Lin and her roommate get along well. After all, this is a relationship that they will live together for four years in the future. If this kind of relationship is done well, it is the strongest.

He is a big man and there is no need to go shopping with a few little girls.

So he began to tour the campus of Huaqing University.

In his previous life, Zhao Shanhe had been here a few times, although the general situation here has not changed much.But after all, that was the later Huaqing, and it was still several decades away, and he preferred this place in this era.

Surrounded by bustling crowds, some of them are new students reporting for registration, some of them are old students walking, you can see whether they are new students or old students, their faces are full of vigor and vitality.

Zhao Shanhe walked casually like this.

When he passed by an ancient building, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him. When these two people saw Zhao Shanhe, the person on the left couldn't help shouting.

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