Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 902 You Have 1 Million?You have a fart!

"I have a deep hatred with Zhao Shanhe."

The first sentence Liu Huarong uttered shocked the expressions of Tian Wenwen's family present. They looked over nervously, and Li Yujiao asked eagerly again: "What kind of hatred?"

"Zhao Shanhe is very arrogant and domineering in Handong City because of his wealth and power. There is nothing he dare not do..."

"If it wasn't for him, my father is still the deputy director of Hongxing Machinery Factory, how could he say he was fired..."

"If it wasn't for him, my Ronghua business would continue to be brilliant, so how could it be said that it is half-dead like it is now..."

Following Liu Huarong's explanation, Tian Wenwen and the others' faces became brighter.

Rich and powerful?This is wrong!

If this is according to what you said, wouldn't Zhao Shanhe be very powerful?But the problem is that he is not such a person, he is just a pauper, how could he accomplish such a great thing?Could it be that there is some misunderstanding?

"So I really didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe would appear here. If I had known, I wouldn't have come here today. Uncle and aunt, I'm really sorry. I'm in a mess right now, and I'm going back."

Liu Huarong walked out after speaking.

"I'll go with you!"

Tian Zhi hastened to catch up.

Tian Wenwen and the others didn't say anything to stop them, and let the two drive away.When she returned to the house, Li Yujiao suddenly asked, looking at the table full of messy dishes, "What does Zhao Shanhe do?"

"Just now Liu Huarong said that Zhao Shanhe is the factory director of Hetu Manufacturing. I didn't hear it wrong, did you hear it?" Tian Ya asked.

"heard it."

Niu Dazhuang nodded.

"He did say so, but is this Hetu manufacturing factory so powerful? Is it famous in Zhenghe County? It can already compete with Hongxing Machinery? How big is that?"

"Why don't you hurry up and ask someone to see if anyone knows what the Hetu Manufacturing is for." Li Yujiao nudged Tian Wenwen with his elbow, telling him to find out the news quickly.

"it is good."

Tian Wenwen walked out as he spoke, and when he came back about ten minutes later, his expression was shocked. He never dreamed that the poor relatives in his eyes were doing so well now.

This is too exaggerated!

"Did you find out?" Seeing Tian Wenwen walking into the courtyard door in a daze, Li Yujiao hurriedly went up to him and asked.

"I got it." Tian Wenwen replied weakly.

"Hurry up." Li Yujiao said anxiously.

"Zhao Shanhe is not only the factory director of Hetu Manufacturing, he also owns Shanqiu Foods, Zhao Xiaobai Winery, and Qingniao Glass Factory. Some time ago, he just took out the products at the auction of scientific and technological achievements of college students in Beijing. 700 million..."

Following Tian Wenwen's narration, Li Yujiao's and the others' faces changed indefinitely, each of them showed expressions of disbelief, with their mouths opened wide.

"How is it possible? Isn't Zhao Shanhe quite useless? Isn't he just a little bastard? When I talked to Lihua before, she still wanted to get Qiuya and Zhao Shanhe to divorce. It's only been a few years, how can it change now?" Is it like this? Are you sure you heard right?"

Li Yujiao still couldn't believe it.

"That's right, that's the truth."

Tian Wenwen nodded heavily, took a deep breath and said slowly: "I didn't want to believe it when I heard it just now, but it's really like this. It is said that Zhao Shanhe's current net worth is at least [-] million, [-] million Ah! Think about it, how much is that?"

"No wonder Liu Huarong said that Zhao Shanhe can get his father down, if I have [-] million, so can I!" Niu Dazhuang said unconvinced.

"You have [-] million? You have a fart!" Tian Ya said angrily.


After Niu Dazhuang touched Tian Ya's eyes, he dared not say what he had to say, and swallowed it back abruptly.

"My darling, if I knew this was the case, I really shouldn't have talked to Zhao Shanhe like that just now. What a great opportunity was in front of me, and we just missed it." Li Yujiao regretted so much that her intestines were green.

"good chance?"

Tian Wenwen shook his head and said: "This opportunity may not be good. You must know that the relationship between Zhao Shanhe and Liu Huarong is very opposite. Under such circumstances, do you think Liu Huarong will accept Zhao Shanhe? No."

"In this case, we won't be able to have a good relationship with Zhao Shanhe. Don't forget, Xiaozhi is Liu Huarong's girlfriend."

"That's right."

Hearing these words, Li Yujiao's excited mood just cooled down slightly, and she said thoughtfully: "It's more reliable for us to hold on to Liu Huarong's rope, otherwise, we will really break up Liu Huarong and Xiao Zhi. But you can’t get anything.”

Tian Wenwen frowned: "What about Zhao Shanhe?"

"It can't be said that contact has been broken."

Li Yujiao turned her eyes and said to Tian Ya and his wife, "Your father and I can't talk about how to go to Zhao Shanhe, but you two can."

"After all, you are Zhao Shanhe's sister and brother-in-law. It's almost no problem to go to him for sex. Let's just stay at home for two days. In these two days, you will go to Zhenghe County to see your aunt and uncle. "



Tian Ya and Niu Dazhuang immediately understood.

Relatives of billionaires!

Who can not be moved by this?

On the way back to Zhenghe County.

Thinking of what happened just now, Tian Lihua was very angry. She really didn't expect that Tian Wenwen and Li Yujiao would become like this, and they didn't care about family affection at all.

In their eyes, there is only that Liu Huarong. Seeing their flattery makes me want to vomit.

But what if you are upset?

That was my own elder brother and sister-in-law.

"Shanhe, you have been wronged today." Tian Lihua comforted.

"Where is it, Mom, I'm fine."

Zhao Shanhe sat in the co-pilot's seat, turned his head and said with a smile: "Anyway, I won't have a chance to deal with them in the future, so I'm fine, but Mom should be careful in the future, no matter how I look at Da Jin, she doesn't look like a kind person." Stubble."

"That's right, Mom, what Da Jin said about buying a house is simply to occupy that house for herself, you said you want to own a house, just buy it yourself, and even made up a high-sounding reason." Li Qiuya was indignant Said flatly.

"Don't talk about your uncle and concubine."

Tian Lihua didn't want to discuss this topic in depth, so she waved her hands, sighed and asked, "What do you say about that Liu Huarong? Shanhe, do you have any enmity with him?"

"Mom, it's not really a deep hatred between me and him. It's just that we met before when I was buying a car at Feihuang Automobile. At that time, he insisted on getting angry with me, so there was a little conflict. He would say this about me. , I think the reason is more because of his father Liu Yunze."

Zhao Shanhe smiled disapprovingly.

"Liu Yunze used to be the deputy director of the Red Star Machinery Factory, but he was dismissed because of his son's problems. As a result, Liu Huarong blamed me for this matter, insisting that I took Liu Yunze down."

"Isn't this nonsense?"

Tian Lihua said angrily: "How can Xiaozhi fall in love with such a person?"

"Yeah, it's fine if you say he will target me like this. After all, it's a matter between me and him. But the problem is, this guy, he has a very bad reputation. In Handong City, he is a famous A well-known playboy, he was insulting Qiuya in the restaurant before."

"I really don't know how Tian Zhi met him, and how the two fell in love."

Zhao Shanhe was puzzled.

"If that's the case, I'll have to tell your uncle about it. I can't push such a good girl like Tian Zhi into the pit of fire." Tian Lihua took her heart immediately.

"Okay, let's talk, but you don't know if you listen to it or not. I don't think uncles and concubines may listen to you. After all, Liu Huarong is a cash cow in their eyes." Zhao Shanhe said.

"No matter how rich you are, you can't get married!"

Tian Lihua said categorically that she has made up her mind to take care of this matter.

Zhao Shanhe shrugged indifferently.

He didn't want to watch Tian Zhi's misfortune, but if Tian Wenwen and Li Yujiao insisted on confronting him, he didn't need to say that he had to take care of it.

After all, after all, Tian Wenwen is Li Qiuya's uncle, not his own.

My uncle is Lin Chuntang.

Speaking of which, if I remember correctly, Lin Chaohua should have graduated this year, and I don't know what this kid is doing now, so I'll ask after I send Xiaolin back.

After returning to Xikou Village, Tian Lirui and Xia Jiangcheng didn't say they would leave that day, and both of them stayed for one night.And because Xia Wen was going to Dongzhou University to report tomorrow, he said that he had brought all the things and just followed Zhao Shanhe and the others.

After settling the people down, Zhao Shanhe took Xia Wu and Xia Wen away.

Only sister Tian Lihua is left in the family.

"With Xiao Wu following, there is no problem with Xiao Wen, so don't worry." Li Jianguo handed over a cigarette, and Xia Jiangcheng took it and lit it for Li Jianguo.

The two were puffing on the bench by the door.

"I'm very relieved."

Xia Jiangcheng was really not worried about this, he took two puffs of cigarettes, then suddenly frowned and said, "Why do you think our big brother-in-law has become like this? Even if the wife is strict, it can't be so serious, right? Just look at what is going on today, to help Liu Huarong, an outsider, drive us sons-in-law away."

"Who says no, it's annoying to think about it."

Listening to the voices of the two people at the door, Tian Lihua and Tian Lirui who were sitting in the room didn't say any reprimands. There was no way for them to say something right.Well, it's because Tian Wenwen didn't handle it properly.

You must know that Tian Wenwen's actions not only did not give Li Jianguo and Xia Jiangcheng any face, but also deeply hurt them both.

They also felt very uncomfortable.

But no matter how uncomfortable it is, the things that should be faced still have to be faced.After Tian Lihua told about Liu Huarong, Tian Lirui was also filled with righteous indignation and anger.

"What? There is such a thing? Then this Liu Huarong is really not a thing. But Tian Zhi is our niece after all, do you think we can just watch her fall into the fire pit?"

"I thought so too. Shall we remind our eldest brother and sister-in-law?" Tian Lihua said.

"Okay, this matter needs to be reminded."

Tian Lirui walked towards the phone as she spoke.

"Brother has a pager, let's call him."

"it is good!"

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