Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 901 Everything is mine!

"That's a good point! You really are not blessed."

Liu Huarong spoke with gritted teeth and gritted his teeth.

Now anyone can see that there is something wrong between these two people, and after seeing this, Tian Wenwen and Li Yujiao glanced at each other, they just wanted to talk, who would have thought that Tian Zhi could not wait to hug Liu Huarong's shoulder, stared at Zhao Shanhe fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Zhao Shanhe, what are you talking about? Pay attention to your attitude!"

"I think you are the one who should pay attention to your attitude?"

During Tian Zhi's questioning, Li Qiuya looked over with a cold face.

"Tian Zhi, do you know what Liu Huarong is? You fell in love with him? Do you know what happened between him and Shanhe? You just opened your mouth and accused Shanhe of doing something wrong? Oh, you don't know. You don't know anything. , how dare you shout indiscriminately here?"


Xia Wu also looked over, pursed her lips and said: "We are a family, he is just an outsider, how can you help an outsider to blame your family? Do you ever speak like that?"

"What kind of family outsider, I don't know what you are talking about. I only know that my boyfriend is here, and you are still sitting. Not only that, but you are also talking about yin and yang. If it is really wrong, then it is You are wrong."

Tian Zhi turned around and said to Liu Huarong, "Hua Rong, don't be as knowledgeable as them."

"Xiao Zhi, what's going on? Are you relatives?"

Liu Huarong was really at a loss.

"Yes, we are relatives, but they are all poor relatives. Come, let me introduce you."

"This is my aunt and uncle, and that is my aunt and uncle. They are all children of my two aunts, and Zhao Shanhe is the son-in-law of my aunt's family." Tian Zhi is really passionate about everything. Liu Huarong, opened his mouth and told everyone's relationship.

It turned out to be the case.

Liu Huarong suddenly realized.

When he was in Hetian Zhihao, he didn't think of this, and he didn't say that he wanted to investigate Tian Zhi's household registration.So he never dreamed that Tian Zhi would be Zhao Shanhe's relative.

Are you relatives?

When Liu Huarong rolled his eyes, he already had an idea in his mind.

He originally had a playful attitude towards Tian Zhi, but now this meaning has become even stronger.Zhao Shanhe, I may not be able to knock you down by relying on business competition, but I have other ways.

Tian Zhi is my magic weapon.

"Xiaozhi, you know, I have two things to do here today. The first is to wish grandma a happy birthday, and the second is to take you out for fun. But now that I see Zhao Shanhe here, you guys It's still such a relationship, I'm not in the mood right away. So I'd better go first. "

Liu Huarong put on a dejected look, turned around and was about to go outside.

"Hua Rong."

Tian Zhi immediately grabbed his arm, stomped his feet and shouted anxiously: "Where are you going?"

"I can go anywhere. I'm a little confused right now, as long as I'm not here." Liu Huarong said with a desolate expression.

"do not go!"

Tian Zhi tightly held Liu Huarong's hand, turned to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said coldly, "Even if someone wants to leave, it should be him. Zhao Shanhe, this is my home, not yours. You are not welcome here. you can go now."

After saying this, the audience was silent.

The eyes of everyone who looked over became shocked.

Even Tian Wenwen didn't expect that his daughter would say such a thing.

"Tian Zhi, what nonsense are you talking about? Do you know what you're talking about? Is this your home? This is my home. Zhao Shanhe is my son-in-law. If I don't speak, I'll see who dares to drive him away."

Tian Lihua glared.

She turned around and looked at Tian Wenwen again: "Brother, is this how you educate your children?"


"How we educate our children is our business, Tian Lihua, it's not up to you to take care of this matter, right? You just take care of your own children." Knowing that Tian Wenwen couldn't say anything, Li Yujiao said first, saying Not counting this, she directly stepped forward, grabbed Liu Huarong's arm, and let him sit on the chair.

"Hua Rong, this is my home. I say you can come if you can. If I don't say anything, I'll see who dares to drive you away."

"Thank you auntie."

Liu Huarong raised his head and gave Li Yujiao a grateful smile.

"Don't worry, Auntie is here, and Auntie will make decisions for you."

Li Yujiao looked sideways at Zhao Shanhe, and said indifferently: "Zhao Shanhe, I don't care about any conflicts or grievances between you and Huarong, but please remember that he is my daughter's boyfriend now and will be our daughter's boyfriend in the future." The son-in-law of the family."

"So, this is my home. He is more righteous than you. You'd better control your mouth and stop talking nonsense."

"That's right, brother-in-law, come on, hurry up and get a cup, let's have a drink." Niu Dazhuang, who was a little drunk, patted Liu Huarong's shoulder with a flushed face and shouted loudly.


Liu Huarong smiled contemptuously from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't say anything else. He just looked at Zhao Shanhe with a look of disdain and provocation.

Aren't you Zhao Shanhe quite awesome?I'm relying on Tian Wenwen's family's pampering to curry favor with you now, I want to see what you can do!


"Qiu Ya!"

Seeing that Li Qiuya was about to quarrel with Liu Huarong, Zhao Shanhe quickly grabbed her, shook his head with a slight smile and said, "It's okay, I can handle it myself, don't be angry."


"I have everything!"

Zhao Shanhe patted the back of Li Qiuya's hand lightly, and after signaling that it was okay, he said slowly to Tian Wenwen: "Uncle, I respect you and call you uncle. Since you are my uncle, some I will remind you of the matter. As for whether you will listen or not, it is up to you to do what you do. "

"What do you want to say?" Tian Wenwen asked.

"What I want to say is that Tian Zhi's boyfriend, Liu Huarong, is definitely not a good match for her. You should think twice before acting." Li Yujiao forcibly interrupted Zhao Shanhe's words.

She slammed the table, put one hand on her waist, pointed at Zhao Shanhe with the other, and looked over with raised eyebrows.

"Zhao Shanhe, I knew you couldn't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth. You have a wife now, don't you? You can't see others getting better? The relationship between Xiaozhi and Huarong is quite stable, and the relationship between the two is also very good , How come you are not a good match? I think you just want to retaliate, just want to vent your hatred."

"You said that there is hatred between you and Huarong, and you can't make fun of my family's lifelong happiness."

"I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm sure Hua Rong! He is my son-in-law!"

Li Yujiao cursed like a shrew, there was no sense of elders in that appearance.What she showed was a kind of naked contempt and hatred for Zhao Shanhe. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she would even pick up a broom and beat people.

"I knew it would be like this."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and shrugged uninterestedly.

"Mom and Dad, it seems that we are not welcome here today. In this case, you can stay and talk to grandma for a while, and Qiu Ya and I will leave first! Grandma, let's go and come to see you when you are free. "

Zhao Shanhe got up and prepared to leave.

Feng Chunyan hesitated to speak.

"Shanhe, let's go!"

Li Qiuya grabbed Zhao Shanhe's arm and walked out.

"Sister, brother-in-law, wait for us."

Almost at the same time, Li Qiucheng followed suit.

"Uncle and concubine, you guys really said something wrong, and in the future you will know that what my brother-in-law said is not wrong at all."

Xia Wu shook her head in disappointment, then looked at Tian Zhi.

"Tian Zhi, I would like to advise you, remember to keep your eyes open when looking for a boyfriend. Sometimes what you think is the best may not be the best. Be careful digging your own grave!"


Before Tian Zhi opened his mouth to fight back, Xia Wu turned around and walked out of the room.

"Grandma, I'm leaving too."

"Sister, wait for me!"

Xia Wen also stood up and left.

In a blink of an eye, Feng Chunyan's grandchildren all left.

Those who stayed were Tian Lihua and Li Jianguo, Tian Lirui and Xia Jiangcheng.

They didn't expect things to turn out like this. Although they said they didn't know who Liu Huarong was or how Zhao Shanhe would say such things, but seeing Liu Huarong's behavior, they felt like a bright mirror in their hearts. This guy's conspiracy was seen through at a glance.

"Brother and sister-in-law, this is what you want to see? Are you so eager to drive us away? What's even more ridiculous is that you are still targeting such an outsider." Tian Lihua shook her head bitterly and said.

"Tian Lihua, can you stop talking about outsiders and shut up about outsiders? When it comes to outsiders, you are all outsiders. What qualifications do you have to say that this is your home here? You are relatives, understand Don't understand?" Li Yujiao shouted arrogantly.

"Li Yujiao, you're going too far!"

Li Jianguo stood up abruptly, pointing at Li Yujiao with a gloomy face.

Li Yujiao backed away reflexively, and suddenly felt extremely humiliated, and immediately moved her face closer, and shouted arrogantly: "What? Do you still want to hit me? Come on, hit me, give me a try!" try!"

Seeing that Li Jianguo was stunned, Li Yujiao sneered: "Li Jianguo, it's against you. You are a poor worker who knows how to make wine. What right do you have to say this to me? You go away, you are not welcome here! This is my home!"

"Unreasonable!" Li Jianguo's chest heaved with anger, "Let's go!"

With that said, Li Jianguo turned his head and left.

"Mom, let's go first." Tian Lihua left after saying this and followed Li Jianguo.

"Mom, we're leaving too."

Tian Lirui didn't say much, she turned around and walked out of the house with Xia Jiangcheng.

Soon, only Tian Wenwen and his family were left here.Seeing the smiles on the faces of the whole family, and the obsequious smiles around Liu Huarong, Feng Chunyan was so angry that she threw the chopsticks on the table and walked into the back room with a gloomy expression.

Who do you love.

I can't control you, just none of them.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, what do you ask a 70-year-old lady to do?

"Is grandma alright?" Liu Huarong deliberately asked Li Yujiao after seeing Feng Chunyan walk into the back room.


Li Yujiao waved her hand, not paying attention at all, she leaned forward slightly, and asked curiously, "Hua Rong, what's going on with you and Zhao Shanhe? Do you have any deep hatred?"

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