Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 89 What kind of candy is chewing gum?

"Gao Gong, this is your studio from now on."

Zhao Shanhe pointed to the room in front of him and said: "The place is a bit small for now, and the conditions are a bit difficult. Let's take our time and it will get better and better in the future."

"It's not small, it's not small, it's pretty good here, it's bigger than where I live."

Gao Shaoyuan looked around and said with great satisfaction.

"Okay, as long as you are satisfied."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe took out an envelope from his purse and handed it over.

"Senior engineer, here is 1000 yuan, [-] is the salary agreed before, and you can use the rest to buy materials. If you say it is not enough, you can come to me, or Li Xiangyang."

"No no no, Director Zhao, how can this work? I don't have a job yet, how can I get paid when I come up, you can pay this money later!" Gao Shaoyuan waved his hands repeatedly.

"Take it, senior engineer, you can't let you buy materials at your own expense, as long as you can quickly make it, and if you sell well, you will have extra rewards."

Zhao Shanhe smiled and pushed the envelope back.

"Okay then, I'll take it first."

When Gao Shaoyuan heard what Zhao Shanhe said, he didn't refuse any more.

He knew that no matter how much he said, it was useless. If he wanted to prove himself, he had to follow Zhao Shanhe's request and quickly develop the heat.

"When do you see it can start?"


Gao Shaoyuan did what he said, and said confidently: "I will go out to buy materials now, and hurry up when I come back. Factory manager, just wait for my good news."


Zhao Shanhe also believed that with Gao Shaoyuan's ability, he should be able to get rid of the heat quickly, so he didn't say anything else, and rode Suzuki King back to Shanqiu.

Time passed so slowly.

In the blink of an eye, two days passed.

Just after going to work that day, Du Jingming asked about the situation of Gu Changbei's workers.

Gu Changbei knew about this matter before, because he knew that this matter was related to Du Jingming's political achievements, so he opened his mouth to talk about it.

"So Zhao Shanhe didn't directly sign a contract with them, but still has a one-month internship?" Du Jingming asked thoughtfully.


Gu Changbei nodded, and said seriously: "Not only that, Zhao Shanhe also said that if anyone fails the inspection during the internship period, he has the right to dismiss him."

Speaking of this, Gu Changbei said with some hesitation: "County magistrate, isn't Zhao Shanhe doing too much? After all, you recommended those people, so he did this."


Du Jingming shook his head slightly, raised his hand to interrupt Gu Changbei's words and said slowly: "You can't say that. Although those people said that I recommended them, it's all work. If it's work, you have to take it seriously."

"It doesn't make sense to say that they were recommended by me, so Zhao Shanhe will treat them as ancestors, right?"

"It doesn't work, and it's wrong. If I say this, can I continue to recommend it in the future? Will Zhao Shanhe accept it?"

"I have already pointed out the road to those people. Whether they can go on, whether they will go, and how to go, that is their business. No one is a child, and you can't expect others to help them go all the time."

"Yes, magistrate!" Gu Changbei said respectfully.

"And you have to remember that Zhao Shanhe is a private enterprise, and they are for profit. If these people used to be uncles and couldn't create value for others, then what are they left for?"

"If that's the case, I don't need Zhao Shanhe to say, I will drive this group of people out." Du Jingming spoke clearly.

Gu Changbei also understood Du Jingming's attitude.

"I'm sure they'll know what to do."

"Hope it!"

Shanqiu Food Office.

Two days ago, Zhao Shanhe had turned Shanqiu beverage into Shanqiu food. In his words, the beverage was too simple and did not conform to Shanqiu's business philosophy.

In the future, Shanqiu will definitely produce other products, so it should be changed into a food company as soon as possible.

Now several heads of Shanqiu are meeting in the conference room.

The theme of the meeting is Shanqiu's next flagship food.

"Director, you said that we are going to announce our new product, what is it?" Li Xiangyang asked curiously.

The rest of the people also craned their necks to watch.

"chewing gum!"

After Zhao Shanhe glanced over, he smiled slightly and said, "The new product we are going to produce under Shanqiu Foods is chewing gum."

"Gum? What's that?"

Li Xiangyang blinked, obviously he hadn't eaten.

"Has any of you ever eaten? What kind of candy?"

"I don't know either." Chen Jianfei shook his head at a loss.

"Old Wu, you haven't seen him before, have you?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"This really doesn't exist!"

Wu Jianjun is in charge of sales, but before Shanqiu Foods was established, his scope of activities was limited to Zhenghe County and surrounding villages and towns. Where has he seen such a thing?

Never heard of it!

"Factory Manager, is the chewing gum you mentioned so fragrant after eating it?" Li Xiangyang asked.

"more or less!"

Zhao Shanhe also knew that they must have never seen it before. You must know that although a certain arrow chewing gum signed a sales contract with an import company in China in 81, the scope of sales was only in those five cities, and they were all in foreign-related places. Only then.

Where have ordinary people seen it?

It will not be until 93 that Huaxia has its own chewing gum produced by itself in the true sense.In 99, the launch of a five-pack of certain arrow chewing gum really pushed the chewing gum into a hot sale.

The most popular of this era is the "big and big" bubble gum in 89.

That's why Zhao Shanhe is aiming at chewing gum, he wants to cut it off!

"Chewing gum is sugar and not sugar. It is a small thing that is chewed and eaten in the mouth, but cannot be swallowed. It has to be spit out after it loses its taste."

"However, chewing gum can purify the breath, keep the breath fresh, and it is also good for the health of the teeth." Zhao Shanhe briefly introduced.

"Purify your breath?"

After hearing this, several people showed expressions of disapproval.

For them, this chewing gum is tasteless and useless.

Eating this thing is not as enjoyable as eating a piece of orange candy. At least the orange candy can be swallowed, and this one can't be swallowed.

"Director, is this chewing gum reliable? Why don't we continue to produce popsicles? Although it's winter, there may not be many people eating them, but winter will pass soon, so we can continue to sell them next year, right?"

Wu Jianzhong suggested.

"Yeah yeah."

Kong Jie immediately supported him: "Director, I think what Old Wu said is right, even if we just sell popsicles, it is enough to maintain the normal operation of our factory. If you say that if you make this chewing gum, will it affect Slow down our factory?"

Chen Jianfei hesitated to speak.

But his expression already showed his attitude, and he thought so too.

None of the three were optimistic about chewing gum. Although none of them objected explicitly, the meaning was already very clear.

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly fell into silence.

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