Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 90 There can only be one voice

"Director, this chewing gum"

After a while, Li Xiangyang couldn't help but speak.

But before he finished speaking, Zhao Shanhe looked over and asked unhurriedly, "What? You also want to say that we shouldn't produce the new product of chewing gum?"


Meeting Zhao Shanhe's half-smiling eyes, Li Xiangyang quickly said, "I don't want to object, I just think we should investigate the market first."

"Not to mention anything else, at least I know what this chewing gum is, whether there is a market, whether anyone will buy it, how much it costs, how much it sells, and how much profit it makes."

"It's impossible to produce it just because your eyes are black. Whether it can be made and whether it will be wanted are all questions."

"Xiangyang, your worries are unnecessary!"

Zhao Shanhe did not discuss in a friendly voice like before, but said firmly: "There is no need to investigate this market anymore. This is the direction that our factory must transform, so it has been decided, and the meeting is adjourned!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Shanhe got up and walked out of the meeting room.

Li Qiuya hurriedly stood up and followed her away.

When there were only a few people left, Kong Jie said with some concern: "Deputy Director Li, do you think our factory director is playing a game this time? After all, chewing gum sounds unreliable."

"Yeah, our factory has only been alive for two months. If we talk about it like this, it might turn yellow one day. I don't want to go back to the ice factory." Chen Jianfei was also a little anxious.

"Director Li, we are not saying that we must oppose Director Zhao, we are also thinking about our factory." Wu Jianzhong also said in a low voice.

"Cui Huan, what do you mean?" Li Xiangyang asked with a frown.


Cui Huan, who was watched by several people, said unhurriedly: "My meaning is very simple. Director Zhao will do whatever he says, and I will do what he says."

"Accountant Cui, aren't you a little too blindly trusting?" Chen Jianfei couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, I just blindly trust Director Zhao, and I've always trusted him that way. Besides, I don't trust him, who do I trust?"

"Do you trust me? Don't think my words are harsh. If you were trustworthy, the original ice factory would not have closed down." Cui Huan picked up his notebook and walked out of the meeting room as he spoke.

The conference room was silent.

Several people looked at each other, Cui Huan's words echoed in their minds.

Yes, Cui Huan's words hit the nail on the head and pierced their hearts.

If you don't trust Zhao Shanhe, the winner, do you want to trust them, the losers?

"That's it, listen to Director Zhao!"

Li Xiangyang also stood up and walked out while walking, "I know what you are thinking in your heart. You are afraid that the new products will not sell well, and the factory will be ruined."

"But there is one thing you need to be clear about. Shanqiu Foods belongs to Shanhe. Since he has set the tone, we have to follow suit. Even if we have any opinions, we must suppress them first. No one can oppose the factory!"

After reaching the door, Li Xiangyang stopped, then slowly turned around and glanced over.

"Think about what you were like two months ago, let's talk about other things."

After speaking, Li Xiangyang walked to the factory director's office.

In the factory director's office, Li Qiuya looked at Zhao Shanhe and couldn't help muttering, "Shanhe, you looked a little scary just now, so please say something."

"Qiuya, it's okay. If they say they don't have the strength to bear this, they don't deserve to stay any longer." Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.

He also knew that his attitude just now was a bit strong, but this kind of strength is necessary.

Because in his business empire, there can only be one voice, and that voice is his.

Except for him, the rest of the people can express their opinions, but he must be the leader when the final decision is made.

He is the leader.

He is at the helm.

Everyone must strictly implement the decision-making direction he formulated.

If anyone confronts him, sorry, please leave.

Because no one will be more aware of the future development trend than him.

"Dong dong!"

"Come in!"

Li Xiangyang knocked on the door and came in. After taking a look at Li Qiuya, he said to Zhao Shanhe, "Director, I fully support the new chewing gum product you just mentioned at the meeting!"

"Xiangyang, thank you."

Zhao Shanhe nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, thank you, we don't need to talk about this, but the factory manager, are you sure we want to produce chewing gum? I mean, if we want to be sure, should we purchase related equipment quickly, or I'm afraid it will delay time .” Li Xiangyang followed up.

"You're right, the equipment is a matter of raising the agenda, but before that, we have to develop the chewing gum first, otherwise, just having the equipment is useless." Zhao Shanhe said with a wave of his hand.

"Then do you have any specific ideas here?" Li Xiangyang asked quickly.

"Of course there is!"

Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to continue talking, there was a knock on the door of the office from outside.

"Come in!"

This time it was Kong Jie, Wu Jianjun and Chen Jianfei who came in. After they came in, they stood in a row and said to Zhao Shanhe.

"Director, we have thought about it carefully just now, and feel that our thinking is a bit narrow, or you are right, we want to transform and produce chewing gum."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the expressions of the three people expressing their opinions nervously, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help laughing.

"I said that you three don't need to be so nervous, and don't worry that I will wear small shoes for you. I'm not that narrow-minded, but the new product of chewing gum must be finalized. All you have to do is follow orders in all actions!"

"Yes, I promise to obey the command."

The three of Kong Jie were relieved when they saw that Zhao Shanhe really had no other thoughts.

They also figured it out. Although they said that chewing gum was unreliable, Li Xiangyang was right. The factory belonged to Zhao Shanhe, and all they had to do was obey orders.

Could it be that Zhao Shanhe doesn't want to make money?

Could it be that he still wants to ruin the factory?

"Since you are all here, let's continue to talk about the chewing gum issue here. This issue is imminent right now. As long as it is confirmed, we must do it quickly, so as to avoid long nights and dreams."

Zhao Shanhe said bluntly.


Kong Jie and the others also know that since they are going to do it, it is better to do it later than to do it early. Doing it early means that they can occupy the market earlier.

"If we want to produce chewing gum, the first thing is to have a formula, we need to know how to produce chewing gum, and the second is to purchase equipment. Only when these two things work together can we ensure that chewing gum can be produced in advance."

"Speaking of these two things, the formula is very important. Its ingredients are actually not complicated, the main thing is to ensure the taste"

Zhao Shanhe said so.

Several people sat around and listened.

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, several people all nodded thoughtfully.

"Okay, that's all for this matter, everyone hurry up and implement it separately."


At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open, and a person rushed in hurriedly.

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