Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

How about Chapter 88? Do you have confidence?

Shanqiu factory meeting room.

This is a place for temporary interviews. It is said to be an interview, but it is actually just a formality.After all, Zhao Shanhe has already agreed to Du Jingming, so can he refuse these people?

"Is this the Shanqiu Cold Drink Factory that produces popsicles?"

"I heard that the wages here can be up to 200 yuan a month. I don't know if it's true?"

"I'll ask later, won't it be clear?"

Amidst the chaotic noise, several people couldn't help but jumped out and asked questions to Li Xiangyang who was in charge of the interview.

"Deputy Director Li, right? Can you tell us, how much are we paid?"

"Salary, right?"

Li Xiangyang directly raised the contract in his hand, and said calmly: "I have prepared a contract for you here, as long as you can successfully pass the internship period, you can sign the contract with the factory."

"For all those who have signed the contract, the guaranteed minimum salary for the first two months is [-], and after two months, it will be the same as the rest of the old employees."

"What? Are you saying that we need to be treated differently when we come here?"

"How can this work? We are all here for high wages. If you do this, I will quit."

"That is, what is this?"

"May I ask how long your internship is?"

Looking at this group of people in chaos, Li Xiangyang's expression was very calm.If you want to make a fuss, you can make a fuss. Anyway, this is a resolution passed in a factory meeting, and it is impossible to change it after a few quarrels from you.

"The internship period is one month." Li Xiangyang said slowly.

"Deputy Director Li, if you don't pass the internship period, will you have to leave?"


Li Xiangyang is now playing the black face, and he wants to leave the role of the red face to Zhao Shanhe, so facing this situation, his face is tense, and there is no room for negotiation in the words he speaks.

"I know that you are all introduced by the county, but I hope you can understand one thing. We are a private enterprise here, and we have strict requirements on the quality of employees and rules and regulations."

"Whoever can follow, who can meet our requirements, we will use whoever. If there is anyone who wants to muddle along like before, I'm sorry, we won't accept it!"

When these tough words came out, the expressions of the twenty people present all changed.

Before they came, they really felt that there was nothing, that they could all stay.But now hearing what Li Xiangyang said, everyone became nervous.

Really quit?

Nobody is that stupid.

They had asked very clearly before they came here, and they knew that the regular workers in this factory could earn two hundred a month.

Let alone in Zhenghe County, even in the whole city it is a high salary.With such a high salary, it is impossible for them to turn their faces away because of some emotional dispute.

"If anyone of you thinks about it, come and register first." Li Xiangyang waved.

After a brief silence, someone came over.

If there is a first, there is a second.

At the end of the twenty people, none of them said anything else, and all reported for duty.

"Follow me!" Li Xiangyang got up and walked outside.

When the crowd here was going out, Li Qiucheng poked his head in from the door. Seeing that he had only come at this time, Li Qiuya quickly waved for him to come over.

"Why did you come?"

"No, I've been there a long time ago, but I've been listening outside the door, sister!"

"Don't call me sister!"

As soon as Li Qiucheng called out the word "sister" with a playful face, he interrupted with Li Qiuya, and then said with a sullen face:

"Why did I tell you before I came here, don't call me sister in the factory, you should call me Director Li. I'll tell you, if you can't remember, don't do it here as soon as possible!"

"Sister, what about it?" Li Qiucheng said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" Li Qiuya said with a serious expression.

"Okay, okay, I listened to you, right? Director Li, right, Director Li!"

Li Qiucheng touched Li Qiuya's serious expression, and subconsciously curled up his neck, not daring to continue to challenge, and gave in on the spot.

"Quickly sign and register, and follow Deputy Factory Manager Li to the workshop below." Li Qiuya said.

"it is good!"

Seeing Li Qiucheng run out of the conference room and keep up with the team of 20 people, Li Qiuya's heart was slightly relaxed, and she didn't know if Li Qiucheng could grow up.

Forget it, with me watching, he must not dare to mess around.

in the office.

Zhao Shanhe didn't know about these situations, and he knew that he would not say to take care of it, because he believed that Li Xiangyang could handle it well.

He is now focused on researching and developing "Fast Heat", so that Hetu Manufacturing can be regarded as alive.

Otherwise, if there are no products that cater to consumers and cannot create profits, the factory will become a burden sooner or later.

After listening to Zhao Shanhe's explanation, Gao Shaoyuan quickly understood the principle of getting hot quickly.

"I understand. In fact, the most important thing to heat up quickly is the fusion of insulating materials and heating wires. As long as these two things can be guaranteed to be correct, the rest is easy to talk about."

"Director, is that what you mean?"

"That's right!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said, "The next task for you is to select suitable materials and make finished products. How about it? Are you confident?"

"no problem!"

Gao Shaoyuan said confidently: "It's actually not that difficult. Give me a place, and I can make it within three days."

After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe immediately stood up and said, "Come on, then let's go to your studio now."

"Go now? Director, have you already prepared the place?" Gao Shaoyuan asked in surprise.

"You will know where you are!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously.

The two soon came to Hetu Manufacturing.

Looking at the factory in front of him that had removed the Fengfan can plaque, Gao Shaoyuan turned his head in disbelief and asked, "Director Zhao, the studio you mentioned is not here, is it?"


Zhao Shanhe said as a matter of course: "This factory has been taken down by me and turned into a hardware factory. In the future, production will be hot here. Where is your studio?"

"Your hardware factory?"

Gao Shaoyuan looked at Zhao Shanhe who walked into the gate of the factory with his head held high, and rubbed his face vigorously. He did not hear or see wrongly, Zhao Shanhe really walked in like this.

So, this factory really belongs to Zhao Shanhe!

But the question is, didn't Zhao Shanhe just take over the ice factory and built the current Shanqiu Cold Drink Factory?How come in a blink of an eye, even the cannery is his?

This is really a capable person!

With some amazement, Gao Shaoyuan hurriedly followed into the factory.

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