Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 878 There is something wrong with your thinking

"Director Liu, it's me. Yes, it's the blade that I told you about before...Okay, then I'll deliver it to you in person later, and we'll talk about it when we meet."

After Zhao Shanhe hung up the phone, he said to Gao Shaoyuan: "Pack me two boxes of blade samples first, and I will go to the provincial agricultural machinery factory immediately."

"If this can be done, not only the provincial agricultural machinery factory will equip our blades, but even the provincial agricultural materials company will purchase them in large quantities. In this way, the blades will be able to occupy the market."

"No problem, I'll let someone pretend!" Gao Shaoyuan thought for a while, "I'll go with you."

"it is good!"

Thinking that Gao Shaoyuan is a professional at any rate, Zhao Shanhe didn't refuse.

While this side was busy working on the blades, Li Xiangyang also called from other places. He was talking about the OEM problem of electric ovens.

On the phone, he said happily that four factories have been found to produce OEMs, and they respectively produce corresponding parts, and finally all parts will be shipped to Long March Manufacturing for complete assembly.

"That's great. Let's finally assemble it at Long March Manufacturing."

After Zhao Shanhe said this, he looked at Gao Shaoyuan and said, "Give me a few samples of the electric oven. Huofen should be in Zhongzhou City. If it is possible, I will also find him and purchase the electric oven once." resolve it decisively.”

"it is good!"


Zhao Shanhe took Gao Shaoyuan and Cai Shishi, and Chen Ju drove to Zhongzhou City together.

There were several boxes of sample blades and an electric oven in the trunk of the car. These were the most important products, the most important weapons used to defeat He Xingbang.

Around noon, Zhao Shanhe rushed to the provincial agricultural machinery factory and met the factory director Liu Mohai.

The two spread out the blades on the long table in the conference room.

"This is the blade produced by Hetu, based on a blade technology at the scientific and technological achievements auction held at Jingzhou University. Director Liu, look, these blades should be better than the ones you are using now .”

Zhao Shanhe pointed at the blade as he spoke.

"Tsk tsk, it's really good!"

Liu Mohai picked up a blade, observed it carefully for a while, and then praised it.

Intuition told him that the quality of the blade was fine.

But still the same sentence, if you want to know whether the blade is durable or not, you have to rely on practice.

"In this way, as we said before, I left these two boxes of blades as test samples. It just so happens that a large farm I know needs to plow the land recently. If it is fast, the results will be available in a week."

"As long as the quality of the blades you produce is strong enough, I promise to purchase them in bulk as we said before." Liu Mohai said calmly.

"Okay, then thank you, Director Liu!" Zhao Shanhe was overjoyed.

He and Liu Mohai got to know each other because of Su Zhenshu, and it was Su Zhenshu who made the connection.And Liu Mohai also has a good impression of Zhao Shanhe, so it is said that the two will have today's cooperation.

"Also, didn't you say before that let me introduce you to Xiao Dingwei from Xiasheng Agricultural Material Company? Just in time, I'm going to have dinner with him at noon, and I told him that you came to Zhongzhou City, and he also wanted to If you want to get to know you, then let's just go together." Liu Mohai said.


Zhao Shanhe smiled happily.

The agricultural machinery factory is indeed a purchaser here, but if it wants to sell blades in large quantities, only the agricultural material company has the confidence to eat them.As long as Xiao Dingwei nods in this matter, it will be foolproof.

That's the way of doing business.

It doesn't matter if I don't know Xiao Dingwei, as long as someone in my network knows him.

It is at this time that things like contacts come into play.

Otherwise, what's the use of just saying that you have connections?Is it possible that it is used for confession?

Zhongzhou Linhai Hotel.

In the box here, Zhao Shanhe finally met Xiao Dingwei, the boss of the agricultural materials company.

In fact, before this, the two met twice, but they passed by in a flash.Let alone a relationship, they didn't even say anything seriously.

Today, the two can just take this opportunity to communicate more.

Under Liu Mohai's introduction, Zhao Shanhe smiled and raised the wine glass in his hand.

"Mr. Xiao, I have wanted to know you for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity. Today I would like to thank Director Liu. If it weren't for him, I would not have this opportunity. I respect you for this glass of wine."

"Director Zhao is too polite, what are you doing seeing outsiders like this!"

Xiao Dingwei also picked up the wine glass, and said with a smile: "I have long wanted to meet a young and promising big man like Director Zhao, but unfortunately I have never had the opportunity. You are right in one sentence, today we have to Thanks to Lao Liu, if it wasn’t for him, we would not have known each other yet. Come on, let’s raise our glasses together and do it!”

"it is good!"

Everyone raised their glasses and drank it down.

After the simple greetings, Zhao Shanhe brought the topic to the blade, and before coming over, Xiao Dingwei also heard about it from Liu Mohai.

So when Zhao Shanhe said it, he patted his chest and said bluntly: "No problem! I'll give you a guarantee here, as long as it is done by Lao Liu, the quality of your blade is impeccable , this matter is so settled!"

"Then thank you very much, Mr. Xiao."

Zhao Shanhe laughed out loud.

It went too well.

After the meal was over, everyone left.Because Zhao Shanhe wanted to discuss things with Huofen, he said that he didn't want to go back to Handong City, but instead opened a room in the nearby hotel.

"I didn't expect this Xiao Dingwei to be so talkative." Gao Shaoyuan sat on the sofa, took a sip of tea and said.

"Yeah, I didn't think of it before." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"From this point of view, we can achieve a profit of more than 700 million yuan just by relying on the blade. If He Xingbang knew about this, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep well."

Gao Shaoyuan laughed out loud.


Zhao Shanhe said disdainfully: "This is what he asked for. You said that I was not here, but he first made provocative words in public, and then designed to frame Qiu Ya like that and set up a trap for her. Who can be blamed for such an ending?" .”

"That's right!" Cai Shishi also expressed the same feeling.

After the three chatted briefly for a while, Zhao Shanhe said to the two of them: "Huofen has something to deal with temporarily, so it is impossible to come here for a while."

"However, we have come to the provincial capital, so don't stay in the hotel, you should go out to play. Shishi, if you want to go home, go home. I will give you two days off to relax. Relax."

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi also knew that he was fine now, so he agreed to come down.

"Director, I'm going home right now, if you have anything to do, please contact me as soon as possible."

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi stepped on his high-heeled shoes and walked away.Looking at her graceful back, Gao Shaoyuan suddenly said: "Secretary Cai is a very conscientious person. With her by your side, she can help you solve many troublesome things."

"You are right, she is indeed excellent." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Then here comes the question, facing such an excellent secretary, don't you think you are not moved at all? Besides, Cai Shishi is a very charming woman. I don't believe it, you have no idea at all?" Gao Shaoyuan threw a disdainful Said with a look in his eyes.

"Let me tell you, Lao Gao, there is something wrong with your thinking, you are so good, why did you suddenly mention this?" Zhao Shanhe pouted speechlessly.

Gao Shaoyuan shrugged, pouted his lips and said, "I'm just saying it casually, don't take it to heart."

"I believe in your ghost, you, don't worry, I only have Qiuya in my heart, and I won't have any thoughts about the rest of the women, no matter how good they are."

"It's you. I heard that Fu Juan has been pestering you some time ago. How is it? Are you still in touch now? Who is she working for now?"

After Zhao Shanhe said this, he immediately distracted Gao Shaoyuan's attention.

"Fu Juan?"

Gao Shaoyuan shook his head after showing worry on his face, and said casually: "Fu Juan has indeed been looking for me, but I have long since lost any interest in her."

"I only believe in one sentence, good horses don't turn back! Let the past go. Since she chose to leave me at the beginning, it is absolutely impossible to relive her old dream now. As for who she replaces In terms of doing things, I have heard her talk about it."

"For whom?"

"It's still Sifang Industry, and it's still Shen Ziquan."

Gao Shaoyuan looked sideways, and said with a solemn expression: "You also know that Sifang Industry is a company with a foreign investment background. Shen Ziliang must have felt uncomfortable when he left after suffering such a big loss."

"I heard from Fu Juan's words that Shen Ziliang is still hostile to you, and has been looking for opportunities to make a comeback against us. So you have to be aware of this matter."

"For us?"

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips, paused and said thoughtfully, "Which way do you think he will target us?"

"I don't know about this, and Fu Juan didn't tell me. Of course, if you want to know, I can ask Fu Juan." Gao Shaoyuan said in a deep voice.

"Don't tell me, isn't that just for you to play a beauty trick? If you say that you can't hold back a little bit, I will lose my husband and lose my army." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Fuck you, go!"

Gao Shaoyuan stared at him speechlessly, got up and walked out, he also had something to do.

When only Zhao Shanhe was left here, he turned and went back to the room.

You can go to play, but I can't, I want to study the sales plan of the electric oven carefully, and try to win Huofen in one fell swoop.


Night falls.

Cai Shishi did not say to stay at home, but stood in front of a bustling commercial street with a best friend.Although it is said that the sky has just darkened not long ago, the lights here are already bright, and singing is ringing in my ears anytime, anywhere.

"He said that this little pain in the wind and rain is nothing

Dry your tears, don't be afraid

At least we still have dreams.

He said what is this pain in the wind and rain?

Wipe away your tears, don't ask


Once the song "Sailor" was released, it immediately became popular all over the country. From middle-aged and elderly people to elementary and middle school students, almost everyone can hum a few lines.

Listening to such singing, Chen Xiaoyan, Cai Shishi's best friend, suddenly took her arm, and said with a coquettish smile: "Master, do you know? Someone asked me to inquire about you two days ago, can you guess?" Who is it?"


Cai Shishi looked over curiously.

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