"Of course it's Chen Xingyu."

Chen Xingyu!

Hearing Chen Xiaoyan mention this name, Cai Shishi's face darkened immediately, and he said in a bad tone: "Xiaoyan, I remember what I told you before? Don't mention this person in front of me again. I know You work in Winstar Department Store and work with him, but you don't have to speak for him like this."

"Listen well, I'll tell you one last time, I don't like him!"

"If it's possible, I really don't want to have anything to do with him!"

Thinking of what Chen Xingyu did to him, Cai Shishi became even more disgusted.

Chen Xiaoyan, who never dreamed that Cai Shishi would have such an attitude, immediately grabbed her hand and said anxiously: "Shishi, aren't you and Chen Xingyu best friends? How did it become like this?"

"Is there any misunderstanding between you? If there is, I can explain it clearly tonight. I don't want you to stay so stiff."

Cai Shishi paused his hand that was about to withdraw, and frowned: "Explain clearly tonight? What do you mean?"

"I mean...Chen Xingyu...will treat us to dinner tonight." Looking at Cai Shishi's frosty look, Chen Xiaoyan said cautiously while secretly observing her reaction.

"Okay, Chen Xiaoyan! I treat you as a friend, but you use me like this? Let me just say, why would you invite me out for shopping and dinner with good intentions? Are you bought by Chen Xingyu? Let me tell you, I don't want to eat this meal, if you want to eat it so much, go and eat it yourself!" Cai Shishi said and was about to turn around and leave.

"Hey, teacher!"

Chen Xiaoyan hurriedly yelled to pull Cai Shishi.

But at this moment, a car suddenly stopped in front of the two of them, and Chen Xingyu got down from above. After seeing such a scene, he hurried forward and said to Cai Shishi: "Master, you don't want to see me?"

"Chen Xingyu, I knew it was you. No matter how many times you want me to tell you, the two of us have already parted ways. Don't pester me anymore." Cai Shishi said with a frosty face.

"I didn't want to pester you. I just wanted to treat you to a meal this time."

Chen Xingyu quickly pointed to the restaurant next to him and said, "Did you see that? I even booked a restaurant, and it's here. Don't you like Hunan cuisine the most? The Hunan cuisine here is absolutely delicious."


Cai Shishi looked over subconsciously, and then swallowed what he originally wanted to refuse when he saw the two figures.

How could they be here?

"You mean you want to treat me to dinner?" Cai Shishi asked with a roll of his eyes.

"Yes!" Chen Xingyu nodded hastily.

"Okay, then let's eat." Cai Shishi said and walked forward first.

Chen Xiaoyan quickly followed.

Chen Xingyu stood on the spot stupidly, unable to react for a long time, what happened?Didn't you just say you don't want to eat?I have prepared the speech for a long time but I haven't had time to say it, why did I agree in the blink of an eye?

"Mr. Chen, hurry up!"

Chen Xiaoyan turned her head and shouted after seeing that Chen Xingyu hadn't moved for a long time.

Only then did Chen Xingyu quickly follow up.

The three of them walked into this Hunan restaurant quickly and sat down in the reserved box.And they were in a position where they could see the scene sitting in the corner box.

"Master, do you order or should I order?"

"You order!" Cai Shishi said absently.

"it is good!"

Chen Xingyu quickly ordered the dishes, and then talked to Cai Shishi.With Chen Xiaoyan gagging beside her from time to time, the dinner wasn't too embarrassing, it was quite enjoyable.

And in this atmosphere, Cai Shishi glanced outside intentionally or unintentionally, but unfortunately, the door of the corner box was closed all the time, so she couldn't hear anything at all.

"Teacher, I also know about the troubles that Hetu Manufacturing has encountered recently. If you ask me, your Zhao Shanhe is really crazy enough to dare to make such a bet. Doesn't he know that, Is he sure to lose?" Chen Xingyu said suddenly after drinking two glasses of wine.

"A sure thing to lose?"

When Cai Shishi heard this, he turned his eyes away, looked at Chen Xingyu and said calmly: "How do you know that we are bound to lose, why do you look down on us like Hetu Manufacturing?"

"I don't look down on Hetu Manufacturing, I just look down on this bet."

Chen Xingyu sneered and said: "You must know better than me what the content of this bet is. Let me tell you, do you think it is possible to win? Impossible! But it doesn't matter, even if your Hetu Manufacturing really goes bankrupt, you You can also come to me, I will give you a satisfactory position, I will do what I say, and I will never break my promise!"

"Thank you then!"

Cai Shishi sneered and stood up.

"I still have something to do first, you guys continue to eat, excuse me!"

After speaking, Cai Shishi left without looking back, leaving Chen Xingyu and Chen Xiaoyan staring at each other.

It wasn't until Cai Shishi walked out of the gate of the hotel that Chen Xiaoyan woke up and hurriedly chased him out, but unfortunately, she didn't call back.


When Chen Xingyu saw the helpless Chen Xiaoyan, he grabbed the teacup on the table and was about to smash it to the ground.

Chen Xiaoyan rushed up and grabbed Chen Xingyu's arm with both hands: "President Chen, calm down!"


Chen Xingyu squeezed the teacup tightly, and after meeting Chen Xiaoyan's terrified eyes, he slowly put it down, and said angrily, "I've already given her enough face, but she still put on such a stinky face for me. Look, you really don't know how to flatter yourself!"

"Who does she think she is? Does she really think that she can show off her might for a lifetime just by making a river map?"

"Wait, the Hetu production will definitely fail this time! I want to see if she can still be as proud as she is now!"

Chen Xiaoyan looked at Chen Xingyu's crazy appearance, and remained silent.

Outside the hotel.

Cai Shishi, who came out, found a remote corner and dialed Zhao Shanhe's big brother directly. After the connection there, she said eagerly: "Director, I found something."

"what's up?"

Zhao Shanhe, who had just put down the document, rubbed his temples, walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the night scene outside and said with a smile, "Didn't I tell you to go home and rest for two days? How did you find out about it?"

"I met Chen Xingyu just now, and then I had dinner with him and a friend at a Hunan restaurant."

"Chen Xingyu?"

After Zhao Shanhe heard the name, his face became angry.

"Is he bothering you again?"

"No, no, I'm not talking about him. What I want to say is that I will have dinner with him because I saw two people walking into the Hunan restaurant, so I agreed."

"I wanted to hear what the two of them had to say, but in the end I didn't hear anything. But I think something is wrong, so I hurried to tell you." Cai Shishi quickly explained.

"Which two people?" Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being curious.

"Xiao Dingwei from Provincial Agricultural Materials Company and He Xingbang from Xingchi Group!" Cai Shishi said firmly.


Zhao Shanhe was really taken aback, and at the same time understood Cai Shishi's intention for making this call.

You said that if other people were eating, Cai Shishi would never take a second look, but Xiao Dingwei and He Xingbang were together, this matter is a bit intriguing.

How could the two of them eat together?Eating together must be because of a good relationship.But why didn't I hear Liu Mohai mention it before?Or Liu Mohai didn't know about it either.

"So you suspect that He Xingbang approached Xiao Dingwei for our blade order?" Zhao Shanhe asked seriously.


Cai Shishi nodded resolutely, glanced at the restaurant behind him and said in a deep voice: "I dare say they are together, they will definitely talk about our blades. If this is the case, Xiao Dingwei may not continue to buy our blades. If he says no It doesn’t matter if it’s a normal purchase, as long as we don’t sell it to him.”

"But if it is said that he is deliberately delaying our time now, he will say no at that time."

"Or if he purchased a lot at once, but returned them all in the end, then the nature of this matter is serious. Factory director, I think we still have to take precautions against Xiao Dingwei."

"I see!"

After Zhao Shanhe knew it in his heart, he said slowly: "Don't worry about this matter, especially don't continue to follow, you can go home now."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the mobile phone, Cai Shishi turned and left.

At this time, Zhao Shanhe called Chen Ju up, and after a few words to him, Chen Ju walked out of the room and quickly disappeared into the vast night.

"Xiao Dingwei, are you and He Xingbang really related?"

Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes, thoughtful.

And now the two people who are suspected by Zhao Shanhe are really talking and laughing.

What appeared on their faces was a kind of smug smile after a successful trick.

He Xingbang said excitedly: "This news came too timely, Lao Xiao, I really want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have known that Zhao Shanhe would have made such a big move."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Xiao Dingwei put down his wine glass and said with emotion: "Zhao Shanhe would never have dreamed that the two of us would be friends, let alone that I would turn around and sell him. It's just that after this incident, Liu Mohai will definitely be offended."

Then he waved his hand: "But it doesn't matter, a Liu Mohai is not enough to hurt me, but if it makes you lose the bet, that's not what I want to see."

"Exquisite!" He Xingbang smiled and held out his thumb.

To be honest, when he heard that Zhao Shanhe produced blades tonight and approached Xiao Dingwei to sell them, he was quite flustered.

Because he never thought that Zhao Shanhe's speed would be so fast, and he never thought that such a humble blade would have such a big market.If this matter is really said to be done, it will definitely bring him a serious injury.

But now everything is over.

Who made Xiao Dingwei his best friend, not many people knew about this relationship even in the entire eastern province.Because Xiao Dingwei usually does things very low-key and never likes to make high-profile publicity, so their relationship has always been unknown.

And now it was his low profile that saved He Xingbang's life.

He Xingbang raised his eyebrows: "You don't need to worry about Liu Mohai, but he is the director of an agricultural machinery factory. Whether he can sit still is up to him. If you offend him, you will be offended. On Zhao Shanhe's side, what are you going to do? "

Xiao Dingwei looked at him with a smile: "It's not up to you what I should do, you can tell me, what is the best way to do this."

"I think it should be..."

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