Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 877 I Don't Believe It, You Can Win This Time!

"Yang Shanghu is different from Yang Shanglong. He is poor and idle all day long. He used to rely on Xiaohua's grandparents for food and clothing. After the two old people passed away, he didn't want to find a serious job either."

"That's not enough. Later, he actually put his idea on the He family, thinking about asking his sister to help him. You said that he has arms and legs, but he just doesn't want to support himself."

Zhao Shankai said angrily.

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows: "Are you gnawing on the old people?"

"Eating old people?" Zhao Shankai was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, "Haha, this word is really appropriate!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said sarcastically: "If this is the case, you have to think carefully about how to treat these two ancestor-like uncles in the future. One treats money as one's life, and the other is lazy. They are not good birds."

"I will." Zhao Shankai said calmly.

"See? That's why I don't want to find a girlfriend. You say I'm fine by myself, but I want to share with another family for no reason. It's easy to say that this family is good-natured, but if a group of people like Am I just looking for trouble for these two uncles?" Li Qiucheng said, shaking his head.

"You, you can't say that you have a psychological shadow because of this incident. Our parents are still counting on you to pass on the Li family." Zhao Shanhe looked at it speechlessly and said.

"Let's talk about the succession of the family later, don't worry." Li Qiucheng waved his hands and said indifferently.

"If our parents know this, they will have to pick up a broom and chase after you."


The three brothers chatted here, and soon the engagement banquet began.But this time Yang Shanglong and Yang Shanghu didn't say to make trouble anymore, they just sat and ate obediently.

Although they saw that the people sitting here were pushing glasses and changing glasses with smiles on their faces, none of them looked at them directly, knowing that no one wanted to see them.But these two people have very thick skins, they didn't take this seriously at all, and ate and drank on their own.

The engagement banquet came to an end soon.

When Zhao Yongduo and the others followed to Zhao Yongjun's house, Zhao Shanhe stayed behind. He looked at He Youliang and Yang Lihua sitting in front of him, smiled and said, "Uncle He, Auntie, I have something to say to you." .”

"Shanhe, what do you want to say?" He Youliang asked.

"I want to talk about Shan Kai and Xiao Hua." Zhao Shanhe said frankly without hiding.

But as soon as he said this, He Youliang stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said slowly: "Shanhe, I know what you want to say, but there is no need to say it. Both of us are very satisfied with Shankai, and the words of his two uncles are not acceptable." It counts. We can rest assured that these two children will follow you. "

"Uncle He, you can't say that. Although I don't like the manners of those two uncles, I still have to say something that should be said. If you say it this way, you two can understand it, right?" Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"Then tell me."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled and said: "As you all know, Xiaohua is working in a branch factory of Shanqiu Foods, and she is still the workshop director appointed by me personally. If there is no accident, I think Xiaohua will definitely help me take charge of a branch in the future. The factory, so don't worry about her future, I won't let her be wronged."

He Youliang and Yang Lihua were overjoyed immediately, looked at each other and nodded again and again: "We believe."

"Then there is lower case."

Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly: "Xiaojie is now in charge of Jilu Logistics. I won't tell you in detail what this company does and what kind of future it will have in the future. You just need to know what Xiaokai is. My little brother, I will never treat him badly."

"Fridges, color TVs, and washing machines are the three major items for other people's homes, but they are really nothing to Xiaojie. If he wants to buy them, he can buy as many as he wants, and buying a car is not a problem."

"Shanhe, we haven't thought about this." He Youliang waved his hand quickly.

"Uncle He, why can't you think about it? This is a good thing. If you should think about it, you should think about it. I have no other meaning in telling you two, but I just want to tell you that as long as Shankai and Xiaohua have a good relationship, The future life will be worry-free." Zhao Shanhe said.

"we believe."

He Youliang and Yang Lihua said the same thing again.

"That's fine. I'll go back first. If you have anything to do in the future, you can ask Xiaokai to talk to me at any time."

"it is good."

After Zhao Shanhe left, only He Youliang and his wife were left in the chaotic home just now.

Looking at Yang Lihua, He Youliang said seriously, "Do you know the meaning of what Shan He stayed and said just now?"

"I know, can I not know?"

Yang Lihua sighed.

"Shanhe is a good boy. He said this because he was afraid that we would worry about Xiaohua. I understand his thoughts. It's no wonder he's able to get to where he is today. This kid is doing things properly."

"That's right, that's what Shanhe thinks."

He Youliang said with emotion: "Since the Zhao family has already talked about this kind of thing, then listen to me, we can't take this matter lightly, and we must not let Yang Shanglong and Yang Shanghu make trouble again."

"You know, if they look for trouble again, they won't be the only ones who will be ashamed, but our He family's face will also be lost. Even if Xiaohua marries, she will lose face."

Yang Lihua nodded thoughtfully and replied, "I know what to do."


Zhao Yongjun's home.

The Zhao family members are all sitting here drinking tea, no matter what, today is finally a big event.The engagement of the two parties is over, and the rest is to pick a good day to get married.

"It's good to get married in the twelfth lunar month. We all get married in the twelfth lunar month. We will be able to put up meat and vegetables at that time." Zhao Yongrui said with a smile.

"Third brother, what are you going to do then? Do you want to do it at home or go to a restaurant?" Zhao Yongduo asked cheerfully.

"I want to be at home."

Zhao Yongjun's attitude on this issue is very clear, he said calmly: "There is no precedent in our village for going to a restaurant to do business, and I don't want to make such an opening."

"And things like getting married, of course, are more lively in the village. At that time, the elderly and children can come over to have a glass of wedding wine and eat a piece of wedding candy. It's so lively and lively."

"The third child is right, let's do it at home!"

Zhao Yonghao made a decision on the spot.

"Happy family event, festive!"

"Okay, then this matter is settled like this. It's just that when we get married, those two bastard uncles shouldn't make any trouble. I'm a little scared of them now, for fear that they will do things indiscriminately."

Zhao Yongrui felt a little worried when he thought of the two brothers Yang Shanglong.

"When they get married, if they dare to make trouble again, I will never end with them!" Zhao Yongjun said coldly.

Engagement you trouble, I can tolerate.

But getting married is a big day for a child, and it is the only thing that happens once in a lifetime. If you dare to make such a fuss and come here to make trouble, don't blame me for being merciless.

"That's right, I'll keep an eye on the two of them then." Zhao Yongxin said in a deep voice.

The whole family talked and laughed like this.

Of course, Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian also wanted to say something during the period to ease the relationship with Zhao Yonghao.But in the end, the two of them still didn't speak out, which became a pity in everyone's heart.But they all know that this matter cannot be rushed, and haste makes waste.

That night.

Zhao Shanhe and Li Qiuya lived in Zhaojiazhai.

But while they were busy with Zhao Shankai's engagement banquet, some people were staring at their Hetu Maker.Not only stared at, but also sent people to closely monitor.

This person is He Xingbang.

The person he arranged to monitor was He Xingtao.

"Listen to me, I can only ask you to do this matter, and I don't feel relieved to ask anyone else. After you arrive in Zhenghe County, remember to closely monitor Hetu Manufacturing, Jiuquan Manufacturing and Long March Manufacturing."

"These three manufacturing plants are Zhao Shanhe's trump card. As long as we can ensure that none of these three factories produces anything that is in the auction of scientific and technological achievements, then Zhao Shanhe will definitely lose."

He Xingbang sat behind his desk, turning the pencil in his hand, his eyes were cold.


He Xingtao nodded heavily, and said calmly: "Brother, I am no longer who I used to be. I have changed my past, and I know what to do to help you. Leave the matter of monitoring Zhao Shanhe to me. I promise to handle it well."

"Unless he, Zhao Shanhe, has other means to master the sky, as long as it is the affairs of these three factories, I can grasp it clearly. Even if a fly flies out, I can tell whether it is male or female."

"I'm off to work."


He Xingbang sensed the proactive aura exuding from He Xingtao, stopped him and said slowly: "Xiaotao, you have to know that this matter is not only related to the 700 million bets we put out, but also to our The face of Xingchi Group, so you must handle this matter with caution."

"I will." He Xingtao said.

"I've told you everything I need to say. If you encounter something difficult to make a decision, remember to contact me at any time."


He Xingtao just walked out of the office and headed to Zhenghe County.

Looking at his back, He Xingbang couldn't help but slowly raised the corners of his mouth: "Zhao Shanhe, I don't believe it, you can still win this time!"


Two days later.

Gao Shaoyuan walked into the office and happily said to Zhao Shanhe, "Come on, follow me to see those blades, we already have samples!"

"So fast?" Zhao Shanhe was quite surprised.

"Can't you hurry up? Your business here is so important, I have to keep an eye on it."

Gao Shaoyuan said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go and see the blade first."


While talking, the two came to the laboratory and saw the blades placed on the table.

Zhao Shanhe picked up a piece and looked at it carefully. Among other things, the blade was really sharp and smooth, and he could see his own face through the blade.

"How about the specific parameters?" Zhao Shanhe asked.

"All the parameters are top-notch and meet the standards given by our country. I have also compared other blades on the market, and those blades have no way to compare with ours. The only thing missing now is the actual proof , as long as we take it out and try to cultivate a piece of land, we can get first-hand information."

Gao Shao said confidently: "I believe our blades can stand the test of practice."

"In this case……"

Zhao Shanhe took out the big brother without thinking.

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