Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 867 Is he a babysitter?

"The scientific and technological achievement to be auctioned next was developed by the School of Chemical Engineering of Dongzhou University. This technology is called advanced magnetic powder production."

"When it comes to magnetic powder, many of us here may not be clear about it. I will popularize it here. The so-called magnetic powder has a wide range of uses, and the most common one is magnetic tape. Only when it is coated with magnetic powder can it be called a magnetic tape. For the tape, otherwise it would be impossible for the tape to play any sound."

"Here I would like to emphasize again that this advanced magnetic powder production technology is developed using industrial waste acid, and it is the work of Gu Hongtu, a doctoral student at Dongzhou University."

Speaking of this, Han Zhengyang scanned the audience and raised his voice.

"Moreover, this production technology not only fills the gap in my country's high-grade magnetic powder production field, but also surpasses the island country in terms of performance!"

After saying this, the small auditorium suddenly burst into commotion.

They didn't expect that such an advanced scientific research achievement would suddenly appear in the middle of the auction.Not to mention anything else, just killing similar products from the island country in seconds is enough to make people treat them differently.

"Director Jin, do you think there will be bids?"

At this moment, Gu Hongtu, who was sitting in the Dongzhou University camp, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked with some expectation in his eyes, he was really afraid that his product would also fail to be sold.

"Don't worry, there will be people with discerning eyes to recognize gold." Jin Changshi comforted with a smile.

Amid the commotion, Han Zhengyang continued: "The starting price for the advanced magnetic powder production technology is 100 million yuan! Each increase must not be less than 1 yuan. Interested entrepreneurs are invited to start bidding now!"

Almost at the same time that Han Zhengyang's voice had just landed, number plates were raised one after another.

"120 million!"

"150 million!"

"180 million!"


The most exciting scene appeared, Han Zhengyang hurriedly quoted higher and higher prices, and kept changing the direction of his raised hands, and he didn't even have time to put it down for a short rest.

Among the products in the previous auction, none of them was as fierce as it is now.Entrepreneurs are scrambling to bid, for fear that they will be snatched away by others if it is too late.

Seeing this scene, Gu Hongtu's hanging heart finally fell.

100 million is his psychological reserve price, and now that the bidding has far exceeded this, he can feel at ease.

Jin Changshi smiled.

Jiang Guangnian also breathed a sigh of relief.

When the price reached 200 million, it finally came to a standstill, and several entrepreneurs who had previously called for the price all died down one after another.Although they said they wanted this technology, the price of more than 200 million was already prohibitive for them.

It is not worth it to continue to increase the price.

"Everyone, the current highest price is 200 million. Is there any price increase? If not, I will start the countdown!" Han Zhengyang raised the wooden hammer with a smile.

"300 million!"

Who would have thought that the moment Han Zhengyang raised the wooden hammer, Zhao Shanhe slowly raised the number plate, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, reported a sky-high number.

300 million!

Others are raising the price by tens of thousands of 10,000+, but Zhao Shanhe is not. He directly increases the price by 100 million.

The price of 300 million directly deterred the audience.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the price, and there were exclamations at the scene.

"300 million? This is too outrageous!"

"To put it bluntly, 200 million is not worth it, let alone 300 million. This is obviously a prank."

"Do you think Zhao Shanhe is a babysitter?"

"Maybe, Zhao Shanhe belongs to Eastern Province, and now the auction is from Dongzhou University. He is likely to be a nurse. As long as someone raises the price, he will definitely retreat!"


When there were such discussions all around him, the number plate that Lin Peishi had just picked up stopped.He didn't say that he stood up impulsively to increase the price, he was afraid of being tricked again.

You said that it was an accident that you were counted once, but it would be stupid to say that you were counted twice in a row.

But just watch Zhao Shanhe take this technology away?

Not reconciled!

"I can still afford the price of 300 million, so I will gamble once."

Lin Peishi gritted his teeth and held up the number plate on the spot.

"Three million and ten thousand!"

No more, no less, just [-] more.

Now everyone present looked over. They already knew that Lin Peishi was bidding with Zhao Shanhe in a fit of anger, but the 20 that time was a small amount after all, so it doesn't matter, but now it is over a million. It would be a bit too exaggerated to say that it is also used for anger, right?

What kind of gas is worth so much?

"President Lin of the Eight Horse Group offered [-] million yuan. Is there any price increase?" Han Zhengyang scanned the audience and asked loudly, and then took a special look at Zhao Shanhe.

"400 million!"

Then a price that came out of the mouth shocked the audience again, and many people gasped.

Zhao Shanhe sat motionless, with the same expression as before, and he didn't take the figure of 400 million seriously at all. In his eyes, the price was like four cents.

And while calling out 400 million, Zhao Shanhe deliberately turned his head away and glanced at Lin Peishi with a half-smile.

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's almost provocative gaze, Lin Peishi's face became angry, and he opened his mouth to raise the price again.However, Gao Hewang hastily pulled him back and stopped him. He said anxiously in a low voice, "Young Master Lin, calm down!"

"That's right, Mr. Lin, you have to calm down."

Wang Shushu was also persuading him earnestly.

"Think about it, is this magnetic powder technology useful to Zhao Shanhe? No, he didn't fiddle with this. Since he didn't fiddle with this, he still called out such a high price, he was clearly digging a hole."

"If you say continue to increase the price, I think he will definitely not continue to follow. You spend 400 million to buy such a technology that has not been tested by the market, it is not worth it!"

Lin Peishi, who was stunned by anger, suddenly woke up.


Why did I almost fall for it again!

What does Zhao Shanhe do?He is in the business of Shanqiu Foods. He is in the snack food business, not chemical products.Is it useful for him to buy this?it's useless.Since it's useless and still doing this, it's obviously digging a hole for me.

He wanted to create benefits for their universities in the eastern province.

How dangerous!

Zhao Shanhe, I was almost deceived by you.

Hey, you want me to fall into your trap, dream!

Master, I won't play with you anymore!

Thinking of this, Lin Peishi decisively put down the number plate and put on an appearance that he would no longer bid.

And seeing him like this, Han Zhengyang also knew that this angry auction was coming to an end, Lin Peishi gave up, and he had no intention of continuing to fight Zhao Shanhe.

"400 million for the first time!"

"400 million second time!"

Han Zhengyang paused on purpose.

"Magnetic powder production technology, do you think Zhao Shanhe did it on purpose, or do you really want to win this technological achievement?" August asked softly, squinting his eyes.

"If this technology is really as the host said, I don't think it's too expensive to spend 400 million yuan to win it. After all, there are many derivative products of magnetic particle technology. If it is used well, it is very promising."

Tang Jie pondered for a while.

"So let me say, I don't think Zhao Shanhe is an aimless person, he must have a purpose in doing this."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we don't need this kind of magnetic powder production technology, let him go!" August said slowly.

From the very beginning to the present, he has not bid once, as if he really came out to play.

"400 million for the third time!"

Han Zhengyang knocked down the wooden hammer neatly.

"Deal! Advanced magnetic powder production technology, photographed by Director Zhao Shanhe of Hetu Manufacturing. Congratulations to Director Zhao!"


"Jie Jie!"

In this kind of applause, Lin Peishi smiled the most. He didn't hide the pride in his heart, and said arrogantly: "See? Zhao Shanhe should be deflated now? 400 million won a useless product , Let me see what he will do this time? Can you still be arrogant? If you want to make the young master fall for me, Zhao Shanhe, you should die!"

After speaking, he stared in Zhao Shanhe's direction again, and spat viciously on the ground.

"It's just that Mr. Lin was lucky not to be fooled." Wang Shushu said with a smile.

Lin Peishi raised Erlang's legs and leaned back on the chair: "Continue to watch him jump."


"The bidding price of 400 million yuan! Director Jin, did I hear correctly? My magnetic powder production technology can actually fetch such a sky-high price? Is this... is this too exaggerated?"

Gu Hongtu looked over in disbelief.

"Yes, you heard it right, it is indeed 400 million, but..." Jin Changshi hesitated.

"But what?" Gu Hongtu asked hastily.

"But you should have noticed that this price was added by Director Zhao Shanhe Zhao, and only he will give you this price." Jin Changshi said truthfully.

Gu Hongtu immediately calmed down and nodded subconsciously.

"Yes, you're quite right. The price was indeed called up by Director Zhao. Did Director Zhao want to flatter me by doing this? Otherwise, how could it be possible to say that there is such a high price?"

"That's right! It must be like this. What do you want me to do now? Do I really want to take so much money from Director Zhao? It's hot for me to hold this money."

As a doctoral student obsessed with scientific research, Gu Hongtu was a little nervous.

"This is what you deserve, so stop thinking about it, just sit and watch. The next thing is Dongzhou University's auction." Jin Changshi continued to watch without caring about persuading Gu Hongtu.

Just like what Jin Changshi said, next came the bidding time for the delegation of Dongzhou University. From Dongzhou University to Dongzhou University of Technology, every scientific research achievement was put up for auction.

It's just a pity that not all achievements have so many people chasing and bidding.

Some people bid, but some people don't care.

And at this time a strange thing happened.

That is, no matter who produced the scientific and technological achievements, as long as it was from the Eastern Provincial University, Zhao Shanhe would unconditionally raise his placard to bid for it. He never failed, and would call out a high price every time.

"A trap, definitely a trap, Zhao Shanhe is clearly trying to lure me into the game."

"It's too fake for a snack maker to engage in electronic products."

"Zhao Shanhe, you can increase the price as you like, I won't play with you!"


At this time, Lin Peishi didn't even realize that he had already begun to be afraid of Zhao Shanhe invisibly.He paralyzed himself with the reason that this was a trap, and persuaded himself not to bid, because he was actually afraid.

And if he doesn't look for trouble, none of the other entrepreneurs will be in the mood to get angry.

This leads to a phenomenon.

Zhao Shanhe rides Juechen.

At the end of the auction, no one expected that Zhao Shanhe had the most scientific and technological achievements.

He swept away all the entrepreneurs in the audience by himself and became the leader.

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