Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 866 I Will Not Gamble With Interest

"Everyone, the scientific and technological achievement that will be auctioned next is intelligent integrated low-voltage electrical appliances. I believe everyone should have read the detailed information of this technology. I think what you are most interested in is its starting price."

"The starting price for this technology is 1000 million! Each increase must not be less than [-]. Ladies and gentlemen, if anyone is interested, you can consider bidding now!"

Han Zhengyang's words resounded throughout the auction house.

But what followed was a burst of whispering, everyone was whispering to each other, but no one raised their placards.For them, this price is a bit outrageous.

"With a reserve price of 1000 million yuan, even those big laboratories dare not bid like this."

"I don't know what happened to Jingzhou University, but they agreed to this price?"

"Intelligent integration of low-voltage electrical appliances sounds absurd, but the problem is that the price is too high, inflated! I guess the auction will fail!"


Amidst the discussions, Wang Shushu, who was sitting in the crowd, said in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, do you think Zhao Shanhe will bid for the auction this time? So far, he seems to have never raised the sign."

"It doesn't matter, we are here to make things difficult for him. If he lifts it, we will lift it. If he doesn't lift it, we will sit and watch the show." The corners of Lin Peishi's mouth slanted, and he didn't take it seriously at all.

Wang Shushu immediately understood, looked in Zhao Shanhe's direction and said with a sinister smile: "Understood!"

at the same time.

"Do you want this technique?" Tang Jiedu asked slightly sideways after glancing at Han Zhengyang on the stage.

"I want it, but I won't bid."

August shook his head, and said calmly: "This price is too high, and it's not usually high, it's a bit high above the bottom line. So I want it, but I won't be taken advantage of. Believe it or not, this auction After the meeting is over, if I want this technology, I will definitely be able to get it for much less than 1000 million!"

Tang Jie smiled lightly: "Really? Then let's wait and see."

When everyone was talking about it, Han Zhengyang saw that no one raised his placard, so he went on to promote it.But it's a pity that no one is willing to raise his placard despite his rhetoric.

As a result, the technology was ultimately unsold.

"Brother Zhao, are you not interested in this technology?" Liang Junning asked sideways.

Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly and said, "I'm interested, but I won't gamble with my interest."

"How to say?" Liang Junning was quite curious.

"It's very simple. I've read the information on this technology. Among the information given, firstly, there is no professional evaluation agency to give an evaluation conclusion. If you say that there is no such evaluation conclusion, who would dare to bid for it on a whim?"

"After all, this is not a small amount of money. It costs 1000 million yuan to buy it. It's fine if it's really valuable, but if it's worthless, wouldn't such a large amount of money be wasted?"

Looking at Liang Junning who nodded slightly, Zhao Shanhe continued: "The second technology, in fact, if you look carefully, you will find that it is far from mature. It is just a relatively complete concept and model. If it is really put into the market There is still a long way to go before it works.”

"At the very least you need packaging and marketing if you convert it into a real product? It costs money."

Zhao Shanhe leaned back slowly, and said slowly: "No one's money comes from strong winds, and no one would say that they took such a large sum of money to gamble."

"Of course, I'm not saying that this technology is not good. After all, the quality of the technology and the value must be verified by the market. Maybe the price of 1000 million is still too low."

"Give it low?"

Liang Junning was really surprised when he heard it, and then shook his head disapprovingly.

"Can this price be said to be low? This is already very high. This is held at Jingzhou University, and it is the result of the students of their Jingzhou University. It may not be able to pass the trial."

"Keep watching!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled noncommittally.

At this moment, it was finally the turn of the Eastern Province representative team.

What Han Zhengyang picked up was a technical research and development achievement of Dongzhou Medical College. This is a new type of traditional Chinese medicine product, which is mainly used for the treatment of burns and scalds. The bidding price is not exaggerated, [-].

"Everyone, the bidding price of 2 yuan is really not high. I hope you all can actively participate in the bidding. You must know that every time you raise a placard, it is an affirmation of the scientific research value of our college students."

Han Zhengyang scanned the audience with a bright smile.

"The auction starts now, and each increase must not be less than [-]."

"Thirty thousand!"

Almost at the same time that Han Zhengyang's voice fell to the ground, Cai Shishi had decisively raised his placard.

"Okay, [-] times! Is there any price increase?"

Finally made a move, I thought you would hold back forever!Hehe, it's easy to say if you make a move, what I'm waiting for is you to make a move, Zhao Shanhe, look, I won't kill you this time!

Lin Peishi glanced at Cai Shishi with a gloomy smile, and raised his number plate without hesitation.

"forty thousand!"

"Fifty thousand!" Cai Shishi continued to raise the price calmly.

"Sixty thousand!"

Lin Peishi did not back down in the slightest.

It was only a brief confrontation, and the entrepreneurs present all saw the clues.Some of them are interested in this kind of traditional Chinese medicine, but seeing this posture, it is clear that they probably have nothing to do.

What they are most afraid of encountering in the auction house is this kind of anger and competition. In their eyes, they no longer have the normal price of the auction item, and some are just a sigh of relief.

"It's Lin Peishi from the Eight Horse Group, who is he trying to fight against?"

"I know that person, he is Zhao Shanhe, the owner of Shanqiu Food."

"Hey, that's strange. There shouldn't be any hatred between the two of them."

"It doesn't matter, let's just watch quietly, anyway, we don't have that much money to accompany them to toss."


"It's Zhao Shanhe!"

August also saw this scene. He raised his brows slightly, stroked the stubble on his chin and said thoughtfully: "Chinese medicine, Zhao Shanhe did this. Could it be that he wanted to take pictures for me? Are you still thinking about your cooperation with me?"

"Missing about working with you?"

Tang Jietun rolled his eyes at him, the corners of his lips twitched speechlessly and did not speak.


Jiang Guangnian couldn't help frowning at this kind of angry bidding.

"Is that person arranged by Zhao Shanhe?"

"how is this possible?"

Jin Changshi glanced at Lin Peishi and said, "Zhao Shanhe agreed to take pictures of our products, but he didn't mean to use such a method. Isn't this throwing money out for nothing? And it's only from Dongzhou Medical College. It’s not our Dongzhou University.”

"So this auction is interesting, keep watching!" Jiang Guangnian raised his eyebrows and said.



Faced with Lin Peishi's aggressive bidding, Zhao Shanhe behaved calmly and didn't take it seriously at all. He was still chatting and laughing with Liang Junning.Seeing Liang Junning like him, he felt a little restless.

"Are you sure you want to keep asking prices like this? You have also seen that Lin Peishi is messing up the situation."

"Let's spoil the situation!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at it indifferently.

"The more he disrupts the situation, the more I like it. You say that such a person is disrupting the situation, does it mean that the whole thing will become more interesting. Let's take it as a benefit for those college students."

"How are you going to seek it?" Liang Junning asked.

"How to get it?"

A mysterious smile appeared on Zhao Shanhe's face, and he directed Cai Shishi to order: "Master, just ask for a price of one hundred thousand!"


Cai Shishi raised his placard without saying a word.

"One hundred thousand!"

One hundred thousand?

The moment the number was called out, there was an uproar in the audience.

Anyone who knows this technology can't help but click their tongues secretly, can't they?A traditional Chinese medicine with a starting price of [-] yuan, how could it be called [-] yuan?

This has exceeded several times, and most importantly, it has exceeded the value that traditional Chinese medicine should have.If anyone says to take away like this, no one will think that he has a lot of style, only that he is stupid with a lot of money.

It's not a good thing that you are treated like a fool on such an occasion.

Of course, there is also excitement.

The people at Dongzhou Medical College were all excited. They didn't have any hope from the very beginning, thinking that it would be enough to sell this traditional Chinese medicine for [-] yuan.But who would have thought that the price would soar all the way because of this kind of angry bidding.

They don't care who is angry with whom, they only look at the final result.

"Continue to increase the price!"

As if hearing the aspirations of this group of medical students, Lin Peishi smiled proudly at Zhao Shanhe, made a self-conscious expression, and raised his sign proudly.

"12 million!"

"15 million!"

"20 million!"

When the price reached 20 yuan, Cai Shishi suddenly stopped holding the sign that she had been holding. She took a meaningful look at Lin Peishi and put the sign on her lap.

"You continue to increase the price! I don't believe that you dare to continue to bargain with me!"

Lin Peishi raised the corners of his lips triumphantly.

"20 million once!"

"Four million twice!"

"20 million three times, deal!"

Han Zhengyang keenly grasped the atmosphere of the auction room, and after Cai Shishi showed a gesture of ignoring it, he decisively started the countdown and bid.

What he was most afraid of was that Lin Peishi would go back on his word, so he had to implement this matter quickly before Lin Peishi woke up.

And when the hammer fell, the overall situation was settled.

"Congratulations to President Lin Peishi of the Eight Horse Group for winning this Chinese medicine technology!"

Han Zhengyang took the lead in applauding.

Everyone applauded too.

It wasn't until this time that Lin Peishi woke up from the excitement just now. Han Zhengyang's words echoed in his ears, and seeing the strange eyes of everyone looking over, he suddenly felt as if he had been tricked.

Lin Peishi waved his hand pretending to be calm, and when Han Zhengyang continued the auction, he lowered his voice and asked, "Old Wang, have I been tricked by Zhao Shanhe?"

of course!

Wang Shushu squinted speechlessly, don't you know that you have been tricked?Tell me about you, you know that this so-called traditional Chinese medicine is not worth the price at all, but you insist on bidding with Zhao Shanhe here, just to fight for breath, you have to take out 20 real money, what do you think of such a deal? Is it worth it?

You are now a clown in everyone's eyes!

Of course, Wang Shushu didn't dare to say this clearly, he could only hum and prevaricate.

After Lin Peishi saw Zhao Shanhe's calm expression, the anger in his heart became more intense.

Just at this time, it was Dongzhou University's turn to bid for the scientific and technological achievements.

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