Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 868 Jumping beam clown, nothing to worry about

The Eastern Provincial University camp is boiling.

Before they came to Jingzhou University, they never dreamed that such a thing would happen, which is too incredible.As long as it was the scientific and technological achievements they developed, none of them failed, and all of them were photographed, and the person who finally won the photograph was Zhao Shanhe.

Zhao Shanhe swept away all scientific and technological achievements.

"I did the math just now. In addition to the 400 million yuan for the magnetic powder production technology, Director Zhao also invested 300 million yuan, which means that he spent a total of 700 million yuan to purchase these technological achievements."

"700 million, what a huge number."

"It's not just from our eastern province. Didn't you find out? As long as the scientific and technological achievements of universities in other provinces are a little bit interesting, Director Zhao will also take action."

"Is this Challenge Cup challenging us, or Director Zhao?"


All the college students present looked at Zhao Shanhe with admiration.

Jin Changshi even approached him at the first time, introduced Jiang Guangnian to Zhao Shanhe and said with emotion: "Director Zhao, you really opened my eyes this time, the bidding gold of 700 million, just like this Out."

"does it worth?"

Jiang Guangnian stared at him and asked solemnly: "Director Zhao, do you think it's worth it?"


Zhao Shanhe nodded decisively without even thinking about it, and said in a deep voice, "Principal Jiang, I think it's worth it. You must know that as long as these scientific and technological achievements can be transformed into products, there will be a certain market in the future."

"Although some markets are large and some are small, as long as there is a market, it means that the hard work of these college students has not been in vain."

"I care about the market, and I care more about the creative spirit of college students. I hope they can understand that knowledge is power and knowledge is value. In their future study and life, they must continue to carry forward this spirit of innovation and move forward along the way. "

"well said!"

Jiang Guangnian held Zhao Shanhe's hands excitedly, looked at him appreciatively and nodded, and then said: "Director Zhao, how about this, after this matter is over, you come to Dongzhou University, let's have a good chat .I have an idea that it is good for you and Tokyo University.”

"Okay, then I must visit Principal Jiang when the time comes."

"A word is settled!"

Just when several people were talking and laughing happily, Lin Peishi came over.

He glanced at Zhao Shanhe arrogantly, and said in a sneering tone: "Zhao Shanhe, 700 million, you just threw it out like this. Does it hurt now? I know you want to drag me into the water, but I didn't expect that I didn't." I was fooled by you, should you cry now?"

Lin Peishi said triumphantly, the smile on his face couldn't be restrained at all, and it was displayed presumptuously.

"Take you into the water?"

Zhao Shanhe laughed dumbfounded, and said nonchalantly: "Lin Peishi, I should really thank you, you really helped me a lot this time."

"You don't even know how happy I am that you didn't make trouble or interfere with my bidding. Who told you that those things are not what I want? That's what I want."

Lin Peishi was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said disapprovingly: "Just blow it up, you are a factory that produces snacks, what's the use of magnetic powder production technology? What if you admit that you failed this time? Really The dead duck has a hard mouth."

"Who told you that I only produce snacks? I also produce other things. Do you know that magnetic powder production technology is useless to me? Just wait, I will open your eyes." Zhao Shanhe smiled contemptuously.


"and also."

Zhao Shanhe didn't give Lin Peishi a chance to continue speaking, so he interrupted him on the spot and said mockingly: "Didn't you say that the rest of the scientific and technological achievements I bid for are useless?"

"You just wait and see, and soon you will know what you missed today. In fact, you should continue to increase the price, so I will definitely follow and pay more money. But it's a pity, you have not!"

"Thank you so much!"

thank you!

Hearing Zhao Shanhe's thank you, and seeing Zhao Shanhe's smile, Lin Peishi suddenly felt something was wrong, thinking about what Zhao Shanhe said carefully, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong, and suddenly he was scratching his heart and liver, and was about to be stimulated to go crazy up.

Although he was unwilling to admit that he had failed, his intuition told him that Zhao Shanhe was not lying.In the auction just now, Zhao Shanhe didn't want to drag himself into the water, but was really bidding.

I actually missed such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to kill Zhao Shanhe!

What a pity!

"Damn Wang Shu, it's all you, and you're the one who's ruining my good deeds. If it wasn't for you, how could I be talking nonsense, you're nothing but a bastard!"

Roaring with such anger in his heart, Lin Peishi gave Wang Shushu a vicious look, snorted twice, turned around and left.

"Jumping clown, nothing to worry about."

Liang Junning looked at Lin Peishi's back with contempt.

You said they were all about the same age, what do you compare Lin Peishi with Zhao Shanhe?

"Director Zhao!"

At this moment, August and Tang Jiedun walked over. Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being slightly surprised when he saw these two people appearing. He really didn't expect to meet these two people here, and he didn't see them both just now. bid.

"Why are you here?"

Zhao Shanhe stepped forward to meet him.

"We've been here all along, it's just that you didn't see us." Tangerton said with a smile.

"Mr. August, it's a pleasure to meet you in the capital."

With a smile on the corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth, he greeted him neither humble nor overbearing.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to run into you here. Director Zhao, if you're okay, let's have lunch together. I happen to have something to talk to you about." August said with a smile .

"it is good!"

"That's it, let's get in touch later."


After all, this is not a place to talk, and August and Tangerton quickly left with people.And Liang Junning was shocked when he saw this scene. Although he couldn't tell the identities of Tang Jiedun and August, he could feel the difficulty of these two people.

It's just such an extraordinary two people talking and laughing happily with Zhao Shanhe, what does this mean?

It shows that Zhao Shanhe is not simple.

The scene just now should really be seen by Lin Peishi. If he saw it, his jaw would drop in surprise.

"Mr. Liang, I still have to accept those scientific and technological achievements, so I'm sorry." Zhao Shanhe laughed.

"it is good."

Liang Junning didn't say anything else, turned around and left.

The next thing is to go through the process. Under the arrangement of Jingzhou University, Zhao Shanhe began to sign technology transfer contracts with the developers of all scientific and technological achievements.This contract must be signed, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Contracts were signed in Zhao Shanhe's pen.

It was also when the contract was signed that Zhao Shanhe met Gu Hongtu.After all, the magnetic powder production technology was the auction item that cost him the most money, so it was reasonable for him to meet Gu Hongtu.

"Director Zhao, thank you for your recognition."

Looking at the man younger than himself, Gu Hongtu stood straight with his feet together, and then bowed deeply, with no contempt in his eyes, but a respectful attitude.

Zhao Shanhe dodged to the side, and then quickly stepped forward to help him up with both hands: "This is impossible! Teacher Gu, I should call you that."

"It's all right."

Gu Hongtu is a doctoral student and a teacher at Dongzhou University, so it is not an exaggeration to call him a teacher.

"Mr. Gu, your magnetic powder production technology really opened my eyes. Although I said it was photographed, there should be many things that I haven't covered."

"For example, how do you plan to apply it, and which areas should the magnetic powder develop in the most promising way. If you think it is possible, can you please go to our Hetu manufacturing and give us some pointers?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled kindly.

"We also have our own laboratory there. When you arrive, you can communicate with our experimenters, and then express your ideas. I don't think you want your research results to disappear like this? You also want to see Until it shines, right?"


Gu Hongtu immediately understood what Zhao Shanhe meant, and he had no opinion on this matter.

"Director Zhao, thank you for your trust in me. I am also very interested in the laboratory made by Hetu. I heard that the equipment in it is the most advanced, and you spent a lot of money to buy it."

"Since you said so, I will definitely visit you when I go back."

"Okay! It's a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

Seeing such a scene, Cai Shishi and Yang E looked at each other: "Did you see that? Our factory director Zhao is really fooling around wherever he goes. Well, if nothing else happens, a high-tech researcher was caught by him again." It's a fool's errand."


Cai Shishi smiled.

"This is the charm of our factory manager, which is incomparable."

"I said you two are whispering, and you are still behind my back."

Zhao Shanhe handed over the contract in his hand.

After Cai Shishi took it, he installed everything in an orderly manner. These were all exchanged for real money, and none of them should be lost.

"I didn't say anything, I just praised you." Cai Shishi said.

"That's right, you must praise me, praise me well." Zhao Shanhe said with his head raised deliberately.


Seeing Zhao Shanhe's actions, the two beauties looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"I'll see August in a while, so you don't have to follow. I'll let you go on vacation, go wherever you want to play. Anyway, come to the capital, and you can't just be busy with work."



A western restaurant in Beijing.

August hosted Zhao Shanhe here, sitting in a stylishly decorated box, looking at the two so-called foreign friends in front of him, Zhao Shanhe behaved neither humble nor overbearing.

"Mr. August, you didn't come to the capital just for the auction of scientific and technological achievements of college students, did you? You came for the investment in your traditional Chinese medicine factory, right? I haven't had time to ask, where is your investment going?" One step? It should be going well, right?"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at the red wine glass in front of him and asked.

"Forget it."

Auguste was quite neat, and he didn't say anything secretive, but said happily: "The investment thing is dead, so I will come to the capital to see if there are other projects to invest in."

"And you're wrong. I really came here for the auction, but unfortunately, none of the items I fancy."

"That's really regrettable." Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and said with his mouth curled up.


August changed the subject, stared at Zhao Shanhe and spoke slowly.

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